Lis 162

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lis 162

sec 1:
frame: a strong border or structure of wood, metal, etc. that holds a picture,
door, piece of glass, etc. in position
(noun). khung hình
touch up: to improve something by changing or adding to it slightly
/tʌʧ ʌp/
(verb). chỉnh sửa
cardboard: stiff material like very thick paper, often used for making boxes
(noun). bìa cứng
sec 2:
existing: found or used now
(adj). có sẵn, hiện tại đang sử dụng
queue: line
(verb). hàng
ex: there's a long queue of people at the bank.
sec 3
coincidence:  the fact of two things happening at the same time by chance, in
a surprising way
(noun). sự trùng hợp
controversial: causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement
(adj). gây tranh cãi
justify: to show that somebody/something is right or reasonable
(verb). chứng minh là đúng, biện hộ
assessment: the process of testing students and making a judgement about
their knowledge, ability or progress
(noun). bài đánh giá, kiểm tra
guideline: a set of rules or instructions that are given by an official
organization telling you how to do something, especially something difficult
(noun). nguyên tắc, chỉ dẫn
sec 4:
prescribe:  to tell somebody to take a particular medicine or have a particular
treatment; to write a prescription for a particular medicine, etc.
(verb). kê thuốc, chỉ định thuốc
obesity: the quality or fact of being very fat, in a way that is not healthy
(noun). bệnh béo phì
isolation:  the state of being alone or lonely
(noun). sự cô lập
barrier: an object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward
from one place to another
(noun). rào cản
well-being: general health and happiness
(noun). sự khỏe mạnh, phát triển tốt
therapy:  the treatment of a physical problem or an illness
(noun). sự điều trị, trị liệu

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