Bernabe FS2 EP-2

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Field Study 2: Episode 2

Bernabe, Loger Kent C. Rating:__________

BSEd 4B September 20, 2021

Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s find out what
you have noticed by answering the following questions.

Questions My Answer
1. What have you noticed about the 1. Identified problem to be solved in title
action research titles? Do the action no. 1
research (AR) titles imply problems to "E-KWENTEXTO: MAKABAGONG
If Yes, Identify the problems from the
title you have given. Answer in the Answer:
space provided. To determine the effectiveness of E-
Kwentexto as a new tool of teaching in
selected grade 8 students of
Valenzuela National High School.

2. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 2

The determine the effectiveness of
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)
in teaching and learning of Adverbs of
the grade 9 students of Valenzuela
National High School.

3. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 3
Field Study 2: Episode 2

To assess the literacy level of the PWDs
clients of AVRC I Bonuan, Dagupan City
1st Semester 2013-2014 using
Descriptive Method of Research.

4. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 4
_____No title indicated______

To determine the reason behind the
failure of the student to correctly
analyze word problems in Mathematics
due to poor reading comprehension

5. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 5

Smoking Habit of male students in
Benigno V. Aldana National High
School because base on the survey that
was conducted, 30% or 10 male
students in one section who belong to
heterogeneous classes are already

2. What interpretation about action Title of the Action Research:

research can you make out of your "E-KWENTEXTO: MAKABAGONG
3. Write the Title and your interpretation SA IKAWALONGBAITANG"
of the study from the title.
From the Title, I think, the study is conducted
to make the new kind or way of teaching and
Field Study 2: Episode 2

learning more significant to both students and

teachers. Determining the effectiveness of this
new tool in teaching will be use as a hint if this
kind of online application will be effective or
not.This very updated and if it will be
conducted and published, it will have a big
impact to learning and teaching especially
during this time of pandemic where online
platforms are the ways of learning and
teaching information and knowledge.

4. What do you think did the author/s do

with the identified problem as I think the author/s gathered all the
presented in their title? informations needed to address or solve the
indicated problems in each research titles,
they conducted it systematically. After they
gathered all the informations and solution all
the authors suggested a program or
interventions at the end of the study which
may use to solve the specific problems of the
each research titles.

Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have notice and interpreted in the previous

Key Questions My Answer

From what source do you think, did the Choices:
authors identify the problems of their action Copied from research books
research?  From daily observation of their
teaching practice.
 From difficulties they observed of their
 From their own personal experience.
From the told experiences of their co-
2. What do you think is the teacher’s intention Choices:
in conducting the action research?  To find a solution to the problematic

 To comply with the requirement of the

Field Study 2: Episode 2

principal to improve teaching practice

 To try out something, if it works

To prove oneself as better than the

3. What benefit do you get as a student in FS 2 Choices:
in understanding and doing action research?  Prepare me for my future job

Get good grades in the course

 Learn and practice being an action

researcher Improve my teaching

 Exposure to the realities in the

teaching profession

 Become a better teacher everyday

4. In what ways, can you assist your mentor in Choices:
his/her Action Research Activity?  By co-researching with my mentor

 By assisting in the design of the


 By in the implementation of the AR

By just watching what is being done

Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done,

1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?

I learned that Action Research is a method of systematic enquiry that teachers

undertake as researchers of their own practice. To be specific, action research are kind of
gathering information to solve existing problem of the a teacher or school leader to the class,
school places and also the community where the teaching and learning process are conducted.
Furthermore, as a future action researcher, or teacher-researcher, I will generate research.
Enquiring to my practice will inevitably lead me to question the assumptions and values that are
often overlooked during the course of normal school life. Assuming the habit of inquiry can
Field Study 2: Episode 2

become an ongoing commitment to learning and developing as a practitioner. As a future

teacher-researcher I assume the responsibility for being the agent and source of change.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher?
Yes__ No__ If yes, complete the sentence below.

I realized that action research is a vital job to do by the teacher- researcher to make the
learning and teaching process more effective. Specially now, it is vital in the sense that it may
use to address every problems in online class or modular learning to make the teaching and
learning be significant. Based on what I've read, here are the importance of action research for
me as a future Teacher- researcher, according to Hensen, action research (a) helps teachers
develop new knowledge directly related to their classrooms, (b) promotes reflective teaching
and thinking, (c) expands teachers’ pedagogical repertoire, (d) puts teachers in charge of their
craft, (e) reinforces the link between practice and student achievement, (f) fosters an openness
toward new ideas and learning new things, and (g) gives teachers ownership of effective

Write Action Research Prompts


From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?

 I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a
problematic situation.
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.

During my observation in the class where I am assigned to observe, I just pinpoint one
problematic situation that I think will have a big impact in the learning of the students and also
will also have a realization to the teacher for the better online classroom experience. I observed
that the use of instructional materials has no improvement at all, it is just a plain, normal or
casual power point presentation and the process of teaching and acquiring knowledge
between students and teacher are just by only few students. If this thing or situation will still
conducted only those students who have interest will learn, it is the job of a teacher to make
his subject more interesting not only by few students, the whole class must participate.


What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?

I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.

Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above.

Field Study 2: Episode 2

The solution that I think is to conduct seminars to the teachers in online class teaching on how
they will make their class in online flatforms to be more attractive to the students and give
them a motivation to participate in the class. This seminar will teach the teachers on how they
will manage their online classroom with a positive ambiance, will teach them to improve their
online materials or tools for teaching like how to make their Powerpoint presentation more
catchy to students and lastly this seminar will also give them or inform them on other
applications of online platforms that they may use in teaching.


What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ the situation or solve the problem?

 As a future action researcher I can plan for an appropriate intervention like having my
own or conducting my own actions research plan to address this kind of problematic
situation that I've seen during our observation. By conducting my own actions research I
can determine what are the best strategies, activities or innovations I may use to
address the problem I've seen.


If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?

 If I will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be " Traditional Practice
of Teaching Online and Innovative Way of Teaching in Seventh Grade of Magsaysay
National High School-Purnaga Annex".

Check for Mastery

1. B

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. B

Work on my Artifacts

Your artifact will be an abstract of a completed action research.

Field Study 2: Episode 2
Field Study 2: Episode 2
Field Study 2: Episode 2

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