1.5 A 5 Años Cuidadores Escalas Empiricas

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C-TRF Empirically Based Scales for Boys and Girls ewes ey wage Internalizing Externalizing Terai Enteral "otal Problems for Gui. Sap Oe wer anit cee one meme ean 1 Date tied a ee | ee ae Dy too oa ga rl 3 4 Cea ‘58-60 60-6198 | 67 66. ‘96 [181-188 184-190 98] 2 near aee a 12 12 7 & Computations Sess ss] 63 ps [156-1 Ce eee eck = oo-Gat a 8 8 2 12 ies a 7 ‘8 : : a Oe eles sk : ee 5, moma ]7] oat ee ® tees 1 go aes ate nee 10 10 12 a 15 ie 8 = a Scale V “026 |~58 55 96 [108-110 4 See . 1 = 3 =. ae ma See ee eee st 7 eee fe ae a 58S ee 8 x s0neceate | e.-% “ . 5, re ee 8 8 9 10 13 5 * s s a 5 5 12 8 OTHER ‘9799. PROBLEMS x _ Shostery tow ae 3 = Greece = Rees : =hee : = Bier cata : B f Weoes 8 aoe to eglee f dh 4 _ alee S 4 — Jealous é 3 ‘ mG eA dbs = Beat Noro ¢ a Be ‘i = Boe 2 2 4 3 3 940 z = 34. Accident Prone 5 as i a os Sta 2 eee He. fo Tas, a) ee) ° 6 ° ° ° é 6 on 3 & oA 50: 45 ears Daye: t A a Vv. VL aoe EMOTIONALLY ANXIOUS/ SOMATIC ATTENTION AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR -2 2S se REACTIVE DEPRESSED COMPLAINTS. PROBLEMS og Consiand ge Se ak 21. Disubed By _10, Gangs A. Aches _5.Cant re eS eisly 85. Pays W. Sex Parts Bae” eZ | eee Ro a se _etee reas — nemouor ee ee = ise cnc oe hte SSO me igen 52 fesiehes a oe a tn eee eee ae nee oe pee Tie Some as Sas” oer ce see ae aa as eee oe eee Tota! Total \W.NeatClean 56. Cumsy 27. Lacks Guilt Bt. Suto $3. Vorits 58, Quicty Sits pa Getubs Others ba Teases Tota! Bt naterve 29. East Fsaied 6. Temper = 95. Wanders Away “36, Fights ss. Unosoperaive _— 79. Overconforms Teta 40 tes a8. Was tension — 80 Stange Behavior ‘Copyright 2000 T. Achenbach & L. Resoorta ket = 9. Lows ether stan 1 South Prospect St., Burington, VT 05401-3456 [Broken lines = 100. Otter Problems| ties mip SeBAnmon vovetneccalange | —Toa! TeauTponaes COOTWG s HLECAL

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