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First, the video make us awareness about what is happening in the world, but a little

real than the other videos, and, a real-fiction future of the humanity, because we don´t know

if aliens are real, but what think that can be real is the tragic future with a no return of

pollution, and the worst thing, is that the humanity few times aware of that problem, how as

we see in the video, the boy doesn’t care about what is happening, and in the final too, he

thinks that he just did a good job, but it is not in this way in the real world, we gonna see the

consequences, like:

The oxygen will become scare

The advance of technology is not gonna be functionally because the world can’t give

us the necessary things to do that (matter rhymes)

the climatic changes influence a lot

the trash is consummating the nature

And for finally, the pollution if is not checked, finally will end with us and with all

the things that we wanna do with it, and we think that the human will change someday and

wil gonna do well all the things about this problem.

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