An Insiders Guide

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Jasmine Montano

OGL 365: Integrated Worker

October 21, 2022
Module 1 Paper-An Insider’s Guide

Welcome to the team!

Hello and welcome to the University of Arizona! We are very excited to have you joining our
treasury team!

Here at the University we focus on a culture of :

 Treating colleagues as friends, caring for them, and being interested in their

 Supporting colleagues and offering compassion and kindness in times of need.

 Forgiving mistakes and not assigning blame.

 Working to inspire each other.

 Finding and emphasizing meaningful aspects of the work.

 Prioritizing trust, respect, gratitude, and integrity.

I know you must have many questions and I am here to help answer them for you. Here are 5 key
things you need to know right away, and then after I am available for additional questions as
well. Let’s get started!
Insider Language
There is going to be a lot of banking and University lingo in meetings and conversations so let
me explain some of the more common ones. If you hear another one, feel free to ask me what it
means 😊
UAccess: This is the main website for university students, staff and faculty. Here you access
your accounts no matter your status at the University. As an employee you can click on the
Employee tab and there is where you can view your paystubs ( we get paid every 2 weeks), set
up banking information, view your sick and vacation time and much more!
In UAccess you will also do your accounting role at the University Both the Financials and
Analytics tab you will use everyday for multiple reports and other financial tasks. Edge learning
is where you will take courses on different topics. Those should be the ones you use the most

Another term you may here is “merchant services.” Here at the University the treasury
department oversees devices to give to the various colleges and departments. We give them these
devices so they can accept cards at their events. Once they are finished with the event(s) we will
get the devices back and once their transactions hit our bank account, we make sure to deposit
the funds into that departments account.
JP Morgan is a bank where we see all the transactions. You will soon get your own login and be
able to see all the different accounts the university has, and all the transactions.
These are just few of the many terms you will hear.
Informal Rules:
The treasury department is very lax. We expect people to be here around 8, and this can mean
anytime between 8 and 8:30. We know things happen so unless you are coming in at 10
everyday, we won’t have any problems. The dress code is jeans and a nice top. Flip flops are not
allowed but tennis, flats, sandals, etc. are ok. We will let you know ahead of time if we are
meeting with investors or other higher ups where you will need to dress more formally. In the
break room all we ask is you pitch in for coffee pods, if drinking them, and to clean up after
Navigational Aspects
Parking can be tough sometimes, but we have a garage called the “main gate garage,” here you
can purchase daily parking or ask Parking & Transportation for a parking permit. It is open
parking and first come first serve. On the third floor there is a bridge that goes directly from the
garage to an outside door. You will wave your CATCARD, enter your pin and have access to the
building and here you can take the elevator to the floor.
You will receive your assigned cubicle on your first day and you can decorate it any way you
would like!
We have a Starbucks on campus if you would like coffee or a Keurig in the breakroom. There
are also multiple lunch spots on University Blvd.
We are all hear to help so feel free to ask us anything!
Functional How To’s
On your first day you will get your cubicle, and this will include a laptop, and 2 monitors. We
will have the IT department come on your first day and help you set up your username and
password. From here they will help you access your email, teams, and any other access you will
need for your role. Once we get going on the training you will get access to many different
banking pages and other websites. We have great training videos on “Edge learning” that shows
how to navigate each banking system and give a very in-depth training. We will also be doing
some hands-on training for the other platforms that don’t have a training. The main things will be
access to UAccess, teams, and your email.
Social Aspects
You are going to meet lots of people in the department and in other areas of Financial Services
that are part of the financial team at the University but not with the treasury team. Here is a chart
of the treasury team.
President of Financial

Steve Kelley
VP of Treasury

Stan Park
Senior Manager,
Treasury Operations

Chris Anaya
Investment Analyst Accountant

Leslie Smith
Accountant Accountant

(New Hire)

You will be working with us under the supervisor of Stan. Treasury is growing so much so Leslie
and Chris oversee banking operations, and I oversee Merchant Services. Stan and Mark oversee
investments, and Steve oversees the department and helps each aspect of the treasury
department, and Nicole is the supervisor and president of all Financial Services at the University.

This a quick reference guide for you and I am sure you will have plenty more questions as
situations arise. I am here to help answer any questions you have now and in the future. We look
forward to meeting you and working together 😊

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