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Lorena: Hi guys.

Long time,
no see.
Enrique: Hi friends!
Giancarlo: Hi Lorena, hi
Lorena: How are you guys? I
want to know from you and
what your
plans are.
Enrique: In my case, I’m
studying and working at the
same time.
Lorena: What are your plans
before 40?
Enrique: I’m going to get
my engineering degree. I
definitely will
travel around the world
because I like getting to
know new cultures.
And you?
Lorena: I’ll obtain a
Bachelor of Management
and International
Business. After I graduate,
I'll probably work in one of
the biggest
finance companies such as
Visa or Bank of America.
Enrique: And you Giancarlo?
Are you planning to study
after college
or you will try to find a
suitable job for yourself?
Giancarlo: Well, these are
my goals. I'll obtain my
degree. After I work for 4 or
5 years, I’ll have a lot of
money by that
time, I'll quit my job and
start a business.
Lorena: Wow! That sounds
Enrique: What about your
future family?
Giancarlo: After advancing
in my job, I am going
to marry a
beautiful woman. I’ll
start to make a family
and plan to have 2
children, a boy, and a girl.
Enrique: My plans to have a
family are very similar to
yours, but I
will have one daughter or
one son.
Lorena: My plans are
different from yours. I’ll
travel a lot. On each of
my trips, I will take my
parents with me.
Giancarlo: Really? It’s
Task: Assignment - Plans and predictions


What do you think will happen to you in the next 20 years?  

Well, these are my goals. I'll obtain my engineeringdegree. After I

work for 4 or 5 years, I’ll have a lot of money by thattime, I'll quit my job and start a


After advancing in my job, I am going to marry abeautiful woman.

I’ll start to make a family and plan to have 2children, a boy, and a girl.

At the same time, I’ll work offshore because it gives me thechallenge to work

over there plus they will pay me higher than workin here.

also take my parents on a trip somewhere in Peru as a thank you for all the


Thanks a lot

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