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1. What does the 14th Amendment do?

2. What does the 14th Amendment promise?

3. What keyword should you associate with the 14th Amendment?

4. What other word was used for the 1st time in the U.S. Constitution with the adding of the
14th Amendment?

5. Who was not included as a citizen of the United States?

6. How did the ⅗ Compromise happen?

7. Who believed that slaves were citizens?

8. What reform movement was he a key leader of?

9. What was the goal of this movement?

10. What is the Supreme Court's job?

11. What was Dred Scott's argument?

12. What was the Supreme Court's decision in the case Dred Scott v. Sandford?

13. What is Lincoln's goal at the start of the Civil War?

14. What did Lincoln say the cause of the Civil War was when he spoke with a delegation of
African American leaders?

15. What did Lincoln propose to do with slaves and black people in the United States?

16. What was issued as an executive order during the Civil War?

17. What was the greatest hardship of the Civil War?

18. When did the Civil War end?

19. How does the Civil War end?

20. Who became president after Lincoln was assassinated?

21. What was ratified 8 months after Lincoln's Assassination?

22. What did the amendment do?

23. What was passed across the South to limit the freedoms of black people?

24. Did the new president support the rights of newly freed slaves?

25. How many states had to approve the 14th Amendment?

26. What did the 14th Amendment do for black people?

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