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Lowry protein assay using an automatic microtitre plate assay

Article  in  Analytical Biochemistry · April 1986

DOI: 10.1016/0003-2697(86)90090-4 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Hugh Fryer


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Lowry Protein Assay Using an Automatic Microtiter

Plate Spectrophotometer


Department of Biology, School of Medicine, University of California at San Diego, Lu Jolla. California 92093
Received August 20, 1985

The method of protein determination reported by Lowry et al. (195 1, J. Biol. Chem. 193,265
275) has been adapted for use with 96-well microtiter plates and an automatic microplate spec-
trophotometer. The spectrophotometer has been interfaced with a computer which plots the
standard curve and calculates the protein content of each sample. The adapted method offers
advantages over previously reported methods in that it is more rapid and uses a smaller sample
volume (100 ~1) for samples containing 3-300 &ml (0.3-30 pplassay) of protein. The method
of Bensadoun and Weinstein (1976, Anal. Biochem. 70, 241-252) for precipitating microgram
amounts of protein away from substances which interfere with the Lowry assay has also been
adapted to this microplate procedure. These techniques should be particularly useful for laboratories
where large numbers of samples containing a wide range of protein concentrations are assayed.
8 1986 Academic F’ra, Inc.
KEY WORDS: protein determination; automatic spectrophotometer; protein titration.

The method of Lowry et al. (1) is a widely spectrophotometer interfaced with a com-
used procedure for the determination of pro- puter.
tein concentration. Although several sub-
stances are reported to interfere with the MATERIALS AND METHODS
Lowry method [for review see (2)], Bensadoun
Reagents.The copper tartrate solution (I),
and Weinstein (3) have reported a modifica-
which was concentrated five times, was made
tion of the method whereby microgram
fresh daily by mixing previously prepared
amounts of protein are quantitatively precip-
stock solutions of, respectively, 5% CuSO4,
itated away from most interfering substances.
10% Na,K-tartrate, and 10% Na2C04 in 0.5
One inconvenience of both of these methods,
N NaOH ( 1: 1: 100). The Folin-Ciocalteu phe-
particularly when large numbers of samples
nol reagent (Sigma) was diluted immediately
are to be assayed, is the relatively long period
before use with 0.1 N NaOH. Sodium deoxy-
of time required to determine sample absor-
cholate (DOC)3 was purchased from Sigma
bances and calculate pr&ein content. and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) from Mal-
In this study, we describe adaptations of the linckrodt. Bovine serum albumin (BSA, frac-
above protein assay methods which permit tion V, Calbiochem) was mixed with water and
rapid absorbance determination and computer filter sterilized through a 0.22-pm Millex filter,
data analysis of a large number of samples. and its concentration was appropriately ad-
The procedures rely on the use of 96-well mi- justed using an A2s0 of 0.66 for 1 mg/ml of
crotiter plates and an automatic microplate
3 Abbreviations used: DOC, deoxycholate; TCA, tri-
’ Present address: Biological Sciences Group, Depart- chloroacetic acid, BSA, bovine serum albumin; A~W, op
ment of Physiology, University of Connecticut, Storm, tical density at 630 nm; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate;
Conn. 06268. Hepes, l -(2-hydroxyethyl)- 1-piperazineethanesulfonic
’ To whom correspondence should be addressed. acid.

0003-2697186$3.00 262
CopyrightQ 1986 by Academic F’rcsq Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form xwwd.

BSA (4). Aliquots of the BSA solution were sive-backed microtiter plate covers (Costar)
stored at -20°C before use. and centrifuged at 900g for 30 min in a mi-
Normal microplate Lowry protein assay. croplate holder. The supematants were re-
Reaction vessels, which also served as cuvettes, moved and 100 ~1 of water was added to the
were the individual 4.5-mm-diameter wells of precipitates. The above precipitation was car-
96-well microtiter plates (A/2 Costar No. ried out a second time, 100 ~1 of water was
3690). Protein solutions were placed into each then added to the sample, and the above de-
well to a final volume of 100 ~1, mixed with scribed Lowry protein assay was carried out.
25 ~1 of the 5X copper tartrate solution, and The V-bottom microplates were used instead
the mixture was incubated for 10 min at room of flat-bottom plates because the conical well
temperature. A lo-p1 amount of diluted phe- accumulates a tighter precipitate which re-
nol reagent (see above) was then added and mains unperturbed during supematant re-
the stirred mixture incubated for 20 min at moval. After completion of the color reaction,
room temperature. Serial dilutions of the the samples were transferred to A/2 microtiter
standard BSA solution were prepared in suc- plates and read on the spectrophotometer, and
cessive wells and treated similarly. All addi- the data were analyzed as described above.
tions, mixings, and dilutions were performed Sample volume can be increased to 150 ~1 if
using a 12-channel micropipet (Titer Tech). the volume of both DOC and TCA similarly
Optical density at 630 nm was determined us- are increased by 50%.
ing a Dynatech MR 600 microplate reader set
without a reference wavelength at a 1.00 cal- RESULTS
ibration and a 1.99 threshold. Data from the
spectrophotometer were fed directly to an Ap- Linearity of the normal microplate Lowry
ple IIe computer and analyzed using the Im- protein assay. A linear-scale plot of the absor-
munosoft program (Dynatech). The standard bance at 630 nm versus BSA concentration
curve was constructed as described by Stauffer over the range of 0.3-30 /Ig protein/well (3-
(5) as the log of the absorbance at 630 nm 300 pg protein/ml in the original sample) is
(A& versus the log of the total protein in mi- shown in Fig. 1A. Although the resulting stan-
crograms per well and the protein content dard curve may appear linear over discrete
in micrograms of each well was calculated and protein concentration ranges, the overall curve
printed out. is nonlinear. When the same data are plotted
Modjied microplate Lowry protein assayfor using double-log coordinates, the curve is lin-
the removal of interfering substances. In those ear over the entire measured range, in agree-
cases where samples contain substances ment with other reports (5,6). The standard
known or suspected to interfere with the curves obtained using ovalbumin, cytochrome
Lowry protein assay, the following procedure c, or a mixture of BSA, ovalbumin, and cy-
can be used to remove the interference. This tochrome c, or even fetal calf serum were
method is an adaptation of the procedure de- identical to those of BSA alone (data not
scribed by Bensadoun and Weinstein (3). Pro- shown). The log-log plot was adopted in the
tein samples were added, with or without di- present study because it was more amenable
lution, to a final volume of 100 ~1 to the wells to the computer data analysis.
of a V-bottom microtiter plate (Costar). A lo- Modified microplate protein determination
~1 amount of 0.35% DOC was mixed with the after removal of interfering substances. Certain
samples and the mixtures were incubated for substances, such as Hepes buffer [ l-(2-hy-
10 min at room temperature. The sample pro- droxyethyl)- 1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid]
teins were precipitated by the addition of 30 have been reported to interfere with the Lowry
~1 of 30% TCA and incubated for another 10 protein assay (2) and the Bensadoun and
min. The plates were then sealed with adhe- Weinstein (3) modification allows for proteins





10 20 30 40 1 10 100
ug Protein/O.1 ml ug Protein/ 0.1 ml

FIG. 1. Standard curves for the determination of BSA protein concentration using the normal microplate
Lowry assay.The same data are presented using linear (A) or log-log (B) coordinates. Absorbance values
are averages from duplicate assaysof four separately prepared protein solutions assayed on different days.
Error bars represent standard deviations from all eight values.

to be precipitated away from most interfering assay (Table 1, compare A and B). The inter-
substances. We have adapted this precipitation fering substances could be categorized into two
procedure (3) to the microplate assay (see Ma- groups depending on whether they increased
terials and Methods). Figure 2 shows the stan- (Table 1C) or decreased (Table 1D) the ab-
dard log-log plot for BSA derived from assays sorbance observed before precipitation. In
performed in the presence (triangles) or ab- both cases, however, the precipitation tech-
sence (circles) of 0.3 M Hepes, either before nique removed the interference and allowed
(open symbols) or after (closed symbols) the
two precipitation steps. In the presence of
Hepes but without precipitation (open trian-
gles), the absorbance values of the blanks and
. i
of all the protein concentrations tested ex- 1.0: 6
ceeded 2.00, the maximum readable value on b”
the spectrophotometer. After precipitation,
however, the absorbance at each protein con-
centration was restored to that obtained in the
absenceof Hepes (Fig. 2, compare open and
closed circles with closed triangles). The vari-
ability of replicable absorbance readings for
different protein concentrations was similar to 0.01
0.1 1 10 100
that shown in Fig. 1B.
The precipitation technique was also used pg Protein/O.1 ml

to assay BSA protein in samples containing FIG. 2. Standard curves for the determination of protein
other potentially interfering substances besides concentration in the presence or after removal of an in-
Hepes. Table 1 shows a comparison of the ab- terfering substance. Assays of the indicated BSA concen-
trations were performed in the absence (circles) or presence
sorbance values obtained when 6 pg of BSA (triangles) of 0.3 M Hepes and either before (open symbols)
was assayed either before or after precipitation. or after (closed symbols) two successive TCA-DOC pre-
Two substances, 3 M urea and 1% sodium do- cipitations (see Materials and Methods). Values are back-
decyl sulfate (SDS), did not affect the normal ground-corrected averages of triplicate determinations.


Standard Precipitation
aw assaya


0.46 1 100 0.482 100

.<:I /
A. No additive LOG (OD) Versus LOG (Concentration)

B. 3 M Urea 0.492 107 - -

1% SDS 0.426 92 - -
C. 0.3 M Hepes >2.0d >433 0.452 94
0.15% Phenol >2.0d >433 0.488 101
1.O% Ampholine 22.0d >433 0.463 96
Culture medium’ >2.0d >433 0.491 102
0.3 M Tris-HCI >2.0d >433 0.438 91
D. 45% Sucrose 0.156 34 0.440 91
15% (NH&SO4 0.09 1 20 0.460 95
Tl over T5 over 19 over Tl32800 T17under
’ Using the Bensadoun and Weinstein (3) modification TZ over T6 over TlO5110 T 14 0.280 T I.3 under
T3 over T7 6311 ill 0498 515 under Tl9 under
of the Lowry protein assay after removal of interfering
T4 7903 TR 0624 TIZOOSZ Tl6 under T20 under
substances (see Materials and Methods).
* The indicated absorbance values are background-cor- mg/ml protein
rected averages of triplicate protein assaysof 6 rg of BSA. 1 11 ,I, iv "
’ Values are % of&, relative to the control values with- 790 6.28 a510 0.028 < 0003
out potential interfering substance.
d AsM Values exceeded the maximal readable absorbance FIG. 3. One suggested format for arranging standard
of the spectrophotometer. and test samples in 96-well microplates and computer
e Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s basal medium. output of calculated protein values using the automatic
spectrophotometer method. (A) Duplicate serial dilutions
of fetal calf serum solutions are provided sequentially in
wells A l-2 through G l-2 (hatched wells) while wells H l-
the accurate assay of protein concentration 2 (stippled wells) are not provided with protein. Five sam-
over the range of the entire standard curve ples (i-v) were titrated serially IO-fold in duplicate as fol-
(data not shown). lows: All wells in columns 3- 12 receive 100 ~1 water. The
Computer analysis of the data. Figure 3 il- water in row A is replaced with 111.1 ~1 of test sample,
lustrates one particular format for. arranging mixed, and 11.1 pl is transferred to row B, mixed again,
and the transfers continued through row D until the last
the standard and test samples for analysis using 11.1 *cl discarded. This arrangement will provide sample
the Dynatech Immunosoft program. Test dilutions covering a IOOO-fold range and ensure that at
samples (i-v) are presented to the wells in four least one sample protein concentration will fall within the
successive, duplicate 1O-fold dilutions (Fig. 3A, range covered by the standard curve. (B) Computer output
wells A-D, labeled Tl-4, T5-8, T9-12, T13- of the log-log standard curve for BSA covering the range
16, and T17-20) to assure that at least one 0.3-30 &well. (C) Computer output format for average
protein concentration of each duplicate setof dilutons (Tl-
absorbance value falls within the log-log stan- 20) in &O. 1 ml/well. The concentration of protein in rcg/
dard curve for BSA (Fig. 3B) and thus is con- ml of each original sample (i-v) or its 10 to IOffold di-
vertible by the program to micrograms of pro- lution is not printed out by the computer but is a multi-
tein per well (Fig. 3C). The format has the plicand of IO and is shown for each sample below the
advantage that virtually any test sample having output data. The readings of “over” and “under” are given
when the sample absorbances fall outside of the standard
a protein concentration above 0.003 mg/ml curve (i.e., 1.5 or 0.003, respectively). For example, sample
can be assayed without having to carry out v had too low a protein concentration (i.e., co.003 mg/
preliminary determinations to estimate the ml) to be detected.

gross sample protein concentration range. Be- cessive wells to ensure that at least one absor-
cause all dilutions and sample volumes are di- bance value falls within the range of the stan-
visible by 10, it is a simple matter to inspect dard curve, thus conserving sample and elim-
the values and convert them to milligrams per inating the necessity of trial protein range
milliliter protein in the original sample. The determinations. Computer analysis and the
total elapsed time required to read each 96- printout of protein values is also more rapid
well plate and calculate, print, and estimate and less subject to calculation errors. The mi-
the corresponding milligrams per milliliter croplate Lowry protein determination method
protein values is less than 5 min. should be of particular value for laboratories
where large numbers of samples are processed,
DISCUSSION and where a microplate spectrophotometer is
already in use for other purposes.
In the microtiter plate Lowry protein assay
described here, there are three steps which sig-
nificantly shorten the assay time, namely (i)
the addition and mixing of reagents by the use This work was supportedby NINCDS Grant NS 16349,
of a multichannel pipet, (ii) the absorbance and NSF Grants BNS 82- 18366 and 85-02 158.
determination of the samples by the use of a
microtiter plate spectrophotometer, and (iii) REFERENCES
the analysis of the data with a computer in-
1. Lowry, 0. H., Rosenbrough, N. J., Farr, A. L., and
terfaced with the spectrophotometer. Samples Randall, R. J. (195 I) J. Biol. Chem. 193,265-275.
and reagents are added and mixed in micro- 2. Peterson. G. L. ( 1979) Anal. Biochem. 100.20 l-220.
wells, which also serve as cuvettes, thus elim- 3. Bensadoun, A.; and Weinstein, D. (1976) Anal.
inating time-consuming transfers. Since the Biochem. 70,241-252.
4. Sober, H. A. (1970) Handbook of Biochemistry, 2nd
total number of samples to be assayed is not
ed., Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
a particular inconvenience, test samples con- 5. Stauffer, C. F. (1975) Anal. Biochem. 69, 646-648.
taming very high and/or unpredictable protein 6. Bates, W. K., and McAllister, D. F. (1974) Anal.
concentrations can be serially diluted in suc- Biochem. 30,386-390.

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