Pronunciation Lesson 16 - S and Z Sounds

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/s/ and /z/ sounds

Words using the /s/ sound:

this /ðɪs/ also /ˈɔːlsoʊ/

its /ɪts/ most /moʊst/
business /ˈbɪznəs/ just /dʒʌst/
us /əs/ history /ˈhɪstri/
since /sɪns/ rst /fɜːrst/
place /pleɪs/ some /sʌm/
once /wʌns/ small /smɔːl/
process /ˈprɑːses/ such /sʌtʃ/
thanks /θæŋks/ speci c /spəˈsɪfɪk/
experience /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ same /seɪm/

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Words with the /z/ sound:

is /ɪz/ his /hɪz/

as /æz/ does /dʌz/
has /hæz/ music /ˈmjuːzɪk/
was /wʌz/ always /ˈɔːlweɪz/
these /ðiːz/ sometimes /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/
use /juːz/ size /saɪz/
because /bɪˈkɔːz/ physical /ˈfɪzɪkl/
those /ðoʊz/ choose /tʃuːz/
example /ɪɡˈzæmpl/ reason /ˈriːzn/
business /ˈbɪznəs/ exercise /ˈeksərsaɪz/

NzU0NTk1NDgxMQ== © 2020 | Curso de Inglês Mairo Vergara

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