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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

in Islamic Values Education 1

8:50 – 9:30 a.m.

Almira L. Magay January 19, 2022

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Give examples of Allah’s creation.
2. Identify ways to take care of His creation.
3. Reflect that taking care of His creation is an Islamic obligation.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Taking Care of His Creation
B. References: K to 12 Islamic Values Teacher’s Guide and Curriculum Guide
C. Materials: pictures, cartolina, worksheet
D. Value Focus: Being Responsible

III. Instructional Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Reading Activity
Let the learners read the poem “Allah Made Everything” all together.
Allaah made everything
He made everything you see
He made your Umi and your Abi
And He made you and me!
He made the clouds in the sky
He makes the wind blow
He makes it rain down on the soil
so trees and plants can grow
He gives us food
so we can eat Vegetables
And grains and meat
He gives us water, sweet and pure
But that’s not it
He gives us more
He made the Moon
He made the sun light and warmth for everyone!
2. Comprehension check
Ask the learners these following questions:
a. According to the poem, who made everything?
b. Cite some of Allah’s creations mentioned in the poem.

3. Motivation
The teacher will show a real plant, mongo sprouts to be specific. Let the
learners tell their observation. Afterwards, show a picture of a growing plant.
Ask the learners what are the things needed by a plant to grow healthy.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
a. Discuss the day’s topic.
As Muslims, we are called upon to take care of Allah’s creations. Our love
for Allah shows in our respect for life, our concern and love for all people.
b. Use pictures to elaborate (taking care of a baby, an elderly, plants, animals
and other living things). Afterwards, cite important hadiths related to
taking care of Allah’s creation.
c. The teacher will give some phrases one can use to show appreciation and
admiration to Allah’s creations. (SubhanAllah and MashaAllah)

2. Board Work
Post the activity on the board and call volunteers to answer. Let the learners
categorize the pictures below if it is Allah’s creation or man-made.

Allah’s Creation Man-made Creation

1. swimming pool - river

2. a girl - a doll
3. sun - light
4. flower - vase
5. trees - house

3. Generalization
The teacher will ask the learners, “Why do you think taking care of Allah’s
creation is important?”

4. Application
Ask the learners to draw anything that Allah SWT has created. Call volunteers
and present their output to the class. Ask them how will they take care of the
creation they have drawn.

IV. Evaluation
Let the learners answer the worksheet below.

V. Assignment

Cite five (5) ways to maintain cleanliness and orderliness in our surrounding. Write
your answers on a 1 whole sheet of paper.

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