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SUSTAINANILITY: GMS530 – Autobiography

I am going to start by clarifying that I am an overthinker. Before I construct a

decision, I think about all the possible outcomes that can occur. Before I buy
clothes, I contemplate if it is necessary. I consider my travel options to go
downtown to get to my classes. I reflect if I should purchase cases of water or keep
refilling my reusable bottle. Lastly, I question whether to obtain reusable rags
rather than a paper towel. A trend that I recognize in my thoughts is that I am
trying to pursue a sustainable development lifestyle. Well, what is sustainable
development? "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs” (Brundtland, 1987).
Throughout my elementary schooling years, I was taught to live
sustainably, to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and that even the smallest positive
changes matter. By trying to live a sustainable lifestyle, I like to support
sustainable businesses and encourage proper development. The topic of
sustainable business and sustainable development matters to me because the
earth was created for an infinite number of generations and practicing sustainable
development will help future generations to have access to natural resources.
Moreover, sustainable business and sustainable development matter to me
because they will reduce our carbon footprint on the earth. This will assist in
reducing climate change, and improvement in all living organisms’ overall health.
Sustainable development will improve business and the economy
because natural resources will still be available to use if needed in the future.
Therefore, there would be more natural resources available which would make
them less scarce leading to a decrease in prices for them. Another reason why
sustainable development will improve business and the economy is that people
are more likely to spend money on sustainable products at sustainable businesses.
Moreover, the business will gain profits, which will boost the economy. Lastly,
SUSTAINANILITY: GMS530 – Autobiography

energy costs are expensive, and with sustainable businesses using less energy,
they are saving money which is a win-win for both the earth and the company.
I believe that this course will help change my future to ensure that I am
looking for opportunities to be practicing sustainable development and to learn
other alternatives that are available that help better the planet. I am looking
forward to this class help me continue thinking of all possibilities to make the best
decision in my life. Moreover, I will carry the lessons that I have learned in this
class with me to influence others around me in my future jobs or everyday life.
In conclusion, I chose this course over other courses because I wanted
to further my education in sustainability in the workplace and everyday life. I
believe it is important to practice and teach this subject to younger generations.
Development should not only benefit people but the earth as well.

Brundtland, G. H. (1987, March 20). Our common future - united nations.
Retrieved January 19, 2023, from

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