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BÀY (từ vựng mới_ phiên âm_ loại từ_ nghĩa TA_ nghĩa TV (nếu cần)+ tự đặt 1 câu
ví dụ_không copy trên mạng)
Ex: happy /ˈhæpi/ (adj): feeling or showing pleasure; pleased (vui vẻ)
 Ms Diem will be overwhelmingly happy if her students do homework and
perform well in the coming lessons!
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DEADLINE: 21H MONDAY (26/9/2022)
Part 1:
1. Joint (Adj)  /dʒɔɪnt/ : belonging to or shared between two or more people
Ex: Housework is a joint effort between my sister and me.
2. Take over (phrasal verb)  /teɪk/: to start doing a job or
being responsible for something that another person did or
had responsibility for before: chịu trách nhiệm
Ex: Taking over from the previous head teacher is not an uncomplicated job.
3. Property (n):  /ˈprɒp.ə.ti/ an object or objects that belong to someone: đặc
tính, tài sản,
Ex: We should teach the children to have respect for other people’s property.
4. Mineral (n) /ˈmɪn.ər.əl/: a valuable or useful chemical substance that
is formed naturally in the ground: quặng, khoáng
Ex: All minerals are good for our health.
5. Sole (Adj) /səʊl/ :being one only; single:
Ex: My sole reason for this work is working with well-prepared partner.
6. Appoint (v)/əˈpɔɪnt/ :to choose someone officially for a job or
responsibility: bổ nhiệm, chỉ định, chọn
Ex: I could be appointed for this manager position this year.
7. Vacant  /ˈveɪ.kənt/ (Adj): not filled or occupied; available to be used:
Ex: Next month I will move to this vacant apartment with my sibling.
8. Superior  /suːˈpɪə.ri.ər/ (Adj): better than average or better than
other people or things of the same type
Ex: My mom who is always superior customer in Winmart convenient store
9. Accumulate (v):  /əˈkjuː.mjə.leɪt/ to collect a large number of things over
a long period of time
Ex: Accumulating money for future plans is one of the best concern in young
10.Abundant  /əˈbʌn.dənt/  (Adj): more than enough: chan chứa, nhiều
Ex: There are many facts that mom has an abundant love.

11.Decisive (Adj): very important for the final result of a particular situation:
quyết định, kiên quyết, dứt khoát.
Ex: I believe that I need t be more decisive.
Part 2:
1. Identity /aɪˈden.tə.ti/ (n): the fact of being, or feeling that you are,
a particular type of person, organization, etc.; the qualities that make
a person, organization, etc. different from others: sự đồng nhất
2. Ex: There is not a complete identity between my youngest sister and me.
3. Static  /ˈstæt.ɪk/ (adj): staying in one place without moving, or
not changing for a long time
Ex: I hope that petrol price will be static in the next 5 years
4. Aggressive (Adj):
I wouldn’t be an aggressive person but you would.
5. Dispute  /dɪˈspjuːt/ (n):an argument or disagreement, especially an official
one between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with
a common border: cuộc bàn cãi, cuộc tranh luận
Ex: No one wants to win a dispute in a serious relationship.
6. Contingent  /kənˈtɪn.dʒənt/  (Adj):
a group of people representing an organization or country, or a part of
a military force: contingent on/upon something: thuộc vào, ngẫu nhiên
Ex: Your success is contingent upon your partner.
7. Distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/(Adj): clearly noticeable; that certainly exists:
Ex: That could be a distinct show that I’ve never been attended before.
8. Notable  /ˈnəʊ.tə.bəl/ (Adj): important and deserving attention, because of
being very good or interesting
Ex: I have several kinds of notable toys when I was young such as Babier
princess or Frog prince.
9. Derive from  /dɪˈraɪv/  (phrasal verb): o come from something
Ex: I derive from a family which has over 30 people.
10.Conceive  /kənˈsiːv/ (v): to imagine something: hiểu, diễn đạt, bày tỏ
Ex: I couldn’t conceive of time when I would have nowhere to go back.
Part 3:
1. Interpret  /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/ (v): to decide what the intended meaning of
something is: hiểu, giải thích, dịch, làm sáng tỏ
Ex: I want to interpret my future plan with my mom who is always worried
about it.
2. Dimension /ˌdaɪˈmen.ʃən/ (n): a measurement of something in
a particular direction, especially its height, length, or width: kích thước
Ex: I need to know the dimension of my following apartment so that we can
order some furniture.
3. Involvement (n):  /ɪnˈvɒlv.mənt/ the act or process of taking part in
something: sự bao gồm, sự dính líu
Ex: If you want to be accused of involvement in the robbery, go to the
4. Taste (n): what a person likes or prefers/ the fact of liking or enjoying
Ex: I’m really into skirts, that’s my taste of clothes in SaiGon.
5. Constraint  /kənˈstreɪnt/ (n): something that controls what you do
by keeping you within particular limits: ép buộc, cưỡng ép, thúc ép
Ex: Financial constraints may lead me to cook at home.
6. Reveal  /rɪˈviːl/  (v): to make known or show something that
is surprising or that was previously secret
7. Biased /ˈbaɪ.əst/ (adj): showing an unreasonable like or dislike for
a person based on personal opinions: thiên vị, lệch qua 1 bên
Ex: A biased example in my class is Lam will be treated like a princess.
8. Durable  /ˈdʒʊə.rə.bəl/ (Adj): able to last and be used for
a long time without becoming damaged: lâu bền
Ex: My laptop is made of durable materials, that’s why it still works well.
9. Alter /ˈɒl.tər/ (v): to change something, usually slightly, or
to cause the characteristics of something to change: biến đổi, đổi,sửa đổi
Ex: Plans should be altered to match with current period.
10.Evaporate (v): to disappear, especially by gradually becoming less and
less: làm biến mất hoặc chết
Ex: Someday the issue of overeating will be evaporated.
11.Prejudice  /ˈpredʒ.ə.dɪs/  (n): an unfair and unreasonable opinion
or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge:
thành kiến, định kiến, mối lo hại, mối nguy hại
Ex: Prejudices are always on the backup plan in a company.
12.Subtle  /ˈsʌt.əl/ (n): not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way/
achieved in a quiet way that does not attract attention to itself and
is therefore good or clever
Ex: I think this plan is quite sube4tle, we need another one.
13.Balance  /ˈbæl.əns/ =steer a narrow course between: cân xứng, cân nhắc:
to be in a position where you will stand without falling to either side, or to
put something in this position
Ex: KA balances hardly on one leg during 1 hour.
14.Inevitable  /ɪˈnev.ɪ.tə.bəl/ (adj): certain to happen and unable to
be avoided or prevented: không thể tránh được
Ex: There are some inevitable results which usually appear in my life.

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