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The third volume of Modern Cantonese aims to broaden learners’ Cantonese

language skills by teaching students how to deal with, discuss, persuade, and
summarize topics related to sophisticated work-related situations.
This book provides scenarios talking about abstract topics, as well as cultural
and social issues in both formal and semi-formal settings. Learners gain the skills
to discuss a variety of complex topics and abstract issues.
This book is designed for intermediate to advanced learners who have reached
Intermediate Mid (ACTFL) or B1 (CEFR) proficiency. Language teachers, linguists,
and researchers interested in Cantonese as a second language may also find the
book informative.

Siu-lun Lee is Senior Lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has over
25 years of experience teaching Cantonese at the tertiary level. His research interests
include applied linguistics, Cantonese studies, Chinese linguistics, sociolinguistics,
and language teaching pedagogy.
A textbook for global
Siu-lun Lee
Designed cover image: Siu-lun Lee
First published 2023
by Routledge
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© 2023 Siu-lun Lee
The right of Siu-lun Lee to be identified as author of this work has been
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ISBN: 978-0-367-53914-6 (hbk)
ISBN: 978-0-367-53913-9 (pbk)
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DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702
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A note on the volumes vi

How to use this book xv
Meet the characters in this book xvii

1 Discussing an urban revitalization project – Tóuleuhn sìhngsíh

wuhtfa gaiwaahk1
2 Aspects of popular culture – Gwāanyū làuhhàhng màhnfa11
3 Joining an ecotour – Chāamgā sāngtaai léuihyàuh20
4 Discussing a job search – Tóuleuhn dímyéung wán gūng31
5 Attending a job interview – Heui gin gūng42
6 Researching religions and folk beliefs in Hong Kong – Yìhn'gau
Hēunggóng jūnggaau tùhng màhngāan seunyéuhng52
7 Discussing the environment – Tóuleuhn wàahn'gíng yíhtàih63
8 Introducing Mid-Autumn Festival – Gaaisiuh Jūngchāu Jit74
9 Organizing a cultural event – Chaakwaahk màhnfa wuhtduhng85
10 Living and studying in Hong Kong – Hái Hēunggóng sāngwuht
tùhng duhksyū96

Appendix 1  Glossary of linguistic terms 107

Appendix 2  English translation of poems 108
Appendix 3  List of learning points 111
Appendix 4  List of relevant phrases 113


This book series is designed for learners of Cantonese as a second language. The
book series is targeted at learners who are English speakers or who use English
as an additional language. It is designed for learners from novice to intermediate
level, and for institutions or schools providing structured courses in the modern
Cantonese language, as spoken in Hong Kong. These books can be used for teach-
ing Cantonese in colleges and universities, as well as other schools and institutions
in the Asian region and elsewhere in the world. The examples of language use in
the book series are drawn from authentic data, including an 800,000-word corpus
collected from L1 (first-language) Cantonese speakers in Hong Kong. In all, the
series contains around 2000 relevant phrases, 150 constructions and structures used
in thirty language scenarios. All the lessons in the series are systematically struc-
tured according to increasing levels of difficulty, and the book series uses the Yale
romanization system to demonstrate and teach Cantonese pronunciation.


Book 3 in the series is designed for intermediate to advanced learners of Cantonese.

This book focuses on scenarios concerning abstract topics, as well as cultural and
social issues. After using this book, learners will attain key skills related to discuss-
ing a range of concrete and abstract topics. The scenarios are related to semi-formal
and formal settings, including work-related situations, and traditional customs and
festivals in Hong Kong and southern China.

The Cantonese language

The term ‘Cantonese’ refers to the language varieties used by immigrants who
came to Hong Kong from various districts in Guangdong province, including
Macau, Panyu, Taishan, Xinhui, and Zhongshan. Over time, their speech coa-
lesced into the contemporary variety of Cantonese used in Hong Kong from the
late nineteenth century onwards. Cantonese is often used to refer to the entire Yue
subgroup of Chinese, which includes varieties of Cantonese spoken in southern
China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, and among overseas Chinese in
North America, Europe, and Australia. It is currently estimated that there are about
70 million Cantonese speakers in the world. Cantonese has been and is still the
major language variety used by people in daily life in Hong Kong (Bacon-Shone,
Bolton, & Luke, 2015; Bolton, Bacon-Shone, & Lee, 2020; Bolton & Lee, 2020).
Currently, the language policy of the Hong Kong government promotes ‘trilingual-
ism and biliteracy’. Trilingualism refers to the three major spoken languages used
in Hong Kong, that is, Cantonese, Putonghua, and English, while biliteracy refers to
the use of two written languages, written Chinese and written English. According
to the census results, around 90 percent of Hong Kong’s population use Cantonese
as their usual spoken language (Hong Kong SAR Government, 2011, 2016). The
Cantonese language also reflects aspects of traditional life and popular culture in
Hong Kong, Macau, and Guangzhou.

Cantonese grammar
This book series uses a practical approach to grammar and focuses on describing
how words are used and sentences formed. A glossary of linguistic terms used in vii
the book may be found in Appendix 1.
Introduction Grammatical constructions
The notion of ‘grammatical construction’ refers to words and phrases that form the
constituents of sentences. Grammatical constructions are presented in the ‘Learning
points’ and ‘Relevant phrases’ sections. For example, in English, the grammatical
construction, ‘the easier, the better’, is not just a fixed phrase, but a general pattern
(‘the – er, the better’) with slots that can be filled by almost any comparative phrase.
In this book series, grammatical constructions are the fundamental building blocks
of sentences, paragraphs, and discourse, which are useful patterns for learners to
acquire, to experiment with, and to use creatively.

Discourse structures
The term ‘discourse structure’ refers to the ways in which extended speech is organ-
ized. The discourse structures highlighted in this book include formal presentations
and speeches. Some sample discourse structures are presented in the ‘Learning
points’ sections.

Appropriateness of language use

In learning a language, not only is accuracy important, but it is equally important to
use the language appropriately. Advanced learners need to be aware of the different
uses of language when talking to different people on different occasions, in diverse
settings. This book deals with the appropriate use of Cantonese in different situa-
tions, including formal presentations and workplace discussions.

Spoken Cantonese, written Cantonese

and written Chinese
The relationship between spoken Cantonese, written Cantonese and written Chinese
is complex. When the educational authorities of the People’s Republic of China started
to promote spoken Putonghua and simplified characters on the mainland after 1949,
Hong Kong retained the use of ‘standard written Chinese’ in full characters in most
schools in the territory. Accordingly, until recently, most children were taught to read
‘standard written Chinese’ aloud with spoken Cantonese pronunciation. However, in
addition to standard written Chinese, there is a distinct variety of ‘written Cantonese’,
which is popular in informal written communication, commercial advertisements,
television subtitles, and comic books (Snow, 2004; Bauer 2018). However, the use
of ‘written Cantonese’ is stigmatised in schools and in official settings, and in Hong
Kong there is a ‘diglossic’ situation in operation, where ‘written Cantonese’ and infor-
mal spoken Cantonese are both regarded as ‘L’ forms, and ‘standard written Chinese’
and its corresponding spoken forms are regarded as the ‘H’ forms, and are used in Introduction
educational and other formal settings. For example, mātyéh 乜嘢 (a question word
meaning ‘what’) is the spoken form in Cantonese, while the form sahmmō 甚麼 is
used in standard written Chinese. This book series does not include Chinese charac-
ters, but uses Yale romanization to represent spoken Cantonese.

The Yale system and Cantonese pronunciation

A syllable in Cantonese is composed of 3 elements:

(1) an initial formed by a consonant or consonant cluster at the beginning of a syllable,

(2) a final formed by a vowel or vowel glide in open syllables and a vowel or vowel
glide with a consonant in a closed syllable,
(3) a tone, which is the pitch contour of a syllable, including ā (high-level tone), á
(high-rising tone), a (mid-level tone), àh (low-falling tone), áh (low rising tone),
ah (low-level tone). Cantonese is a tonal language, in which tones play a very
important role in identifying the meaning of words. This book series uses the Yale
romanization system to mark the initials, finals, and tones for teaching purposes.

Cantonese initials
According to their phonological features, the 19 initials (sīngmóuh 聲母) are
divided into 5 groups as shown in Table 1.
Table 1  Cantonese initials with examples

Initials in Yale International Example Chinese English

romanization Phonetic Alphabet word characters gloss
p [ph] po 破 to break
b [p] bō 波 ball
t [th] tō 拖 to drag
d [t] dō 多 many
k [k h] kāt 咳 to cough
g [k] gō 哥 elder
kw [k wh] kwā 誇 to praise
gw [k w] gwa 掛 to hang
m [m] mē 咩 what
n [n] nī 呢 this
ng [ŋ] ngō 痾 diarrhea
(Continued )
Introduction Table 1  (Continued)

Initials in Yale International Example Chinese English

romanization Phonetic Alphabet word characters gloss
Fricatives and affricates
f [f] fū 夫 husband
s [s] sō 梳 comb
h [h] hah 夏 summer
ch [tsh] chē 車 car
j [ts] jē 遮 cover
Lateral approximants
l [l] la 罅 crack
y [j] yeh 夜 night
w [w] wā 蛙 frog

Cantonese finals
Table 2 shows 51 Cantonese finals (wáhnmóuh 韻母) transcribed in Yale romani-
zation system. Note the following:

• Cantonese has single vowel sounds, e.g., a, e, i, o, u, eu, yu and diphthongs, e.g.,
aai, aau, ai, au, ei, iu, oi, ou, and ui. When single vowels in open syllables, they
are pronounced as ‘long vowels’, e.g., ma [ma:], me [mɛ:], mi [m i:], mo [mɔ:],
mu [mu:].
• The -p, -t, -k, consonants in word ending position are unreleased.
• The o, e.g., sō (‘comb’), is similar to the vowel in ‘got’ in English, pronounced
with rounded lips.
• The u, e.g., fú (‘bitter taste’), is also similar to the vowel in ‘wood’ in English,
pronounced with rounded lips.
Table 2 below presents 51 Cantonese finals in real life Cantonese syllables.

Table 2  Cantonese finals with examples

Initials in Yale International Example Chinese English

romanization Phonetic Alphabet word characters gloss
a [a:] gā 加 to add
aai [a:i] tāai 呔 necktie

Initials in Yale International Example Chinese English
romanization Phonetic Alphabet word characters gloss
aau [a:u] gāau 膠 plastic
aam [a:m] tāam 貪 greedy
aan [a:n] chāan 餐 meal
aang [a:ŋ] sāang 生 to give birth
aap [a:p⸣] gaap 鴿 pigeon
aat [a:t⸣] chaat 刷 brush
aak [a:k⸣] jaak 窄 narrow
ai [ɐi] sāi 西 west
au [ɐu] sāu 收 to recieve
am [ɐm] jām 針 needle
an [ɐn] jān 真 real
ang [ɐŋ] dāng 燈 lamp
ap [ɐp⸣] jāp 汁 juice
at [ɐt⸣] chāt 七 seven
ak [ɐk⸣] sāk 塞 piston
e [ɛ:] chē 車 car
eng [ɛŋ] geng 鏡 mirror
ek [ɛk⸣] sek 錫 to kiss
ei [ei] gēi 機 machine
eu [œ:] hēu 靴 boot
eung [œŋ] hēung 香 fragrant
euk [œk⸣] geuk 腳 leg
eui [ɵi] tēui 推 to push
eun [ɵn] jēun 樽 bottle
eut [ɵt⸣] sēut 恤 shirt
i [i:] dī 啲 some
iu [i:u] sīu 燒 to burn
im [im] jīm 尖 sharp
in [in] sīn 鮮 fresh
ip [ip⸣] tip 貼 to stick
it [it⸣] tit 鐵 steel
ing [ɪŋ] sīng 星 star
ik [ɪk⸣] sīk 識 to know
o [ɔ:] sō 梳 comb
oi [ɔ:i] sōi 鰓 gill
on [ɔn] gōn 乾 dry
ong [ɔŋ] chōng 倉 warehouse
ot [ɔt⸣] got 葛 yam bean
ok [ɔk⸣] gok 角 corner
ou [ou] jōu 租 to rent
(Continued )
Introduction Table 2  (Continued)

Initials in Yale International Example Chinese English

romanization Phonetic Alphabet word characters gloss
u [u:] fū 夫 husband
ui [u:i] būi 杯 cup
un [un] būn 搬 to move
ut [ut⸣] put 潑 to splash
ung [ʊŋ] jūng 鐘 clock
uk [ʊk⸣] lūk 轆 wheel
yu [y:] syu 恕 forgive
yun [yn] syūn 酸 sour
yut [yt⸣] syut 雪 snow

Cantonese tones
This book series adopts a six-tone system and uses diacritics to transcribe
Cantonese tones (sīngdiuh 聲調). Table 3 shows the pitch contours of the six
Cantonese tones.

Table 3  Pitch contours of the six Cantonese tones

Cantonese High-level High-rising Mid-level Low-falling Low-rising Low-level

tones tone tone tone tone tone tone
55 25 33 21 13 22
direction 5 5 2 5 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 2


There is also a High-falling tone (53) in some Cantonese varieties to stress words.
However, the distinction between High-level tones (55) and High-falling tones (53)
is not majorly significant for most practical purposes, and is not highlighted in this

Table 4  Cantonese tones with examples Introduction

Cantonese tones High-level High- Mid-level Low- Low- Low-level

tone rising tone falling rising tone
tone tone tone
Yale romanization yī yí yi yìh yíh yih
Example in Chinese 醫 椅 意 疑 已 易
English gloss medical chair meaning doubt already easy

Other features of the transcription system

• The diacritic tone-marks for high-level tones as in ā, rising tones as in á, as well
as falling tones as in àh, are placed above the first vowels.
• The high-level diacritic tone-marks in open syllables and in closed syllables are
placed above the first vowels, as in gāai 街 (‘street’) and hēung 香 (‘fragrant’).
• The high-rising tone-marks in open syllables and in closed syllables are also
placed above the first vowels, as in hói 海 (‘ocean’) and góng 講 (‘to speak’).
• An h is placed behind the vowel or diphthong to indicate a low pitch tone in a
• The low-falling tone-marks in open syllables and in closed syllables are put above
the first vowel and an ‘h’ is put behind the vowels or diphthongs to indicate the
low pitch in a syllable, as in sìh 時 (‘time’) and yàhn 人 (‘people’).
• The low-rising tone-marks in open syllables and in closed syllables are put above
the first vowel and an ‘h’ is put behind the vowels or diphthongs to indicate the
low pitch in a syllable, as in kéuih 佢 (‘he/she’) and in séuhng 上 (‘to go up’).
• There is no diacritic for the Cantonese mid-level tone, as in baat 八 (‘eight’),
leng 靚 (‘pretty’).
• There is no diacritic for the Cantonese low-level tone. An ‘h’ is put after the
vowel or diphthong for low-level tone in open syllable and in closed syllable to
indicate low pitch tone in a syllable, as in deih 地 (‘ground’) and in faahn 飯
(‘cooked rice’).
• A single straight apostrophe ' is used to separate a syllable boundary, if an open
syllable is followed by another syllable starting with or is preceded by another
syllable ending with m, n, ng, p, t and k, such as in gā'tìhng 家庭 (‘family’),
āam'āam 啱啱 (‘just now’), as well as when a syllable ended with an n followed
by a syllable started with a g, such as chēun'gyún 春卷 (‘spring roll’) and when

Introduction a syllable ended with a g or a k followed by a syllable started with a w, such as
yihng'wàih 認爲 (‘to think that’).

Bacon-Shone, J., Bolton, K., and Luke, K. K. (2015). Language use, proficiency and
attitudes in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Social Sciences Research Centre, HKU.
Bauer, R. S. (2018) Cantonese as written language in Hong Kong. Global Chinese,
4, 103–142.
Bolton, K., Bacon-Shone, J., and Lee, S-l. (2020). Societal multilingualism in Hong
Kong. In Peter Siemund and Jakob Leimgruber (eds.), Multilingual global cities:
Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore, 160–184. London: Routledge.
Bolton, K., and Lee, S-l. (2020). A socio-historical approach to multilingualism in
Hong Kong. In Peter Siemund and Jakob Leimgruber (eds.). Multilingual global
cities: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai, 38–62. London: Routledge.
Hong Kong SAR Government. (2011). Population census. Hong Kong: Census and
Statistics Department, Hong Kong Government.
Hong Kong SAR Government. (2016). Population by-census. Hong Kong: Census
and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Government.
Snow, D. B. (2004). Cantonese as Written Language: The Growth of a Written Chi-
nese Vernacular. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


Book 3 of this book series consists of ten lessons. The ten lessons in this book high-
light scenarios practising various language functions, such as expressing views,
making suggestions, persuading, and presenting and summarizing data. Each les-
son consists of five parts:

1  Situated conversations
All the situated conversations are dialogues based on real-life topics, and many of
the examples used in this book are adapted from authentic corpus materials col-
lected in Hong Kong. An English gloss of the conversations is provided, and Yale
romanization is used as a guide to pronunciation.

2  Relevant phrases
The relevant phrases used in situated conversations are listed in this section. All
phrases are transcribed in Yale romanization with grammatical explanations and
English glosses for learners and teachers to use. Additional useful phrases, con-
structions, and related vocabulary items are also provided. Learners can experiment
and produce novel phrases or sentences by using the relevant phrases and additional

3  Learning points
Grammatical notes and authentic examples are provided in this section. This sec-
tion aims at building a strong foundation for understanding Cantonese grammar
and language use. Teachers and learners can devise further practice and activities
based on these learning points.

How to use 4  Additional texts
this book

The additional texts provide examples of language use related to the situated con-
versations. These additional texts demonstrate how words, phrases, and sentences
are used in a range of related contexts.

5  Exercises and practice

The exercises and practice section help learners to monitor their progress at each
stage. Learners can then work on the exercises to reinforce and revise key learning
points throughout the course.
Further practice: Learning a language is both challenging and fun. Cantonese
learners should be encouraged to experiment with the language and to use the lan-
guage creatively in real-life situations whenever they have the chance.

Use of symbol
🎧   This symbol indicates that audio recordings are available for these texts on the
Routledge website for this series.
  This symbol indicates that there is an English-language translation of these
poems in Appendix 2 of this book.


In the book series, Modern Cantonese, you will meet a number of characters who
take part in the conversations and dialogues presented in different situations. In
Book 3, there are two main characters. They are studying Cantonese as a second
language at a bilingual university in Hong Kong.

Charlotte Lee
Charlotte is 19 years of age. Her grandparents moved to Vancouver and settled
down in 1965. Her parents are both medical doctors in Vancouver, where she herself
was born and grew up. She is very interested in Chinese studies and learning more
about her own Chinese heritage. She is now studying for a B.A. in Communication

John Chan
John is 24 years old. He was born in Singapore, where his father is an accountant
and his mother is a school teacher. He obtained his Bachelor of Business Studies
at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and he is now studying for an MBA
degree. After graduation, he intends to find a job in the financial sector in Hong
Kong. His parents spoke both English and Cantonese at home, so John had a good
grounding in Cantonese before coming to Hong Kong.

Discussing an urban revitalization project
Tóuleuhn sìhngsíh wuhtfa gaiwaahk

Activities: Expressing views and planning a project.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: Charlotte’s company has just started a wet market revitalization project.
She is now having a meeting with her colleagues to talk about how to start and
promote this project.
Charlotte ge gūngsī āam'āam hōichíjó yāt go gāaisíh wuhtfa gaiwaahk. Kéuih
yìhgā tùhng tùhngsih hōi wúi kīngháh dímyéung hōijín tùhng syūnchyùhn nī go

Cantonese text English gloss

Tùhngsih A: Ngóhdeih gāmyaht hōi wúi Today we are meeting to
haih tóuleuhnháh ngóhdeih ge discuss our wet market
gāaisíh wuhtfa gaiwaahk. revitalization project.
Daaihgā yáuh mātyéh séungfaat a? Do you have any thoughts on
Tùhngsih B: Góng héi séuhng làih, ngóh nám With regard to this matter,
ngóh yáuh yāt dyuhn sìhgaan I think that it’s been some
móuh heui gāaisíh la. time since I went to a wet
Yānwaih yìhgā dī chīusíh māt That’s because now the
dōu yáuh dāk maaih, hóuchíh supermarkets are selling
yíhchìhn gāaisíh yātyeuhng. everything, just like wet
markets in the past.
Kèihsaht, ngóh dōu yihng'wàih In fact, I also think that wet
gāaisíh géi wūjōu ga. markets are quite dirty.
Jīkhaih, deihhá hó'nàhng yáuh That is, on the floor probably
dī choi a, séuijīk a, laahpsaap a. there are vegetables, water
stains, and rubbish.
(Continued )
DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-1
1 (Continued)
an urban
Cantonese text English gloss
Gāaisíh béi ngóh ge gámgok My impression is that if
m̀ haih sāp, jauh haih chau. they’re not wet, they’re
Hàahng gwo hóu m̀syūfuhk ge. Walking around is very
Yùhgwó néih m̀gokyi dit chān nē, If you accidentally fall down,
jauh wúih sìhng sān wūjōusaai. you’ll get completely dirty.
Sóyíh ngóh pìhngsìh hóu síu heui. Therefore, I rarely go there.
Yùhgwó ngóh yiu máaih sung If I want to buy food, I’ll go
ge wah, ngóh wúih heui daaih to a big supermarket.
yìhng ge chīukāp síhchèuhng.
Tūngsèuhng, daaih yìhng chīusíh Usually, the big supermarkets
yáuh hóu dō yéh hóyíh máaih. have many things for sale.
Laihyùh, néih wúih gindóu yáuh For example, you can see
yàhn maaih hóisīn, néih hóyíh people selling seafood, you
máaihdóu dī yú a, hā a, háaih a, can buy fish, prawns, crab,
nī dī yéh. these kinds of things.
Chèuihjó sāp fo jī'ngoih, Juhng As well as wet products, there
yáuh gōn fo. are dry products too.
Gōn fo jauh bāaukwut Dry products include daily
yahtyuhngbán a, guntáu a, nī necessities, canned food,
dī yéh. these kinds of things.
Síupàhngyáuh jūngyi heui gó Children like to go there and
douh máaih lìhngsihk. buy snacks.
Gātìhng jyúfúh nē, yáuhsìh Some housewives, who don’t
m̀ dākhàahn jyúfaahn, jauh máaih have time to cook, will buy
dī suhksihk, sauhsī dángdáng. some cooked food, sushi, etc.
Ngóh gokdāk ngóhdeih nī I think our revitalization
go wuhtfa gaiwaahk yáuh dī project faces some
nàahndouh. difficulties.
Charlotte: Ngóh gōkdāk chīusíh tùhng I think the images of
gāaisíh ge yìhngjeuhng hóu supermarkets and wet
m̀ tùhng. markets are different.
Gāaisíh nē, béi ngóh ge In the case of wet markets,
yanjeuhng haih hóu yihtnaauh, my impression is that they’re
hóu dō yàhn. very lively and full of people.

Cantonese text English gloss 1
Yáuhsìh, néih hái gāaisíh, néih Sometimes, when you’re in an urban
hóyíh mó'háh dimháh dī yéh. the wet market, you can touch revitalization
and feel the products.
Dongjyú jauh wúih gokdāk néih The stallholder then thinks
séung máaih, gānjyuh jauh mahn that you want to buy, and
néih máaih mē, máaih mē, gám. they’ll ask you what it is you
want to buy.
Gāaisíh béi ngóh ge yanjeuhng Wet markets give me the
haih maaih gāi tùhng yuhk ge impression that the stalls
deihfōng yáuh dī chau, maaih yú selling chicken and meat are
ge deihfōng yáuh dī sāp. a bit smelly, and the stalls
selling fish are a bit wet.
Yáuhsìh maaih gōn fo ge maaih Sometimes, the dry product
hàahmyú, dōu wúih yáuh hóu stalls sell salted fish, and this
daaih meih. also has a strong smell.
Yáuh dī gāaisíh sahmji yáuh yāt Some markets even have
dī chyùhntúng ge jaahpfo póu. traditional grocery stores.
Néih hái gāaisíh hóyíh pui sósìh, You can have a key cut in
néih dōu hóyíh hái gódouh some markets, or you even
sāuléih néih ge sáubīu. have your watch repaired
Yáuh dī gāaisíh lìhn sāam tùhng Some markets even sell
hàaih dōu maaih. clothes and shoes.
Kèihsaht gāaisíh haih yāt go In fact, these markets are
géi dākyi ge deihfōng, tùhng interesting places, and also
bóulàuhjó dōngdeih màhnfa. maintain local culture.
Ngóh gokdāk nī go gaiwaahk gei I think this project is very
yáuh gajihk yauh yáuh yisī. valuable and meaningful.
Tùhngsih A: Ngóh gokdāk ngóhdeih nī go I think that our wet market
gāaisíh wuhtfa gaiwaahk yiu revitalization project should
syūnchyùhn hóu ge gúnléih. promote good management
Nī go gāaisíh wúih gúnléih dāk The market should be
hóu hóu, gānjūk jingfú kwāigaak. managed well and follow
government standards.
Máaih yéh ge yàhn wúih gokdāk Shoppers should feel
hái ngóhdeih ge gāaisíh máaih comfortable when shopping
yéh hóu syūfuhk. in our wet market.
Gó douh m̀ wúih gindóu lóusyú There shouldn’t be any rats,
a, laahpsaahp a, nī dī yéh. and there shouldn’t be a lot of
rubbish, and so on.
Ngóhdeih ge gāaisíh wúih gei Our wet market should be 3
gōnjehng yauh fōngbihn. clean and convenient.
(Continued )
1 (Continued)
an urban
Cantonese text English gloss
Charlotte: Góngdāk hóu āam a. Ngóhdeih You are right. We need to
yiu lihng ngóhdeih ge gāaisíh make our wet market more
yihndoih dī. modern.
Ngóh hóyíh bōngsáu sé I can help write the
syūnchyùhn góu. promotional materials.
Ngóh séhóu jīhauh, ngóhdeih After I’ve finished writing a
hóyíh joi kīng. draft, we can talk again.
Ngóh dōu séung heui ngóhdeih I also want to go to our
ge gāaisíh tùhng dī dongjyú wet market to talk to the
kīngháh gái, sáujaahpháh jīlíu. stallholders and collect some
(Charlotte heuidou gāaisíh.) (Charlotte arrives at the wet
Dongjyú A: Wai, ngóhdeih hái nī go gāaisíh Hey, we’ve been working in
jouhjó hóu dō nìhn la. this wet market for years.
Jouh māt yìhgā yiu bin a? Why do we need to change
Yìhgā maih géi hóu dímgáai If it’s not broken why
gáau gamdō yéh a? change it?
Dongjyú B: Haih lā. Ngóhdeih m̀sái nī go I agree. We don’t want this
wuhtfa gaiwaahk la. revitalization project here.
Charlotte: Chéng néihdeih béi sahp fānjūng Could you please give me ten
tēngháh ngóh góng lā . . . minutes to explain . . .

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

wuhtfa gaiwaahk noun revitalization project
tùhngsih noun colleague, co-worker
kīngháh phrase to have a chat
hōijín verb to start (a plan)
syūnchyùhn verb to publicize
tóuleuhn verb to discuss
séungfaat noun idea, view
yāt dyuhn sìhgaan phrase a period of time
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 1
chīusíh / noun supermarket an urban
chīukāp síhchèuhng revitalization
yihng'wàih . . . verb to think that . . .
wūjōu adjective dirty
deihhá phrase on the ground
séuijīk phrase water stains
laahpsaap noun rubbish
sāp adjective wet
chau adjective smelly
hàahng gwo phrase walk through
m̀gokyi phrase unconsciously
dit chān phrase fall down
sìhng sān phrase whole body
máaih sung verb–object construction to buy materials for
daaih yìhng adjective large-scale
tūngsèuhng adverb generally, usually
máaihdóu phrase bought
yú noun fish
hā noun shrimp
háaih noun crab
sāp fo noun wet goods
gōn fo noun dry goods
bāaukwut verb to include
yahtyuhngbán noun daily necessities
guntáu noun canned food
gātìhng jyúfúh noun housewife
suhksihk noun cooked food
sauhsī noun sushi
nàahndouh noun difficulty
yìhngjeuhng noun image
mó / verb to touch
(Continued )
1 (Continued)
an urban
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
dongjyú noun stallholder
gám(yéung) adverb this way
gāi noun chicken
yuhk noun meat
sahmji adverb even
chyùhntúng adjective traditional
noun tradition
jaahpfo póu noun grocery store
pui sósìh phrase to make a key cut
sāuléih verb to repair
sáubīu noun wristwatch
bóulàuh verb to preserve
dōngdeih màhnfa noun local culture
gajihk noun value
gúnléih verb to manage
noun management
gānjūk phrase to follow closely
jingfú noun government
kwāigaak noun specification, standard
jísih noun instruction, directive
verb to instruct
lóusyú noun mouse
yihndoih adjective modern
góu noun manuscript, draft
séhóu verb to write well
sáujaahp verb to gather, to collect
jīlíu noun data
gáau verb to stir, to disturb
yuhng verb to use

Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation:

Góng héi séuhng làih, . . . Speaking of . . .

māt dōu yáuh dāk maaih you can buy anything
hóuchíh . . . yātyeuhng like . . .
. . . a, . . . a, . . . a . . ., . . ., . . . (listing items)
yiu . . . ge wah if you want . . . 1
Góngdāk hóu āam! You are right! Discussing
Jouh māt . . . ? Why . . . ? an urban
Yìhgā maih géi hóu. It is just good now. project
m̀ haih . . . jauh haih . . . if it is not . . ., then it is . . .
gei . . . yauh . . . both . . . and . . .

3 Learning points

3.1 Discourse structure: Yāt làih . . ., yih làih . . ., sāam làih . . .
(‘first . . ., second . . ., third . . .’)
e.g., Nī go gaiwaahk hóu yáuh yisī a. Yāt làih, hóyíh bóulàuh chyùhntúng ge
hòhngyihp. Yih làih, hóyíh wuhtfa nī go deihfōng.
This project is very meaningful. First, it can preserve traditional professions.
Second, it can revitalize this area.
Ngóh séung heui Bākgīng léuihhàhng a. Yāt làih, hóyíh tái hóu dō hóu
leng ge fūnggíng. Yih làīh, hóyíh sihk hóu sihk ge yéh. Sāam làih, hóyíh
sāujaahp jīlíu jouh ngóh ge yìhn'gau.
I would like to take a trip to Beijing. First, I can see a lot of beautiful scen-
ery. Second, I can eat some nice food. Third, I can collect data to do my

4 Additional text 🎧
Charlotte’s promotional script for the revitalization project

Ngóhdeih ge sìhngsíh faatjín dāk hóu faai. Hóu dō chyùhntúng ge hòhngyihp

dōu yíhgīng hái ngóhdeih ge séhkēui sīusāt. Yìhgā hóu dō yàhn jūngyi heui daaih
yìhng ge chīukāp síhchèuhng máaih yéh. Kéuihdeih gokdāk chyùhntúng ge
gāaisíh yauh chau yauh wūjōu, yihng'wàih chīusíh yauh pèhng yauh fōngbihn.
Daahnhaih kèihsaht gāaisíh léuih mihn yáuh hóu dō séhkēui màhnfā tùhng
chyùhntúng ge poutáu. Hóuchíh pui sósìh ge poutáu a, sāuléih sáubīu ge poutáu
a, maaih hóisīn, maaih yuhk ge poutáu a. Nī dī poutáu haih hóu jihkdāk bóulàuh
ge, yānwaih nī dī poutáu bóulàuhjó chyùhntúng ge séhkēui màhnfa tùhng
yàhnchìhng meih.
Ngóhdeih gāmyaht gaaisiuh yāt go wuhtfajó ge gāaisíh béi daaihgā. Nī go
wuhtfajó ge gāaisíh, yāt làih wúih yáuh hóu hóu ge gúnléih gūngsī gúnléih, sóyíh
hái gāaisíh léuih mihn yātdihng m̀wúih gindóu lóusyú a, séuijīk a, laahpsaap a,
nī dī yéh. Nī go gāaisíh gānjūk jingfú ge kwāigaak. Gei gōnjehng yauh waihsāng.
Yih làih, máaih yéh ge yàhn wúih gokdāk syūfuhk tùhng hóu yùhngyih wándóu
kéuihdeih séung máaih ge yéh. Gātìhng jyúfúh hóyíh wándóu gei sānsīn, gachìhn
yauh pèhng ge yéh. Sāam làih, nī go gāaisíh dōu bóulàuhjó chyùhntúng ge
hòhngyihp tùhng poutáu. Ngóhdeih ge jái néui jēunglòih dōu hóyíh táidóu nī dī
hóu yáuh gajihk ge séhkēui màhnfa.
Chéng daaihgā jīchìh, yātchàih heui ngóhdeih ge gāaisíh máaih yéh lā.
1 Here are some more phrases in the additional text:
hòhngyihp sīusāt séhkēui yàhnchìhng meih
an urban
revitalization profession to disappear community human touch
wándóu sāmséui gachìhn jái néui
to have found favourite price son and daughter

5 Exercises and practice

5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated

conversation and additional text:
Charlotte tùhng tùhngsih hōi wúi. Kéuihdeih tóuleuhn dī mātyéh nē?

Charlotte gokdāk chyùhntúng ge gāaisíh haih dímyéung ge deihfōng nē?

Chyùhntún gāaisíh tùhng chīusíh yáuh mātyéh m̀ tùhng a?

Wuhtfajó ge gāaisíh wúih haih dím ge nē?

Dímgáai tùhngsih gokdāk nī go gaiwaahk yáuh nàahndouh nē?

Charlotte yihng'wàih nī go gaiwaahk hóu yáuh gajihk, dímgáai nē?

Charlotte heui bīn douh sáujaahp jīlíu a?

Néih gokdāk nī go gaiwaahk nàahn m̀nàahn hōijín nē? Dímgáai nē? 1
an urban

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

Ngóh yihng'wàih . . .

m̀ haih . . . jauh haih . . .

hóuchíh . . . yātyeuhng

gei . . . yauh . . .

Yāt làih . . ., yih làih . . ., sāam làih . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:

tóuleuhn gúnléih tūngsèuhng gajihk chyùhntúng

yìhngjeuhng jīlíu tùhngsih bóulàuh hōijín

1 5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this
Discussing pronunciation exercise: 🎧
an urban
project Wihng ngòh
– Lohk Bānwòhng

Ngòh, ngòh, ngòh,

kūk hohng heung tīn gō.
Baak mòuh fàuh luhk séui,
hùhng jéung buht chīng bō.

5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short

paragraph and read it aloud in response to the
information provided:
Néih tùhng pàhngyáuh kīng gái. Kéuihdeih jūngyi heui chīukāp síhchèuhng
máaih yéh. Néihdeih góngháh heui chīudāp síhchèuhng tùhng heui gāaisíh
máaihyéh yáuh mātyéh m̀ tùhng.

Néih tùhng pàhngyáuh kīnggáai. Néihdeih dōu gokdāk yáuh dī chyùhntúng ge

hòhngyihp jihkdāk bóulàuh. Néih yihng'wàih bīn dī chyùhntúng hòhngyihp
­jihkdāk bóulàuh nē? Dímgáai nē?

Aspects of popular culture
Gwāanyū làuhhàhng màhnfa

Activity: Appreciating popular culture.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: John has joined a short video competition. The theme of this competition
is ‘popular culture’. He asks advice from Charlotte.
John chāamgājó yāt go dyún pín béichoi. Nī go béichoi ge jyútàih haih ‘làuh-
hàhng màhnfa’. Kéuih mahnháh Charlotte ge yigin.

Cantonese text English gloss

Charlotte: Wa! John. Néih hóu sāileih a. Wow! John, you are great.
Néih géisìh hohksīk paak When did you learn to make
pín ga? videos?
John: Ngóh jeuigahn siháh paak dī Recently I made some videos
pín fong séuhng móhng. and upload them to the Internet.
Hóuchíh yáuh hóu dō yàhn Many people seemed to like
jūngyi gó dī pín, gám ngóh those videos, so I decided to
maih chāamgā béichoi lō. enter this competition.
Charlotte: Nī chi béichoi ge jyútàih haih What’s the theme of this
mātyéh a? competition?
(Continued )


DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-2
2 (Continued)
of popular
Cantonese text English gloss
John: Nī chi béichoi ge jyútàih haih The theme of this competition
‘làuhhàhng màhnfa’. is ‘popular culture’.
Ngóh gaiwaahk fóngmahn I plan to interview young
nìhnchīngyàhn tùhng people and discuss popular
kéuihdeih tóuleuhnháh culture with them.
làuhhàhng màhnfa.
Ngóh séung jīdou kéuihdeih I want to find out their views
deui m̀ tùhng làuhhàhng on various aspects of popular
màhnfa ge táifaat, hóuchíh culture, such as social media,
séhgāau mùihtái, dihnyíng, movies, pop music, and so on.
làuhhàhng yāmngohk,
Mòuhleuhn yùhhòh, néih Anyway, please help me.
bōng bōng ngóh lā. Ngóh jī I know you have many interests
néih yáuh hóu dō m̀ tùhng ge and hobbies. Please give me
hingcheui oi'hou. Néih béi dī some advice.
yigin ngóh lā.
Charlotte: Góng dou hingcheui oi'hou, Speaking of interests and
néih dōu jī ngóh jeui jūngyi hobbies, you know that I like to
tái dihnyíng. watch movies.
Tùhng kèihtā ge Like other young people,
nìhnchīngyàhn yātyeuhng, I also like many other aspects
ngóh dōu jūngyi hóu dō of popular culture, including
m̀ tùhng ge làuhhàhng comics, video games, online
màhnfa hóuchíh maahnwá, novels, popular music, and
dihnjí yàuhhei, móhngseuhng so on.
síusyut, làuhhàhng
yāmngohk, dángdáng.
John: Néih gokdāk dímyéung hóyíh What do you think I should
paakdāk yáuhcheuidī nē? use to make the video more
Charlotte: Yùhgwó góng dihnyíng If you are talking about genre,
ge leuihyìhng, ngóh jihgéi I personally like documentary
jūngyi tái geiluhk pín. films.
Yānwaih geiluhk pín m̀ haih That’s because documentary
jíhaih yùhlohk sīuhín. films are not just entertainment.
Yùhgwó néih tái yāt tou hóu If you watch a good
ge geiluhk pín, néih hóyíh documentary, you can always
hohk sān ge jisīk. learn something new.

Cantonese text English gloss 2
John: Paak geiluhk pín haih yāt go The idea of making a of popular
hóu hóu ge ginyíh wo. documentary film is a good culture
Ngóh hóyíh fóngmahn géi go I could interview a few
nìhnchīngyàhn tùhng paak young people and film them
kéuihdeih chāamgā m̀ tùhng participating in various
ge wuhtduhng. activities.
Daahnhaih dāamsām wúih But I’m worried that this will
yáuh dī muhn. be boring.
Charlotte: Waahkjé néih hóyíh paakdāk Perhaps you could make
gáausiu dī, tùhng yuhng the film a bit funny, and use
yāumak ge sáufaat paak. humour as part of the movie.
Gám yéung gūnjung wúih That would make it more
gokdāk yáuhcheui dī. entertaining for the audience.
Ngóh yihng'wàih, ngóh tái For myself, I know when
héikehk gójahnsìh, ngóh I watch a comedy, I always feel
hóyíh fongsūng sāmchìhng. more relaxed.
Jeuigahn, ngóh yauh jūngyi Recently, I’ve also enjoyed
tái jīngtaam dihnyíng tùhng watching detective movies and
yùhnyìh pín. suspense movies.
Nī dī dihnyíng dōu hóu These movies are also very
hóutái ga. good to watch.
Sìhng tou pín, néih yiu gúháh In these movies, you often need
bīn go haih waaihyàhn. Hóu to guess who the villain is.
hóu wáan ga! That’s really fun!
John: Nī dī dōu haih hóu hóu ge yigin. Those are good suggestions.
Dōjeh néih ge ginyíh. Thanks for your advice.

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

dyún pín noun short film
béichoi noun competition
jyútàih noun theme
làuhhàhng màhnfa noun popular culture
yigin noun advice, opinion
sāileih adjective formidable
hohksīk phrase learnt 13
paak pín verb–object construction to shoot video
(Continued )
2 (Continued)
of popular
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
culture paaksip verb to film
fong séuhng móhng phrase to put online
fóngmahn verb to interview
nìhnchīngyàhn noun young people
táifaat noun views
séhgāau mùihtái noun social media
làuhhàhng yāmngohk noun popular music
hingcheui noun interest
oi'hou noun hobbies
bōng verb to help
maahnwá noun comics
dihnjí yàuhhei noun electronic games
móhngseuhng síusyut noun online novel
yáuhcheui adjective interesting
leuihyìhng noun genre
geiluhk pín noun documentary
yùhlohk noun entertainment
sīuhín noun pastime
jisīk noun knowledge
ginyíh noun suggestion
verb to suggest
dāamsām verb to worry
muhn adjective boring
gáausiu adjective funny
yāumahk noun humour
adjective humorous
sáufaat noun technique
héikehk noun comedy
gūnjung noun audience
jīngtaam dihnyíng noun detective movie
yùhnyìh pín noun suspense movie
sìhng tou pín phrase the whole movie
gú verb to guess
14 waaihyàhn noun villain
Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation: 2
deui . . . hóu suhksīk very familiar with . . . of popular
maih . . . lō just . . .
Mòuhleuhn yùhhòh, . . . Anyway . . .
néih bōng bōng ngóh you help me
béi dī yigin lā. Give some advice
Góng dou . . . Speaking of . . .
X hóuchíh Y (gám) X is similar to Y
m̀ . . . dáng ngóh námháh . . . Hmm . . . let me think . . .
Ngóh ginyyíh . . . I propose . . .

3 Learning points

3.1 Construction: yāt mihn X yāt mihn Y / yāt bihn X yāt bihn Y

(‘X and Y at the same time’)
The basic meaning of this construction is doing X and doing Y at the same time.

e.g., Kéuihdeih yāt mihn hàahng sāan yāt mihn yíng séung.
While they are hiking, at the same time they are also taking photos.
Ngóh duhkyùhn daaihhohk jīhauh, ngóh séung yāt bihn jouh yéh yāt bihn
duhk syū.
After I finish university, I want to work and study at the same time.

3.2 Discourse structure: sáusīn . . . yìhnhauh . . . juhng

yáuh . . . (‘first . . . then . . . in addition . . .’)
e.g., Yùhgwó néih séung yahp hóu ge daaihhohk, sáusīn néih yiu nóuhlihk
duhk syū, yìhnhauh yiu jīdou jihgéi hái daaihhohk séung duhk mātyéh.
If you want to enter a good university, first you need to study hard, and then
you need to know what you want to study at university.
Néih yiu paak yāt dyuhn hóu ge dyún pín, sáusīn yiu jīdou jyútàih haih
mātyéh, yìhnhauh yiu nám dímyéung paaksip, juhng yáuh yiu wán yáuh-
cheui ge yàhn tùhng néih yātchàih jouh.
You want to shoot a nice short film – first you need to know what the theme
is, and then you need to think about how to film. In addition, you need to find
interesting people to work with you.

2 4 Additional text 🎧
of popular John’s introduction to his short film

Mātyéh haih làuhhàhng màhnfa nē?

Mātyéh haih yìhgā nìhnchīngyàhn jeui jūngyi ge yùhlohk sīuhín nē?
Haih sihk faahn, fan gaau, kīng gái, bōu kehk, dá gēi?
Ngóhdeih nī dyuhn dyún pín fóngmahnjó sāam go jūngyi m̀tùhng ge làuh-
hàhng màhnfa ge nìhnchīngyàhn.
Grace hóu jūngyi làuhhàhng yāmngohk, sahpsāam seui hōichí jauh chāamgā
hóu dō béichoi. Jīhauh kéuih heuijó Náuyeuk duhk daaihhohk.
Daaihhohk ge sìhhauh kéuih chāamgājó hóu dō gwokjai làuhhàhng yāmng-
ohk béichoi, juhng lójó hóu dō jéung. Yìhgā kéuih hōijó yāt gāan hohkhaauh
gaau cheunggō tùhng làuhhàhng yāmngohk. Kéuih ge hingcheui binjó kéuih ge
gūngjok. Grace sāngwuht dāk hóu hōisām.
Peter ge yùhlohk haih tái maahnwá. Kéuih duhk syū ge sìhhauh kéuih ge
bàhbā màhmā dōu hóu m̀jūngyi kéuih nī go oi'hou.
Peter ge bàhbā màhmā yihng'wàih táidāk maahnwá taai dō jauh yahp m̀dóu
hóu ge daaihhohk, yahp m̀dóu hóu ge daaihhohk jēunglòih jauh wán m̀dóu hóu
ge gūngjok. Bātgwo kèihsaht Peter yāt mihn tái maahnwá ge tùhngsìh, dōu yāt
mihn nóuhlihk duhk syū.
Kéuih jeuihauh yahpjó yāt gāan hóu hóu ge daaihhohk. Kéuih yìhgā hái
daaihhohk gaau Yahtbún màhnfa tùhng làuhhàhng màhnfa.
Eric jauh jeui jūngyi dihnjí yàuhhei. Kéuih tùhng Peter yātyeuhng, kéuih ge
fuhmóuh dōu m̀jūngyi kéuih nī go yùhlohk sīuhín.
Eric yānwaih deui dihnjí yàuhhei yáuh hingcheui, kéuih gauhnín hōijó yāt
gāan gūngsī chitgai dihnjí yàuhhei. Yìhgā gūngsī jouh dāk hóu hóu.
Nī dī yùhlohk oi'hou sáusīn hóyíh bōng nī sāam go nìhnchīngyàhn fongsūng
sāmchìhng, yìhnhauh lihng kéuihdeih hohkdóu hóu dō jisīk, juhng yáuh béijó
hóu dō gēiwuih kéuideih.

Here are some more phrases in the additional text:

bōu kehk dá gēi gwokjai

to watch television drama to play video games international
jéung . . . ge tùhngsìh chitgai
prize at the same time to design

5 Exercises and practice

5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated

conversation and additional text:
John chāamgājó yāt go mātyéh béichoi nē? Dímgáai kéuih séung chāamgā nē?
Hái nī go béichoi léuih mihn, John yiu jouh dī mātyéh a? 2
of popular

Charlotte góngjó kéuih jūngyi tái bīn sāam júng dihnyíng a? Dímgái kéuih
jūngyi tái nī dī dihnyíng nē?

John jeuihauh fóngmahnjó géi dō go yàhn a?

Nī dī nìhnchīngyàhn dōu yáuh yāt dī yātyeuhng ge dahtjāt (‘characteristics’),

néih tái m̀ táidóu haih mātyéh dahkjāt nē?

Dímgáai Peter tùhng Eric ge bàhbā màhmā m̀ jūngyi kéuihdeih ge yùhlohk

sīuhín nē?

Néih yihng'wàih hingcheui oi'hou deui nìhngchīngyàhn yáuh géi juhngyiu nē?
Yāt go yàhn haih m̀ haih yātdihng yiu yáuh yùhlohk nē?

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

X hóuchíh Y gám

yāt mihn X yāt mihn Y

2 Mòuhleuhn yùhhòh, . . .
of popular

deui . . . hóu suhksīk

sáusīn . . . yìhnhauh . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:

yùhlohk muhn gú yáuhcheui leuihyìhng

fóngmahn béichoi dāamsām gáausiu ginyíh

5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this

pronunciation exercise: 🎧

Chēun híu
– Maahng Houh Yìhn

Chēun mìhn bāt gok híu,

18 chyu chyu màhn tàih níuh.
Yeh lòih fūng yúh sīng,
fā lohk jī dō síu.
5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short 2
paragraph and read it aloud in response to the Aspects
of popular
information provided: culture
Néih tùhng géi go pàhngyáuh kīng gái. Néihdeih góngháh jihgéi jeui jūngyi ge
yùhlohk sīuhín.

Yáuh yàhn wah, yáuh dī làuhhàhng màhnfa deui nìhnchīngyàhn yáuh m̀hóu ge
yínghéung, néih tùhngyi ma? Néih hàahng gāai ge sìhhauh yáuh yāt go yàhn
fóngmahn néih. Chéng néih góngháh néih ge yigin.

Joining an ecotour
Chāamgā sāngtaai léuihyàuh

Activities: Discussing the environment and tourism.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: Charlotte and John are both interested in ecotourism. They discuss joining
an ecotour, and before the tour, they attend a seminar about ecotourism.
Charlotte tùhng John dōu deui sāngtaai léuihyàuh yáuh hingcheui. Kéuideih
séung chāamgā yāt go sāngtaai yàuh, chāamgā sāngtaai léuihyàuh jīchìhn,
kéuih-deih yātchàih heui tēng yāt go sāngtaai yàuh ge góngjoh.

Cantonese text English gloss

John: Geidāk seuhng chi tùhng Charlotte, last time we went
néih hàahng sāan, néih hiking, you just complained the
giufúlìhntīn. whole time.
Gú m̀ dóu néih deui sāangtaai I didn’t think that you would be
léuihyàuh yáuh hingcheui. interested in ecotourism.
Charlotte: Sēuiyìhn ngóh gokdāk hàahng I do find hiking a bit exhausting,
sāan hóu sānfú, daahnhaih but I am very interested in
ngóh yihng'wàih sāngtaai yàuh ecotourism.
nī go yíhtàih hóu yáuh yisī wo.
Deui ngóh làih góng hàahng The reason why hiking is a bit
sāan jānhaih géi sānfú exhausting is because I’m out of
yānwaih ngóh pìhngsìh hóu shape.
síu jouh wahnduhng.
Ngóh jānhaih yiu jouh dōdī I really need to take regular
wahnduhng. exercise.
Gwāanyū sāngtaai yàuh, With regard to ecotourism, I do
ngóh gokdāk daaihjihyìhn think nature is important to
deui ngóhdeih hóu juhngyiu. everyone.

DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-3
Cantonese text English gloss 3
Joining an
Ngóhdeih ge sìhngsíh yuht Our city is getting more and ecotour
làih yuht yihndoihfa, tùhngsìh more modern, but, at the same
sāngwuht ge ngaatlihk dōu time, life is getting more and
yuht làih yuht daaih. more stressful.
Ngóh géi yaht chìhn táijó I read a newspaper article the
yāt fahn boují ge màhnjēung other day that said most people
góng hóu dō Hēunggóng in Hong Kong found their lives
yàhn gokdāk kéuihdeih ge very stressful.
sāngwuht hóu gánjēung.
Yáuh hóu dō yùhnyān. There are many reasons for
Yáuh dī yàhn ginyíh this. And some people suggest
chyúhléih ngaatlihk ge hóu that a good way to deal with
fōngfaat haih dōdī jipjūk stress is by getting close to
daaihjihyìhn. nature.
Ngóh dōu táijó yāt tou I also watched a documentary
gwāanyū léuihyàuh tùhng about the relationship between
sāngtaai ge gwāanhaih ge tourism and the ecosystem.
geiluhk pín.
Ngóh gokdāk nī go tàihmuhk I think this whole topic is very
hóu yáuh yisī. interesting.
John: Haih a, ngóh nám ngóhdeih Yes, I think the talk we’re going
heui tēng ge yín'góng wúih to will discuss these issues.
tóuleuhn nī dī màhntàih.
Kèihsaht, léuihyàuh tùhng In fact, there are some conflicts
sāngtaai yáuhsìh wúih yáuh between tourism and the
chūngdaht. environment.
Laihyùh nē, yùhgwó yáuh For example, if too many tourists
taai dō yàuhhaak heui go to the rainforests, this will
yihtdaai yúhlàahm, deui have a really bad effect on the
sāngtaai haihtúng wúih yáuh ecosystem there.
hóu waaih ge yínghéung ge.
Juhng yáuh, léuihyàuh yihp In addition, mass tourism
deui saigaai hóu dō deihfōng has had a very negative effect
dōu yáuh fuhmín yínghéung. in many parts of the world.
Yáuh dī gwokgā kāpyáhn taai Certain countries attract too
dō yàuhhaak wúih jouhsìhng many tourists, and this often
gwodouh jāibīk tùhng results in overcrowding and
wūwíhm. pollution.
Yáuh dī gwokgā, yàuhhaak In some countries, tourists tend
sākmúhn gwokgā léuih to take over the most beautiful
mihn jeui leng ge deihfōng, areas of the country, so local
dōngdeih yàhn dōu heui people can’t afford to go there.
m̀dóu gó dī deihfōng.
(Continued )
3 (Continued)
Joining an
ecotour Cantonese text English gloss
Yāt go laihjí haih Taaigwok, One example of this is in
gó douh ge gīngjai fēisèuhng Thailand, where much of the
yíhkaau léuihyàuh yihp. economy is dependent on
Lihng yāt go laihjí haih Another example is the
Fēileuhtbān. Géi nìhn chìhn Philippines. A few years ago,
jingfú kyutdihng gwāanbai the government there decided
gwokgā jeui chēutméng to close the most popular beach
ge hóitāan, go hóitāan hái on in the country, which is on
Chèuhngtāan Dóu. Boracay Island.
Jyúyiu yùhnyān haih gó go The main reason for that was that
dóu beih yàuhhaak ge wūséui the island had become so polluted
wūyíhmjó. from the sewage of tourists.
Ajāu deihkēui ge jingfú yìhgā Governments in the Asian
hóu gwāanjyu léuihyàuh region are now becoming very
yihp daai làih ge yínghéung. concerned about the effects of
Gahnnìhn, Yannèih jingfú In recent years, the Indonesian
nóuhlihk syūnchyùhn Bāléih government has been working
dóu ge sāngtaai léuihyàuh. hard to promote ecotourism on
the island of Bali.
Charlotte: John, bātyùh ngóhdeih John, why don’t we go on an
yātchàih heui yāt go sāngtaai ecotourist trip together?
léuihhàhng lā?
Ngóh séung heui Bāléi tái I’d like to go to Bali and see the
séuidouh tāitìhn. Néih séung rice terraces. Where would you
heui bīn douh a? like to go?
John: Hóu a, ngóh dōu séung heui Yes, I’d also love to go on an
sāngtaai léuihhàhng. Bātgwo ecotour. But I’m not exactly sure
ngóh m̀kokdihng séung heui where to go.
bīn douh.
Ngóh gokdāk hái Ajāu yáuh I think there are lots of places to
hóu dō deihfōng hóyíh heui. go to in Asia.
Peiyùh, ngóhdeih hóyíh For example, we could go
heui Nèihpokyíh. Hái hiking in Nepal. They have
Héimáhlāaingá sāan yáuh hóu lots of hikes in the Himalaya
dō hàahng sāan ge deihfōng. mountains.
Daahnhaih yùhgwó néih m̀séung But if you don’t want to go
hàahng sāan, juhng yáuh hóu dō hiking, there are lots of other
léuihhàhng ge deihfōng ge. tours we could do.
22 Peiyùh, Gáanpòuhjaai tùhng For instance, there are lots
Yuhtnàahm dōu yáuh hóu dō of ecotours in Cambodia and
sāngtaai yàuh. Néih gokdāk Vietnam. What do you think?
dím nē?
Cantonese text English gloss 3
Joining an
Charlotte: Kèihsaht, ngóh juhng Actually, I’d still like to go to ecotour
haih séung heui Bāléih tái Bali to see the rice terraces.
séuidoih tāitìhn.
Dī tāitìhn hóu chēutméng, The rice terraces are very
yānwaih dī tāitìhn waih famous, because they provide
gunkoi tàihgūngjó yāt go a traditional solution to the
chyùhntúng ge gáaikyut problem of water irrigation.
Nī go gunkoi haihtúng The irrigation system is
tùhng séuidouh tāitìhn totally in harmony with the
ge wàahn'gíng sāngtaai environment and the ecology of
yùhnchyùhn hiptìuh. the rice terraces.
Juhng yáuh, gó douh yáuh In addition, there is a traditional
chyùhntúng ge Yandouh Hindu culture, which makes Bali
Gaau màhnfa, Bāléih haih yāt a very special place.
go hóu dahkbiht ge deihfōng.
John: Bāléih haih yāt go hóu hóu ge Bali sounds like a very good
ginyíh. suggestion.
Bātgwo dáng ngóhdeih But let’s think about it more
tēngyùhn góngjoh jīhauh joi after we’ve been to the
námháh lā. seminar.
Ngóhdeih waahkjé wúih We’ll probably get some more
yáuh dōdī séungfaat nē. ideas then.
Charlotte: Hóu jyúyi. Dáng ngóhdeih Good idea. Let’s hear what they
tēngháh kéuihdeih hái have to say in the seminar.
góngjoh góng dī māt lā.

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

sāngtaai léuihyàuh / noun ecotourism
sāngtaai yàuh
sāngtaai noun ecology
góngjoh noun lecture, seminar
geidāk verb to remember
giufúlìhntīn phrase groaning
sānfú adjective toilsome
yíhtàih noun issue
yáuh yisī phrase meaningful
(Continued )
3 (Continued)
Joining an
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
daaihjihyìhn noun nature
yihndoihfa adjective modernized
noun modernization
tùhngsìh adverb at the same time
sāngwuht noun life
ngaatlihk noun pressure
yāt fahn boují noun a newspaper
màhnjēung noun article, essay
gánjēung adjective nervous
yùhnyān noun reason
chyúhléih / verb to handle, to process, to
chyuléih deal with
fōngfaat noun method
jipjūk verb to contact
yāt tou geiluhk pín noun a documentary
tàihmuhk noun topic
yín'góng noun speech
chūngdaht noun conflict
verb to conflict
yihtdaai yúhlàahm noun rainforest
haihtúng noun system
yínghéung noun influence
verb to influence
léuihyàuh yihp noun tourist industry
fuhmín yínghéung phrase negative influence
gwokgā noun country
kāpyáhn verb to attract
jouhsìhng phrase to result in
gwodouh jāibīk phrase overcrowding
wūyíhm verb to pollute
noun pollution
sākmúhn phrase stuffed, filled up with
búndeih adjective local
heui m̀ dóu phrase cannot go
laihjí noun example
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 3
Joining an
Taaigwok noun Thailand ecotour
gīngjai noun economy
yíhkaau / verb to rely on
lihng yāt go laihjí phrase another example
Fēileuhtbān noun the Philippines
gwāanbai verb to shut down
adjective closed
noun closure
hóitāan noun beach
Chèuhngtāan Dóu noun Boracay Island
jyúyiu adjective main, chief
wūséui noun sewage
Ajāu noun Asia
deihkēui noun area, district
gwāanjyu preposition about, regarding
gahnnìhn phrase in recent years
Yannèih noun Indonesia
Bāléih dóu noun the island of Bali
séuidouh tāitìhn noun rice terraces
Nèihpokyíh noun Nepal
Héimáhlāaingá sāan noun the Himalayan
Gáanpòuhjaai noun Cambodia
Yuhtnàahm noun Vietnam
waih preposition for
gunkoi noun irrigation
verb to irrigate
tàihgūng verb to provide
gáaikyut verb to solve
fōng'on noun proposal, scheme
wàahn'gíng noun environment
yùhnchyùhn adverb completely, entirely
hiptìuh verb to coordinate
noun coordination,
conformity 25
Yandouh Gaau noun Hinduism
3 Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation:
Joining an
ecotour deui . . . yáuh hingcheui to be interested in . . .
Deui ngóh làih góng, . . . For me . . .
lihng yàhn . . . make people . . .
m̀sái góng . . . needless to say . . .
m̀sái góng . . ., ganggā m̀sái góng . . . needless to say . . ., furthermore . . .
jihchùhng . . . (jīhauh), . . . since . . . (after), . . .
yíh . . . wàihlaih take . . . as example

3 Learning points

3.1 Construction: yàuhyū . . . (ge) gwāanhaih (‘because of . . .’),

(‘due to . . .’)
e.g., Yàuhyū sìhgaan gwāanhaih, ngóh m̀ hóyíh gaijuhk góng. Dōjeh néihdeih
tēng ngóh ge yín'góng.
Due to the time limit, I can’t go on talking. Thank you for listening to my talk.
Yàuhyū chín ge gwāanhaih, kéuih yiu yāt mihn duhk syū yāt mihn jouh yéh.
Because of money issues, he needs to study and work at the same time.
Yàuhyū gūngjok ge gwāanhaih, ngóh gāmnìhn wúih hōichí jyuh hái
Because of work issues, this year I will start living in Canada.

3.2 Discourse structure: chùhng . . . hōichí, . . .,

(yìhnhauh) . . ., gānjyuh . . ., jeui hauh . . . (‘to begin
with . . . (then) . . ., next . . ., in the end . . .’)
e.g., Yùhgwó yiu ngóh gaaisiuh yāt go deihfōng, ngóh wúih chùhng lihksí
hōichí, yìhnhauh góng nī go deihfōng ge màhnfa, gānjyuh góng nī go dei-
hfōng ge méihsihk, jeuihauh ngóh wúih góngháh nī go deihfōng jeuigahn
ge faatjín tùhng hóuwáan ge gíngdím.
If you want me to introduce a place, I will start from its history, then I will talk
about the culture, next I will talk about the delicious food, and, finally, I will
talk about the recent development and interesting sights of this place.

Yùhgwó néih séung jouh hóu yāt go yìhn'gau, yātdihng yiu chùhng tàih-
muhk hōichí nám, gānjyuh yiu nám yìhn'gau fōngfaat, jeuihauh yiu heui
sāujaahp jīlíu.
If you want to do research well, you should start thinking about the topic, and
then you need to think about the research methodology, and finally you need
to collect the data.
4 Additional text 🎧 3
Joining an
A talk about ecotourism ecotour

Daaihgā hóu! Ngóh nám daaihgā dōu heuigwo hóu dō deihfōng léuihhàhng.
Néihdeih heuigwo ge sìhngsíh tùhng gwokgā hóu hó'nàhng dō gwo ngóh. Daahn-
haih daaihgā m̀yātdihng tēnggwo sāngtaai léuihyàuh. M̀jī yáuh móuh pàhngyáuh
jīdou sāngtaai léuihyàuh haih mātyéh nē?
Gāmyaht ngóh jauh tùhng daaihgā gaaisiuhháh sāngtaai yàuh. Hái 1965 nìhn
yáuh yàhn hōichí góng ngóhdeih yiu joi nám chīngchó léuihyàuh, màhnfa tùhng
jihyìhn jīgāan ge gwāanhaih.
Hái 1983 nìhn yáuh daaihhohk hōichí góng ‘Sāngtaai yàuh’ nī go chìh. Sāngtaai
yàuh tēng go méng jauh haih gwāanyū daaih jihyìhn sāngtaai ge faatjín. Ngóhdeih
dōusíh yàhn daaih bouh fahn dōu gūngjok mòhnglūk, yaht yaht gābāan. Yàuhyū
sāngwuht ngaatlihk hóu daaih ge gwāanhaih, m̀sái góng daaihgā yāt yáuh sìhgaan
jauh wúih heui léuihhàhng hīngsūngháh ge. Daaihgā heui léuihhàhng jouh dāk jeui
dō ge yéh haih mātyéh nē? Máaih hóu yéh, sihk méihsihk? Daahnhaih ngóh séung
mahnháh daaihgā, kaumaht hó m̀hóyíh bōng néih gáamhēng jīngsàhn ngaatlihk
nē? Hó'nàhng gindóu yuhtgit dāan ge sìhhauh ngaatlihk juhng daaih wo!
Daaihgā yáuh móuh námgwo heui léuihhàhng ge sìhhauh jipjūk dōdī daaih-
jihyìhn nē? Dōusíh yàhn chùhng síupàhngyáuh hōichí jauh hóu síu gēiwuih jip-
jūk jihyìhn. Gānjyuh jouh yéh, gūngjok mòhnglūk jauh ganggā móuh sìhgaan
heui táiháh ngóhdeih jāuwàih ge jihyìhn fūnggíng. Sāngtaai yàuh haih yāt go béi
ngóhdeih jipjūk daaihjihyìhn ge hóu gēiwuih.
Chāamgā sāngtaai yàuh lihng ngóhdeih jīdou wàahn'gíng ge juhngyiu tùhng-
màaih gaausīk ngóhdeih, yàhn tùhng daaihjihyìhn ge gwāanhaih.
Hēimohng daaihgā tēngyùhn gāmyaht ge góngjoh jīhauh wúih góibin daaihgā
léuihyàuh ge jaahpgwaan lā.

Here are some more phrases in the additional text:

chīngchó jīgāan chìh mòhnglūk gābāan

clear between phrase busy, bustling to work overtime
hīngsūng yuhtgit dāan jāuwàih gáamhēng góibin
relaxed monthly statement surrounding to alleviate to change

5 Exercises and practice

5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated

conversation and additional text:
Dímgáai John wah gú m̀ dóu Charlotte deui sāngtaai yàuh yáuh hingcheui nē?

3 Dímgáai Charlotte gokdāk daaihjihyìhn hóu juhngyiu nē?
Joining an

Dímgáai Charlotte gokdāk dōusíh yàhn hóu yùhngyi jīngsàhn gánjēung a?

John dímgáai gokdāk léuiyàuh tùhng sāngtaai wàahn'gíng yáuh chūngdaht

nē? Yáuh mātyéh laihjí nē?

John tùhng Charlotte dōu séung heui sāngtaai yàuh. John ginyíh kéuihdeih
hóyíh heui bīn dōuh nē?

Charlotte séung heui bīn douh táiháh nē? Dímgáai nē?

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

Deui ngóh làih góng, . . .

lihng yàhn . . .

yàuhyū . . . (ge) gwāanhaih

deui . . . yáuh hingcheui

chùhng . . . hōichí, . . ., gānjyuh . . . 3
Joining an

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:

gīngjai hóitāan kāpyáhn jyúyiu wàahn'gíng

gwokgā séungfaat deihkēui tàihgūng yùhnchyùhn

5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this

pronunciation exercise: 🎧

Jóu faat Baahk Dai Sìhng

– Léih Baahk

Jīu chìh Baahkdai chói wàhn gāan,

chīn léih Gōnglìhng yāt yaht wàahn.
Léuhng ngohn yùhn sīng tàih bāt jyuht,
hīng jāu yíh gwo maahn chùhng sāan.

5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short

paragraph and read it aloud in response to the
information provided:
Dōusíh yàhn hóu yùhngyi jīngsàhn gánjēung. Yìhgā yáuh yàhn fóngmahn néih
dímyéung hóyíh lihng jihgéi hīngsūng dī, dímyéung lihng jīngsàhn móuh gam
gánjēung. Chéng néih góngháh néih gáamhēng ngaatlihk ge baahnfaat.
Joining an

Néih ge pàhngyáuh séung Nùhnglihk Sānnìhn heui léuihhàhng. Kéuihdeih séung

heui hóu dō deihfōng léuihyàuh. Néih dōu yáuh hingcheui. Néih tùhng pàhngyáuh
kīng gáai. Góngháh néih ge ginyíh tùhng néih séung heui ge deihfōng.

Discussing a job search
Tóuleuhn dímyéung wán gūng

Activity: Discussing a job search with a friend.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: John is graduating from his MBA course later this year. He has started
looking for a job, but is a bit worried about his prospects. He meets Charlotte in a
coffee shop to discuss his job application with her.
John gāmnìhn MBA fochìhng bātyihp. Kéuih yìhgā wán'gán gūng, kéuih síu
síu dāamsām kéuih ge jēunglòih. Kéuih tùhng Charlotte hái yāt gāan gafē dim
gin mihn kīngháh kéuih wán gūng ge sih.

Cantonese text English gloss

Charlotte: John, néih wán gūng dím a? John, how’s your job search
Néih wán'gán mātyéh gūng a? going? What kind of job are you
looking for?
John: Néih dōu jī, ngóh deui tàuhjī As you know, I’m really
yáuh hóu daaih ge hingcheui. interested in investing. After
Ngóh bātyihp jīhauh, séung hái graduation, I’d like to work in
tàuhjī ngàhnhòhng jouh yéh. an investment bank.
Ngóh hēimohng ngóh hóyíh I hope I can succeed in getting
sìhnggūng wándóu yāt fahn a good job in this sector, but
hóu gūng, daahnhaih dōngyìhn of course there is a lot of
gingjāng hóu daaih ge. competition.
Sóyíh jeuigahn ngóh gokdāk So recently I’ve been feeling a
yáuh dī ngaatlihk a. bit stressed.
Charlotte: M̀ sái dāamsām. Néih gam lēk. Don’t worry. You’re very smart.
Ngóh gokdāk néih yātdihng I’m sure you’ll be able to find a
hóyíh wándóu yāt fahn hóu good job.
gūng ge.
(Continued ) 31

DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-4
4 (Continued)
Discussing a
job search
Cantonese text English gloss
Ngóh chēutnín dōu wúih bātyihp. I’m also graduating next year.
Ngóh dōu yīnggōi yiu hōichí I need to start looking for a job
wán gūng. Néih gokdāk, ngóh too. How can I start finding a
dímyéung hōichí wán gūng nē? job, do you think?
John: Gám, hái Hēunggóng, jeui Well, in Hong Kong, the best
hóu ge baahnfaat haih séuhng way is to go online. There are
móhng táiháh. Yáuh léuhng go two major websites for jobs.
daaih ge kàuhjīk móhngjaahm. They are called ‘’
Kéuihdeih giu ‘’ and ‘CPjobs’. They have lots of
tùhng ‘CPjobs’. Kéuihdeih job announcements for all kinds
yáuh hóu dō m̀ tùhng gūngjok of jobs.
ge jīuping gwónggou.
Ngóh jihgéi, táijó yāt dī For myself, I looked at job
tàuhjī ngàhnhòhng ge jīuping advertisements from investment
gwónggou, ngóh jīdou yáuh banks, so I could find out
bīn dī tàuhjī ngàhnghòhng which investment banks were
chénggán yàhn, tùhng yáuh recruiting people, and what jobs
mātyéh jīk'waih. were available.
Dī jīuping gwónggou dōu wúih The job advertisements also
wah béi néih jī nī dī gūngjok give you a good idea of what
yáuh mātyéh yahpjīk yīukàuh ge. qualifications employers are
looking for.
Peiyùh, yáuh yāt gāan For example, one famous
Méihgwok ge tàuhjī U.S. investment bank is
ngàhnhòhng yìhgā chénggán now recruiting investment
tàuhjī gīngléih. Kéuihdeih managers. They are looking for
yiu yáuh sehksih hohkwái, people with a master’s degree,
tùhng sāam nìhn sēunggwāan and three years’ relevant
gūngjok gīngyihm. experience.
Hái Hēunggóng duhk MBA Before joining the MBA
jīchìhn, ngóh hái Sān'gabō programme in Hong Kong,
yāt gāan tàuhjī ngàhnhòhng I worked for an investment bank
jouhgwo sei nìhn yéh. Ngóh gau in Singapore for four years. So
jīgaak sānchíng nī go jīk'waih, I’m qualified to apply for this
sóyíh ngóh sānchíngjó. position, and I did so.
Charlotte: Haih maih jihnghaih séuhng Did you just look at recruitment
móhng tái jīuping gwónggou advertisements, or are there
wán gūng jauh dāk ga la, juhng other ways to find jobs?
yáuh móuh kèihtā baahnfaat
wán gūng nē?

Cantonese text English gloss 4
Discussing a
John: Gám, lihngngoih hóu Well, another thing that was very job search
yáuhyuhng ge haih ngóh useful was that my MBA course
ge MBA fochìhng dōu also arranged for a number of job
ōnpàaihjó hóu dō gūngsī talks from various companies,
tùhng ngàhnhòhng ge kàuhjīk including some banks.
góngjoh béi ngóhdeih.
Charlotte: Néih dím sānchíng nī gāan How did you go about applying
Méihgwok ngàhnhòhng ge for the job in the American
gūngjok ge nē? bank?
John: Ngóh yāt kyutdihng yiu Once I decided I wanted to go
sānchíng nī fahn gūngjok, ngóh for this job, I had to revise my
jauh yiu sé ngóh ge léihlihkbíu, CV, and I also had to write a
juhngyáuh ngóh dōu yiu sé yāt suitable cover letter.
fūng hahpsīk ge kàuhjīk seun.
Jyúyiu ge haih néih yātdihng The main thing is that you
yiu hái kàuhjīk seun léuih should make it clear in the
mihn góng chīngchó néih gau cover letter that you’re qualified
jīgaak sānchíng, tùhngmàaih for the position, and also that
néih hóu hotmohng hái gó gāan you’re really enthusiastic
ngàhnhòhng waahkjé gūngsī about working for that bank or
gūngjok ge wo. company.
Daahnhaih chèuihjó nī gāan But as well as applying to the
Méihgwok ge ngàhnhòhng U.S. bank, I’ve also applied to
jī'ngoih, ngóh dōu sānchíngjó four other banks and investment
sei gāan ngàhnghòhng tùhng management firms, including
tàuhjī gūngsī, bāaukwut léuhng two Hong Kong investment
gāan Hēunggóng ge tàuhjī management firms, a French
gūngsī, yāt gāan Faatgwok ge bank, and a mainland Chinese
ngàhnhòhng tùhng yāt gāan bank.
noihdeih ge ngàhnghòhng.
Charlotte: M̀ gwaaidāk néih jeuigahn gam No wonder you’ve been so busy
mòhng lā! lately!
John: Ngóh nám wúih yuht làih yuht I think things will soon get
mòhng. Ngóh dōu yiu jéunbeih busier. I also have to prepare for
hóu dō mihnsíh. a bunch of job interviews.
Charlotte: Mihnsíh dímyéung jéunbeih a? How are you going to do that?
John: Gám, yiu táiháh bīn gāan Well, it depends on the bank
ngàhnhòhng tùhng gūngsī la. and company.
Ngóh yiu yìhn'gauháh ngóh I need to do some research on
sānchíng ge ngàhnhòhng each of the banks and companies
tùhng gūngsī, gám ngóh hóyíh that I apply to, so that I can get
suhksīk kéuihdeih ge yihpmouh familiar with their operations. 33
(Continued )
4 (Continued)
Discussing a
job search
Cantonese text English gloss
Yáuh dī ngàhnhòhng tùhng Some banks and companies are
gūngsī jyūnmùhn jouh gúpiu, specialized in stocks and shares,
kèihtā ge ngàhnhòhng tùhng other banks and companies are
gūngsī ge jaai'hyun, tùhng very strong in bonds and other
kèihtā júngleuih ge tàuhjī hóu types of investment.
Yáuh dī jīk'waih dōu yiu jouh Some jobs also involve working
sēungbán gāauyihk tùhng with commodities or foreign
ngoihwuih ge. exchange.
Jyúyiu ge haih yiu jouh dī The main thing is to do some
yìhn'gau, yiu jīdou dō dī research, and find out as much
ngàhnhòhng tùhng gūngsī ge as possible about the bank and
wahnjok. company’s operations.
Charlotte: Hóu, néih jānhaih jīdou Well, you really seem to know
jihgéi jouhgán mātyéh. Ngóh what you are doing. I’m sure
sēungseun néih yātdihng wúih you’ll succeed in getting a good
sìhnggūng wándóu hóu gūng job.
John: Ngóh yáuh yāt go tàihyi. Ngóh I tell you what. When I get a
wándóu gūng gójahnsìh, good job offer, we’ll celebrate.
ngóhdeih yātchàih hingjūk. I’ll treat you to a nice dinner.
Ngóh chéng néih sihk daaih How about that?
chāan. Hóu m̀ hóu a?
Charlotte: Hóu a. Ngóh hóu kèihdoih a. That’ll be great. I look forward
to that.

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

wán gūng verb–object construction to find a job
fochìhng noun course, programme
síu síu phrase a little
yāt gāan gafē dim noun a coffee shop
gin mihn verb–object construction to meet
tàuhjī verb to invest
noun investment
34 ngàhnhòhng noun bank
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 4
Discussing a
tàuhjī ngàhnhòhng / noun investment bank job search
sìhnggūng verb to succeed
yāt fahn gūng noun a job
dōngyìhn adverb certainly
gingjāng noun competition
verb to compete
baahnfaat noun method
séuhng móhng verb–object construction to go online
kàuhjīk móhngjaahm noun recruitment website
gūngjok noun job, task, work
jīuping gwónggou noun recruitment
chéng yàhn verb–object construction to recruit people
jīk'waih noun position (company)
yahpjīk yīukàuh noun entering requirement
yīukàuh noun requirement
verb to require
sehksih hohkwái noun master’s degree
sēunggwāan adjective interrelated, related
gūngjok gīngyihm noun work experience
gau adjective enough, sufficient
jīgaak noun qualification
sānchíng verb to apply
yáuhyuhng adjective useful
ōnpàaih verb to arrange
noun arrangement
kàuhjīk góngjoh noun recruitment talk
léihlihkbíu noun resume
yāt fūng kàuhjīk seun noun a cover letter
hahpsīk adjective appropriate
verb to be suitable
chīngchó adjective clear
hotmohng adjective eager
(Continued )
4 (Continued)
Discussing a
job search
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
tàuhjī gūngsī noun investment management
Faatgwok noun France
noihdeih noun mainland China
mihnsíh noun job interview
suhksīk verb to be familiar with
yihpmouh wahnjohk noun business operation
wahnjok noun operation
jyūnmùhn adjective specialized
gúpiu noun stock, shares
jaai'hyun noun bond
júngleuih noun type, kind
kèuhng adjective strong
sēungbán gāauyihk noun commodity exchange,
ngoihwuih noun foreign currency
tàihyi / noun suggestion, proposal
tàihyíh verb to suggest
daaih chāan phrase big meal
kèihdoih verb to look forward to

Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation:

Néih dōu jī, . . . As you know, . . .

M̀ sái dāamsām. Don’t worry.
haih maih . . . / is it . . .
haih m̀ haih . . .
Néih mòhng dī mātyéh a? What are you busy with?
sauh . . . yínghéung affected by . . .
chèuihjó . . . jī'ngoih, . . . in addition to . . ., . . .
chèuih chí jī'ngoih, . . . in addition to this, . . .
deui . . . móuh hingcheui have no interest in . . .
Júngkwut làih góng, . . . In a nutshell, . . .
To conclude, . . .

3 Learning points 4
Discussing a
3.1 Construction: Question word jauh Question word job search
(‘whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever, . . .’)

Question words Examples

mātyéh Kéuih yáuhchín, séung máaih mātyéh jauh mātyéh.
He is rich, he can buy whatever he wants.
Ngóh gāmmáahn jyúh faahn. Néih séung sihk mātyéh, ngóh
jauh jyú mātyéh.
I’ll cook tonight. Whatever you like, I will cook.
géisìh Néih géisìh dākhàahn, ngóhdeih jauh géisìh yātchàih sihk faahn.
Whenever you are free, we can eat together.
bīn go Bīn go séung tàuhjī, jauh tùhng kéuih kīngháh lā.
Whoever wants to invest, please talk to him.
géi dō Néih séung sihk géi dō jauh sihk géi dō lā. M̀ sái haakhei.
You can eat as many as possible. Don’t be polite.
bīn douh Ngóhdeih yātchàih heui léuihhàhng. Néih jūngyi heui bīn
douh, ngóhdeih jauh yātchàih heui bīn douh.
We are travelling together. Wherever you like to go, then we go together.
dímyéung Kéuih bàhbā gaau kéuih daahnhaih kéuih m̀ tēng. Kéuih
jūngyi dímyéung jouh jauh dímyéung jouh.
Her father taught her, but she is not listening. She uses the way
she prefers in order to do the job.

3.2 Discourse structure: sáusīn . . . kèihchi . . . lihngngoih

. . . (‘firstly . . . and then . . . in addition . . .’)
e.g., Ngóh yihng'wàih hàahng sāan hóu hóu. Sáusīn hàahng sāan haih yāt júng
wahnduhng, kèihchi hóyíh táidóu hóu leng ge fūnggíng, lihngngoih dōu
hóyíh bōng ngóhdeih gáamhēng ngaatlihk, juhng hóyíh tùhng pàhngyáuh
I think hiking is very good. Firstly, hiking is a sports activity, and I can see
much beautiful scenery. In addition, it can help us reduce the pressure on us,
and we can chat with friends.
Ngóh ge màhmā seun fūngséui (‘feng shui’) tùhng mihngléih (‘fortune tell-
ing’). Sáusīn kéuih hóu séung jīdou kéuih jēunglòih ge sāngwuht. Kèihchi
kéuih tēngjó gokdāk syūfuhk dī. Lihngngoih kéuih ge pàhngyáuh dōu
seun. Kéuihdeih gokdāk nī dī haih hóu juhngyiu ge chyùhntúng.
My mother believes in feng shui and fortune telling. Firstly, she wants to know
her future life. And she thinks after listening to these, she will be more com-
fortable. In addition, many of her friends also believe (in feng shui and fortune 37
telling). They think that these are important traditions.
4 4 Additional text 🎧
Discussing a
job search A talk at university about job hunting

Daaihgā hóu!
Hóu dō tùhnghohk yìhgā dōu jéunbeih wán gūng.
Gāmyaht ngóh tùhng daaihgā góngháh dímyéung wán gūng.
Wán gūng ge daihyāt bouh dōngyìhn haih táiháh yáuh mātyéh gūng sīn lā.
Yáuh mātyéh baahnfaat hóyíh jīdou bīn gāan gūngsī chénggán yàhn nē? Ngóh-
deih yiu séuhng móhng jouhháh gūngfo. Chéuihjó séuhng yāt dī chēutméng ge
kàuhjīk móhngjaahm jī'ngoih, juhng hóyíh séuhng néih sāmyìh gūngsī ge
móhngjaahm. Yānwaih yáuh dī gūngsī dōu wúih hái kéuihdeih gūngsī ge móhng-
jaahm dāng jīuping gwónggou.
Táidóu yáuh sīkhahp jihgéi ge gūngjok, sáusīn jauh yiu hōichí námháh kàuh-
jīk seun dím sé, kèihchi jauh yiu jéunbeih jihgéi ge léihlihkbíu. Yātdihng m̀hóyíh
wán mātyéh gūng dōu yuhng yātyeuhng ge léihlihkbíu. Lihngngoih juhngyiu
jīdou dōdī gūngsī ge jīlíu tùhng yahpjīk ge yīukàuh. Gānjyuh jauh yiu jéunbeih
Hóu dō yàhn mihnsíh dōu wúih hóu gánjēung. Kèihsaht ngóhdeih yiu nám
‘mihnsíh haih séung gāan gūngsī chéng néih’. Daahnhaih hóu dō sìh, ngóhdeih
dōu m̀wúih jīdou gūngsī séung chéng dímyéung ge yàhn. Sóyíh ngóhdeih yiu
jouh hóu jihgéi.
Hóu dō sìh, ngóhdeih wán gūng ge sìhhauh gingjāng dōu hóu daaih. Ngóhdeih
dímyéung jouh hóu jihgéi nē? Mihnsíh ge sìhhauh m̀haih néih séung góng
mātyéh jauh góng mātyéh. Yáuh géi go tīpsí.
Daihyāt, mihnsíh ge sìhhauh yiu góng jihgéi tùhng kèihtā yàhn yáuh mātyéh
m̀tùhng. Néih námháh go go saānchíng ge yàhn dōu haih daaihhohksāang.
Dímgáai yiu chéng néih, dímgáai yiu béi gēiwuih néih. Néih yiu lihng gūngsī
jīdou néih yáuh mātyéh dahkbiht ge gīngyihm.
Daihyih, néih dōu yiu góng néih ge hingcheui tùhng jēunglòih ge gaiwaahk.
Néih dōu yiu góng jēunglòih ge gaiwaahk tùhng néih ge gūngjok yáuh mātyéh
gwāanhaih, tùhng gūngsī ge jēunglòih ge faatjín yáuh māt gwāanhaih. Lihng
yàhn gokdāk néih hóyíh bōng gūngsī faatjín.
Ngóh jīdou gāmyaht tēng góngjoh ge yàhn yìhgā dōu nóuhlihk wán'gán gūng.
Hēimohng nī dī tīpsí lihng néih seunsām daaihdī, jéunbeihdāk hóudī. Ngóh hái
nī douh jūk daaihgā sìhnggūng.

Here are some more phrases in the additional text:

. . . sīn jouh gūngfo sāmyìh dāng

. . . first do homework favourite to post (advertisement)
sīkhahp hóu dō sìh tīpsí faatjín
to fit, to be suitable very often tips, advice to develop

5 Exercises and practice
Discussing a
job search
5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated
conversation and additional text:
John wah kéuih jeuigahn ngaatlihk hóu daaih, dímgáai kéuih gám góng nē?
Kéuih dāmsām mātyéh nē? Kéuih jeuigahn mòhng mātyéh nē?

John bātyihp jīhauh séung jouh dímyéung ge gūngjok nē?

John dímyéung wán gūng nē?

John sānchíngjó géi dō gāan gūngsī nē?

John dímyéung jéunbeih mihnsíh nē?

John wah wándóu gūng jīhauh wúih jouh mātyéh nē?

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

sau . . . yínghéung

chèuihjó . . . jī'ngoih, . . .

4 M̀ sái dāamsām, . . .
Discussing a
job search

deui . . . móuh hóuchyu

sáusīn . . . kèihchi . . . lihngngoih . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:

yáuhyuhng mihnsíh sānchíng wán gūng suhksīk

séuhng móhng léihlihkbíu hahpsīk sìhnggūng gūngjok

5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this

pronunciation exercise: 🎧

Máhn nùhng
– Léih Sān

Chòh wòh yaht dōng nǵh,

hohn dihk wòh hah tóu.
Sèuih jī pùhn jūng chāan,
40 nāp nāp gāai sān fú.
5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short 4
paragraph and read it aloud in response to the Discussing a
job search
information provided:
Néih yáuh yāt go pàhngyáuh séung wán gūng. Kéuih yìhgā mahn néih. Chéng
néih góng béi kéuih tēng, yīnggōi dímyéung wán gūng.

Néih ge pàhngyáuh wán'gán gūng. Kéuih tīngyaht yiu heui mihnsíh. Kéuih hóu
gánjēung. Yìhgā kéuih tùhng néih hái gafē dim kīnggái, néih tùhng kéuih góng-
háh dímyéung hóyíh móuh gam gánjēung.

Attending a job interview
Heui gin gūng

Activity: Attending a job interview

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: The Hong Kong investment management firm that John applied to has
asked John to attend an interview. Today John is meeting with the Chief Executive
Officer and another manager in the company. The Chief Executive Officer asks Jon
some questions about his application.
John sānchíng ge yāt gāan Hēunggóng tàuhjī gūngsī giu John heui mihnsíh.
Gāmyaht John gin nī gāan gūngsī ge Hàhngjing Júngchòih tùhng yāt go gīngléih.
Gwāanyū John ge sānchíng, Hàhngjing Júngchòih mahn kéuih yāt dī mahntàih.

Cantonese text English gloss

Hàhngjing John, dōjeh néih gāmyaht làih John, thank you for coming here
júngchói: nī douh. today.
Ngóhdeih hēimohng yihngsīk We’d like to get to know you
néih dō dī, néih hó m̀ hóyíh more, so would you please
gaaisiuh néih jihgéi a? introduce yourself?
John: Hóu, néih dōu jīdou, Well, as you know, I’m originally
ngóh búnlòih jyuh hái from Singapore. I did my
Sān'gabō. Ngóh hái Sāngabo undergraduate studies at the
Nàahmyèuhng Léihgūng Business School of Nanyang
Daaihhohk ge Sēung Hohkyún Technological University in
búnfo bātyihp. Singapore.
Gám, bātyihp jīhauh ngóh And then, after graduation,
hái Sān'gabō yāt gāan tàuhjī I worked for an investment bank
ngàhnhòhng jouhgwo sei nìhn in Singapore for four years as a
gāmyùhng fānsīk yùhn. security analyst.


DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-5
Cantonese text English gloss 5
Attending a
Sei nìhn jīhauh, ngóh hóu After four years, I really wanted job interview
séung gaijuhk jeunsāu. Sóyíh to continue my studies. So I came
ngóh làih Hēungóng duhk yāt to Hong Kong to join an MBA
go MBA fochìhng. programme.
Ngóh ge sehksih leuhnmàhn My master’s dissertation is
haih gwāanyū ‘gāmyùhng on ‘fintech’, that is, financial
fōgeih’, jīk haih, gāmyùhng technology and its applications in
fōgeih hái sēungyihp séhwúi ge the business world.
Hái MBA fochìhng léuih mihn, At the MBA programme, I’ve
Ngóh hohkgwo gāmyùhng studied financial technology
fōgeih fānsīk, tàuhjī fānsīk analytics, investment analysis and
tùhng tàuhjī jóu'hahp gúnléih. portfolio management.
Ngóh gokdāk ngóh hohkdóu I really think that the knowledge
ge gāmyùhng fōgeih jisīk deui I’ve gained in financial
ngóh jēunglòih ge gūngjok hóu technology will be useful in my
yáuh bōngjoh. future career.
Ngóh dōu hēimohng nī dī haih I also hope that this is something
ngóh hóyíh bōngdóu gūngsī ge I can offer your company as well.
Hàhngjing Hóu. Gám dímgáai néih I see. But why would you like to
júngh- syúnjaahk hái Hēungóng work in Hong Kong rather than
chòih: gūngjok m̀ hái Sān'gabō Singapore?
gūngjok nē?
John: Ngóh séung hái nī douh The main reason I want to work
gūngjok jyúyiu ge yùhnyān here is that Hong Kong is closer
haih Hēunggóng jipgahn to the China market.
Jūnggwok síhchèuhng.
Ngóh sēungseun hái nī géi nìhn I do believe that there will be
Jūnggwok síhchèuhng yáuh very big opportunities in the
hóu dō gēiwuih. China market in the coming
Tùhngmàaih ngóh hóu séung And I’d really like to improve
tàihgōu jihgéi deui Jūnggwok my own knowledge of Chinese
tàuhjī ge líuhgáai, yàuhkèihsìh investments, particularly with
hái gāmyùhng fōgeih fōngmihn. reference to opportunities in
Hàhngjing Hóu. Gám dímgáai néih deui Okay. So why are you
júngchòih: ngóhdeih gūngsī dahkbiht yáuh particularly interested in our
hingcheui nē? company?
(Continued )
5 (Continued)
Attending a
job interview
Cantonese text English gloss
John: Hóu, ngóh gokdāk néih ge Well, I think your company
gūngsī haih yāt gāan hóu yáuh has an excellent reputation as a
sīngyuh ge tàuhjī gūngsī. leading investment company.
Yùhgwó ngóh hái néih ge gūngsī If I’m offered a position with you,
gūngjok, ngóh hángdihng wúih I’m sure I’ll have the opportunity
yáuh gēiwuih hohkdóu hóu dō yéh. to learn a great deal.
Hàhngjing Ngóhdeih gūngsī yáuh hóu dō Our company has a number of
júngchòih: bouhmùhn, néih deui bīn different branches. What type
júng yihpmouh jeui yáuh of operation are you most
hingcheui nē? interested in?
John: Hóuchíh ngóh āam'āam góng, As I mentioned, I’m most
ngóh deui gāmyùhng fōgeih jeui interested in fintech, with
yáuh hingcheui, dahkbiht haih particular reference to corporate
gwāanyū kéihyihp yùhngjī. finance.
Bātgwo ngóh deui kèihtā ge But I’m also interested in other
tàuhjī dōu yáuh hingcheui, aspects of investment, including
hóuchíh gúpiu, jaai'hyun, stocks, bonds, commodities, and
sēungbán gāauyihk tùhng the foreign exchange markets.
ngoihwuih síhchèuhng.
(Hàhngjing Júngchòih yìhgā (The Chief Executive Officer
chéng kéuih ge tùhngsih, joi now hands the meeting over to
mahn John yāt dī mahntàih.) his colleague, who also has some
questions for John.)
Gīngléih: John, chèuihjó Yīngmàhn John, our staff often need to use
jī'ngoih, ngóhdeih ge jīkyùhn Chinese, including Cantonese
sìhsìhdōu sēuiyiu yuhng and Putonghua, in addition to
Jūngmàhn, bāaukwut Gwóng­ English.
dūngwá tùhng Póutūng'wá.
Néih gokdāk yáuh móuh Do you think that would be a
mahntàih nē? problem for you?
John: Hóu, yānwaih ngóh hái Well, because I grew up in
Sān'gabō jéungdaaih. Singapore, I can speak fluent
Ngóh hóyíh góng làuhleih Mandarin. And I’m now learning
ge Jūngmàhn. Ngóh yìhgā Cantonese. So I don’t think that
hohkgán Gwóngdūngwá. Sóyíh will be a problem.
ngóh gokdāk móuh mahntàih.
Gīngléih: Néih yáuh móuh mahntàih Do you have any questions
séung mahn ngóhdeih nē? for us?
John: Hóu, ngóh séung mahn, Well, I was wondering, if I’m
44 yùhgwó chéng ngóh, ngóh appointed, what would my career
ge gūngjok tùhng jeunsīng path look like?
gēiwuih haih dím ge nē?
Cantonese text English gloss 5
Attending a
Gīngléih: Sóyáuh sānping ge ginjaahp All newly appointed trainee job interview
gīngléih dōu wúih yáuh sāam managers have three months to
go yuht suhkjaahp ngóhdeih get to know the various business
gūngsī m̀ tùhng ge yihpmouh. operations of the company.
Jīhauh, Hàhngjing Júngchòih, After that, the Chief Executive
wúih tùhng gīngléih Officer, in consultation with his
sēunglèuhng, kyutdihng néih managers, will decide where you
hái bīn go bouhmùhn gūngjok. might be placed.
Néih yáuh móuh kèihtā Do you have other questions?
mahntàih nē?
John: Jaahmsìh móuh kèihtā At the moment, no other
mahntàih, m̀gōi néih. questions, thank you.
Hàhngjing Hóu, hóu dōjeh néih gāmyaht Well, many thanks for coming to
júngchòih: làih tùhng ngóhdeih gin mihn. meet us today.
Ngóhdeih juhng yiu gin kèihtā We have a number of other
ge sānchìhng yàhn, ngóhdeih applicants to interview, but we’ll
wúih hái nī go yuht yuhtdái let you know the result of your
tūngjī néih sānchíng ge application by the end of this
gitgwó ge. month.
John: Dōjeh néih. Hóu gōuhing Thank you. It was really very
yihngsīk néihdeih, tùhng deui interesting to meet you, and find
gūngsī yáuh dō dī líuhgáai. out more about the company.

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

Hàhngjing Júngchòih noun Chief Executive Officer
yihngsīk verb to know, to be familiar,
to acquaint
noun understanding
Nàahmyèuhng noun Nanyang Technological
Léihgūng Daaihhohk University (Singapore)
Sēung Hohkyún noun Business School
búnfo noun undergraduate
gāmyùhng fānsīk yùhn noun security analyst
sehksih leuhnmàhn noun master’s thesis
gāmyùhng fōgeih noun fintech
sēungyihp séhwúi noun business world 45

(Continued )
5 (Continued)
Attending a
job interview
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
yihngyuhng noun application
verb to apply
gāmyùhng fōgeih noun financial technology
fānsīk analytics
tàuhjī fānsīk noun investment analysis
tàuhjī jóu'hahp gúnléih noun portfolio management
jéungngāak verb to grasp
hohkdóu verb have learnt
bōngjoh verb to help
noun help
bōngdóu verb can help
jipgahn verb to be close to, near
síhchèuhng noun market
tàihgōu verb to improve, to raise
yàuhkèihsìh adverb especially
sīngyuh noun reputation
hángdihng verb to affirm, to be sure
bouhmùhn noun division, section,
department (company)
kéihyihp yùhngjī noun corporate finance
jīkyùhn noun staff
sēuiyiu verb to need to, to demand
noun need, requirement,
Póutūng'wá noun Putonghua
jéungdaaih verb to grow up
làuhleih adjective fluent
jeunsīng verb to promote, to raise to a
higher position
sóyáuh adjective all
sānping adjective newly hired
ginjaahp gīngléih noun trainee manager
suhkjaahp verb to be familiar with
sēunglèuhng verb to discuss, to consult
46 jaahmsìh adjective provisional
yuhtdái phrase end of the month
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 5
Attending a
tūngjī verb to inform job interview

gitgwó noun result

líuhgáai verb to understand
noun understanding

Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation:

jīk haih . . . that is . . .

deui . . . ge líuhgáai to know about . . .
Hóu gōuhing yihngsīk néihdeih. Very happy to meet you.
yáuh gam faai dāk gam faai . . . . . . as quickly as possible
yānwaih . . . ge gwāanhaih because of . . .
jeun yāt bouh to go one step further
lihng yāt fōngmihn on the other hand
Néih góngdāk hóu āam. You are right.
gahn géi nìhn recent years
deui . . . yáuh mātyéh táifaat nē? what is your opinion concerning . . .
Ngóh dásyun . . . I plan to . . .
Ngóh hēimohng . . . I wish . . .

Note the names of some investment tools:

kèihfo gēigām ngoihbaih jaai'hyun

futures funds foreign currency bond
. . . jísou . . . wōléun / kèih'kyùhn chyùhnfún
index yihng gú jing options savings

3 Learning points

3.1 Construction: jēung X Verb (‘take X to Verb’)

This jēung X Verb construction takes a direct object and place it before the verb of
a sentence.

e.g., M̀ gōi néih jēung nī dī syū béi kéuih.

Would you please take these books to give her.
Néih jī m̀ jī bīn go jēung ngóh ge dímsām sihkjó a?
Do you know who took my dim sum and ate it?
Kéuih chēutnín jauh teuiyāu (‘retire’). Kéuih séung jīdou yīnggōi jēung
kéuih ge chín fong hái ngàhnhòhng dihnghaih tàuhjī gúpiu.
She is retiring next year. She wants to know whether she should take her 47
money to put in the bank or to invest in stocks.
5 3.2 Construction: Adjective- jó dī (‘a bit too/a little too
Attending a Adjective’)
job interview
e.g., Nī go dihnnóuh sēuiyìhn hóu yuhng, daahnhaih gwaijó dī. Ngóh m̀séung
Although this computer is useful, it is a bit too expensive. I don’t want to buy it.
Gāmnìhn ge sātyihp léut (‘unemployment rate’) gōujó dī, hóu dō yàhn
móuh gūngjok jouh.
The unemployment rate this year is a little higher; many people do not have a
job to do.

3.3 Discourse structure: Sáusīn . . . lihng yāt fōngmihn

. . . jeuihauh/júnggit . . . (‘firstly . . ., on the other
hand . . ., in the end . . .’)
e.g., Gauhnín ge gīngjai wàahn'gíng m̀ haih géi hóu. Sáusīn haih yānwaih
sātyihp léut hóu gōu, hóu dō yàhn móuh gūngjok. Lihng yāt fōngmihn,
tūngjeung (‘inflation’) dōu hóu gōu. Jeuihauh hóu dō yàhn ge sāngwuht
dōu hóu kwannàahn. Hēimohng chēutnín gīngjai wúih hóudī.
The economic environment this last year is not quite good. First, it is because the
unemployment rate is very high, and many people do not have a job. On the
other hand, the inflation rate is very high. In the end, many people live a diffi-
cult life. (I) wish the economy of next year will be better.

4 Additional text 🎧
Part of a recruitment talk

Gok wái hóu.

Fūnyìhng néihdeih làih dou ngóhdeih ngàhnhòhng ge jīuping wúi.
Ngóhdeih ge ngàhnhòhng yáuh hóu dō yihpmouh. Ngàhnhòhng ge tàuhjī
bouh hóu sēuiyiu yàhnchòih, sóyíh ngóhdeih làih dou néihdeih ge daaihohk jouh
nī go góngjoh.
Daaihgā dōu jīdou ngóhdeih ge ngàhnghòhng yáuh hóu noih ge lihksí. Ngóh-
deih ge tàuhjī bouh jouh hóu dō m̀tùhng ge tàuhjī, bāaukwut gúpiu, jaai'hyun,
sēungbán gāauyihk tùhng ngoihwuih. Ngóhdeih nī chi jīuping ge jīkwaih haih
tàuhjī bouh ge ginjaahp gīngléih. Jeuigahn yáuh hóu dō tàuhjījé gwāansām
Jūnggwok síhchèuhng. Ngóhdeih ge tàuhjī bouh dōu wúih deui Jūnggwok ge
tàuhjī síhchèuhng jouh sāmyahp ge yìhn'gau. Yānwaih ngóhdeih gūngsī ge
Jūnggwok tàuhjī dōu dōjó dī. Ngóhdeih dahkbiht hēimohng hóyíh chéng yāt dī
deui Jūnggwok síhchèuhng yáuh hingcheuih tùhng yáuh gīngyihm ge yàhnchòih.
Yahpjīk yīukàuh haih daaihhohk bātyihp, hóyíh góng làuhleih ge Gwóng-
dūngwá, Póutūng'wá tùhng Yīngmàhn. Yùhgwó yáuh gūngjok gīngyihm ge
sānchíng yàhn wúih yāusīn háauleuih. Fūnyìhng daaihgā sānchíng.
Sóyáuh sānping ge ginjaahp gīngléih dōu wúih yáuh sāam go yuht suhkjaahp
ngóhdeih m̀tùhng ge yihpmouh wahnjok. Sāam go yuht jī hauh wúih ōnpàaih
heui m̀tùhng ge bouhmùhn.
Yáuh hingcheui sānchíng ge tùhnghohk sáusīn chéng néih jēung néih ge 5
léihlihkbíu tùhng sānchíngbíu hái hahgo yuht ge sāamsahp houh jīchìhn gei Attending a
heui ngóhdeih ngàhnhòhng ge yàhnsih bouh. Hahpsīk ge sānchíng yàhn wúih job interview
jeun yāt bouh chāamgā mihnsíh, jeuihauh ngóhdeih wúih yuhng email tūngjī
daaihgā sānchíng ge gitgwo.

Here are some more phrases in the additional text:

gok wái jīuping wúi tàuhjī bouh yàhnchòih

everyone job fair investment talent
lihksí tàuhjījé gwāansām sāmyahp
history investor to concern to go deep into
yāusīn háauleuih sānchíngbíu gei heui . . .
have priority to consider application form to post to . . .

5 Exercises and practice

5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated

conversation and additional text:
John heui bīn douh gin gūng a? John yíhchìhn yáuh móuh jouhgwo yéh a?

Dímgáai John séung hái Hēunggóng gūngjok nē?

Dímgáai John hēimohng hái nī gāan tàuhjī gūngsī gūngjok nē?

John deui bīn leuihyìhng ge tàuhjī yáuh hingcheui nē?

Yùhgwó gūngsī chéng John, hōichí ge sāam go yuht, John wúih jouh mātyéh
gūngjok nē?

Néih gokdāk John wúih m̀ wúih jūngyi nī fahn gūngjok nē?
5 Néih gokdāk John nī chi mihnsíh dím nē? Kéuih gēiwuih daaih m̀ daaih nē?
Attending a
job interview

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

yānwaih . . . ge gwāanhaih

gahn géi nìhn, . . .

yáuh gam faai dāk gam faai . . .

jēung . . .

Ngóh hēimohng . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:
jīkyùhn bōngjoh yihngsīk hángdihng yàuhkèihsìh
suhkjaahp líuhgáai sēuiyiu sóyáuh sēunglèuhng

5.4  Read the following classical poem aloud in this 5
pronunciation exercise: 🎧 Attending a
job interview
Dāng Gun Jeuk Làuh
– Wòhng Jī Wuhn

Baahk yaht yī sāan jeuhn,

Wòhng Hòh yahp hói làuh.
Yuhk kùhng chīn léih muhk,
gang séuhng yāt chàhng làuh.

5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short

paragraph and read it aloud in response to the
information provided:
Néih yìhgā wán'gán gūng. Néih gāmyaht chāamgā yāt go mihnsíh. Chéng néih
gaaisiuh néih jihgéi.

Néih yáuh yāt go pàhngyáuh deui tàuhjī gúpiu hóu yáuh hingcheui. Kéuih múih
yaht dōu tái kéuih máaihjó ge gúpiu. Néih gokdāk gám yéung ngaatlihk hóu
daaih, hóu yùhngyi jīngsàhn gánjēung. Néih tùhng nī go pàhngyáuh kīngháh
néih ge táifaat.

Researching religions and folk
beliefs in Hong Kong
Yìhn'gau Hēunggóng jūnggaau
tùhng màhngāan seunyéuhng

Activities: Describing and presenting data.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: As part of her final-year studies in the Communications Department of
her university, Charlotte is going to present a talk about folk beliefs and religions in
Hong Kong. She is visiting John and tells him about her project.
Charlotte waihjó kéuih hái daaihhohk Chyùhnbo Haih jeuihauh yāt nìhn ge
hohkjaahp, Charlotte wúih jouh yāt go gwāanyū jūnggaau tùhng màhngāan
seunyéuhng ge bougou. Kéuih yìhgā heui wán John tùhng góng béi John tēng
kéuih ge gaiwaahk.

Cantonese text English gloss

John: Néih jeuigahn duhksyū dím a, How are your studies going
Charlotte? these days, Charlotte?
Charlotte: Géi hóu a, yìhgā ngóh géi Well, right now I’m quite busy.
mòhng. Next week, I’m going to give a
Hahgo sīngkèih, ngóh wúih presentation to my class about
hái bāan seuhng bihn jouh yāt Hong Kong’s folk beliefs and
go gwāanyū Hēunggóng ge religions.
màhngāan seunyéuhng tùhng
jūnggaau seunyéuhng ge bougou.
Ngóh jouhjó ngóh yín'góng I’ve got my notes for my talk
ge bātgei. Néih séung m̀séung with me. Would you like to hear
tēngháh ngóh wúih góng what I’m going to say?
mātyéh nē?
John: Hóu a, góng lā! Yes, go ahead!


DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-6
Cantonese text English gloss 6
Charlotte: Hóu, hái nī go yín'góng léuih Well, in this talk I’m religions and
mihn ngóh deui sóyáuh ge interested in all religious folk beliefs in
Hong Kong
jūnggaau seunyéuhng dōu yáuh beliefs. I want to talk about all
hingcheui. Ngóh séung góngháh the religious beliefs we find in
sóyáuh hái Hēunggóng wándóu Hong Kong.
ge jūnggaau seunyéuhng.
Hái Hēunggóng, ngóhdeih We have many diverse
yáuh fēisèuhng dōyùhnfa ge religions in Hong Kong.
jūnggaau. Kèihjūng yáuh Faht These include Buddhism,
Gaau, Tīnjyú Gaau, Húng Catholicism, Confucianism,
Gaau, Yandouh Gaau, Yīsīlàahn Hinduism, Islam, Judaism,
Gaau, Yàuhtaai Gaau, Gēidūk Protestantism, Sikhism,
Sān Gaau, Sehkhāk Gaau, Douh Taoism, and so on.
Gaau, dángdáng.
Gān'geui ngóh wándóu ge According to the data I’ve seen,
sougeui, Hēunggóng daaihyeuk in Hong Kong approximately
yáuh baakfahn jī seisahp sei 44 percent of the population
ge yàhnháu yáuh jūnggaau believe in some form of
seunyéuhng. religion.
Hái ngóhdeih ge séhwúi, yáuh In our society, there are about
daaihyeuk yihbaak maahn two million Buddhists and
Faht Gaau tùhng Douh Taoists, four hundred and eighty
Gaau gaautòuh, seisahp baat thousand Protestants, three
maahn go Gēidūk Sān Gaau hundred and eighty thousand
gaautòuh, sāamsahp baat Roman Catholics, and three
maahn Lòhmáh Tīnjyú Gaau hundred thousand Muslims.
gaautòuh, tùhng sāamsahp
maahn Yīsīlàahn Gaau
Faht Gaau tùhng Douh Gaau Buddhism and Taoism are two
haih Hēunggóng léuhng major religions in Hong Kong.
go jyúyiu ge jūnggaau. Hong Kong has many Buddhist
Hēunggóng yáuh hóu dō Faht jí and Taoist temples.
tùhng Douh gaau ge miuhyúh.
Faht Gaau tùhng Douh Gaau Buddhist and Taoist
jóujīk deui Hēunggóng ge organizations also contribute
séhwúi fūkleih jouhjó hóu dō a lot to social welfare in the
gunghin. community.
Kéuihdeih jījoh hóu dō They provide the funding for
ōnlóuhyún, yīyún tùhng many old people’s homes,
chīngsiunìhn jūngsām. hospitals, and youth centres.
Hái daaihhohk léuih mihn dōu There are even many scholars
yáuh hóu dō jouh Faht Gaau doing research on Buddhism 53
tùhng Douh Gaau yìhn'gau ge and Taoism at local universities.
(Continued )
6 (Continued)
religions and
Cantonese text English gloss
folk beliefs in
Hong Kong
Faht Gaau yínghéungjó Buddhism has influenced the
Jūnggwok ge ngaihseuht development of art and culture
màhnfa faatjín. in China.
Jauhsyun haih gāmyaht, Even today, Buddhism and
Faht Gaau tùhng Douh Gaau Taoism influence our daily
dōu yínghéung ngóhdeih ge lives.
yahtsèuhng sāngwuht.
Peiyùh, Faht daan yìhgā haih For example, Buddha’s birthday
Hēunggóng ge gūngjung is now a public holiday in Hong
gakèih. Kong.
Yìh Douh Gaau tùhng Taoism is also closely related
Jūnggwok ge jithohk tùhng to Chinese philosophy and
Húng Gaau dōu yáuh hóu Confucianism.
mahtchit ge gwāanhaih.
Nī dī chyùhntúng sīséung These traditional beliefs
yínghéung Jūnggwok yàhn ge influence the values of Chinese
gajihk gūn. people.
Jiyū Hēunggóng ge Gēidūk Protestant churches in Hong
Sān Gaau gaauwúi baahn Kong run many schools,
hóu dō hohkhaauh, bāaukwut including kindergartens,
yaujihyún, síuhohk, tùhng primary schools, and
jūnghohk. Gēidūk Sān secondary schools. Protestant
Gaau jóujīk yihkdōu yáuh organizations have set up a
hóu dō chánsó, yīyún tùhng number of clinics, hospitals, and
lóuhyàhnyún. old people’s homes.
Hēunggóng ge Tīnjyú Gaau The Catholic church in
gaauwúi dōu yìhng'wahn hóu Hong Kong also runs a large
dō hohkhaauh tùhng chìhsihn number of schools and charity
sihyihp. organizations.
Yīsīlàahn gaau dōu haih Islam is another important
Hēunggóng ge yāt go juhngyiu religion in Hong Kong.
ge jūnggaau.
Hēunggóng yáuh sei gāan Hong Kong has four mosques.
Chīngjān jí. Gáulùhng ge The Kowloon mosque is the
Chīngjān jí jeui daaih, hóyíh biggest and can accommodate
yùhngnaahp chāt chīn yàhn. up to seven thousand people.
Hēunggóng ge Yīsīlàahn Muslims in Hong Kong
gaautòuh yáuh Maahnggālāai include people originally from
yàhn, Wàhyàhn, Yandouh Bangladesh, China, India,
yàhn, Yannèih yàhn, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan,
Málòihsāia yàhn, Bāgēisíhtáan and Turkey.
yàhn, tùhng Tóuyíhkèih yàhn.
Cantonese text English gloss 6
Hēunggóng ge Yīsīlàahn jóujīk Islamic organizations in Hong religions and
dōu yáuh hóu dō chìhsihn Kong also include various folk beliefs in
Hong Kong
fuhkmouh bōngjoh yáuh sēuiyiu charities to help people in
ge yàhn. need.
Chùhng yíhseuhng só góng ge From what I’ve just said, you can
jīlíu làih tái, ngóhdeih táidóu see that Hong Kong is really a
Hēunggóng haih yāt go dō multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and
màhnfa, dō júngjuhk, tùhng dō multi-religious city.
jūnggaau ge sìhngsíh.
John, nī go haih ngóh ge John, that’s the main part of my
bougou ge jyúyiu bouhfahn. talk. What do you think?
Néih gokdāk dím a?
John: Wa! Néih ge bougou hóu Wow! I think your talk’s
jīngchói a. great.
Yùhgwó ngóh m̀ tēng néih If I hadn’t listened to your
ge yín'góng, ngóh dōu m̀ jī talk, I wouldn’t have known
Hēunggóng yáuh gam dō that Hong Kong had so many
júngjuhk tùhng jūnggaau. Ngóh ethnicities and religions. I really
jānhaih hohksīkjó hóu dō yéh. learnt a lot.
Charlotte: Ngóh gokdāk ngóh juhng hóyíh But I think that I can still
góngdāk joi hóudī. improve the talk a bit.
John: M̀ haih wo, ngóh gokdāk jauh No, I think it sounds fine as it
gám jauh hóu hóu la. Ngóh is. I’m sure your classmates and
hángdihng néih ge tùhnghohk professor will like it.
tùhng gaausauh dōu wúih
jūngyi néih ge bougou ga.

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

Chyùhnbo Haih noun Communications
Department (university)
jūnggaau noun religion
màhngāan seunyéuhng noun folk beliefs
hái bāan seuhng bihn phrase in class
jūnggaau seunyéuhng noun religious beliefs
bātgei noun notes
dōyùhnfa adjective diverse
Faht Gaau noun Buddhism 55

Tīnjyú Gaau noun Catholicism

(Continued )
6 (Continued)
religions and
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
folk beliefs in
Hong Kong
Húng Gaau noun Confucianism
Yīsīlàahn Gaau / noun Islam
Wùih Gaau
Yàuhtaai Gaau noun Judaism
Gēidūk Sān Gaau noun Protestantism
Sehkhāk Gaau noun Sikhism
Douh Gaau noun Taoism
gān'geui adverb on the basis of,
according to
sougeui noun data
daaihyeuk adverb approximately
baakfàhn jī seisahp sei phrase 44 percent
yàhnháu noun population
séhwúi noun community, society
gaautòuh noun believer
Lòhmáh noun Rome
faht jí noun Buddhist temple
miuhyúh noun Taoist temple
jóujīk noun organization
verb to organize
séhwúi fūkleih noun social welfare
gunghin noun contribution
verb to contribute
jījoh verb to subsidize
ōnlóuhyún noun old people’s home
chīngsiunìhn jūngsām noun youth centre
hohkjé noun scholar
ngaihseuht noun art
yahtsèuhng sāngwuht noun everyday life
Faht daan noun Buddha’s birthday
gūngjung gakèih noun public holiday
jithohk noun philosophy
mahtchit adjective close (relationship)
56 adverb closely (related)
sīséung noun thought, ideology
gajihk gūn noun values
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 6
gaauwúi noun church religions and
folk beliefs in
baahn verb to run, to operate
Hong Kong
yaujihyún noun kindergarten
síuhohk noun primary school
jūnghohk noun secondary school
yihkdōu adverb also, too
chánsó noun clinic
lóuhyàhnyún noun old people’s home
yìhng'wahn verb to operate
chìhsin sihyihp noun charity
Chīngjān jí noun mosque
yùhngnaahp verb to accommodate
Maahnggālāai yàhn noun Bangladeshis
Wàhyàhn noun Chinese
Yandouh yàhn noun Indian
Yannèih yàhn noun Indonesian
Málòihsāia yàhn noun Malaysian
Bāgēisíhtáan yàhn noun Pakistanis
Tóuyíhkèih yàhn noun Turkish people
fuhkmouh verb to serve
noun service
yáuh sēuiyiu ge yàhn phrase people in need
júngjuhk noun ethnicity
bouhfahn noun part
jīngchói adjective wonderful, brilliant
hohksīkjó verb have learnt

Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation:

Hóu a, góng lā! Yes, go ahead!

Jiyū . . . As for . . .
Chùhng yíhseuhng só góng ge jīlíu From the information I have just
làih tái, . . . mentioned, . . .
m̀ haih wo, . . . No, . . .
I don’t agree, . . .
ngóh gokdāk jauh gám jauh hóu hóu It sounds fine as it is.
la. 57
Chùhng . . . làih tái, . . . From the point of view of . . ., . . .
léuih bihn yáuh . . . including . . .
6 Hóu a, góng lā! Yes, go ahead!
Researching baakfahnjī . . . . . . percent
religions and daaih dōsou majority
folk beliefs in
Hong Kong
chīu gwo . . . over . . .
síu gwo . . . less than . . .
Chùhng seuhng bihn ge jīlíu hóyíh from the above information we can see
táidóu . . . . . .

Note the names of the 12 Zodiac signs:

syú ngàuh fú tou

rat ox tiger rabbit
lùhng sèh máh yèuhng
dragon snake horse sheep
hàuh gāi gáu jyū
monkey rooster dog pig

Here are the names of the 12 constellations:

Séuipìhng joh Sēungyùh joh Baahkyèuhng joh Gāmngàuh joh

Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus
Sēungjí joh Geuihháaih joh Sījí joh Chyúhnéuih joh
Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Tīnpìhng joh Tīnkit joh Sehsáujoh / Mōkit joh /
Libra Scorpio Yàhnmáh joh Sāanyèuhng joh
Sagittarius Capricorn

Note the names of some religious events and activities:

jāaigaai yuht Tīn Hauh daan Gūnyām daan sihk jāai

fasting month Tin Hau festival Goddess of Mercy’s to eat vegetarian
Ramadhan (Islam) (Guanyin) festival food

Singdaan jit Fuhkwuht jit nèihsaat líhngsái

Christmas Easter mass baptized

3 Learning points

3.1 Construction: yìh . . . (‘as for . . ., with regards to . . .’)

e.g., Ngóh ge gūngsī yiu ngóh jouh nī go gaiwaahk, yìh yīnggōi dímyéung jouh,
ngóh jānhaih m̀ jīdou.
58 Our company wants me to do this project, as for how to do it, I really don’t
Yùhgwó hēimohng ngóhdeih ge sìhngsíh faatjín dāk hóu, go go yàhn dōu 6
yīnggōi jouh hóu kéuih jihgéi ge gūngjok. Yìh yáuh chín yàhn jauh yīng- Researching
gōi bōng yáuh sēuiyiu ge yàhn. religions and
If we want our city to develop well, everyone should do one’s own job. As for folk beliefs in
Hong Kong
the rich people, they should help people in need.

3.2 Discourse structure: jeui Adjective haih . . ., kèihchi

jauh haih . . . (‘the most . . . is, then . . . in addition
to that . . .’)
e.g., Ngóh yihng'wàih teuiyāu sāngwuht jeui juhngyiu haih ūkkéi yàhn, kèih-
chi jauh haih pàhngyáuh yānwaih néih m̀ hōisām ge sìhhauh pàhngyáuh
wúih hōigáai (‘comfort’) néih. Juhngyáuh, chín dōu géi juhngyiu.
I think the most important in retirement life is family, then friends, because
your friends will comfort you in case you are not happy. In addition, money is
also quite important.

4 Additional text 🎧
Another presentation about religions in Hong Kong

Daaihgā jóusàhn!
Ngóh gāmyaht yiu bougou ge jyútàih haih ‘Hēunggóng ge jūnggaau
Ngóhdeih jīdou Hēunggóng daaihyeuk yáuh chātbaak maahn yàhn. Nī dī
yàhn dōu haih hái m̀tùhng ge deihfōng làih ge. Kéuihdeih yáuh m̀tùhng ge
yúhyìhn, m̀tùhng ge màhnfa, dōu yáuh m̀tùhng ge jūnggaau tùhng màhngāan
seunyéuhng. Hēunggóng béigaau dō yàhn seun ge jūnggaau haih Douh Gaau,
Faht Gaau, Gēidūk Sān Gaau, Húng Gáau, Tīnjyú Gaau tùhng Wùih Gaau.
Dōngyìhn juhng yáuh yāt dī màhngāan seunyéuhng.
Néih dōu jīdou jūnggaau wuhtduhng dōu tùhng ngóhdeih ge sāngwuht
màhnfa hóu yáuh gwāanhaih. Ngóhdeih heui léuihàhng dōu wúih heui yāt dī jih
míu tùhng daaih gaautóng táiháh.
Ngóh yihng'wàih jūnggaau tùhng séhwúi màhnfa yáuh hóu mahtchit ge
gwāanhaih. Ngóh nī go yìhn'gau yuhng dihnwá fóngmahnjó yāt chīn go Hēung-
góng síhmàhn, táiháh jūnggaau seunyéuhng deui kéuihdeih ge yahtsèuhng sāng-
wuht yáuh mātyéh yínghéung.
Hái nī chi ge yìhn'gau léuih mihn, ngóhdeih fóngmahnjó sāam baak baatsahp
wái nàahmsih tùhng luhk baak yihsahp wái néuihsih. Kèihjūng baahkfahnjī
seisahpluhk yáuh Jūnggaau seunyéuhng ge.
Yāt chīn go yàhn léuihbihn, chīugwo yātbun ge yàhn yihng'wàih jūnggaau
deui kéuihdeih jeui juhngyiu ge yínghéung haih gaaudouh kéuihdeih yāt go jīk-
gihk ge yàhnsāng gūn, kèihchi jauh haih jūnggaau gaau kéuihdeih bōngjoh yáuh
sēuiyiu ge yàhn. Baakfahnjī seisahp ge yàhn yihng'wàih jūnggaau deui kéuih- 59
deih ge yahtsèuhng sāngwuht yáuh yínghéung.
Nī go haih ngóh ge bougou. Dōjeh daaihgā.
6 Here are some more phrases in the additional text:
religions and béigaau seun jūnggaau daaih gaautóng síhmàhn
folk beliefs in relatively, to believe wuhtduhng cathedral citizen
Hong Kong
comparatively religious events
nàahmsih néuihsih yātbun gaauhdouh yàhnsāng gūn
men women half to teach, to the value of life

5 Exercises and practice

5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated

conversation and additional text:
Charlotte séung góng mātyéh béi John tēng a?

Hēunggóng yáuh mātyéh jūnggaau a?

Dímgáai Charlotte wah m̀ tùhng ge jūnggaau dōu deui síhmàhn ge sāngwuht

yáuh yínghéung nē?

‘Faht daan’ haih mātyéh a?

Dímgáai Charlotte wah Hēunggóng haih yāt go dō màhnfa, dō júngjuhk, tùhng

dō jūnggaau ge sìhngsíh nē? John tùhng m̀ tùhngyi a?

John gokdāk Charlotte ge yín'góng góngdāk hóu m̀ hóu a?

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences: 6
daaih dōsou . . .
religions and
folk beliefs in
Hong Kong

chīu gwo . . .

baakfahnjī . . .

M̀ haih wo, . . .

jeui Adjective haih . . . kèihchi jauh haih . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:

séhwúi gān'geui fuhkmouh mahtchit hohksīkjó

daaihyeuk jóujīk júngjuhk bouhfahn yàhnháu

6 5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this
Researching pronunciation exercise: 🎧
religions and
folk beliefs in
Hong Kong Gáu yuht gáu yaht yīk sāan dūng hīng daih
– Wòhng Wàih

Duhk joih yih hēung wàih yih haak,

múih fùhng gāai jit púih sī chān.
Yìuh jī hīng daih dāng gōu chyu,
pin chaap jyū yùh síu yāt yàhn.

5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short

paragraph and read it aloud in response to the
information provided:
Néih tùhng pàhngyáuh kīng gái. Kéuihdeih kīnggán Hēunggóng haih yāt go dō
màhnfa, dō júngjuhk ge sìhngsíh. Néih tùhng m̀tùhngyi a? Chéng néih góngháh
néih ge táifaat.

Hēunggóng yáuh hóu dō m̀tùhng ge jūnggaau tùhng júngjuhk. M̀tùhng ge jūng-

gaau dōu deui Hēunggóng yáuh hóu dō gunghin. Chéng néih góngháh néih jyuh
ge deihfōng ge yàhn yáuh mātyéh jūnggaau seunyéuhng.

Discussing the environment
Tóuleuhn wàahn'gíng yíhtàih

Activity: Discussing environmental issues.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: Charlotte’s professor has asked her to give a presentation to the class on
environmental protection. In order to prepare for this, Charlotte has written out her
presentation, part of which is presented below.
Charlotte ge gaausauh giu kéuih hái bāan seuhng bihn jouh yāt go gwāanyū
wàahn'gíng bóuwuh ge yín'góng. Waihjó jéunbeih nī go yín'góng, Charlotte jēung
yín'góng ge noihyùhng séjó chēutlàih, hah mihn haih kèihjūng yāt go bouhfahn.

Cantonese text English gloss

Charlotte: Gāmyaht yáuh dī faatjínjūng Today some developing
gwokgā m̀yuhnyi chóichéui yāt countries are reluctant to
dī chousī bóuwuh wàahn'gíng. introduce measures to protect the
Peiyùh, hái Yandouh tùhng For example, many people in
Ngòhlòhsī hóu dō yàhn India and Russia argue that their
yihng'wàih gīngjai faatjín economic development should
yīnggōi fong hái daihyāt waih. come first.
Bātgwo hái ngóh gāmyaht But in my presentation
ge yín'góng, ngóh wúih today, I’d like to suggest that
ginyíh wàahn'gíng bóuwuh environmental protection and
tùhng gīngjai faatjín hóyíh economic development can go
bihnghàhng. hand in hand.
Wàahn'gíng bóuwuh ge muhkdīk Environmental protection aims
haih pùihyuhk saigaai ge sāngtaai at nurturing the ecological
haihtúng, lihng wàahn'gíng systems of the world, so that the
sīkhahp yàhnleuih tùhng sóyáuh environment is liveable for human
sāngmaht gēuijyuh. beings and all living things.
(Continued )
DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-7
7 (Continued)
Cantonese text English gloss
Gēibún ge yisī haih bóuwuh In basic terms that means
deihkàuh seuhng ge hūnghei, protecting the air, animal life,
duhngmaht, sāmlàhm, jihkmaht, forests, vegetation, water, and
séui tùhng kèihtā ge yéh. everything else on planet earth.
Gīngjai faatjín haih jí góisihn Economic development refers
yāt go séhwúi ge gūngyihp to improving the industrial and
tùhng geihseuht jīyùhn. Gám technological resources of a
yéung, séhwúi ge chòihfu society. In that way, the wealth
jauh wúih jānggā, yàhnmàhn of the society increases, and the
sāng'wuht séuipìhng tùhng standard of living and well-being
fūkjí dōu wúih góisihn. of its citizens is improved.
Ngóh yihng'wàih wàahn'gíng I would argue that environmental
bóuwuh tùhng gīngjai faatjín protection and economic
hóyíh guhngchyùhn. development can go hand in hand.
Jīkhaih wah, nī léuhng gihn sih That is to say, these two processes
hóyíh tùhngsìh faatsāng tùhng can occur simultaneously and
wòhhàaih faatjín. develop harmoniously.
Sihsaht seuhng, gahn géisahp Indeed, in recent decades, many
nìhn, hóu dō gīngjai hohkgā economists have argued that
dōu yihng'wàih ngóhdeih we must strive for ‘sustainable
yiu nóuhlihk sahtyihn ‘hó development’.
chìhjuhk faatjín’.
Hó chìhjuhk faatjín ge yāt go One aspect of sustainable
fōngmihn haih gaisyun gīngjai development is calculating the
faatjín deui wàahn'gíng ge impact of economic development
yínghéung. on the environment.
Laihyùh, yāt gáu gáu chāt For example, in 1997, a
nìhn Lyùhnhahp Gwok yāt go committee of the United Nations
wáiyùhnwúi tàihchēut Gīngdōu introduced the Kyoto Protocol,
Yíhdihng Syū, tàihchēut yāt which proposed a range of
haih liht haahnjai yihyéuhng fa measures to limit carbon dioxide
taan pàaihfong ge chousī. emissions.
Jīhauh ge géi nìhn, In the years that followed,
cháansāngjó jīkgihk ge this had a positive effect, as
yínghéung, yānwaih hóu dō many countries, particularly
gwokgā, yàuhkèihsih Āujāu in Europe, followed the
gwokgā, dōu jēunchùhng recommendations set out in the
Gīngdōu Yíhdihng Syū ge Kyoto Protocol.
Daahnhaih, bāaukwut However, a number of nations,
Jūnggwok, Yandouh, Ngòhlòhsī including China, India, Russia,
64 and the United States, failed to
tùhng Méihgwok jauh meih
yáuh chīmdihng nī go hipyíh. sign up to this agreement.
Cantonese text English gloss 7
Sēuiyìhn haih gám, yāt būn Despite this, the influence of the the
yihng'waih Yíhdihng Syū Protocol has generally been seen environment
ge yínghéung haih as very positive.
jingmihn ge.
Lihng yāt go jingmihn góibin Another example of positive
ge laihjí haih saigaai seuhng change has been the move to
hóu dō gwokgā hōichíh replace plastic bags in many
chéuidoih síyuhng gāau dói. countries around the world.
Hái yih lìhng lìhng yih nìhn, In 2002, Ireland launched
Oiyíhlàahn jīngsāu gāau dói a plastic bag tax and, as a
seui, gitgwó haih, daihyih nìhn result, the use of plastic bags
gāau dói ge síyuhng gáamsíujó reduced by 90 percent over the
baakfahnjī gáusahp. following year.
Leuihchíh ge sihchìhng Something similar happened in
faatsāng hái Hēunggóng, jingfú Hong Kong when the government
hái yih lìhng lìhng gáu nìhn introduced a tax on plastic bags
hōichí jīngsāu gāau dói seui. in 2009.
Gāmyaht, ngóhdeih heui Today when we go to the
chīukāp sìhchèuhng gójahnsìh, supermarket, we can see that
ngóhdeih táidóu hóu dō many of the customers bring their
gu'haak dōu daai jihgéi ge own shopping bags with them.
kaumaht dói.
Gāmyaht ngóhdeih góng Today when we talk about
wàahn'gíng bóuwuh, kèihsaht environmental protection, we’re
haih waihjó chūkjeun séwúi ge really aiming to promote the
hó chìhjuhk faatjín. sustainable development of
Ngóhdeih m̀ haih ginyíh We’re not suggesting that
ngóhdeih yīnggōi fāan we should return to a basic
heui gēibún ge nùhngyihp agricultural way of life, but
sāngwuht, yìhhaih ginyíh rather that we should adopt
ngóhdeih chóiyuhng deui new technologies that are
wàahn'gíng yáuhhóu tùhng environmentally friendly and
hó chìhjuhk faatjín ge sān environmentally
geihseuht. sustainable.
Laihyùh, hóuchíh Dahksīlāai For example, companies like
nī dī gūngsī gahnnìhn Tesla have been very successful
tēuigwóng dihnduhng chē in promoting electric cars in
ge síyuhng jauh fēisèuhng recent years. And now most
sìhnggūng. Yìhgā daaih dō of the other American and
sou Méihgwok tùhng Yahtbún Japanese car manufacturers
ge gūngsī dōu hōichíh sīusauh are beginning to market
dihnduhng chē. electric cars. 65

(Continued )
7 (Continued)
the Cantonese text English gloss
Tùhngsìh, hái saigaai hóu dō At the same time, in many parts
deihfōng, hóu dō kéihyihp of the world, many businesses
tùhng jingfú dōu tàuhjīgán and governments are investing
taidoih nàhngyùhn, bāaukwut in alternative sources of energy,
taaiyèuhng nàhng tùhng fūng including solar and wind energy.
Nī dī dōu haih yāt dī jingmihn These are all examples of positive
ge geihseuht góibin tùhngsìh technological changes that are
deui wàahn'gíng yáuhhóu ge simultaneously environmentally
laihjí. friendly.
Gēiyū sóyáuh nī dī yùhnyān, For all these reasons, I do
ngóh sēungseun hóyíh tùhngsìh believe it is possible to promote
chūkjeun gīngjai faatjín tùhng both economic development
wàahn'gíng bóuwuh. and environmental protection

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

gaausauh noun professor
noihyùhng noun content
sé chēutlàih phrase to write it down
hah mihn preposition below
yāt go bouhfahn noun one part
faatjínjūng gwokgā noun developing country
m̀yuhnyi adjective unwilling
chóichéui chousī phrase take action
bóuwuh verb to protect
Ngòhlòhsī noun Russia
gīngjai faatjín noun economic development
fong hái daihyāt waih phrase to be put first
bihnghàhng verb to go hand in hand, to
be parallel
muhkdīk noun purpose, objective, aim
pùihyuhk verb to nurture
yàhnleuih noun human race
sāngmaht noun living things
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 7
gēuijyuh verb to live, to reside the
deihkàuh seuhng phrase on planet earth
hūnghei noun the air
duhngmaht noun animal
sāmlàhm noun forest
jihkmaht noun vegetation
séui noun water
haih jí phrase to be refer to
góisihn verb to improve
gūngyihp noun industry
geihseuht noun technology, skill
jīyùhn noun resources
chòihfu noun assets, wealth
jānggā verb to increase
yàhnmàhn noun citizen, people
sāng'wuht séuipìhng noun living standard
fūkjí noun well-being
guhngchyùhn verb to coexist
nī léuhng gihn sih phrase these two matters
faatsāng verb to happen
wòhhàaih adjective harmonious
noun harmony
gīngjai hohkgā noun economist
nouhlihk verb to try hard, to strive
sahtyihn verb to achieve
hó chìhjuhk faatjín noun sustainable development
gaisyun verb to calculate
Lyùhnhahp Gwok noun United Nations
yāt go wáiyùhnwúi noun a committee
tàihchēut verb to put forward, to
Gīngdōu Yíhdihng Syū noun Kyoto Protocol
yāt haih liht phrase a series of
haahnjai noun restriction
verb to restrict, to limit 67

(Continued )
7 (Continued)
the Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
environment yihyéuhng fa taan noun carbon dioxide
pàaihfong noun emission
cháansāng verb to generate
jīkgihk adjective active, positive
Āujāu noun Europe
jēunchùhng verb to follow
chīmdihng verb to sign
nī go hipyíh noun this protocol, this
jingmihn adjective positive
chéuidoih verb to replace
síyuhng verb to use, to make use of
noun use
gāau dói noun plastic bag
Oiyíhlàahn noun Ireland
jīngsāu verb to levy
seui noun tax
gáamsíu verb to reduce
baakfahnjī gáusahp phrase 90 percent
leuihchíh ge sihchìhng phrase similar situation
gu'haak noun customer
daai verb to bring
kaumaht dói noun shopping bag
chūkjeun verb to facilitate
nùhngyihp noun agriculture
chóiyuhng verb to use, to adopt
Dahksīlāai noun Tesla
tēuigwōng verb to popularize, to
dihnduhng chē noun electric car
daaih dō sou noun majority
sīusauh verb to sell
taidoih nàhngyùhn noun alternative energy
68 taaiyèuhng nàhng noun solar energy
fūng nàhng noun wind energy
Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation: 7
Gēibún ge yisī haih . . . In basic terms, that means . . . the
Jīkhaih wah, . . . That is to say, . . . environment
Sihsaht seuhng, . . . Indeed, . . .
gahn géisahp nìhn in recent decades
Jīhauh ge géi nìhn, . . . In the years that followed, . . .
Sēuiyìhn haih gám, . . . Despite this, . . .
yāt būn yihng'waih . . . it has generally been seen as . . .
m̀ haih . . ., yìhhaih . . . It is not . . ., but it is . . .
deui . . . yáuhhóu friendly to . . .
Gēiyū sóyáuh nī dī yùhnyàhn, . . . For all these reasons, . . .
Néih gaai m̀gaaiyi . . . ? Do you mind . . . ?
gwāanhaih dou . . . related to . . .
yìh m̀ haih . . . but not . . .
ngóh tùhngyi . . . I agree . . .
ngóh ge táifaat tùhng néih My view is the same as yours.
ngóh yùhnchyùhn jaansìhng . . . I totally agree . . .
ngóh m̀ tùhngyi néih ge táifaat. I don’t agree your view.
ngóhdeih fáandeui . . . I oppose . . .
ngóh jyuhtdeui m̀ jaansìhng . . . I absolutely don’t agree . . .
yāt fōngmihn . . . lihng yāt on one hand . . ., on the other hand . . .
fōngmihn . . .

Here are some useful phrases that you can use in discussion:

tùhngyi fáandeui wùihying fáanbok

to agree to oppose to respond to to refute

3 Learning points

3.1 Construction: làih . . . (‘in order to . . .’)

e.g., Chéng néih góng chēut yāt dī yùhnyān làih jīchìh néih ge séungfaat.
Would you please propose some reasons, in order to support your views.
Néih hóyíh yuhng síu síu chín làih tàuhjī, gám néih ge teuiyāu sāngwuht
jauh wúih yáuh dōdī bóujeung (‘guarantee’).
You can use some money to invest, (and) then your retirement life will have
more guarantee.

3.2 Discourse structure: ḿléih . . . dōu . . . (‘no matter

. . . . also . . .’)
e.g., M̀ léih néih haih bīn go, néih dōu wúih jūngyi nī dī dímsām. Jiyū síu pàhng- 69
yáuh jauh ganggā m̀sái góng lā.
No matter who you are, you will like these dim sums. As for children, they will
certainly (like these dim sums).
7 M̀ léih néih duhkgán syū dihnghaih jouhgán yéh, dōu yiu tái dōdī sān-
Discussing màhn, gwāansām saigaai daaih sih.
the No matter whether you are studying or working, you need to watch more news
environment and care about big international issues.

4 Additional text 🎧
Another presentation with different views

Daaihgā hóu!
Ngóh gāmyaht ge yín'góng haih séung góng gīngjai faatjín tùhng wàahn'gíng
bóuwuh m̀hóyíh bihnghàhng.
Mātyéh haih ‘bihnghàhng’. Ngóh gokdāk léuhng gihn sih móuh chūngdaht
sīnji haih ‘bihnghàhng’.
Ngóh yihng'wàih gīngjai faatjín sēuiyiu chūngjūk ge nàhngyùhn, faatdaaht
ge tūngseun móhnglohk. Daahnhaih, waihjó sahtyihn nī dī tìuhgín yìh jeun-
hàhng ge wuhtduhng m̀haih jauh hēisāngjó wàahn'gíng mē?
Ngóh nám gīngjai faatjín tùhng wàahn'gíng bóuwuh hóu nàahn wúih móuh
Ngóh gāmyaht yiu góng ge haih gīngjai faatjín tùhng wàahn'gíng bóuwuh
yáuh hóu daaih ge màauhtéuhn.
Gīngjai faatjín haih jí góisihn yāt go séhwúi ge gūngyihp tùhng geihseuht
jīyùhn. Gám yéung, séhwúi ge chòihfu jauh wúih jānggā, yàhnmàhn sāng'wuht
séuipìhng wúih dākdou góisihn. Gīngjai faatjín yīukàuh jānggā jīyùhn ge
tàuhyahp làih faatjín gīngjai.
Yìh lihng yāt fōngmihn, wàahn'gíng bóuwuh ge muhkdīk haih pùihyuhk
saigaai ge sāngtaai haihtúng, lihng wàahn'gíng sīkhahp yàhnleuih tùhng sóyáuh
sāngmaht gēuijyuh. Wàahn'gíng bóuwuh yīukàuh gáamsíu yàhnleuih deui daaih-
jihyìhn ge gōnyúh.
M̀ léih néih yuhng māatyéh baahnfaat, jānggā tùhng gáamsíu dōu yáuh hóu
daaih ge màauhtéuhn. Sóyíh ngóh gokdāk gīngjai faatjín tùhng wàahn'gíng bóu-
wuh m̀hóyíh bihnghàhng.
Yíhseuhng haih ngóh ge gūndím. Dōjeh daaihgā.

Here are some more phrases in the additional text:

chūngjūk nàhngyùhn tūngseun móhnglohk

ample, sufficient energy communication network
tìuhgín wuhtduhng hēisāng màauhtéuhn
condition, requirement activities to sacrifice contradiction
tàuhyahp gōnyúh yíhseuhng gūndím
to put in to interfere above viewpoint

5 Exercises and practice 7
5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated the
conversation and additional text:
Charlotte ge yín'góng ge juhngdím (‘main point’) haih mātyéh nē?

Gīngjai faatjín yáuh mātyéh yisī a?

Wàahn'gíng bóuwuh ge muhkdīk haih mātyéh nē?

Yáuh dī deihfōng yáuh gāau dói seui, gaaudói seui deui wàahn'gíng bóuwuh
yáuh mātyéh jingmihn ge yínghéung nē?

‘Hó chìhjuhk faatjín’ haih mātyéh nē?

Charlotte wah yáuh dī mātyéh sān fōgeih hóyíh bōngjoh wàahn'gíng bóuwuh nē?

Charlotte yihng'wàih gīngjai faatjín tùhng wàahn'gíng bóuwuh hó m̀ hóyíh

bihnghàhng nē? Dímgáai kéuih gám góng nē?

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

yāt fōngmihn . . . lihng yāt fōngmihn . . .

7 ngóh tùhngyi . . .

m̀ haih . . ., yìhhaih . . .

gahn géisahp nìhn . . .

. . . Jīhauh ge géi nìhn, . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:

góisihn bóuwuh daaih dō sou jingmihn nouhlihk

tàihchēut muhkdīk tēuigwōng gáamsíu wòhhàaih

5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this

pronunciation exercise: 🎧

72 Fu Dāk Gú Yùhn chóu sung biht

– Baahk Gēui Yihk
Lèih lèih yùhn seuhng chóu, 7
yāt seui yāt fū wìhng. Discussing
Yéh fó sīu bāt jeuhn, the
chēun fūng chēui yauh sāng. environment

5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short

paragraph and read it aloud in response to the
information provided:
Néih chāamgā yāt go gwāanyū wàahn'gíng bóuwuh ge góngjoh. Yìhgā haih tóu-
leuhn sìhgaan, chéng néih góngháh néih deui wàahnbóu ge táifaat.

Néih ge gūngsī yáuh yāt go gaiwaahk. Nī go gaiwaahk séung gaau dōdī yàhn
yihngsīk wàahnbóu ge juhngyiu. Yìhgā gūngsī hōi wúi kīngháh dímyéung tēui-
hàhng nī go gaiwaahk. Yìhgā chéng néih góngháh néih ge yigin.

Introducing Mid-Autumn Festival
Gaaisiuh Jūngchāu Jit

Activities: Introducing Mid-Autumn Festival.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: Charlotte and John are having dinner in a Chinese restaurant on the Mid-
Autumn Festival. They then talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong and
Jūngchāu Jit Charlotte tùhng John hái yāt gāan jáulàuh sihk máahnfaahn.
Kéuihdeih kīngháh Hēunggóng tùhng Sān'gabō ge Jūngchāu Jit.

Cantonese text English gloss

John: Wa, nī dī dānglùhng hóu leng Wow, these lanterns are very
a. Ngóh jānhaih hóu jūngyi beautiful. I really like the way
Hēunggóng hingjūk Jūngchāu they celebrate the Mid-Autumn
Jit ge fōngsīk. Festival in Hong Kong.
Charlotte: Ngóh dōu jānhaih jūngyi I really like the Mid-Autumn
Jūngchāu Jit. Ngóhdeih Festival, too. We don’t really
hái Gā'nàhdaaih móuh celebrate this too much in
māt hingjūk. Sēuiyìhn hái Canada. Although some people
Wān'gōwàh yáuh dī yàhn wúih in Vancouver do celebrate the
hingjūk, dahkbiht haih hái festival, especially in those areas
hóu dō Wàhyàhn gēuijyuh ge where lots of Chinese people are
deihfōng. living.
Jokwàih ngóh daaihhohk As part of my university studies,
hohkjaahp ge yāt bouhfahn, I’ve been doing some research
ngóh yātjihk dōu yáuh yìhn'gau about the festival.
nī go jityaht ge.
Jūngchāu Jit haih hái The Mid-Autumn festival takes
nùhnglihk baat yuht sahpnǵh. place on the fifteenth day of
the eighth month in the lunar
74 calendar.

DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-8
Cantonese text English gloss 8
Dānglùhng hái nī go jityaht Lanterns are very important in Mid-Autumn
haih hóu juhngyiu ge. this festival. Festival

Jūngchāu Jit ge sìhhauh, During the Mid-Autumn

yiu séung yút, dī yàhn heui festival, you’re supposed to
séung yút gójahnsìh, yuhng appreciate the moon, and so
dānglùhng jiujyuh tìuh louh. lanterns were used to light the
way, when people went outside
to look at the moon.
John: Hóu yáuh yisī. Dímgáai That’s interesting. Why are
ngóhdeih yiu séung yút nē? we supposed to appreciate the
Charlotte: Hóu, yáuh hóu dō sàhnwá gusih Well, there are many mythical
gwāanyū nī go jityaht, tùhng stories about this festival, and
góng gwāanyū yuhtleuhng ge the importance of the moon.
Kèihjūng yāt go gusih haih One well-known story is about a
gwāanyū yāt go jyuhnkèih legendary hero called Hou Yi.
yīnghùhng giujouh Hauh Ngaih.
Kéuih jyuh hái Jūnggwok He lived in China at a time
gójahnsìh tīn seuhng mihn when there were ten suns in
yáuh sahp go taaiyèuhng. the sky.
Yānwaih tīn seuhng mihn ge Because there were so many
taaiyèuhng taai dō, taaiyèuhng suns in the sky, the heat killed
ge gōuwān saatséijó hóu dō yàhn. many people.
Yūsih Hauh Ngaih yuhng gūng So Hou Yi shot down nine
jin séhjó gáu go taaiyèuhng of the suns with his bow and
lohk làih. arrows.
Wòhngmóuh Nèuhngnèuhng The Queen of Heaven then
sungjó yāt nāp dāanyeuhk presented him with an elixir
hóyíh lihng kéuih that would have made him
chèuhngsāngbātlóuh. immortal.
Daahnhaih Hauh Ngaih hóu oi But Hou Yi loved his wife
kéuih ge taaitáai Sèuhngngòh Chang’e so much that he didn’t
sóyíh kéuih m̀séung sihk nī nāp want to take the elixir.
Yáuh yāt yaht Hauh Ngaih One day Hou Yi’s student tried
ge hohksāang séung tāu to steal the elixir, but Chang’e
dāanyeuhk, Sèuhngngòh jauh then swallowed the elixir in
sihkjó nāp dāanyeuhk lihng order to foil his plan.
kéuih ge gaiwaahk sātbaih.
Sèuhngngòh sihkjó dāanyeuhk After taking the elixir, ​Chang’e
jīhauh jauh fēijó heui flew to the moon. 75
(Continued )
8 (Continued)
Cantonese text English gloss
Jīhauh, dī yàhn jauh heung After that, people prayed to
yuhtleuhng seuhng mihn ge Chang’e in the moon for good
Sèuhngngòh kèihtóu. fortune.
Nī go jityaht hauhlòih This festival then became an
sìhng'wàih gātìhng jeuihwuih important occasion for family
ge juhngyiu jityaht. gatherings.
Gāmyaht, Jūngchāu Jit ge Today, at the Mid-Autumn
sìhhauh, yāt gā yàhn yātchàih Festival, families get together
sihk máahnfaahn, sihk hóu for dinner, eat delicious food,
sihk ge sihkmaht, yám jáu, drink wine, and watch the
tùhng séung yút. moon.
Deuiyū chìhngléuih làih góng It is also a romantic festival for
Jūngchāu Jit dōu haih yāt go couples.
lohngmaahn ge jityaht.
John: Wa, hóu yáuhcheui ge gusih! Wow, what an amazing story!
Sèuhngngòh heuijó yuhtkàuh What happened to Chang’e after
jīhauh dím nē? she got to the moon?
Charlotte: Nī go gusih yáuh m̀ tùhng ge There are different versions of
báanbún. Kèihjūng chēutméng the story. One famous one is
ge haih yāt jek toujái pùih that Chang’e was accompanied
Sèuhngngòh heui Yuhtkàuh. to the moon by a rabbit.
Sóyíh Jūngchāu Jit yáuh hóu That’s why there are lots of
dō toujái ge jōngsīk. rabbit decorations during the
Mid-Autumn Festival.
Daahnhaih chyùhnsyut juhng But there are many other
yáuh kèihtā báanbún. versions of the legend.
Hái Sān'gabō nē? What about in Singapore?
Jūngchāu Jit haih m̀ haih dōu Is the Mid-Autumn Festival a
haih Sān'gabō ge gūngjung public holiday in Singapore,
gakèih a? too?
John: Wàhyàhn sékēui wúih hingjūk Many people in the Chinese
Jūngchāu Jit, daahnhaih móuh community do celebrate the
Hēunggóng gam daaih. Mid-Autumn Festival, but it’s
not as big as in Hong Kong.
Daahnhaih Sān'gabō yàhn dōu But Singaporeans do like eating
jūngyi sihk yuhtbéng, hóuchíh mooncakes, just like Hong Kong
Hēunggóng yàhn yātyeuhng. people.

Cantonese text English gloss 8
Charlotte: Haih a, ngóh faatyihn Well, I’ve discovered that there Mid-Autumn
juhng yáuh hóu dō gwāanyū are also many stories about Festival
yuhtbéng ge gusih. mooncakes.
Yāt go chēutméng ge gusih haihOne famous story is that
hái sahpsei saigéi, Jūnggwok Chinese armies in the
gwāndéui tùhng Mùhnggú fourteenth century, fighting
yàhn dájeung, gwānyàhn hái against the Mongols,
yuhtbéng léuih mihn sāumàaih communicated with each other
dī beimaht seunsīk làih kāutūng.
by hiding secret messages inside
Yìhgā, dī yàhn Jūngchāu Jit These days, people give
gójahnsìh wúih sung yuhtbéng mooncakes to their friends
béi pàhngyáuh tùhng chānchīk. and relatives during the Mid-
Autumn Festival.
John: Wa, jānhaih táidóu néih jouhjó Wow, I can really see that you
hóu dō yìhn'gau! have done your research!
Jānhaih hóu yáuhcheui. That’s really interesting.
Charlotte: Haih a, ngóh gokdāk hóu Yes, I find it fascinating. I’ve
yáuhcheui. Ngóh dōu yātjihk also been doing research on
yìhn'gau kèihtā ge Jūnggwok other Chinese festivals, like the
jityaht, hóuchíh Chīng Mìhng Ching Ming Festival, Chung
Jit, Chùhng Yèuhng Jit, Dyūn Yeung Festival, Dragon Boat
Nǵh Jit, tùhng Jūnggwok Festival, and Lunar New Year.
John: Jānhaih yāt gō fēisèuhng That’s a really interesting
yáuhcheui ge tàihmuhk. subject.
Charlotte: Wai, ngóhdeih sihkyùhn faahn, Hey, let’s finish eating, and then
jauh chēut heui séung yút lā. we can go out and look at the

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

jityaht noun festival
Jūngchāu Jit noun Mid-Autumn Festival
dānglùhng noun lantern
Wān'gōwàh noun Vancouver
nùhnglihk noun lunar calendar
(Continued )
8 (Continued)
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
baat yuht sahpnǵh phrase the fifteenth day of the
eighth month (lunar
séung yút verb–object construction to appreciate the moon
jiujyuh verb to irradiate
tìuh louh noun the road
sàhnwá noun myth, mythology
gusih noun story
yuhtleuhng noun moon
juhngyiusing noun importance
jyuhnkèih noun legend
yīnghùhng noun hero
Hauh Ngaih noun Hou Yi
tīn seuhng mihn phrase in the sky
taaiyèuhng noun sun
gōuwān noun high temperature
saatséi verb to kill
gūng noun bow
jin noun arrow
séh verb to shoot
Wòhngmóuh noun the Queen of Heaven
yāt nāp dāanyeuhk noun an elixir
chèuhngsāngbātlóuh adjective immortal
oi verb to love
noun love
Sèuhngngòh noun Chang’e
tāu verb to steal
sātbaih verb to fail
noun failure
fēi verb to fly
yuhtkàuh noun moon
heung . . . kèihtóu phrase pray to . . .
hauhlòih preposition then later
sìhng'wàih verb to become
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 8
gātìhng noun family, household Mid-Autumn
jeuihwuih noun gathering
chìhngléuih noun couple
lohngmaahn adjective romantic
chyùhnsyut noun legend
báanbún noun version
yāt jek toujái noun a rabbit
pùih verb to accompany
sékēui noun community
yuhtbéng noun mooncake
faatyihn verb to discover
sahpsei saigéi phrase the fourteenth century
gwāndéui noun army
Mùhnggú yàhn noun Mongols
dájeung verb to fight (war)
gwānyàhn noun soldier
sāumàaih verb to hide
beimaht noun secret
seunsīk noun message
kāutūng verb to communicate
chānchīk noun relative
Chīng Mìhng Jit noun Ching Ming Festival
Chùhng Yèuhng Jit noun Chung Yeung Festival
Dyūn Nǵh Jit noun Dragon Boat Festival

Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation:

Jokwàih . . . Being . . .,

As a . . .,
yūsih . . . so . . .
Yáuh yāt yaht . . . One day . . .
Deuiyū . . . làih góng, . . . For . . ., . . .
Jānhaih hóu yáuhcheui. That’s really interesting.
jihchùhng . . . (yíhlàih) since . . .
táilàih . . . / it seems . . .
tái héi séuhng làih, . . .
Jouh dāk hóu! Well done! 79
8 3 Learning points
Mid-Autumn 3.1 Construction: búnlòih . . . hauhlòih/sāumēi/yìhgā . . .
(‘originally . . . later/finally/now . . .’)
e.g., Ngóh búnlòih hái daaihhohk séung hohk gūngsēung gúnléih (‘Business
Administration), yìhgā ngóh hohk lihksí.
Originally, I want(ed) to study business administration at university, now
I study history.

3.2 Construction: bīn douh wúih/bīn douh hó'nàhng . . . ?

(‘how can . . . happen?’)
e.g., Ngóh jeuigahn yáuh hóu dō yéh jouh, bīn douh wúih yáuh sìhgaan tùhng
néih heui léuihhàhng a?
I have a lot of things to do, how can I have time to travel with you?
Kéuih teuiyāu jīhauh, dāk yāt go yàhn. Kéuih bīn douh wúih hōisām nē?
After retirement, he is alone. How can he be happy?

3.3 Discourse structure: . . . haih . . ., dōu haih . . .,

juhnghaih . . . (‘. . . to be . . ., also to be,
furthermore . . .’)
e.g., Néih haih yāt go nìhnchīngyàhn, dōu haih daaihhohksāang, yātdihng yiu
nóuhlihk duhk syū a!
You are a young person, and also a university student, you should study hard!
Ngóhdeih yātdihng yiu nám baahnfaat gáamsíu wàahn'gíng wūyíhm,
yānwaih wūyíhm haih yāt go wàahn'gíng mahntàih, dōu haih yāt go
gīngjai mahntàih, juhnghaih ngóhdeih hah yāt doih (‘next generation’) ge
We should think of some ways to reduce environmental pollution, because
pollution is an environmental problem. It is also an economic issue, further-
more, it is an issue for our next generation.

4 Additional text 🎧
A talk introducing Chinese festivals

Gok wái jóusàhn!

Ngóh gāmyaht séung gaaisiuh Jūnggwok ge jityaht. Daaihgā tēngdóu jityaht
wúih m̀wúih gokdāk hóu hōisām nē? Yānwaih yáuh gūngjung gakèih, hóyíh heui
wáan, yauh hóyíh sihk hóu sihk ge sihkmaht.
Kèihsaht Jūnggwok ge jityaht yáuh hóu do m̀tùhng ge chyùhnsyut gusih. Nī
dī gusih dōu hóu yáuhcheui.
Peiyùh Jūngchāu Jit ge gusih haih góng hóu noih yíhchìhn yāt go yīnghùhng, 8
Hauh Ngaih. Kéuih yuhng gūng tùhng jin séhjó tīn seuhng bihn gáu go taai- Introducing
yèuhng lohk làih. Sóyíh dī yàhn hóyíh hái móuh gam yiht ge wàahn'gíng sāng- Mid-Autumn
wuht. Yūsih Wòhngmóuh Nèuhngnèuhng sungjó yāt nāp dāanyeuhk hóyíh lihng Festival
kéuih chèuhngsāngbātlóuh.
Búnlòih yānwaih Hauh Ngaih hóu oi kéuih ge taaitáai Sèuhngngòh sóyíh kéuih
móuh sihk nī nāp dāanyeuhk. Hauhlòih Hauh Ngaih ge hohksāang séung tāu
dāanyeuhk, Sèuhngngòh jauh sihkjó nāp dāanyeuhk lihng kéuih ge gaiwaahk sāt-
baih. Gānjyuh Sèuhngngòh sihkjó dāanyeuhk jīhauh jauh fēijó heui yuhtkàuh.
Ngóhdeih yìhgā jīdou yuhtkàuh seuhng mihn bīn douh hó'nàhng yáuh
Sèuhngngòh. Bātgwo Jūngchāu Jit haih Jūnggwok yàhn hóu juhngyiu ge jityaht,
dōu haih gātìhng jeuihwuih ge jityaht, juhnghaih chìhngléuih hóu jūngyi ge
lohngmaahn jityaht.
Jūnggwok ge jityaht juhng yáuh hóu dō, hóuchíh Chīng Mìhng Jit, Chùhng
Yèuhng Jit, Dyūn Nǵh Jit, tùhng Jūnggwok Sānnìhn. Nī dī jityaht dōu hóu
juhngyiu, dōu hóu yáuhcheui.
Chìhngmìhng jit haih geinihm sīnyàhn ge jityaht, Jūnggwok yàhn wúih heui
soumouh. Chùhngyèuhng jit yáuh yāt go chyùhnsyut gusih. Gusih góng hóu noih
yíhchìhn yáuh yāt júng chyùhnyíhm behng, sóyíh dī yàhn lèihhōi ūkkéi, heui hóu
gōu ge deihfōng beihhōi nī go behng. Jīhauh dī yàhn jauh hái Chùhngyeuhng jit
hàahng sāan. Dyūn Nǵh Jit wúih pàh lùhngsyùhn, sihk júng. Jūnggwok Sānnìhn
jauh haih Jūnggwok yàhn jeui juhngyiu ge jityaht. Jūnggwok Sānnìhn ge sìh-
hauh wúih heui hàahng fāsíh, baai nìhn, máaih sān sāam dángdáng.
Ngóh gokdāk Jūnggwok ge jityaht fēisèuhng yáuh yisī. Hēimohng daaihgā
dōu jūngyi nī dī jityaht lā.

Here are some more phrases in the additional text:

móuh gam yiht geinihm sīnyàhn soumouh

not too hot commemorate ancestor tomb sweeping
yāt júng . . . chyùhnyíhm behng lèihhōi beihhōi
a type of . . . infectious disease to leave to avoid
pàh lùhngsyùhn sihk júng hàahng fāsíh baai nìhn
to roll dragon boat to eat rice dumpling to go to flower to make New Year
market visit

5 Exercises and practice

5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated

conversation and additional text:
John tùhng Charlotte yātchàih sihk máahnfaahn ge sìhhauh, kéuihdeih gindóu
mātyéh nē?
8 Charlotte wah Gā'nàhdaaih yàhn hing m̀ hingjūk Jūngchāu Jit nē? Sān'gabo
Introducing yàhn nē?

Charlotte wah Jūngchāu Jit yáuh hóu dō chyùhnsyut gusih. Yáuh mātyéh
gusih nē?

Jūnggwok yàhn Jūngchāu Jit wúih jouh mātyéh nē?

Jūngchāu Jit ge yuhtbéng yáuh mātyéh gusih nē?

Charlotte wah Jūnggwok juhng yáuh hóu dō jityaht, juhng yáuh mātyéh jit-
yaht nē?

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

Yáuh yāt yaht . . .

Jokwàih . . .

jihchùhng . . .

. . . yūsih . . . 8

Deuiyū . . . làih góng . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:
faatyihn beimaht gātìhng kāutūng jityaht
yīnghùhng gusih pùih chānchīk lohngmaahn

5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this

pronunciation exercise: 🎧

Wòhng Hohk Làuh sung Maahng Houh Yìhn jī Gwóng Lìhng

– Léih Baahk

Gu yàhn sāi chìh Wòhng Hohk Làuh,

yīn fā sāam yuht hah Yèuhng Jāu.
Gū fàahn yúhn yíng bīk hūng jeuhn,
wàih gin Chèuhng Gōng tīn jai làuh.

5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short

paragraph and read it aloud in response to the
information provided:
Néih tùhng pàhngyáuh sihkfaahn. Néih ge pàhngyáuh hái m̀ tùhng ge gwokgā 83
tùhng deihkēui làih ge. Néihdeih kīngháh jeui jūngyi ge jityaht. Chéng
8 néih góngháh néih jeui jūngyi ge jityaht, tùhng gaaisiuh nī go jityaht béi
Introducing pàhngyáuh sīk.

Néih tùhng pàhngyáuh sihkfaahn. Néih ge pàhngyáuh hái m̀tùhng ge gwokgā

tùhng deihkēui làih ge. Néihdeih kīngháh yāt dī chyùhnsyut gusih. Chéng néih
góng yāt go chyùhnsyut gusih béi pàhngyáuh tēng.

Organizing a cultural event
Chaakwaahk màhnfa wuhtduhng

Activities: Organizing and promoting cultural events.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: The company where Charlotte has been working as an intern has just
been given a contract to organize a photographic exhibition. Charlotte’s supervisor,
Mr Chan, discusses the arrangement for the opening event with Charlotte and her
Charlotte sahtjaahp ge gūngsī āam'āam jipdóu yāt fahn hahpyeuk géuibaahn
yāt go sipyíng jínláahm. Charlotte ge seuhngsī, Chàhn sīnsāang, tùhng Charlotte
tùhng tùhngsih tóuleuhn hōimohk wuhtduhng ge ōnpàaih.

Cantonese text English gloss

Chàhn Ngóhdeih gūngsī āam'āam lódóu Our company has just got
sīnsāang: yāt fahn hahpyeuk géuibaahn yāt the contract to organize a
go sipyíng jínláahm. Ngóhdeih photographic exhibition. We need
yiu jóujīk yāt go tyùhndéui heui to form a project team to work on
jouh nī go wuhtduhng. this event.
Charlotte, néih làihjó ngóhdeih Charlotte, you’ve been in our
ge gūngsī sāam go yuht la. company for three months now.
Ngóh séung néih gāyahp nī go I’d like you to join the project
tyùhndéui tùhng Katie tùhng team and work together with
Peter yātchàih gūngjok. Katie and Peter.
Charlotte: Hóu a! Dōjeh néih béi nī go Great! Thanks for giving me the
gēiwuih ngóh. opportunity.
Ngóh dōu hóu yáuh hingcheui I’ll be really interested to work on
jouh nī go gaiwaahk a. this project.
Tùhngmàaih ngóh wúih And I’ll do my best to help Katie
jeuhnlihk bōng Katie tùhng and Peter.
Peter ge.
(Continued )
DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-9
9 (Continued)
Organizing a
Cantonese text English gloss
(Charlotte tùhng Katie, Peter (Charlotte is having a meeting
tùhng kéuih ge seuhngsī with Katie, Peter, and her
hōiwúi.) supervisor.)
Chàhn Hóu, nī go jínláahm ge Well, the aim of the exhibition
sīnsāang: muhkdīk haih jaahphahp is to bring together the work of
Hēunggóng jyumìhng sipyíngsī leading photographers in Hong
ge jokbán. Kong.
Nī go jínláahm ge jaahnjoh The sponsors of the exhibition are
haih Hēunggóng sipyíngsī the Hong Kong Photographers’
Hipwúi tùhng hái Hēunggóng Association and the Wing Tai
yáuh hóu dō sipyíng dim ge Photo Equipment Company, which
Wíhng Taai Sipyíng Heichòih owns many photographic shops in
Gūngsī. Hong Kong.
Sóyíh jínláahm ge juhngdím So the emphasis in the exhibition
haih jínsih dōngdoih will be showing different aspects
Hēunggóng sāngwuht ge of life in contemporary Hong
bāttùhng fōngmihn. Kong.
Yáuh dī seungpín haih Some of the photographs deal
gwāanyū Hēunggóng ge gauh with the older areas of Hong
kēui, hóuchíh Gáulùhng Sìhng Kong, such as Kowloon City and
tùhng Sām Séui Bóu. Sham Shui Po.
Kèihtā seungpín haih gwāanyū Other photographs deal with
dōngdoih Hēunggóng, contemporary Hong Kong and
tùhngmàaih yihndoih jyuhjáak life in modern housing estates
kēui tùhng kaumaht jūngsām and shopping malls.
ge sāngwuht.
Yáuh dī seungpín haih Some photographs are about
gwāanyū ginjūk tùhng ginjūk architecture and the built
wàahn'gíng, kèihtā haih environment, and others are about
gwāanyū yàhn, bāaukwut people, with portraits of people
m̀tùhng deihfōng tùhng m̀tùhng in different places and different
jīkyihp ge yàhnmát chiujeuhng. professions.
Sóyíh jínláahm yáuh hóu dō So there will be lots of variety in
m̀ tùhng júngleuih ge seungpín. the exhibition.
Hōimohkláih wúih yáuh The opening event will have two
léuhng go jyúyiu wuhtduhng. main activities. A representative
Sipyíngsī Hipwúi ge doihbíu of the photographers’ association
wúih jouh hōimohk yín'góng. will deliver an opening talk.
Yìhnhauh wúih yáuh yāt go Then there will be a guided tour
yàuh sipyíngsī daai líhng ge led by some of the photographers
douhséung, kéuihdeih wúih who are showing their work.
jínsih kéuihdeih ge jokbán.
Cantonese text English gloss 9
Organizing a
Jyúbaahn fōng dōu séung The hosts also want to invite cultural
chéng yāt dī dahkbiht gābān, some special guests, including event
bāaukwuht mìhngyàhn tùhng celebrities and government
jingfú gūnyùhn chāamgā officials, to join the opening
hōimohkláih. ceremony.
Ngóhdeih yiu lyùhnlok nī dī We’ll have to contact
yàhn tùhng yiu hái géi yaht these people and get their
noih dākdóu kéuihdeih ge agreement to come in the next
tùhngyi. few days.
Ngóhdeih dōu yiu gei yīuchíng We’ll also have to send invitation
kāat béi sóyáuh gābān, tùhng cards to all the other guests and
táiháh bīn go tùhngyi làih. check who agrees to come.
Peter, néih hó m̀ hóyíh bōngsáu Peter, can you help with the
chyúhléih yīuchíng, tùhng invitations and check on the
hái wuhtduhng chìhn táiháh attendance as we get closer to the
chēutjihk chìhngfong. event?
Nī go haih jyúbaahn fōng Here’s the provisional guest list
béi ngóhdeih ge làahmsìh that the hosts have given us.
haakyàhn mìhngdāan.
Ngóh ginyíh néih jeun faai I suggest that you try to confirm
tùhng yāt dī juhngyiu ge with some of the important guests
haakyàhn kokyihng. as soon as possible.
Peter: Hóu, ngóh wúih chyúhléih. Fine, I’ll take care of that.
Chàhn Hóu! Gám, ngóh hēimohng Good! Then, I’d like Katie to
sīnsāang: Katie fuhjaak bouji jínláahm. be in charge of setting up the
Nī douh haih sipyíngsī ge exhibition. Here are the names
méng, tùhng kéuihdeih dásyun of the photographers, and a list
jínláahm ge seungpín. of the photographs they intend to
Néih yiu lyùhnlok sipyíngsī You’ll need to contact the
tùhng ōnpàaih jēung seungpín photographers and arrange for the
wahnsung dou jínláahm delivery of the photographs to the
chèuhngdeih. exhibition site.
Katie: Hóu, ngóh wúih jeuhn faai Fine. I’ll get on to this as soon as
chyúhléih nī gihn sih ge la. possible.
Chàhn Ngóh nám ngóhdeih daihyāt I think that we’ll have a lot of
sīnsāang: yaht wúih yáuh hóu dō yàhn people attending the event on the
chāamgā. first day.
Sóyíh ngóhdeih sēuiyiu yáuh So we do need people who can
yàhn hóyíh fūnyìhng haakyàhn greet the visitors and handle the
tùhng jouh jyuchaak dānggei. registration.
(Continued )
9 (Continued)
Organizing a
Cantonese text English gloss
Katie: Jyutdeui hóyíh. Waahkjé Absolutely. Perhaps Charlotte
Charlotte hóyíh bōng ngóh could help me with this.
jouh nī gihn sih.
Charlotte, néih gokdāk néih hó Charlotte, do you think you could
m̀ hóyíh bōngsáu jouh jyuchaak handle the registration at the
dānggei nē? event?
Ngóhdeih wúih ōnpàaih We’ll get two other interns to help
léuhng go sahtjaahpsāng hái you on the registration desk.
dānggeichyu bōng néih.
Charlotte: Hóu, ngóh lohkyi bōngsáu. Yes, I’m happy to do that.
Chàhn Gám jauh hóu la. That’s good.
sīnsāang: Katie, waahkjé néih tùhng Katie, perhaps you and Charlotte
Charlotte dōu hóyíh fuhjaak can also take care of printing
yanchaat wuhtduhng ge the brochures and posters for the
síuchaakjí tùhng hóibou? event?
Charlotte Hóu ge! Fine!
and Katie:
Chàhn Jānhaih hóu la. That’s great.
sīnsāang: Néihdeih chèuihsìh tūngjī ngóh. Keep me posted as you go along.
Yātdaan néihdeih yáuh If you have any problems, just let
yahmhòh mahntàih, jauh me know.
chéng góng béi ngóh jī lā.
Ngóhdeih léuhng go sīngkèih And let’s have a progress meeting
jīhauh hōi yāt go jeundouh in two weeks’ time.
wúi lā.
Charlotte, Hóyíh a! Hóu hóu a! Okay! Great!

2 Relevant phrases 🎧

Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss

chaakwaahk verb to plan, to engineer
màhnfa wuhtduhng noun cultural activity
jipdóu verb have received
yāt fahn hahpyeuk noun a contract
88 géuibaahn verb to hold, to run
sipyíng jínláahm noun photographic exhibition
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 9
Organizing a
jínláahm noun exhibition cultural
seuhngsī noun superior
hōimohk wuhtduhng noun opening event
lódóu verb have got
tyùhndéui noun team
gāyahp verb to join, to become a member
jeuhnlihk verb to do the best
jaahphahp verb to gather, to bring
jyumìhng adjective famous
sipyíngsī noun photographer
jokbán noun works
jaahnjoh noun sponsor
verb to sponsor
hipwúi noun association
sipyíng dim noun photographic shops
sipyíng heichòih noun photo equipment
gūngsī company
juhngdím noun emphasis, main point
jínsih verb to exhibit
dōngdoih noun contemporary
bāttùhng fōngmihn phrase different aspects
seungpín / noun photograph
gauh kēui noun old district
Gáulùhng Sìhng noun Kowloon City
Sām Séui Bóu noun Sham Shui Po
jyuhjaak kēui noun housing estate
kaumaht jūngsām noun shopping mall
ginjūk noun architecture
ginjūk wàahn'gíng noun the built environment
jīkyihp noun profession
yàhnmát chiujeuhng noun portraits of people
hōimohkláih noun opening ceremony
doihbíu noun representative 89
verb to represent
(Continued )
9 (Continued)
Organizing a
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
hōimohk yín'góng noun opening speech
daai líhng verb to lead, to guide
douhséung noun guided tour, docent
jyúbaahn fōng noun organizer
chéng verb to invite
dahkbiht gābān noun special guest
mìhngyàhn noun celebrities
jingfú gūnyùhn noun government officials
lyùhnlok verb to contact
hái géi yaht noih phrase in the next few days
dākdóu verb to obtain
tùhngyi verb to agree
noun agreement
yīuchíng kāat noun invitation card
yīuchíng verb to invite
noun invitation
wuhtduhng chìhn phrase before the event
chēutjihk verb to be present
chìhngfong noun situation, circumstances
làahmsìh adjective provisional
haakyàhn noun guest
mìhngdāan noun name list
jeun faai phrase as soon as possible
kokyihng verb to confirm
bouji verb to decorate
noun decoration
wahnsung verb to transport
dou verb to arrive
jínláahn chèuhngdeih noun exhibition site
jyuchaak dānggei verb to register, to enrol
noun registration
dānggeichyu noun registration counter
lohkyi adjective willing to
90 yanchaat verb to print
síuchaakjí noun brochure
hóibou noun poster
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 9
Organizing a
chèuihsìh adverb at any time, whenever cultural
necessary event

yahmhòh determiner any

jeundouh wúi noun progress meeting

Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation:

Dōjeh néih béi nī go gēiwuih ngóh. Thanks for giving me the opportunity.
Hóu, ngóh wúih chyúhléih. Fine. I’ll take care of that.
Jyutdeui hóyíh. Absolutely.
yàuh . . . daailíhng lead by . . .
Gám jauh hóu. That’s good.
Hóu ge! Fine!
chéuihchí jī'ngoih, . . . in addition to this, . . .
Daihyāt sìhgaan góng béi ngóh jī. Tell me at once.
yāt bāan . . . a group of . . .
chùhng nī go gokdouh làih tái, . . . From this angle, . . .
dāan chùhng nī fōngmihn làih tái just taking a look at this aspect then . . .
jauh . . .
yàuhyū yíhseuhng ge yùhnyān . . . because of the above reasons . . .
yàuhyū seuhngseuht ge láihyàuh . . . because of the abovementioned
reasons . . .
gēiyū yíhseuhng ge sihsaht . . . based on the above facts . . .
yáuh chíh hó gin . . . thus it can be seen . . .

3 Learning points
3.1 Construction: yātdaan . . ., jauh . . . (‘once . . ., then . . .’)
e.g., Wàahn'gíng yātdaan sauhdou wūyíhm, yàuhhaak dōu wúih gáamsíu,
gīngjai dōu wúih sauh yínghéung.
Once the environment is polluted, tourists will be fewer, and the economy will
be affected.
Yātdaan gīngjai yáuh mahntàih, néih ge tàuhjī dōu wúih sauh yínghéung.
(‘be affected’).
Once the economy has problems, your investment will be affected.

3.2 Construction: . . . béi . . . (passive voice)

Active voice Passive voice

Gó dī yàhn wūyíhmjó nī douh ge Nī douh ge wàahn'gíng béi gó dī yàhn 91
wàahn'gíng wūyíhmjó.
Those people polluted the environment The environment here was polluted by
here. those people.
(Continued )
9 (Continued)
Organizing a
Active voice Passive voice
event Kéuih sihksaai ngóh ge daahngōu. Ngóh ge daahngōu béi kéuih sihksaai.
He ate all my cakes. My cakes were all eaten by him.
Kéuih ge néuihpàhngyáuh táidóu Kéuih tùhng kèihtā néuihjái yātchàih
kéuih tùhng kèihtā néuihjái yātchàih sihk faahn béi kéuih ge néuih
sihk faahn. pàhngyáuh táidóu.
His girlfriend saw that he ate with That he ate with other girls was seen by
other girls. his girlfriend.

3.3 Discourse structure: sáusīn . . . chèuihchí jī'ngoih . . .

(‘first . . . in addition . . .’)
e.g., Sáusīn, ngóh hái daaihohk hohk gāmyùhng fōgeih, gānjyuh ngóh deui
tàuhjī hóu yáuh hingcheui. Chèuihchí jī'ngoih, ngóh hóu séung hái gwai
gūngsī gūngjok. Yānwaih yíhseuhng ge yùhnyān ngóh làih nī go jīuping
wúi, séung líuhgáai dōdī.
Firstly, I study fintech at university, and I am interested in investment. In addi-
tion, I really want to work in your company. For the above reasons, I have
come to this job fair and wish to understand more.
Sáusīn, nī douh wàahn'gíng hóu hóu, juhng yáuh hóu dō chitsī. Chèuihchí
jī'ngoih nī go deihkēui fuhgahn yáuh hóu dō hóu ge hohkhaauh, néih ge
síupàhngyáuh jēunglòih hóyíh hái fuhgahn duhk syū. Yānwaih yíhseuhng
ge yùhnyān, ngóh gaaisiuh néih jyuh hái nī go deihkēui.
Firstly, the environment here is nice, and there are lots of facilities. In addition,
there are many nice schools near this area, and your children in the future can study
there. It is because of the above reasons (that) I recommend you live in this area.

4 Additional text 🎧
Welcoming speech at the opening ceremony

Gok wái gābān, gok wái làih chāamgūn jínláahm ge pàhngyáuh, daaihgā hóu!
Fūnyìhng chāamgā gāmyaht ge hōimohkláih.
Nī go jínláahm ge jaahnjoh haih Hēunggóng Sipyíngsī Hipwúi tùhng Wíhng
Taai Sipyíng Heichòih Gūngsī. Ngóh doihbíu Hēunggóng Sipyíngsī Hipwúi
fūnyìhng daaihgā.
Ngóhdeih gām chi ge sipyíng jínláahm jaahphahp yāt bāan Hēunggóng
jyumìhng sipyíngsī. Nī bāan sipyíngsī ge jokbán wúih béi ngóhdeih jínsih chēutlàih.
Nī go jínláahm ge juhngdím haih jínsih dōngdoih Hēunggóng sāngwuht ge bāttùhng
fōngmihn. Nī chi ge jínláahm yáuh hóu dō m̀tùhng júngleuih ge seungpín.
Sáusīn, yáuh dī seungpín haih gwāanyū Hēunggóng ge gauh kēui, hóuchíh
92 Gáulùhng Sìhng tùhng Sām Séui Bóu.
Yìhnhauh yáuh dī seungpín haih gwāanyū dōngdoih Hēunggóng, tùhngmàaih
yihndoih jyuhjáak kēui tùhng kaumaht jūngsām ge sāngwuht.
Chèuihchí jī'ngoih, yáuh dī seungpín haih gwāanyū ginjūk, kèihtā haih
gwāanyū yàhn, bāaukwut m̀tùhng deihfōng tùhng m̀tùhng jīkyihp ge yàhnmát
chiujeuhng. Ngóhdeih nī chi ge sipyíng jín hēimohng dōngdoih Hēunggóng ge 9
m̀tùhng deihkēui tùhng yàhnmàhn ge sāngwuht wúih tūnggwo seungpín jínsih Organizing a
chēut làih. cultural
Ngóhdeih gāmyaht hōimohkláih jīhauh, wúih yáuh yāt go yàuh sipyíngsī event
chānsān daai líhng ge douhséung jínsih kéuihdeih ge jokbán.
Hēimohng daaihgā nàhnggau hóu hóu héungsauh ngóhdeih nī go gam yáuh
yiyih ge màhnfa wuhtduhng.
Jūk daaihgā yáuh yāt go yuhfaai ge táiyihm.

Here are some more phrases in the additional text:

gām chi yāt bāan tūnggwo jiupín Chèuihchí jī'ngoih, . . .

this time a group of through photographs In addition, . . .
chānsān nàhnggau héungsauh yuhfaai táiyihm
in person be able to to enjoy delightful experience

5 Exercises and practice

5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated

conversation and additional text:
Charlotte tùhng kéuih ge seuhngsī hōi wúi. Kéuihdeih kīng dī mātyéh nē?

Nī chi wuhtduhng ge jyútàih haih mātyéh nē? Charlotte yáuh móuh hingcheui
bōngsáu nē?

Nī chi ge sipyíng jín wúih yáuh dī mātyéh seungpín nē?

Peter wúih fuhjaak mātyéh nē?

Katie wúih fuhjaak mātyéh nē?

Charlotte wúih bōngsáu jouh mātyéh nē?
9 Néih deui nī go jínláahm yáuh móuh hingcheui nē?
Organizing a

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

. . . yìhnhauh . . .

Chùhng nī go gokdouh làih tái, . . .

yātdaahn . . ., jauh . . .

yāt bāan . . .

sáusīn . . . chèuihchí jī'ngoih . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:
jyuhjaak kēui jínláahm gauh kēui bouji seungpín
doihbíu ginjūk tūngjī làahmsìh jokbán

5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this 9
pronunciation exercise: 🎧 Organizing a
Yàuh jí yàhm
– Maahng Gāau

Chìh móuh sáu jūng sin,

yàuh jí sān seuhng yī.
Làhm hàhng maht maht fùhng,
yi húng chìh chìh gwāi.
Sèuih yìhn chyun chóu sām,
bou dāk sāam chēun fāi.

5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short

paragraph and read it aloud in response to the
information provided:
Yáuh yàhn wah yāt go sìhngsíh ge gauh kēui bītsēui bóulàuh. Dōu yáuh yàhn
wah bóulàuh gauh kēui yínghéung sìhngsíh faatjín. Néih hàahng gāai ge sìh-
hauh, yáuh yàhn fóngmahn néih, chéng néih góng chēut néih ge yigin.

Nèih tùhng pàhngyáuh kīnggái. Néihdeih kīngháh jeuigahn táigwo ge jínláahm.

Chéng néih gaaisiuh yāt go néih táigwo ge jínláahm.

Living and studying in Hong Kong
Hái Hēunggóng sāngwuht tùhng duhksyū

Activity: Talking about living and studying Hong Kong.

1 Situated conversation 🎧
Context: Charlotte’s professor has asked her to talk to two prospective students
from Guangzhou, who are thinking about coming to study a B.A. in Communication
Studies at her university. One student, Lin Xiaohan, is female; the other student,
Zhang Wenbo, is male. Charlotte sits with them in the students’ lounge and does her
best to answer their questions about living and studying in Hong Kong.
Charlotte ge gaausauh giu kéuih tùhng léuhng go lòihjih Gwóngjāu ge
hohksāang kīngháh gái, kéuihdeih séung hái Charlotte ge daaihhohk duhk
Chyùhnbo Hohk Hohksih Hohkwái. Yāt go hohksāang, Lin Xiaohan, haih yāt
go néuih hohksāang, lihng yāt go hohksāang, Zhang Wenbo, haih yāt go nàahm
hohksāang. Charlotte tùhng kéuihdeih chóh hái hohksāang yāusīksāt wùihdaahp
kéuihdeih gwāanyū hái Hēunggóng sāngwuht tùhng duhksyū ge mahntàih.

Cantonese text English gloss

Charlotte: Xiaohan tùhng Wenbo néih Hi Xiaohan and Wenbo! I’m
hóu! Ngóh haih Charlotte. Charlotte.
Davis gaausauh góng béi ngóh Professor Davis told me that
jī néihdeih séung sānchíng you are applying to our B.A.
ngóhdeih ge hohksih hohkwái programme.
Kéuih séung ngóh gin néihdeih, He wanted me to meet you, so
gám ngóh hóyíh góng béi that I could tell you about living
néihdeih jī hái Hēunggóng and studying in Hong Kong.
sāngwuht tùhng duhksyū ge


DOI: 10.4324/9781003083702-10
Cantonese text English gloss 10
Living and
Waahkjé ngóhdeih hóyíh yàuh Perhaps we could start by studying in
tóuleuhn daaihhohk sāngwuht discussing the university. Do Hong Kong
hōichí. Néihdeih yáuh móuh you have any questions about
gwāanyū hohkjaahp ge studying here?
mahntàih nē?
Xiaohan: Wenbo tùhng ngóh dōu deui Wenbo and I are both interested
chyùhnbo hohk hóu yáuh in Communication Studies.
hingcheui. Néih hó m̀ hóyíh Could you tell us more about the
góng dō dī nī go fochìhng ge programme, please?
jīlíu béi ngóhdeih tēng nē?
Charlotte: Hóu a. Chyùhnbo Hohk Well. The B.A. in
Hohksih Fochìhng muhkdīk Communication Studies aims
haih gaauyuhk hohksāang at educating students in media
jeunhàhng mùihtái yìhn'gau, studies, so that they can then
gám kéuihdeih hóyíh chùhngsih go on to work in advertising,
gwónggou, sānmàhn, journalism, public relations, and
gūngguhng gwāanhaih, tùhng social media.
séhgāau mùihtái ge gūngjok.
Fochìhng ge yāt bouhfahn haih Part of the programme is
gwāanyū léihleuhn ge, sipkahp theoretical, dealing with theories
gwónggou, daaihjung chyùhnbo, relating to advertising, mass
tùhng seuifuhk geihháau, communications, and persuasion,
dángdáng ge tàihmuhk. topics like that.
Bātgwo fochìhng dōu yáuh But there is also a very practical
fēisèuhng sahtyuhng ge yāt side to the programme, and you’ll
mihn ge, néih juhng wúih yáuh also have the chance to do an
gēiwuih hái búndeih ge mùihtái internship with a local media
gūngsī sahtjaahp johkwàih company as part of your studies.
hohkjaahp ge yāt bouhfahn.
Yùhgwó néih séung bātyihp And that’s very useful, if you
jīhauh wándóu gūng, sahtjaahp want to get a job after graduation.
haih fēisèuhng yáuhyuhng ge.
Wenbo: Hái jīusāng góngjoh léuih In the admissions talk, they told
mihn, kéuihdeih góng béi us that all the students need to
ngóhdeih jī hohksāang hái take general education courses in
daihyāt nìhn yiu duhk tūngsīk the first year.
gaauyuhk fochìhng.
Nī dī fochìhng haih gwāanyū What are these courses about?
mātyéh ga?
(Continued )

10 (Continued)
Living and
Cantonese text English gloss
in Hong Kong
Charlotte: Nī dī fochìhng haih mihnheung These are introductory courses
sóyáuh daaihhohksāang ge for all students in the university.
yahpmùhn fochìhng. Gēibún ge The general idea is to give
séungfaat haih béi hohksāang students exposure to a wide range
hóyíh jipjūk m̀ tùhng ge of ideas.
Hái tūngsīk fochìhng léuih In the general education courses,
mihn, yàhnmàhn hohkfō tùhng students in the humanities and
séhwúi fōhohk ge hohksāang social sciences can learn about
hóyíh hohkjaahp fōhohk tùhng science and technology, and the
fōgeih, hohk gūngchìhng tùhng engineering and science students
fōhohk ge hohksāang hóyíh can learn about cultural studies
hohkjaahp màhnfa yìhn'gau and different languages.
tùhng m̀tùhng ge yúhyìhn.
Xiaohan: Kéuihdeih dōu tàihdou yáuh They also mentioned that
hohksāang gāaulàuh gaiwaahk, there are student exchange
gám ngóhdeih jauh hóyíh hái programmes, so that we can study
Ajāu, Āujāu tùhng Bāk Méih overseas for one semester or
ge kèihtā daaihhohk jeunhàhng two, at other universities in Asia,
yāt dou léuhng go hohkkèih ge Europe, and North America.
hóingoih hohkjaahp.
Nī dī fochìhng tái héi làih hóu These programmes look really
yáuhcheui. Ngóhdeih dímyéung interesting. How can we apply
sānchíng nī dī hohksāang for these student exchange
gāaulàuh gaiwaahk nē? programmes?
Charlotte: Néih hóyíh hái daihyāt nìhn You can start planning your
hōichí nám néih ge gaaulàuh exchange during the first year.
gaiwaahk. Néih sēuiyiu You need to find out clear
wándóu néih yáuh hingcheui ge information about the particular
daaihohk ge sēunggwāan jīlíu. university that you are interested
Yāt dī gāaulàuh fochìhng Some exchange programmes
sēuiyiu yātdihng ge tìuhgín, have certain prerequisites, and
hó'nàhng yáuh ngoihyúh there may be a foreign language
yīukàuh. Hóu dō sìh kéuihdeih requirement. Very often they
kèihmohng sēungdōng gōu ge expect a reasonably high
Yīngyúh séuipìhng. proficiency in English.
Daahnhaih yùhgwó néih yáuh But if you get the chance to go
gēiwuih heui hóingoih gāaulàuh, on an exchange overseas, I’d
ngóh wúih ginyíh néih heui. really recommend it. It’s a great
Ngóh gokdāk deui néih opportunity for you, I think.
98 làih góng haih hóu hóu ge
hohkjaahp gēiwuih.
Cantonese text English gloss 10
Living and
Wenbo: Gám, jyuh hái Hēunggóng Well, what about living in Hong studying in
dím nē? Kong? Hong Kong

Kéuihdeih wah ngóhdeih hóyíh They said that we can

jyuh hái hohksāang sūkse léuih probably get a place in a student
mihn. dormitory.
Yùhgwó wán jihgéi ge dāanwái What about getting our own
nē? Hó m̀ hó'nàhng nē? apartment? Is that possible?
Charlotte: Goyàhn gokdāk jyuh hái Personally, I think that living on
hohkhaauh léuih mihn hóu campus is very convenient.
fōngbihn wo.
Néih m̀sái múih yaht chóh chē You don’t need to commute to
heui daaihohk. Tùhngmàaih the university every day. And
néih hóyíh yuhng hohkhaauh you can use the gym and other
ge gihnsānfòhng tùhng kèihtā facilities on the campus.
Daaihohk yáuh ngàhnhòhng, The university has banks,
syūdim, chánsó, hohksāang bookstores, a medical clinic,
faahntòhng, tùhng chīukāp student canteens, and a
síhchèuhng. Sóyíh yātchai dōu supermarket. So everything’s
hóu fōngbihn. very convenient.
Daahnhaih yáuh dī hohksāang But some students do want to live
séung jyuh hái hohkhaauh off the campus. So they usually
ngoih mihn. Sóyíh kéuihdeih get classmates and friends to
wúih tùhng tùhnghohk tùhng share an apartment. And that
pàhngyáuh yātchàih jōu yāt go makes the cost more reasonable.
dāanwái. Gám yéung faiyuhng
wúih hahpléihdī.
Xiaohan: Charlotte, dōjeh néih béi nī dī Charlotte, thank you for giving us
yáuhyuhng ge jīlíu ngóhdeih a. this useful information. It’s really
Jānhaih fēisèuhng yáuh very helpful!
bōngjoh a!
Charlotte: Yùhgwó néihdeih juhng yáuh If you have any more questions,
kèihtā ge mahntàih, néihdeih you can always email me, and
hóyíh dihnyàuh ngóh, ngóh I’ll do my best to answer your
wúih jeuhnlihk wùihdaap questions.
néihdeih ge mahntàih ge.
Xiaohan Fēisèuhng gámjeh néih! Thank you very much!

10 2 Relevant phrases 🎧
Living and
in Hong Kong Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss
Chyùhnbo Hohk noun B.A. in Communication
Hohksih Hohkwái Studies
chyùhnbo hohk noun communication studies
hohksih hohkwái noun bachelor’s degree
hohksāang yāusīksāt noun students’ lounge
wùihdaahp verb to answer
gaauyuhk verb to educate
noun education
jeunhàhng verb to conduct, to carry out
mùihtái yìhn'gau noun media studies
chùhngsih verb to engage in
gūngguhng gwāanhaih noun public relations
léihleuhn noun theory
sipkahp verb to involve
daaihjung chyùhnbo noun mass media
seuifuhk geihháau noun persuasion
sahtyuhng adjective practical
mùihtái gūngsī noun media company
jīusāng góngjoh noun admission talk
daihyāt nìhn phrase first year
tūngsīk gaauyuhk noun general education
mihnheung verb to face
yahpmùhn fochìhng noun introductory course
gēibún ge séungfaat phrase basic idea
fōmuhk noun school subject
yàhnmàhn hohkfō noun humanities
séhwúi fōhohk noun social science
fōhohk noun science
fōgeih noun technology
gūngchìhng noun engineering
màhnfa yìhn'gau noun cultural studies
yúhyìhn noun language
tàihdou verb to mention
hohksāang gāaulàuh noun student exchange
100 gaiwaahk programme
gāaulàuh noun exchange
Yale romanization Grammatical form/function English gloss 10
Living and
Bāk Méih noun North America studying in
Hong Kong
hohkkèih noun semester
hóingoih adverb overseas
yātdihng ge tìuhgín phrase certain prerequisites
hó'nàhng adjective possible
noun possibility
ngoihyúh noun foreign language
hóu dō sìh phrase very often
kèihmohng verb to expect
noun expectation
sēungdōng gōu phrase quite high
Yīngyúh séuipìhng noun English language
sūkse noun dormitory
yāt go dāanwái noun an apartment
goyàhn adjective personal, individual
gihnsānfòhng noun gym
chitsī noun facility
syūdim noun bookstore
hohksāang faahntòhng noun student canteen
jōu verb to rent
faiyuhng noun fee, expense
hahpléih adjective reasonable
dihnyàuh noun e-mail

Here are some phrases and constructions you can use in daily conversation:

lòihjih . . . ge hohksāang students from . . .

yàuh tóuleuhn . . . hōichí to start by discussing . . .
yáuh . . . ge yāt mihn have a . . . side
johkwàih . . . ge yāt bouhfahn. as part of . . .
yātchai dōu . . . everything is . . .
Jānhaih fēisèuhng yáuh bōngjoh! It’s really very helpful!
Fēisèuhng gámjeh néih! Thank you very much!
Jihkdāk góng ge haih . . . it is worth mentioning that . . .
yáuh ginchitsing ge . . . constructive . . .
Ngóh jānhaih dahng néih hōisām. I am really happy for you.
Ngóh hóu gōuhing hóyíh chāamgā . . . I am very happy to participate in . . . 101
Fēisèuhng gámjeh néihdeih ge bōngjoh. Thank you very much for your help.
Ngóh bíusih chūngsām gámjeh. I express my wholehearted thanks.
10 3 Learning points
Living and
studying 3.1 Construction: ḿwúih ḿ . . . (‘will definitely . . .’)
in Hong Kong
Double negative construction is using two forms of grammatical negation in one sentence.
In Cantonese, double negatives cancel out one another and produce a strong affirmative.

e.g., Ngóh m̀ wúih m̀geidāk nī chi ge sahtjaahp gīngyihm.

I will definitely remember the experience of this internship programme.
Néih haih ngóh jeui hóu ge pàhngyáuh. Ngóh gánghaih m̀wúih m̀ bōng
néih lā.
You are my best friend. I will definitely help you.

3.2 Discourse structure: yùhgwó . . . yìhché . . . gám . . .

(‘if . . . and . . ., then . . .’)
e.g., Yùhgwó yāt go yàhn m̀ jouh wahnduhng, yìhché sìhsìhdōu hóu yeh fan-
gaau, gám kéuih ge sāntái yātdihng m̀ wúih hóu.
If a person does not take exercise, and always goes to bed late, then he will not
be healthy.
Yùhgwó ngóhdeih yáuh hó'kaau ge tàuhjī gaiwaahk, yìhché yáuh ūkkéi
yàhn tùhng pàhngyáuh yātchàih, gám ngóhdeih wúih yáuh yāt go hōisām
ge teuiyāu sāngwuht.
If we have reliable investment plans, and (you) are accompanied by family and
friends, then we will have a happy retirement life.

4 Additional text 🎧
Part of the admissions talk

Fūnyìhng gok wái tùhnghohk tùhng gājéung làih dou gāmyaht ge daaihhohk
jīseun yaht. Gāmyaht ge jīseun yaht wúih yáuh hóu dō m̀tùhng ge góngjoh,
hēimohng daaihgā hóyíh ganggā líuhgáai ngóhdeih ge daaihohk. Ngóh doihbíu
daaihhohk fūnyìhng daaihgā.
Sáusīn dáng ngóh gaaisiuhháh ngóhdeih ge daaihhohk. Ngóhdeih ge daaih-
hohk haih yāt gāan junghahp yìhng daaihhohk, m̀jí jyujuhng gaauhohk tùhng
yìhn'gau, dōu hóu juhngsih hohksāang jíngtái ge faatjín.
Ngóhdeih ge daaihhohk yáuh baat go Hohkyún, bāaukwut Màhn Hohkyún,
Sēung Hohkyún, Gaauyuhk Hohkyún, Gūngchìhng Hohkyún, Faatleuht
Hohkyún, Léih Hohkyún, Séhwúi Fōhohk Hohkyún tùhng Yī Hohkyún. Tùhng-
hohk hóyíh gān'geui jihgéi ge hingcheui sānchíng nī dī hohkyún léuih mihn ge
fōmuhk. Ngóhdeih daaihhohk ge móhngjaahm dōu yáuh chèuhngsai ge jīlíu,
daaihgā m̀wúih wán m̀dóu sēuiyiu ge jīlíu ge.
102 Múih yāt go daihyāt nìhn ge hohksāang dōu sēui yiu sāuduhk Daaihhohk
Tūngsīk Fochìhng. Ngóhdeih daaihhohk ge Tūngsīk Fochìhng haih saigaai
yáuhméng ge. Hái fochìhng léuih mihn, hohksāang hóyíh yáuh gēiwuih jipjūk
m̀tùhng ge fōmuhk tùhng séungfaat.
Hái tūngsīk fochìhng léuih mihn, yàhnmàhn hohkfō tùhng séhwúi fōhohk ge 10
hohksāang hóyíh hohkjaahp fōhohk tùhng fōgeih, hohk gūngchìhng tùhng fōhohk Living and
ge hohksāang hóyíh hohkjaahp màhnfa yìhn'gau tùhng m̀tùhng ge yúhyìhn. studying in
Ngóhdeih ge daaihhohk haih yāt go gwokjaifa ge daaihhohk. Daaihhohk yáuh Hong Kong
hóu dō m̀tùhng gwokgā tùhng deihkēui làih ge hohksāang. Ngóhdeih dōu yáuh
hóu dō gwokjai gāaulàuh gaiwaahk. Ngóhdeih ge hohksāang hóyíh hái Ajāu,
Āujāu tùhng Bāk Méih ge kèihtā daaihhohk jeunhàhng yāt dou léuhng go hohk-
kèih ge hóingoih hohkjaahp. Sóyáuh ngóhdeih daaihhohk ge hohksāang dōu
hóyíh sānchíng. Nī dī gāaulàuh gaiwaahk deui tùhnghohk làih góng haih hóu
hóu ge hohkjaahp gēiwuih. Hóu sauh tùhnghohk fūnyìhng.
Yùhgwó ngóhdeih ge hohksāang séung jyuh hái daaihhohk léuih mihn, yìhché
séung yuhng daaihhohk ge chitsī, gám hóyíh sānchíng daaihhohk sūkse.
Hohkhaauh léuih mihn yáuh ngàhnhòhng, syūdim, chánsó, hohksāang
faahntòhng, tùhng chīukāp síhchèuhng. Sóyíh yātchai dōu wúih hóu fōngbihn.
Nī go gaaisiuh wúi jīhauh, daaihgā hóyíh chāamgā m̀tùhng hohkyún ge gaai-
siuh wúih, dōu hóyíh tùhng ngóhdeih ge gaausauh kīnggái tùhng líuhgáaiháh
m̀tùhng fochìhng ge chìhngfong.
Hēimohng daaihgā gāmyaht hóyíh dākdóu yáuhyuhng ge jīseun tùhng
sāmyahp líugaai ngóhdeih ge daaihhohk tùhng fochìhng.

Here are some more phrases in the additional text:

gājéung jīseun yaht ganggā junghahp yìhng jyujuhng

parents information day even more daaihhohk to emphasize
gaauhohk juhngsih jíngtái Hohkyún Màhn
teaching and pay attention to overall Faculty Hohkyún
learning Faculty of Arts
Gaauyuhk Gūngchìhng Faatleuht Léih Hohkyún Séhwúi Fōhohk
Hohkyún Hohkyún Hohkyún Faculty of Science Hohkyún
Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of
Education Engineering Law Social Science
Yī Hohkyún chèuhngsai múih yāt gwokjaifa yìhché
Faculty of detailed go internationalized moreover
Medicine each

5 Exercises and practice

5.1 Answer the following questions based on the situated

conversation and additional text:
Charlotte wúih gin léuhng go hái Gwóngjāu làih ge hohksāang, dímgáai nē?

10 Charlotte wah Chyùhnbo Hohk Hohksih Hohkwái ge jyúyiu muhkdīk haih
Living and mātyéh nē?
in Hong Kong

Daaihhohk Tūngsīk Fochìhng haih dímyéung ge fochìhng nē?

Hohksāang gāaulàuh gaiwaahk haih mātyéh gaiwaahk a? Dō m̀ dō hohksāang

sānchíng a?

Dímgáai yáuh dī daaihhohksāang daihyāt nìhn jauh yiu hōichí jéunbeih

sānchíng hóingoih gāaulàuh gaiwaahk nē?

Charlotte ge daaihohk yáuh mātyéh chitsī nē?

Hái Charlotte ge daaihohk, hohksāang hó m̀ hóyíh jyuh hái sūkse a? Charlotte

wah jyuh hái sūkse hóu m̀ hóu nē?

5.2 Use the following constructions to make sentences:

ngóh hóu gōuhing hóyíh chāamgā. . .

yàuh . . . hōichí

lòihjih . . . ge hohksāang 10
Living and
studying in
Hong Kong

m̀ wúih m̀ . . .

yùhgwó . . . yìhché . . . gám . . .

5.3 Use at least five words from the list below to write a

short story:
yúhyìhn gaauyuhk hahpléih fōgeih gāaulàuh
sūkse chitsī hó'nàhng sahtyuhng fōmuhk

5.4 Read the following classical poem aloud in this

pronunciation exercise: 🎧

Sung Douh Siu Fú Jī Yahm Suhk Jāu

– Wòhng Buht

Sìhng kyut fuh sāam chèuhn,

fūng yīn mohng nǵh jēun.
Yúh gwān lèih biht yi,
tùhng sih waahn yàuh yàhn. 105
Hói noih chyùhn jī géi,
tīn ngàaih yeuhk béi lèuhn.
Mòuh wàih joih kèih louh,
yìh néuih guhng jīm gān.
10 5.5 For each of the two situations below, write a short
Living and paragraph and read it aloud in response to the
in Hong Kong
information provided:
Néih tùhng pàhngyáuh sihkfaahn kīnggái. Néihdeih dōu góng jihgéi ge daai-
hohk sāngwuht. Chéng néih góng béi néih ge pàhngyáuh jī néih ge daaihohk
sāngwuht haih dímyéung ge.

Néih yáuh yāt go pàhngyáuh. Kéuih hóu séung hái daaihhohk duhk yāmngohk,
daahnhaih kéuih ge bàhbā màhmā m̀tùhngyi yānwaih kéuihdeih gokdāk duhk
yāmngohk jēunglòih hóu nàahn wán gūng. Néih ge pàhngyáuh yìhgā mahn néih
ge yigin. Chéng néih góngháh néih ge séungfaat.

Glossary of linguistic terms

adjective: a class of words that describes and modifies nouns.

adverb: a class of words that modifies verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or sentences.
comparative: a form of adjective or adverb that expresses a higher degree of a
construction: a group of words that forms a constituent of a sentence.
determiner: a word that specifies, identifies, or quantifies the noun or noun phrase
that follows it.
negation: a linguistic mechanism to express a negative state of affairs. It indicates
the absence rather than the presence of distinguishing features.
noun: a class of words that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea.
phrase: a group of words forming a unit.
preposition: a word used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction,
time, place, location, or spatial relationships.
pronoun: a word used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase, e.g., he, she, it,
they in English.
question word: a word used to ask certain types of questions, e.g., what, who, why
in English.
sentence-final particle: a word that occurs at the end of a sentence and does not
carry referential meaning.
verb: a class of words that show an action, occurrence, or state of being.
verb–object construction: a combination of a verb and a noun to form a ‘word-
like unit’, e.g., fan gaau (‘to sleep’) in Cantonese.

English translation of poems

The classical poems in each lesson have mainly been included for the purpose of
providing pronunciation practice. The poems also demonstrate various aspects of
rhyme and rhythm in Cantonese poetry. An English translation of these poems is
provided below.

Lesson 1
Ode to a goose
By Luo Binwang (c.640–c.684)
Goose, goose, goose,
you bend your neck towards the sky and sing.
Your white feathers float on the green water,
your red feet push the clear waves.

Lesson 2
Spring Morning
By Meng Haoren (c.689–c.740)
Spring morning arrives unnoticed in my slumber.
I hear birds twittering everywhere.
I heard the sounds of wind and showers in the night.
Do you know how many flowers were blown away?

Lesson 3
Setting Off Early from Baidi City
By Li Bai (701–762)
I depart from Baidi in the morning amongst colourful clouds,
traveling thousands of miles to Jiangling in a single day.
Hearing gibbons and monkeys from the shore,
108 my little boat passes thousands of mountain peaks.
Lesson 4 Appendix 2
translation of
Sympathy for the Peasant poems
By Li Shen (c.772 –c.846)
He ploughs the rice field under the noonday sun,
his sweat dropping onto the soil of the field.
Do you know that in every bowl we eat,
each grain is the fruit of his hard work?

Lesson 5
Climbing the Stork Pavilion
By Wang Zhihuan (688–742)
I can see the sun setting behind the mountains,
the Yellow River is flowing to the sea.
To see scenery thousands of miles away,
I need to ascend to a higher level.

Lesson 6
Missing My Brothers in Shandong on the Double Nineth Festival
By Wang Wei (692–761)
I am a lone outsider in a foreign place,
and at every festival I miss my family.
I know that my brothers must be climbing the mountain
carrying dogwood sprays, but missing me.

Lesson 7
Farewell on the Grassland
By Bai Juyi (772–846)
A field of grass on the plains.
In one year it dies, but then revives.
Wildfires cannot wipe it out,
and the spring breeze brings it back to life.

Lesson 8
At the Yellow Crane Tower, Bidding Farewell to Meng Haoren, on His Way to
By Li Bai (701–762) 109
Appendix 2 My old friend says farewell in the west at the Yellow Crane Tower.
English Amid the flower blossoms of March, he heads for Yangzhou.
translation of
In the distance he sails alone and vanishes into the blue-green mountains.
I see only the Yangtze River flowing into the sky.

Lesson 9
A Traveller’s Song
By Meng Jiao (751–814)
A loving mother has needle and thread in her hand,
to make clothes for the son who is about to travel.
Before his departure she sews thread after thread,
worrying that his trip be delayed, and that he will return late.
Who can tell whether a tiny blade of grass
will ever repay the bright sunlight of spring?

Lesson 10
Farewell to Vice Prefect Du Leaving for a Post in Shuzhou
By Wang Bo (650–676)
The walls of Chang’an protect three districts.
Amid wind and haze you can see five rivers.
We bid each other a sad farewell,
we two officials are going opposite ways,
but we will remain good friends.
We are neighbours even though we are apart.
Let us not show sorrow at this fork in the road,
we should not be crying like children.

List of learning points

Discourse structure: Yāt làih . . ., yih làih . . ., sāam làih . . . Lesson 1
(‘first . . ., second . . ., third . . .’)
Construction: yāt mihn X yāt mihn Y/yāt bihn X yāt bihn Y Lesson 2
(‘X and Y at the same time’)
Discourse structure: sáusīn . . . yìhnhauh . . . juhng yáuh . . . Lesson 2
(‘first . . . then . . . in addition . . .’)
Construction: yàuhyū . . . (ge) gwāanhaih (‘because of . . .’), Lesson 3
(‘due to . . .’)
Discourse structure: chùhng . . . hōichí, . . ., (yìhnhauh) . . ., Lesson 3
gānjyuh . . ., jeui hauh . . . (‘to begin with . . . (then) . . ., next . . .,
in the end . . .’)
Construction: Question word jauh Question word (‘whatever, Lesson 4
whoever, whenever, wherever, . . .’)
Discourse structure: sáusīn . . . kèihchi . . . lihngngoih . . . Lesson 4
(‘firstly . . . and then . . . in addition . . .’)
Construction: jēung X Verb (‘take X to Verb’) Lesson 5
Construction: Adjective- jó dī (‘a bit too/a little too Adjective’) Lesson 5
Discourse structure: Sáusīn. . . lihng yāt fōngmihn . . . Lesson 5
jeuihauh/júnggit . . . (‘firstly . . ., on the other hand . . .,
in the end . . .’)
Construction: yìh . . . (‘as for . . ., with regards to . . .’) Lesson 6
Discourse structure: jeui Adjective haih . . ., kèihchi jauh haih . . . Lesson 6
(‘the most . . . is, then . . . in addition to that . . .’)
Construction: làih . . . (‘in order to . . .’) Lesson 7
Discourse structure: m̀ léih . . . dōu . . . (‘no matter . . .. also . . .’) Lesson 7
Construction: búnlòih . . . hauhlòih/sāumēi/yìhgā . . . Lesson 8
(‘originally . . . later/finally/now . . .’)
Construction: bīn douh wúih/bīn douh hó’nàhng . . . ? Lesson 8
(‘how can . . . happen?’)

Appendix 3 Discourse structure: . . . haih . . ., dōu haih . . ., juhnghaih . . . Lesson 8
List of
(‘. . . to be . . ., also to be, furthermore . . .’)
points Construction: yātdaan . . ., jauh . . . (‘once . . ., then . . .’) Lesson 9
Construction: . . . béi . . . (passive voice) Lesson 9
Discourse structure: sáusīn . . . chèuihchí jī'ngoih . . . Lesson 9
(‘first . . . in addition . . .’)
Construction: m̀wúih m̀ . . . (‘will definitely . . .’) Lesson 10
Discourse structure: yùhgwó . . . yìhché . . . gám . . . Lesson 10
(‘if . . . and . . ., then . . .’)

List of relevant phrases

Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson

romanization form/function
Ajāu noun Asia Lesson 3
Āujāu noun Europe Lesson 7
baahn verb to run, to operate Lesson 6
baahnfaat noun method Lesson 4
baakfàhn jī seisahp sei phrase 44 percent Lesson 6
baakfahnjī gáusahp phrase 90 percent Lesson 7
báanbún noun version Lesson 8
baat yuht sahpnǵh phrase the fifteenth day of the Lesson 8
eighth month (lunar
bāaukwut verb to include Lesson 1
Bāgēisíhtáan yàhn noun Pakistanis Lesson 6
Bāk Méih noun North America Lesson 10
Bāléih dóu noun the island of Bali Lesson 3
bātgei noun notes Lesson 6
bāttùhng fōngmihn phrase different aspects Lesson 9
béichoi noun competition Lesson 2
beimaht noun secret Lesson 8
bihnghàhng verb to go hand in hand, to be Lesson 7
bōng verb to help Lesson 2
bōngdóu verb can help Lesson 5
bōngjoh verb to help Lesson 5
noun help
bouhfahn noun part Lesson 6
bouhmùhn noun division, section, Lesson 5
department (company)
bouji verb to decorate Lesson 9
noun decoration
(Continued )
Appendix 4 (Continued)
List of
relevant Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson
phrases romanization form/function
bóulàuh verb to preserve Lesson 1
bóuwuh verb to protect Lesson 7
búndeih adjective local Lesson 3
búnfo noun undergraduate Lesson 5
chaakwaahk verb to plan, to engineer Lesson 9
cháansāng verb to generate Lesson 7
chānchīk noun relative Lesson 8
chánsó noun clinic Lesson 6
chau adjective smelly Lesson 1
chéng verb to invite Lesson 9
chéng yàhn verb–object to recruit people Lesson 4
chèuhngsāngbātlóuh adjective immortal Lesson 8
Chèuhngtāan Dóu noun Boracay Island Lesson 3
chéuidoih verb to replace Lesson 7
chèuihsìh adverb at any time, whenever Lesson 9
chēutjihk verb to be present Lesson 9
chìhngfong noun situation, circumstances Lesson 9
chìhngléuih noun couple Lesson 8
chìhsin sihyihp noun charity Lesson 6
chīmdihng verb to sign Lesson 7
Chīng Mìhng Jit noun Ching Ming Festival Lesson 8
chīngchó adjective clear Lesson 4
Chīngjān jí noun mosque Lesson 6
chīngsiunìhn jūngsām noun youth centre Lesson 6
chitsī noun facility Lesson 10
chīusíh / noun supermarket Lesson 1
chīukāp síhchèuhng
chóichéui chousī phrase take action Lesson 7
chòihfu noun assets, wealth Lesson 7
chóiyuhng verb to use, to adopt Lesson 7
Chùhng Yèuhng Jit noun Chung Yeung Festival Lesson 8
chùhngsih verb to engage in Lesson 10
chūkjeun verb to facilitate Lesson 7
chūngdaht noun conflict Lesson 3
verb to conflict
chyúhléih / verb to handle, to process, to Lesson 3
chyuléih deal with
Chyùhnbo Haih noun Communications Lesson 6
Department (university)
114 chyùhnbo hohk noun communication studies Lesson 10
Appendix 4
Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson List of
romanization form/function relevant
Chyùhnbo Hohk noun B.A. in Communication Lesson 10
Hohksih Hohkwái Studies
chyùhnsyut noun legend Lesson 8
chyùhntúng adjective traditional Lesson 1
noun tradition
daai verb to bring Lesson 7
daai líhng verb to lead, to guide Lesson 9
daaih chāan phrase big meal Lesson 4
daaih dō sou noun majority Lesson 7
daaih yìhng adjective large-scale Lesson 1
daaihjihyìhn noun nature Lesson 3
daaihjung chyùhnbo noun mass media Lesson 10
daaihyeuk adverb approximately Lesson 6
dāamsām verb to worry Lesson 2
dahkbiht gābān noun special guest Lesson 9
Dahksīlāai noun Tesla Lesson 7
daihyāt nìhn phrase first year Lesson 10
dájeung verb to fight (war) Lesson 8
dākdóu verb to obtain Lesson 9
dānggeichyu noun registration counter Lesson 9
dānglùhng noun lantern Lesson 8
deihhá phrase on the ground Lesson 1
deihkàuh seuhng phrase on planet earth Lesson 7
deihkēui noun area, district Lesson 3
dihnduhng chē noun electric car Lesson 7
dihnjí yàuhhei noun electronic games Lesson 2
dihnyàuh noun e-mail Lesson 10
dit chān phrase fall down Lesson 1
doihbíu noun representative Lesson 9
verb to represent
dōngdeih màhnfa noun local culture Lesson 1
dōngdoih noun contemporary Lesson 9
dongjyú noun stallholder Lesson 1
dōngyìhn adverb certainly Lesson 4
dou verb to arrive Lesson 9
Douh Gaau noun Taoism Lesson 6
douhséung noun guided tour, docent Lesson 9
dōyùhnfa adjective diverse Lesson 6
duhngmaht noun animal Lesson 7
Dyūn Nǵh Jit noun Dragon Boat Festival Lesson 8
dyún pín noun short film Lesson 2
Faatgwok noun France Lesson 4
(Continued )
Appendix 4 (Continued)
List of
relevant Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson
phrases romanization form/function
faatjínjūng gwokgā noun developing country Lesson 7
faatsāng verb to happen Lesson 7
faatyihn verb to discover Lesson 8
Faht daan noun Buddha’s birthday Lesson 6
Faht Gaau noun Buddhism Lesson 6
faht jí noun Buddhist temple Lesson 6
faiyuhng noun fee, expense Lesson 10
fēi verb to fly Lesson 8
Fēileuhtbān noun the Philippines Lesson 3
fochìhng noun course, programme Lesson 4
fōgeih noun technology Lesson 10
fōhohk noun science Lesson 10
fōmuhk noun school subject Lesson 10
fong hái daihyāt waihphrase to be put first Lesson 7
fong séuhng móhng phrase to put online Lesson 2
fōngfaat noun method Lesson 3
fóngmahn verb to interview Lesson 2
fōng'on noun proposal, scheme Lesson 3
fuhkmouh verb to serve Lesson 6
noun service
fuhmín yínghéung phrase negative influence Lesson 3
fūkjí noun well-being Lesson 7
fūng nàhng noun wind energy Lesson 7
gáaikyut verb to solve Lesson 3
gáamsíu verb to reduce Lesson 7
Gáanpòuhjaai noun Cambodia Lesson 3
gáau verb to stir, to disturb Lesson 1
gāau dói noun plastic bag Lesson 7
gāaulàuh noun exchange Lesson 10
gaausauh noun professor Lesson 7
gáausiu adjective funny Lesson 2
gaautòuh noun believer Lesson 6
gaauwúi noun church Lesson 6
gaauyuhk verb to educate Lesson 10
noun education
gahnnìhn phrase in recent years Lesson 3
gāi noun chicken Lesson 1
gaisyun verb to calculate Lesson 7
gajihk noun value Lesson 1
gajihk gūn noun values Lesson 6
gám(yéung) adverb this way Lesson 1
116 gāmyùhng fānsīk yùhn noun security analyst Lesson 5
Appendix 4
Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson List of
romanization form/function relevant
gāmyùhng fōgeih noun fintech Lesson 5
gāmyùhng fōgeih noun financial technology Lesson 5
fānsīk analytics
gān'geui adverb on the basis of, according Lesson 6
gánjēung adjective nervous Lesson 3
gānjūk phrase to follow closely Lesson 1
gātìhng noun family, household Lesson 8
gātìhng jyúfúh noun housewife Lesson 1
gau adjective enough, sufficient Lesson 4
gauh kēui noun old district Lesson 9
Gáulùhng Sìhng noun Kowloon City Lesson 9
gāyahp verb to join, to become a Lesson 9
gēibún ge séungfaat phrase basic idea Lesson 10
geidāk verb to remember Lesson 3
Gēidūk Sān Gaau noun Protestantism Lesson 6
geihseuht noun technology, skill Lesson 7
geiluhk pín noun documentary Lesson 2
géuibaahn verb to hold, to run Lesson 9
gēuijyuh verb to live, to reside Lesson 7
gihnsānfòhng noun gym Lesson 10
gin mihn verb–object to meet Lesson 4
Gīngdōu Yíhdihng Syū noun Kyoto Protocol Lesson 7
gīngjai noun economy Lesson 3
gīngjai faatjín noun economic development Lesson 7
gīngjai hohkgā noun economist Lesson 7
gingjāng noun competition Lesson 4
verb to compete
ginjaahp gīngléih noun trainee manager Lesson 5
ginjūk noun architecture Lesson 9
ginjūk wàahn'gíng noun the built environment Lesson 9
ginyíh noun suggestion Lesson 2
verb to suggest
gitgwó noun result Lesson 5
giufúlìhntīn phrase groaning Lesson 3
góisihn verb to improve Lesson 7
gōn fo noun dry goods Lesson 1
góngjoh noun lecture, seminar Lesson 3
góu noun manuscript, draft Lesson 1
gōuwān noun high temperature Lesson 8
(Continued )
Appendix 4 (Continued)
List of
relevant Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson
phrases romanization form/function
goyàhn adjective personal, individual Lesson 10
gú verb to guess Lesson 2
gu'haak noun customer Lesson 7
guhngchyùhn verb to coexist Lesson 7
gūng noun bow Lesson 8
gūngchìhng noun engineering Lesson 10
gūngguhng gwāanhaih noun public relations Lesson 10
gunghin noun contribution Lesson 6
verb to contribute
gūngjok noun job, task, work Lesson 4
gūngjok gīngyihm noun work experience Lesson 4
gūngjung gakèih noun public holiday Lesson 6
gūngyihp noun industry Lesson 7
gūnjung noun audience Lesson 2
gunkoi noun irrigation Lesson 3
verb to irrigate
gúnléih verb to manage Lesson 1
noun management
guntáu noun canned food Lesson 1
gúpiu noun stock, shares Lesson 4
gusih noun story Lesson 8
gwāanbai verb to shut down Lesson 3
adjective closed
noun closure
gwāanjyu preposition about, regarding Lesson 3
gwāndéui noun army Lesson 8
gwānyàhn noun soldier Lesson 8
gwodouh jāibīk phrase overcrowding Lesson 3
gwokgā noun country Lesson 3
hā noun shrimp Lesson 1
hàahng gwo phrase walk through Lesson 1
haahnjai noun restriction Lesson 7
verb to restrict, to limit
háaih noun crab Lesson 1
haakyàhn noun guest Lesson 9
hah mihn preposition below Lesson 7
Hàhngjing Júngchòih noun Chief Executive Officer Lesson 5
hahpléih adjective reasonable Lesson 10
hahpsīk adjective appropriate Lesson 4
verb to be suitable
hái bāan seuhng bihn phrase in class Lesson 6
118 hái géi yaht noih phrase in the next few days Lesson 9
Appendix 4
Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson List of
romanization form/function relevant
haih jí phrase to be refer to Lesson 7
haihtúng noun system Lesson 3
hángdihng verb to affirm, to be sure Lesson 5
Hauh Ngaih noun Hou Yi Lesson 8
hauhlòih preposition then later Lesson 8
héikehk noun comedy Lesson 2
Héimáhlāaingá sāan noun the Himalaya mountains Lesson 3
heui m̀ dóu phrase cannot go Lesson 3
heung . . . kèihtóu phrase pray to . . . Lesson 8
hingcheui noun interest Lesson 2
hiptìuh verb to coordinate Lesson 3
noun coordination, conformity
hipwúi noun association Lesson 9
hó chìhjuhk faatjín noun sustainable development Lesson 7
hohkdóu verb have learnt Lesson 5
hohkjé noun scholar Lesson 6
hohkkèih noun semester Lesson 10
hohksāang faahntòhng noun student canteen Lesson 10
hohksāang gāaulàuh noun student exchange Lesson 10
gaiwaahk programme
hohksāang yāusīksāt noun students’ lounge Lesson 10
hohksih hohkwái noun bachelor’s degree Lesson 10
hohksīk phrase learnt Lesson 2
hohksīkjó verb have learnt Lesson 6
hóibou noun poster Lesson 9
hōijín verb to start (a plan) Lesson 1
hōimohk wuhtduhng noun opening event Lesson 9
hōimohk yín'góng noun opening speech Lesson 9
hōimohkláih noun opening ceremony Lesson 9
hóingoih adverb overseas Lesson 10
hóitāan noun beach Lesson 3
hó'nàhng adjective possible Lesson 10
noun possibility
hotmohng adjective eager Lesson 4
hóu dō sìh phrase very often Lesson 10
Húng Gaau noun Confucianism Lesson 6
hūnghei noun the air Lesson 7
jaahmsìh adjective provisional Lesson 5
jaahnjoh noun sponsor Lesson 9
verb to sponsor
jaahpfo póu noun grocery store Lesson 1
jaahphahp verb to gather, to bring Lesson 9
together 119

(Continued )
Appendix 4 (Continued)
List of
relevant Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson
phrases romanization form/function
jaai'hyun noun bond Lesson 4
jānggā verb to increase Lesson 7
jeuhnlihk verb to do the best Lesson 9
jeuihwuih noun gathering Lesson 8
jeun faai phrase as soon as possible Lesson 9
jēunchùhng verb to follow Lesson 7
jeundouh wúi noun progress meeting Lesson 9
jéungdaaih verb to grow up Lesson 5
jéungngāak verb to grasp Lesson 5
jeunhàhng verb to conduct, to carry out Lesson 10
jeunsīng verb to promote, to raise to a Lesson 5
higher position
jīgaak noun qualification Lesson 4
jihkmaht noun vegetation Lesson 7
jījoh verb to subsidize Lesson 6
jīkgihk adjective active, positive Lesson 7
jīk'waih noun position (company) Lesson 4
jīkyihp noun profession Lesson 9
jīkyùhn noun staff Lesson 5
jīlíu noun data Lesson 1
jin noun arrow Lesson 8
jīngchói adjective wonderful, brilliant Lesson 6
jingfú noun government Lesson 1
jingfú gūnyùhn noun government officials Lesson 9
jingmihn adjective positive Lesson 7
jīngsāu verb to levy Lesson 7
jīngtaam dihnyíng noun detective movie Lesson 2
jínláahm noun exhibition Lesson 9
jínláahn chèuhngdeih noun exhibition site Lesson 9
jínsih verb to exhibit Lesson 9
jipdóu verb have received Lesson 9
jipgahn verb to be close to, near Lesson 5
jipjūk verb to contact Lesson 3
jísih noun instruction, directive Lesson 1
verb to instruct
jisīk noun knowledge Lesson 2
jithohk noun philosophy Lesson 6
jityaht noun festival Lesson 8
jiujyuh verb to irradiate Lesson 8
jīuping gwónggou noun recruitment Lesson 4
120 jīusāng góngjoh noun admission talk Lesson 10
Appendix 4
Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson List of
romanization form/function relevant
jīyùhn noun resources Lesson 7
jokbán noun works Lesson 9
jōu verb to rent Lesson 10
jouhsìhng phrase to result in Lesson 3
jóujīk noun organization Lesson 6
verb to organize
juhngdím noun emphasis, main point Lesson 9
juhngyiusing noun importance Lesson 8
Jūngchāu Jit noun Mid-Autumn Festival Lesson 8
jūnggaau noun religion Lesson 6
jūnggaau seunyéuhng noun religious beliefs Lesson 6
jūnghohk noun secondary school Lesson 6
júngjuhk noun ethnicity Lesson 6
júngleuih noun type, kind Lesson 4
jyúbaahn fōng noun organizer Lesson 9
jyuchaak dānggei verb to register, to enrol Lesson 9
noun registration
jyuhjaak kēui noun housing estate Lesson 9
jyuhnkèih noun legend Lesson 8
jyumìhng adjective famous Lesson 9
jyūnmùhn adjective specialized Lesson 4
jyútàih noun theme Lesson 2
jyúyiu adjective main, chief Lesson 3
kāpyáhn verb to attract Lesson 3
kàuhjīk góngjoh noun recruitment talk Lesson 4
kàuhjīk móhngjaahm noun recruitment website Lesson 4
kaumaht dói noun shopping bag Lesson 7
kaumaht jūngsām noun shopping mall Lesson 9
kāutūng verb to communicate Lesson 8
kèihdoih verb to look forward to Lesson 4
kèihmohng verb to expect Lesson 10
noun expectation
kéihyihp yùhngjī noun corporate finance Lesson 5
kèuhng adjective strong Lesson 4
kīngháh phrase to have a chat Lesson 1
kokyihng verb to confirm Lesson 9
kwāigaak noun specification, standard Lesson 1
làahmsìh adjective provisional Lesson 9
laahpsaap noun rubbish Lesson 1
laihjí noun example Lesson 3
làuhhàhng màhnfa noun popular culture Lesson 2
làuhhàhng yāmngohk noun popular music Lesson 2
làuhleih adjective fluent Lesson 5 121

(Continued )
Appendix 4 (Continued)
List of
relevant Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson
phrases romanization form/function
léihleuhn noun theory Lesson 10
léihlihkbíu noun resume Lesson 4
leuihchíh ge sihchìhng
phrase similar situation Lesson 7
léuihyàuh yihp noun tourist industry Lesson 3
leuihyìhng noun genre Lesson 2
lihng yāt go laihjí phrase another example Lesson 3
líuhgáai verb to understand Lesson 5
noun understanding
lódóu verb have got Lesson 9
lohkyi adjective willing to Lesson 9
Lòhmáh noun Rome Lesson 6
lohngmaahn adjective romantic Lesson 8
lóuhyàhnyún noun old people’s home Lesson 6
lóusyú noun mouse Lesson 1
Lyùhnhahp Gwok noun United Nations Lesson 7
lyùhnlok verb to contact Lesson 9
Maahnggālāai yàhn noun Bangladeshis Lesson 6
maahnwá noun comics Lesson 2
máaih sung verb–object to buy materials for Lesson 1
construction cooking
máaihdóu phrase bought Lesson 1
màhnfa wuhtduhng noun cultural activity Lesson 9
màhnfa yìhn'gau noun cultural studies Lesson 10
màhngāan seunyéuhng noun folk beliefs Lesson 6
màhnjēung noun article, essay Lesson 3
mahtchit adjective close (relationship) Lesson 6
adverb closely (related)
Málòihsāia yàhn noun Malaysian Lesson 6
m̀gokyi phrase unconsciously Lesson 1
mìhngdāan noun name list Lesson 9
mìhngyàhn noun celebrities Lesson 9
mihnheung verb to face Lesson 10
mihnsíh noun job interview Lesson 4
miuhyúh noun Taoist temple Lesson 6
mó / verb to touch Lesson 1
móhngseuhng síusyut noun online novel Lesson 2
muhkdīk noun purpose, objective, aim Lesson 7
muhn adjective boring Lesson 2
Mùhnggú yàhn noun Mongols Lesson 8
mùihtái gūngsī noun media company Lesson 10
122 mùihtái yìhn'gau noun media studies Lesson 10
Appendix 4
Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson List of
romanization form/function relevant
m̀yuhnyi adjective unwilling Lesson 7
Nàahmyèuhng noun Nanyang Technological Lesson 5
Léihgūng Daaihhohk University (Singapore)
nàahndouh noun difficulty Lesson 1
Nèihpokyíh noun Nepal Lesson 3
ngaatlihk noun pressure Lesson 3
ngaihseuht noun art Lesson 6
ngàhnhòhng noun bank Lesson 4
Ngòhlòhsī noun Russia Lesson 7
ngoihwuih noun foreign currency Lesson 4
ngoihyúh noun foreign language Lesson 10
nī go hipyíh noun this protocol, this Lesson 7
nī léuhng gihn sih phrase these two matters Lesson 7
nìhnchīngyàhn noun young people Lesson 2
noihdeih noun mainland China Lesson 4
noihyùhng noun content Lesson 7
nouhlihk verb to try hard, to strive Lesson 7
nùhnglihk noun lunar calendar Lesson 8
nùhngyihp noun agriculture Lesson 7
oi verb to love Lesson 8
noun love
oi'hou noun hobbies Lesson 2
Oiyíhlàahn noun Ireland Lesson 7
ōnlóuhyún noun old people’s home Lesson 6
ōnpàaih verb to arrange Lesson 4
noun arrangement
pàaihfong noun emission Lesson 7
paak pín verb–object to shoot video Lesson 2
paaksip verb to film Lesson 2
Póutūng'wá noun Putonghua Lesson 5
pui sósìh phrase to make a key cut Lesson 1
pùih verb to accompany Lesson 8
pùihyuhk verb to nurture Lesson 7
saatséi verb to kill Lesson 8
sahmji adverb even Lesson 1
sàhnwá noun myth, mythology Lesson 8
sahpsei saigéi phrase the fourteenth century Lesson 8
sahtyihn verb to achieve Lesson 7
sahtyuhng adjective practical Lesson 10
sāileih adjective formidable Lesson 2 123

(Continued )
Appendix 4 (Continued)
List of
relevant Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson
phrases romanization form/function
sākmúhn phrase stuffed, filled up with Lesson 3
Sām Séui Bóu noun Sham Shui Po Lesson 9
sāmlàhm noun forest Lesson 7
sānchíng verb to apply Lesson 4
sānfú adjective toilsome Lesson 3
sāngmaht noun living things Lesson 7
sāngtaai noun ecology Lesson 3
sāngtaai léuihyàuh / noun ecotourism Lesson 3
sāngtaai yàuh
sāngwuht noun life Lesson 3
sāng'wuht séuipìhng noun living standard Lesson 7
sānping adjective newly hired Lesson 5
sāp adjective wet Lesson 1
sāp fo noun wet goods Lesson 1
sātbaih verb to fail Lesson 8
noun failure
sáubīu noun wristwatch Lesson 1
sáufaat noun technique Lesson 2
sauhsī noun sushi Lesson 1
sáujaahp verb to gather, to collect Lesson 1
sāuléih verb to repair Lesson 1
sāumàaih verb to hide Lesson 8
sé chēutlàih phrase to write it down Lesson 7
séh verb to shoot Lesson 8
séhgāau mùihtái noun social media Lesson 2
Sehkhāk Gaau noun Sikhism Lesson 6
sehksih hohkwái noun master’s degree Lesson 4
sehksih leuhnmàhn noun master’s thesis Lesson 5
séhóu verb to write well Lesson 1
séhwúi noun community, society Lesson 6
séhwúi fōhohk noun social science Lesson 10
séhwúi fūkleih noun social welfare Lesson 6
sékēui noun community Lesson 8
séuhng móhng verb–object to go online Lesson 4
Sèuhngngòh noun Chang’e Lesson 8
seuhngsī noun superior Lesson 9
seui noun tax Lesson 7
séui noun water Lesson 7
séuidouh tāitìhn noun rice terraces Lesson 3
seuifuhk geihháau noun persuasion Lesson 10
124 séuijīk phrase water stains Lesson 1
Appendix 4
Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson List of
romanization form/function relevant
sēuiyiu verb to need to, to demand Lesson 5
noun need, requirement,
Sēung Hohkyún noun Business School Lesson 5
séung yút verb–object to appreciate the moon Lesson 8
sēungbán gāauyihk noun commodity exchange, Lesson 4
sēungdōng gōu phrase quite high Lesson 10
séungfaat noun idea, view Lesson 1
sēunggwāan adjective interrelated, related Lesson 4
sēunglèuhng verb to discuss, to consult Lesson 5
seungpín / noun photograph Lesson 9
sēungyihp séhwúi noun business world Lesson 5
seunsīk noun message Lesson 8
síhchèuhng noun market Lesson 5
sìhng sān phrase whole body Lesson 1
sìhng tou pín phrase the whole movie Lesson 2
sìhnggūng verb to succeed Lesson 4
sìhng'wàih verb to become Lesson 8
sīngyuh noun reputation Lesson 5
sipkahp verb to involve Lesson 10
sipyíng dim noun photographic shops Lesson 9
sipyíng heichòih gūngsī noun photo equipment Lesson 9
sipyíng jínláahm noun photographic exhibition Lesson 9
sipyíngsī noun photographer Lesson 9
sīséung noun thought, ideology Lesson 6
síu síu phrase a little Lesson 4
síuchaakjí noun brochure Lesson 9
sīuhín noun pastime Lesson 2
síuhohk noun primary school Lesson 6
sīusauh verb to sell Lesson 7
síyuhng verb to use, to make use of Lesson 7
noun use
sougeui noun data Lesson 6
sóyáuh adjective all Lesson 5
suhkjaahp verb to be familiar with Lesson 5
suhksihk noun cooked food Lesson 1
suhksīk verb to be familiar with Lesson 4
sūkse noun dormitory Lesson 10
syūdim noun bookstore Lesson 10 125

(Continued )
Appendix 4 (Continued)
List of
relevant Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson
phrases romanization form/function
syūnchyùhn verb to publicize Lesson 1
Taaigwok noun Thailand Lesson 3
taaiyèuhng noun sun Lesson 8
taaiyèuhng nàhng noun solar energy Lesson 7
taidoih nàhngyùhn noun alternative energy Lesson 7
táifaat noun views Lesson 2
tàihchēut verb to put forward, to propose Lesson 7
tàihdou verb to mention Lesson 10
tàihgōu verb to improve, to raise Lesson 5
tàihgūng verb to provide Lesson 3
tàihmuhk noun topic Lesson 3
tàihyi / noun suggestion, proposal Lesson 4
tàihyíh verb to suggest
tāu verb to steal Lesson 8
tàuhjī verb to invest Lesson 4
noun investment
tàuhjī fānsīk noun investment analysis Lesson 5
tàuhjī gūngsī noun investment management Lesson 4
tàuhjī jóu'hahp gúnléih noun portfolio management Lesson 5
tàuhjī ngàhnhòhng / noun investment bank Lesson 4
tēuigwōng verb to popularize, to promote Lesson 7
tīn seuhng mihn phrase in the sky Lesson 8
Tīnjyú Gaau noun Catholicism Lesson 6
tìuh louh noun the road Lesson 8
tóuleuhn verb to discuss Lesson 1
Tóuyíhkèih yàhn noun Turkish people Lesson 6
tùhngsih noun colleague, co-worker Lesson 1
tùhngsìh adverb at the same time Lesson 3
tùhngyi verb to agree Lesson 9
noun agreement
tūngjī verb to inform Lesson 5
tūngsèuhng adverb generally, usually Lesson 1
tūngsīk gaauyuhk noun general education Lesson 10
tyùhndéui noun team Lesson 9
wàahn'gíng noun environment Lesson 3
waaihyàhn noun villain Lesson 2
wahnjok noun operation Lesson 4
wahnsung verb to transport Lesson 9
Wàhyàhn noun Chinese Lesson 6
126 waih preposition for Lesson 3
Appendix 4
Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson List of
romanization form/function relevant
wán gūng verb–object to find a job Lesson 4
Wān'gōwàh noun Vancouver Lesson 8
wòhhàaih adjective harmonious Lesson 7
noun harmony
Wòhngmóuh noun the Queen of Heaven Lesson 8
wuhtduhng chìhn phrase before the event Lesson 9
wuhtfa gaiwaahk noun revitalization project Lesson 1
wùihdaahp verb to answer Lesson 10
wūjōu adjective dirty Lesson 1
wūséui noun sewage Lesson 3
wūyíhm verb to pollute Lesson 3
noun pollution
yahmhòh determiner any Lesson 9
yàhnháu noun population Lesson 6
yàhnleuih noun human race Lesson 7
yàhnmàhn noun citizen, people Lesson 7
yàhnmàhn hohkfō noun humanities Lesson 10
yàhnmát chiujeuhng noun portraits of people Lesson 9
yahpjīk yīukàuh noun entering requirement Lesson 4
yahpmùhn fochìhng noun introductory course Lesson 10
yahtsèuhng sāngwuht noun everyday life Lesson 6
yahtyuhngbán noun daily necessities Lesson 1
yanchaat verb to print Lesson 9
Yandouh Gaau noun Hinduism Lesson 3
Yandouh yàhn noun Indian Lesson 6
Yannèih noun Indonesia Lesson 3
Yannèih yàhn noun Indonesian Lesson 6
yāt dyuhn sìhgaan phrase a period of time Lesson 1
yāt fahn boují noun a newspaper Lesson 3
yāt fahn gūng noun a job Lesson 4
yāt fahn hahpyeuk noun a contract Lesson 9
yāt fūng kàuhjīk seun noun a cover letter Lesson 4
yāt gāan gafē dim noun a coffee shop Lesson 4
yāt go bouhfahn noun one part Lesson 7
yāt go dāanwái noun an apartment Lesson 10
yāt go wáiyùhnwúi noun a committee Lesson 7
yāt haih liht phrase a series of Lesson 7
yāt jek toujái noun a rabbit Lesson 8
yāt nāp dāanyeuhk noun an elixir Lesson 8
yāt tou geiluhk pín noun a documentary Lesson 3
yātdihng ge tìuhgín phrase certain prerequisites Lesson 10 127

(Continued )
Appendix 4 (Continued)
List of
relevant Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson
phrases romanization form/function
yáuh sēuiyiu ge yàhn phrase people in need Lesson 6
yáuh yisī phrase meaningful Lesson 3
yáuhcheui adjective interesting Lesson 2
yàuhkèihsìh adverb especially Lesson 5
Yàuhtaai Gaau noun Judaism Lesson 6
yáuhyuhng adjective useful Lesson 4
yaujihyún noun kindergarten Lesson 6
yāumahk noun humour Lesson 2
adjective humorous
yigin noun advice, opinion Lesson 2
yíhkaau / verb to rely on Lesson 3
yihkdōu adverb also, too Lesson 6
yihndoih adjective modern Lesson 1
yihndoihfa adjective modernized Lesson 3
noun modernization
yìhngjeuhng noun image Lesson 1
yihngsīk verb to know, to be familiar, to Lesson 5
noun understanding
yìhng'wahn verb to operate Lesson 6
yihng'wàih . . . verb to think that . . . Lesson 1
yihngyuhng noun application Lesson 5
verb to apply
yihpmouh wahnjohk noun business operation Lesson 4
yíhtàih noun issue Lesson 3
yihtdaai yúhlàahm noun rainforest Lesson 3
yihyéuhng fa taan noun carbon dioxide Lesson 7
yínghéung noun influence Lesson 3
verb to influence
yīnghùhng noun hero Lesson 8
yín'góng noun speech Lesson 3
Yīngyúh séuipìhng noun English language Lesson 10
Yīsīlàahn Gaau / noun Islam Lesson 6
Wùih Gaau
yīuchíng verb to invite Lesson 9
noun invitation
yīuchíng kāat noun invitation card Lesson 9
yīukàuh noun requirement Lesson 4
verb to require
128 yú noun fish Lesson 1
Appendix 4
Yale Grammatical English gloss Lesson List of
romanization form/function relevant
yuhk noun meat Lesson 1
yùhlohk noun entertainment Lesson 2
yùhnchyùhn adverb completely, entirely Lesson 3
yuhng verb to use Lesson 1
yùhngnaahp verb to accommodate Lesson 6
yùhnyān noun reason Lesson 3
yùhnyìh pín noun suspense movie Lesson 2
yuhtbéng noun mooncake Lesson 8
yuhtdái phrase end of the month Lesson 5
yuhtkàuh noun moon Lesson 8
yuhtleuhng noun moon Lesson 8
Yuhtnàahm noun Vietnam Lesson 3
yúhyìhn noun language Lesson 10


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