Purpose NOTES

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Material Purpose

A few key verbs and phrases that may be useful in your answer

 To revise
 to review
 to consolidate
 to provide practice in
 to give controlled practice of
 to provide learners with an example of
 to show a clear example of
 to give further input on
 to remind learners that
 to prepare for
 to provide a context for
 to describe to
 to ensure that learners are aware of
 to help learners to understand o focus attention on / draw attention to
 to get learners to pick out
 to notice the use of
 to make explicit the rule for
 to allow learners to discover rules for
 to test learners’ ability to use

For discussing the intended purposes of specified individual activities and stages in the material (Part a):
 To expose students to X (e.g. language within context).
 To allow students to do X (e.g. familiarize themselves with the meaning of the text before focusing on language;
explore the uses of …etc.)
 To help learners to do X by doing Y (e.g. discover meaning by matching verb forms to meaning)
 For learners to get an opportunity to do X (e.g. repeat target structures in order to get some initial practice in form
and pronunciation).
 To provide X practice of Y (e.g. restricted (controlled) practice of the two verb tenses).

Starter -to revise useful ‘job’ vocabulary so that learners can use the target language with it later on
-to remind learners of the 3rd person singular of present simple of the verb be
-to create a need for the learners to use other verbs in the present simple third person
-to give learners the chance to make some third person present simple statements and therefore allow the teacher to diagnose their
abilities in this area
Lead-in to get the learners thinking about the subject and prepare them a little for what they will read/hear/see. There's no attempt to teach or
practise the language.
It's a controlled exercise but the outcomes are not as important as doing the task.

• help learners discover the form (i.e. the ‘tense’) of the two verbs
• draw learners’ attention to the fact that two past forms are being used
• provide them with an example sentence on which to base a search for other examples
• encourage learners to use meta-language for describing grammatical structures

enable learners to notice the use of the two structures in a genuine context
• test the learners’ ability to recognise the form of the two structures in context

CONTEXT to provide a context/situation for the grammar

FORM ensure that the learners are aware of the formation of the two structures in the affirmative, negative and interrogative
• provide the learners with a clear written record of the form of the target language

USE • make the rules for use explicit

• further demonstrate how the use of tense and aspect can affect meaning
• enable the learners to consider whether tense and aspect usage is similar or different in their own language

pronunciation To automatize pronunciation

to give controlled oral practice of the lexical chunks
for learners to focus on the pronunciation (main stress) of selected target language sentences
for learners to practise manipulating the target language (form and pronunciation)
At the end there’s a To provide consolidation
writing task
To draw attention to the form of he TL
Learners work together Focus on a task to practise discussing and presenting
to present to the class
‘key grammar’ box at the To focus learners on important structural elements
‘key phrase to learn’ To focus learners on lexis and phrases
section on the page
The learners read a model To provide a model to raise awareness of textual features
text and analyse its
structure and staging

Learners focus on a text -Encourages the learner to notice (by underlining)

and find and underline -To contextualise target language with topic
key language -To introduce some key terms
-draw attention in the difference e.g. third person present simple verb form
2nd key language focus Reinforcement exercise
activity using the text, in –to get learners to notice language again and to give them a record. As a pair activity, encourages, collaboration and sharing of ideas
the presentation of target
Dictionary-focuses task -Encourages learners to look beyond denotation and discover how dictionaries can help identify key language
-to develop the skills necessary for independent learning
-to raise awareness of grammar information in dictionaries
-to help learners understand/review abbreviations in dictionaries
-to check understanding of metalanguage
Dictionary task – -to pre-teach/check vocabulary for ex 3
complete the sentences -to raise awareness of words that have the same spelling but different meaning/homonyms
-to highlight different parts of speech of some homonyms
Dictionary task – gap fill -to check understanding of both meanings of the homonyms
-to contextualise the homonyms
-to highlight form/part of speech
Dictionary - phonetics -to raise awareness of pronunciation information in dictionaries
-to focus on words with the same pronunciation but different spelling/ homophones
-to help learners with phonemic script/vowels and diphthongs
-to focus on sound/spelling relationship
-to practise using a dictionary for pronunciation information
-to check/extend to different phonemes
-to focus on sound/spelling relationship/silent letters
Dictionary - phonetics - -to help learners correlate sounds to their pronunciation/to reinforce the phonemic script
drill -to give learners a good pronunciation model
-to provide a learner-centred task which allows more receptive practice of the TL.
Focus on word stress
-Gist - Reading and -Ensures a purpose of reading
matching subheading -To raise awareness of the topic of the lesson
exercise -To introduce some key terms and vocabulary; subheadings. Other key terms are included in the text itself,
-Reading skills, and in particular the skill of skimming each paragraph for gist while reading the headings intensively to make the matches
are being practised.
-This is a process tasked focused on the lexis, the matching activity is less important.
Quiz -to activate what students may already know about the topic and introduce a number they may never of thought of
-Introduces topic focused lexis in context
-to encourage autonomy and develop skill of noticing relevant lexis and phrases
-The purpose does not include the outcomes (it makes little difference what one scores, providing the language has been encountered)
Vocabulary activation -to activate vocabulary, encourage collaboration and sharing of ideas
Read to make sure that students understand enough of the meaning of the texts to be able to usefully focus on grammar points
-hearing the verbs as part of the reading will help prepare the learners for the pronunciation focus in the grammar spot
-to provide a clear context for the language, describing both states and daily routines
- to allow students to see the new grammar used in context and help them to start thinking about how it is used and how it is forme
Read on 1 -to allow for personalisation/learner creativity
-to give (oral) practice of should/shouldn’t
-to lead into the text / activate schemata of the topic in the text
-get the learners to predict the content of the text
-to create a communicative need for the target structures
- to expose the learners to the target language before analysing it
-to help learners gain a good understanding of the texts in order to help them understand the meaning of the target language (
Read on 2 -to practise scanning / reading for specific information / detail
-to give (further written) practice of target language
-to reinforce/check the meaning and/or form of should
Reading exercise 1 - generate interest in / personalise / activate schemata / set up the topic of the target language context
- to prepare for reading texts which contain the target language
- an opportunity to pre-teach vocabulary for texts in Exercise 2 / for Exercise 3
Reading exercise 2 -to encourage students to read for specific information / scanning / detail to understand the texts containing the target language
-to expose students to the target language in a (meaningful) context (in the reading text and when listening as part of the jigsaw activity)
- to provide data / examples of language in use that are then used in Grammar exercises 4, 5 and 6
- to allow students to use the target language when summarising the texts / promote negotiation of meaning in TL
- to help students engage cognitively with the texts and the language (via the jigsaw activity)
- to allow the teacher to diagnose how well the students master the target language
Reading exercise 3 - to give an opportunity for students to use the target language
- to allow the teacher to check/diagnose students’ use of the target language
- to assist in further comprehension of the texts containing the target language
-to encourage students to relate the context / target language to themselves / personalise
-to prepare the students (facilitate noticing) for Grammar Exercise 4 / language focus
Read aloud -to provide some pronunciation practice following on from the pronunciation focus in the Grammar Spot
-reading aloud gives learners the chance to say the verb endings in the context of longer sentences
Grammar box -to draw attention to the verbs in the texts and help the students to notice the 3rd person singular of present simple and how it is
-to draw attention to spelling and pronunciation of the verb form endings
-to provide highly controlled practice of the pronunciation of selected verbs in this form
to get learners to identify the form of the two verb forms
to allow learners to discover the meaning/use of the verb forms
to clarify the distinction between state and active verbs
Function box -to give explicit examples of the target language
-to show / clarify the form of the target language
-provide learners with a clear written record of the language that they can refer back to later on
Grammar exercise 4 - to focus students / provide input on / explicitly sum up the
-to encourage students to work out the rules of meaning for themselves
-to encourage students to notice the target language
-to prepare students / provide data for the practice activities that follow
-to provide a written record for students to refer to
-to test the learners’ ability to use the present progressive
-to test learners’ ability to implement the target language form
-to give controlled/accuracy practice of target language form
to test/consolidate learners understanding of the target structures by having to justify their choices with a partner
Reading, thinking and To encourage intensive reading, comprehension of viewpoint, and noticing (state the target language)
writing exercise
Presentation of topics for To allow the learner to deploy the language and phrases they have encountered to carry out an exchange in views
discussions (summative)

Listening Exercise 1 -to set the scene / engage the learners / generate interest / activate schemata
(presentation) -to contextualise the target language
-to expose the learners receptively to the target language / give anopportunity to notice the language
-to expose learners to natural language in a (semi)-authentic text
-to listen/read for specific information / detail
-to personalise the topic of the text
-to check understanding of the context of the TL
Complete the sentence - -to provide examples of the target language
Form of exponent -to check / practise the form of the exponents / lexical phrases ofrequests / focus on requests formed with infinitive and gerund
(practice) -to check / raise awareness of the level of formality
-encourages both listening for specific information and ignoring irrelevance and on understanding what's said and what happened
Listening Exercise 2 -to present the target expressions in context (NB: awarded for either exercise1 or 2)
-to focus on / introduce / notice / the form or pronunciation of the TL
-to give intensive listening practice to focus on the TL / listen for detail of TL /
listen for specific language
-to provide learners with written examples/models/record of the TL
Listening 3 -to give exposure to the written form of the target language
-o provide learners with a chance to reconcile the written form with the spoken form they heard in the previous exercise
Substitution table to input language for (non-specific) informal requests for help / torecycle exponents from (Ex 15)
• to focus on (the collocations / fixed expressions)
• to test the forms learnt in (Ex 15)
• to allow learners to produce / practise / use examples of the target language
Functional focus -to input and check appropriate / polite (positive and negative) replies (to adjacency pairs)
activitye.g.Categorising -to encourage students to record expressions according to function/ meaning/use / to provide a written record of the TL
language to function -to review and extend expressions of the TL / to provide additional models of the TL to those introduced in the listening text
-to show that one function has several different exponents / one meaning expressed by different forms / a variety of ways for expressing
-to focus on forms
-to focus on / check learners’ understanding of the use / meaning / function of the TL
-to encourage students to use the context to work out the functions / meaning / use
Grammar 1 -to focus on/introduce the meaning and/or form
-to encourage learners to work out the meaning and/or form
-to provide scaffolding/language for speaking / function
-to reinforce topic
-encourage learners to notice the target language grammar in the text
-to give controlled written practice in the language for describing use of things
-to provide a check on whether the learners have learned the structures
Grammar 3 -to provide (oral/written) practice of should/shouldn’t / giving opinions
-to allow for personalisation
-to give further controlled practice, probably oral this time

Dialogue-based -to focus on/introduce language/chunks/collocations/fixed expressions/functional phrases students will need in giving theirpresentation
presentation (Business -to check understanding of the language
English) -presentations -to highlight the importance of informal language use in spokenpresentations (contractions/questions to involve the audience)
-to provide a written record/examples of the language
-to focus on/introduce the organisation/stages of a presentation
-to provide a model of a presentation
Case-study1 to focus on/introduce more language/collocations for presentations(that they can use in their presentation)
• to contextualise the language
• to provide controlled/written practice of the language (of graphs)
• to check understanding of the TL
• to provide students with a template/model of how to present informationin a graph / a written record
• to help students understand/practise how to interpret graphs
Case study 2 to give students a clear role for their presentation / to give students a defined audience for the presentation / to simulate an
authentic/real life situation to deliver the presentation
• to help students generate ideas for their presentation (SWOT analysis) / to give students data for their presentation
• to help students organise/prepare the content of their presentation / give them scaffolding/a possible framework for their
presentation (SWOT analysis)
• to give students the chance to give a business presentation (in a safe environment)
• to practise the language/skills ( from KL 1/CS 1)

Guessing the meaning •To encourage/train learners to develop / infer / guess / work outthe meaning of (unknown) lexis
from context • To encourage learners to make use of context
• To encourage learners to make use of dictionaries/dictionarydefinitions
• To focus on the meaning / check learners’ understanding of keylexis / verbs (in the reading text)
• To provide a written record of the meaning of the target language
• To practise scanning (for the item)
• To practise reading for detail / specific information (meaning)
Speaking/reading -To practise paraphrasing
• To check understanding of the reading text
• To practise reading for specific information / detail
• To check meaning / practise lexis from the previous exercise
• To highlight/provide examples of language to paraphrase the text

Language focus 1 -generate interest / introduce topic / set context for rules / activate schemata
• provide the opportunity to use TL (of obligation & permission in the present) /for teacher/learners to assess the students’ ability to
express obligation andpermission
• provide the opportunity to teach/use context-related vocabulary

Language focus 2 -provide examples of/introduce/present the TL (obligation/permissionstructures)

• review and extend different ways of talking about obligation and permission
• draw attention to the form
• allow teacher to see/test what the students know / allow students toshow/check what they know / to check students’ understanding
of themeaning/use of the TL
• contextualise the TL

Practice 1 -contextualise the TL

• give controlled/written practice of the TL
• check understanding of the TL / use of the TL
• check understanding of the form/spelling of the TL

find more examples of -checks their ability to recognise form of the (2) structures in the text
the target language - enables learners to notice the use of the two structures in a genuine text.
complete the tables -to work out (affirmative/negative/question) forms of the grammar.
(form rules) -To provide the learners with a clear and written form of the target language.
Activity which gets -to make the rules for use explicit
students to look at when -to further demonstrate how the use of tense and aspect can affect meaning.
they would use the
grammar constructs.
Usage - Do you have the -To enable learners to consider if tense and aspect usage are the same or different in their language (they may not have -tense in their
same rules in your language).
Aspect (note) -In contrast to tense, aspect is a more general approach to considering verb forms and to analysing the way in which speakers view
events, i.e. whether an event has been completed, whether it is long or short in duration, etc.

Task reflection -To provide feedback on the product of the task

Useful language -To provide scaffolding
-To introduce chunks of language that extend ways to (explain and ask follow up questions)
Speaking (Useful -To use the lexical chunks in a freer and personalised way
language) -to practise speaking and listening skills along with the grammar and some quite unpredictable lexis.
-It is a free task with uncontrolled output from the students.
Content prediction -This is an awareness-raising activity to get the learners thinking. Product is less important
Put the paragraphs in the -Focusing on text structure and ordering and sequencing markers and cohesive elements such subordinating conjunctions and a useful
right order awareness-raising task
Match the picture to the Matching tasks are useful for checking learning and for introducing new language
word / the definition to
the word / the intonation
to the emotion
Project This is a major task requiring a range of skills and language. It could be part of a task-based learning approach
Gap fill -to notice certain items in the text
-to focus the learners precisely and check that learning is taking place.
Skeletons -to consolidate language learning
-to encourage noticing.
-to focus learners on particular areas of structure and, especially, sentence connectors.
Listing / prioritising -to get learners thinking about a topic and prepared for whatever follows
-if learners are required to learn from each other's lists and acquire some new lexis.
-Listing the order in which you expect to find things encourages students to notice how texts are conventionally ordered in English
-Prioritising tasks, if done in pairs or groups, can require a good deal of negotiation and discussion, especially focusing on the language
used for supplying reasons and justifications and in trying to persuade others.

Discussion / debate -The talk-to-a-partner about ... style of discussion is frequently used as a way to get learners thinking about the topic at the outset. This
is purely an awareness-raising task.
-to allow learners to deploy language and speaking skills in a way that might simulate real-life conversations and discussions.
Transformation and -Transformation tasks are very controlled practice and as such to do with checking understanding and the ability to manipulate form.
transfer tasks -Transfer tasks can also be used to provide a stimulus for speaking through the use of a set of images
Information-gathering -to allow learners to deploy language and speaking skills in a way that might (just) simulate real-life situations.
tasks / Information-gap


-Think about what each exercise is doing (the purpose of the activity no the activity itself).

-What skill is the task/exercise/activity (reading/writing/speaking/listening) addressing?

-What language (i.e. grammar, lexis, function, phonology, discourse) is involved?

- you may think it's obvious that the task is focusing on 'listening skills' say that. Don't shy away from stating the obvious.

- be careful not to write a description of what the students do. You should ...?

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