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Jan – Mar 2023



Re-introduction of Newsletter
Building Maintenance
 Pest Control


Winter is the time for COMFORT, GOOD FOOD and

for a TALK beside the FIRE: it is the time for HOME
Edith Sitwell

Welcome to the re-introduction of the

Carriage House North Newsletter
It has been a while since the last newsletter
was published. Some will remember the last
newsletter but many probably won't but lots
has changed and for some nothing seems to
This newsletter is will be an effort by staff
and volunteers to keep residents informed on
matters of the building as well as community
events and news.
As we move forward with the newsletter we
would like to get ideas for additional
sections of the newsletter that may interest
other community members.
To make your experience at the
Carriage House North as pleasant
as possible it requires the input of
the residence on activities and
issues that improves the wellbeing
and safey of everyone living and
visiting your home. If you have a
suggestion please let us know.

Building Maintanence: PEST CONTROL

(Bed Bug/Wasp/Mouse)
It is our goal to maintain this
property to a level that is safe and
comfortable for our residents. We To the best of our knowledge, the
ask for the cooperation of building is currently pest free. If
residents to ensure the timely you should have a concern or
identification of property or safety notice these pesky intruders please
that requires attention both in the contact the Office immediately so
residents suite as well as in steps can be taken to mitigate the
common areas. We ask that when problem as quickly as possible.
a resident finds an issue that they
complete a Maintenance Request We would also ask that residents
form as set up in the buildings refrain from tossing food scraps to
Maintenance Request procedure. our furry friends. I know we are
The Maintenance Request form is trying to be nice to rabbits and
our way to track maintenance squirrels but it also attracts the
requests, prioritize maintenance as less cuddly creatures like rats,
well as providing proof that the mice. By dropping food near the
resident requested work to be building we are attracting all
done. animals.
Our maintenance staff strives to
address all maintenance issues in Smoking
a timely manner and to an Please remember this is a Non-
acceptable level of repair. We Smoking building which means
thank our residents for their there is no smoking anywhere in
patients and understanding. the building with the exception of
your balcony as long as the
balcony door closed. Smoking is
allowed outside the building but at
least 20 feet from any door or
window. In the event of inclement
weather please use the gazebo .

Annabelle – Building Supervision Eddie or Jim – Building Maintenance
Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 12:30pm Monday to Friday – XX:XXam to XX:XXpm
Peter Sanderson – Building Management
Monday to Friday – XX:XXam to XX:XXpm
Amanda – Housekeeping 204-792-7044
Monday to Friday – XX:XXam to XX:XXpm

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