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DVV2032-Introduction to Video Production.



1. How company get a script for their production

A company can get a script for their production in multiple ways. A script is usually
made by a scriptwriter or even multiple script writer. There is multiple type of script use such
as screenplay, theatre script, script for a podcast or even a public service announcement.

One of it is by buying the script. The production could choose a script that is
interesting and align with their objective and budget. The company could buy a script straight
from the writer itself but sometimes company are approach by a third party like the writer
agent for more convenience approach.

For the other approach is for the company to hired a script writer to make a script
for the production to use. This method is much more convenience for the production team as
they can work alongside the script writer so production will go smoothly to the script they use
in the making of the product.

2. Do the production house use agent to get a script

Production house may or may not use agent for getting a script. The agent itself is
may actually work freelance means he is a third party in the whole transition and a company
of its own.
A good agent should always know the right writer and the production house to work
with in a project. He or she also needs to have a vast knowledge in the people they work with
and the industries itself.
An agent use is to help production house find a script for them, so a been said the
agent must find a suitable script based on the production criteria. Sometimes the agent are use
to find the writer itself for the production to work with.
3. How script writer sell their script to production house/producer
Major studios don’t usually buy original scripts from unknown writers. The majority
of original script sales actually occur directly through production companies .And that’s a
result of packaging that entails the perfect timing and mixture of distributor ,star ,producer
and director.
Instead of only focusing on studio script sales, it’s important to remember that
hundreds of scripts sell to lower-tier companies that develop projects for international
distributors. Most of which seek out scripts for the still-breathing home entertainment global
market. This market includes Direct to Blu-Ray/DVD ,Direct to Streaming ,and Video On
Demand. It’s the industry that keeps aging action stars employed.
Finding an agent can help you find script sales and can get you in touch with producers. To
get a good agent ,you need to prove that you are worthwhile ,profitable writer .This means
having spec scripts to show and a background that proves you are worth the agent’s time.

4. How script been made

Find out what kind of movie you want to make by doing some study first. The rest
of the procedure will be guided by this. Once you've selected a genre, choose your
tale idea by deciding on the cast, location, and timing of the events that will occur
in it (time).

In order to give your scenes a distinct beginning, middle, and end, start outlining
them with dialogue. Last but not least, make an outline of every scene's
occurrences. This will help you keep track of everything and will also give you a
general sense of how lengthy or short each scene should be.

All characters and scenes should be described in great depth in a good script so
that any filmmaker can picture what they want to create on screen. For instance, if
you have an action scenario planned out in your head but neglect to put it on
paper, it will be tough to communicate your vision to the production team and you
might not obtain the final product when filming starts.

5. How much the script cost

A low budget (less than RM 5 million) feature-length film's minimum script
writer salary, excluding treatment, is RM 41,740. The minimum wage for a
scriptwriter on a high-budget movie (more than RM 5 million) is RM 85,902.
6. Who finalize the script

First and foremost, a screenwriter is responsible for the concept, idea and initial
vision for the film. It might be an idea that's been rolling around in their head,
they may have soft pitched the plot and characters to friends, or they may be
conceptualizing how to put what is in their imagination on to paper. They may
work with a co-writer, they may work solo, they may work alongside a studio or
producer. Regardless, the initial Story idea (is the responsibility of the

7. How long script writer take to finish a script

It’s a difficult question because comedy scripts generally come in somewhere

around 90 pages (1 hour + 30 mins) while action and drama scripts come in
around 110 (1 hour + 50 mins).
It’s harmful to worry about this too much because what you really need is a script
that is lean, mean, and compelling at every turn.
If you think your script is a bit thin, you may need to add a bit more, but every
page you add means more money needed to produce the film.
If you write a great 80 page script, you may just have a screenplay that will both
excite production teams, but also viewers with small bladders.
When professional screenwriters are given time to write a screenplay, they're
provided a time range between 1-3 months (30-90 days),If they are new in the
industry it usually take longer than a professional scriptwriter.

8. Who involve in making the script

Scriptwriters, or screenwriters, are the individuals who produce the written

blueprints used to create beloved, and sometimes hated, movies, television shows,
and so much more.Scriptwriters are usually contracted freelancers who typically
start in the scriptwriting business writing on speculation or, as it’s more
commonly known, “spec.” A spec script is a screenplay written to be sold as
opposed to one commissioned by a studio or production company. This means the
writer has not been hired to write the script nor will they be paid unless it sells.

9. What is script for

Multimedia development programs use "script" to mean the sequence of

instructions that you enter to indicate how a multimedia sequence of files will be
presented (the sequence of images and sounds, their timing, and the possible
results of user interaction.

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