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WRITTEN REPORT Very Weak = 1 Weak = 2 Fair = 3 Good = 4 Very Good = 5 Point
Not properly Most discussions Some discussions Good organization Excellent organization
1. Introduction
organized, are unclear. No are unclear. Little and discussions are and discussions are
discussion makes indication of RACE indication of RACE logically ordered. logically ordered.
a. Background of no sense. No element in the element in the Adequate indication Clear indication of
project indication of RACE discussion. discussion. of RACE element in RACE element in the
b. Problem statement element in the General purpose General purpose the discussion. discussion.
c. Aims of the project discussion. and specific and specific Relevant purpose Significant and
i. Main Purpose General purpose objectives objectives and specific relevant purpose and
and specific mentioned but not mentioned but not objectives mentioned specific objectives
ii. Specific
objectives are not relevant with PR relevant enough within PR mentioned within PR
Objectives mentioned within perspective. with PR perspective. perspective.
PR perspective. perspective.

Unclear discussion Inadequate Considerably Sufficient discussion Clear discussion on

on the specific discussion on the adequate on the specific target the specific target
target audience and specific target discussion on the audience and its audience and its
its relevance with audience and its specific target relevance with PR relevance with PR
2. Target audience /
PR functions relevance with PR audience and its functions functions
Unclear discussion functions. relevance with PR Sufficient discussion Clear discussion on
on the PR functions Inadequate functions on the PR functions the PR functions and
3. Application of PR
and it relation with discussion on the Considerably and it relation with the it relation with the
the problem PR functions and it adequate problem identification. problem identification
identification. relation with the discussion on the functions.
problem PR functions and it
identification. relation with the
4. Communication Inappropriate Very limited Little discussion on Good discussion on Excellent discussion
strategies and discussion on the discussion on the the application of the application of PR on the application of
utilization of PR application of PR application of PR PR tools as part of tools as part of the PR tools as part of
tools tools as part of the tools as part of the the communication communication the communication
communication communication strategies. Little strategies. Clear strategies. Clear
strategies. No strategies. example is example is provided. example is provided.
example is Inappropriate provided.
provided. example is

Inappropriate Very limited Little discussion on Good discussion on Excellent discussion
5. Budget/ Financial discussion on the discussion on the the budget budget implication in on the budget
Implication budget implication budget implication implication in specific context. Clear implication in specific
in specific context. in specific context. specific context. example is provided. context. Clear
No example is Inappropriate Little example is 10example is
provided. example is provided. provided.
Insufficient Insufficient Included but not Included and detailed, Included and detailed,
6. Program details
information information, some detail enough, some most of the itinerary is itinerary very clear
provided which led of the itinerary not of the itinerary is relevant with PR and relevant with PR
to confusion of the relevant with PR inappropriate with program. program.
relevant with PR program. PR program.
Insufficient Insufficient Included but not Included and detailed, Included and detailed,
7. Organization information information, some detail enough, some most of the itinerary is itinerary very clear
structure provided which led of the itinerary not of the itinerary is relevant with PR and relevant with PR
to confusion of the relevant with PR inappropriate with program. program.
relevant with PR program. PR program.
8. Accomplishment No or less evidence Less evidence of Adequate evidence Sufficient evidence of Provide strong
(output) of the of accomplishment. accomplishment, of accomplishment, the accomplishment, evidence of the
project Objective have not objective have objective have most objectives have accomplishment, all
been met. partially been met partially been met been met. objectives have been
met successfully.

Total points
Total Marks (40)
Scoring Key Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced

1-8 9-17 18-26 27-35

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