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Protecting the Environment by Taking Six Preservation Steps


Nama: Wildan Azizi Al Faqih

Kelas:VIII B

SMP Negeri 6 Terbanggi Besar

Junior high school friends, did you know that every June 5th is celebrated as World Environment Day
(HLH)? This year’s World Environment Day marks the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm
Conference.This year’s World Environment Day is commemorated again with the same theme as 50
years ago, namely “Only One Earth” (Sustainably in Harmony with Nature). Ministry of Environment
and Forestry (KLHK) has set a national theme for Indonesia, namely “One Earth for the Future”.

Well, in commemoration of World Environment Day, the Directorate of Junior High Schools wants to
share information about six steps to preserve the environment that SM Buddies can do. What are

1. Don’t Throw Garbage Carefully

Waste is still a big problem faced by Indonesia. Moreover, there are still many Indonesian people
who have not disposed of their waste in an orderly manner.Middle school friends may have seen
people who live on the banks of rivers throwing garbage into the river.This then causes river water
to become polluted, river flow becomes blocked and has the potential to cause flooding in the
area.In addition, the environment also becomes unhealthy because there is a lot of garbage floating
on the riverbank.

2. Don’t Burn Garbage

Have you ever found a neighbor around your house burning trash? In fact, the activity of burning
garbage is not recommended, you know. Burning garbage can release gases that cause ozone
damage.While ozone functions to regulate the amount or portion of ultraviolet light that enters the
Earth’s surface, protecting the Earth so that the ultraviolet rays do not directly on the Earth’s
surface, absorbs ultraviolet light, keeps Earth’s temperature stable, protects the Earth’s surface from
falling celestial bodies.

3. Save Energy
One of the steps that junior high school friends can take in their daily lives is to save energy. How to
do it? Junior high school friends can turn off the lights during the day or when they are not in use.
Energy savings can also be done by saving fuel by minimizing the use of motorized vehicles.If you
want to go to a place that is relatively close, use a bicycle or walk so that emissions from vehicles do
not pollute the air.

4. Using Recycled Products

Using recycled products can be a step that helps reduce waste.Junior high school friends can try to
make recycled products from household waste, for example using used cardboard as a storage
container.Currently, junior high school friends can easily buy recycled products on the market.

5. Plant a Tree

The lack of green land in Indonesia is also a problem that cannot be ignored. As a student, you must
also take real action to preserve the environment by planting trees around your house.The area of
the yard of the house planted with trees serves as a water catchment area. If the rainfall is high, this
water catchment area can prevent flooding.

6. Reduce Waste

The amount of waste produced every year in Indonesia is still very high.Based on data from the
Directorate of Waste Handling of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2021 there are
23,040,652.28 tons waste generation originating from household waste and similar household waste
where 28.29% of the total waste generation is food waste and 15.69% is organic waste. Therefore,
junior high school friends can try to reduce waste generation from daily activities, especially food
waste and plastic waste. When taking food, make sure it can be eaten.Middle school friends can also
use cloth shopping bags and use containers that can be used many times.

So, what steps have you taken or will you take to preserve the environment? Don’t forget to invite
your closest family or friends to help preserve the environment, okay? Because by preserving the
environment, it means that we are also protecting the future of the earth.
Author:Wildan Azizi Al Faqih

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