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The Fight Continues: Roe v.


Ivette Sialeaga

Malevine Polu

Senior Division

Group Website

Process Paper: 594 Words

The controversial discussion about abortion has been widely known. We wanted a topic

that might be uncomfortable for others but could highly educate the public. We aimed to discuss

abortion with the community and acknowledge the need for better understanding. While building

this topic, there has been history that has led up to this moment. Times have changed since then

and it is considered illegal in some states. However, it is still a healthcare right. This case granted

women to have a decision, a voice, and the right to choose. Certain aspects lead others to believe

that abortion should be a taboo subject. In reality, abortion is heavily entangled with politics and


By selecting a predetermined topic that interested us, we conducted our research.

We focused on Roe v. Wade's restrictions on abortion and one woman's right. Abortion is the

primary topic of our research. We conducted our research using the tools we had. Although it is

cruel to take a life, a woman still has the right to her body and her decision making. We learned

more viewpoints on abortion from the provided information, including what we found online. We

have now cited and researched all of the sources required for this research through websites,

encyclopedias, responders, and books.

In our generation, electronic devices play an important role in our daily lives. Using

Weebly has made it easier for my partner and I to work together without having to meet. It is

beneficial to others because of how accessible it is. As we worked on building our website, we

divided each section separately so it wouldn’t be time consuming. We can cooperate as a group

and express our ideas as we are working on our website. By overturning Barrie's ruling in the

Supreme Court about the rights of citizens as citizens, particularly women, our topic pertains to
the theme. Abortion is a healthcare right. With its demonstration of the freedom to use

amendments, Roe v. Wade aids in removing previous limitations. The case contests the notion

that someone was forced to perceive the case's boundaries. Without this right, unsafe abortion

will be enforced. It strengthens the connection between the theme and our topic. It is associated

with the notion of conflicting rights and opinions. A woman's choice cannot be influenced by the

general public, the government, or the court.

Annotated Bibliography

Primary Source
McCorvey, N & Meisler, A. (1 January 1994) I Am Roe.

Norma McCorvey wasn’t your typical hero. She was unwed and hardworking with two kids. This
book explains the trials she faced as she brought her case to the court. She adopted the name Roe to
hide her identity.

McCorvey, N. (1 January 1998) Won by Love. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

This book provides a lesson on the legalization of abortion in the 1970s. A book published by
“Jane Roe," also known as Norma McCorvey. She explains the trials after her abortion and how
her life continued after it. The tale of Norma's conversion illustrates what occurs when love

Weaver Jr. W. (1973, January 23.) The Arizona Star. States Overruled on Abortion Laws.
Tucson, Arizona.

This newspaper was released in the 1970s and had more details on abortion laws. Using this
source's data as, the court created a whole new set of national standards.

Faux, M. (20 December, 2000) Roe v. Wade: The Untold Story of the Landmark Supreme
Court Decision that Made Abortion Legal.

The topic of this source provides a fascinating chronicle of the early years of the pro-abortion
movement and an inspiring story about the two women who brought abortion-on-demand to

Secondary Source

Roe v. Wade Case Summary (2022, December 09.)

This website is based on the facts and summarization on abortion. It goes into details on
everything regarding our topic.
Roe v. Wade. (n.d.). Oyez. Retrieved January 30, 2023

This website gives us information on how the case started. The information in this article needed
for our research was well-detailed.

Duignan, B. (n.d). Roe v. Wade Bir. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from January 31, 2023

This website explores the history of the Roe v. Wade case in greater detail. It describes the
impact and consequences of the case. It provides extensive information on state laws and the

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