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Humanity is selfish, it does not care about the future or the other species, it only

thinks of its own benefit and in fulfilling its whims. The change depends on us, in our way of

life is the solution to pollution. Our mind must transcend, leave selfishness and individualism

and focus on changing as a society in order to benefit everything around us.

Through a school presentation I gave my point of view and opinion on this subject. I

share it below:

Are we aware of how humanity's own irrational selfishness is destroying us and

everything around us? Are we all empathic enough to open our eyes and realize the evil we

are doing? Do you think we deserve where we are? What purpose do we have to destroy

everything? For the dreams of the young? If there will be nothing at the end. If we all intend

to fight for this cause, we can achieve it. Devising and exposing environmental projects to the

governments and managers of your locality can create a great change. Let's stop comparing

our country with other nations, let's make this country better than the others, how is it

possible that everyone decides to leave the country to go to another that is "cleaner"? No, we

better be aware and make our environment cleaner. Let's put aside the "I" and go for the

"We", let's think as a community, let's think as a society, let's not let selfishness and apathy

lead us to destruction. Let's leave individualism and change our way of thinking in an

environmental and friendly mind with the planet earth.

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