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Worksheet to Film: Supersize Me

Try to answer the questions about the film you watched.

1. What type of film is it? a) It’s a comedy.
b) It’s a drama.
c) It’s a documentary.
2. What’s Morgan’s challenge?
He’s going to __________________________________________________________________________.
3. What are three types of doctors he sees?
a) He sees a cardiologist, a general doctor and a paediatrician.
b) He sees an endocrinologist, a cardiologist and a general doctor.
c) He sees an endocrinologist, a cardiologist and a dentist.
4. How is his health before starting the challenge?
a) All exams show his health is outstanding.
b) He’s ill.
c) He has got a poor health.
5. What is the fattest nation in the world? __________________________________________________________
6. What is the fattest state? ____________________________ And the fattest city?_________________________
7. What is his first meal?
a) It’s a Big Mac b) It’s a Mac Muffin c) It’s a cheeseburger.
9. What does super size mean? It’s ________________________________________________________________
10. True or False?
a) After Morgan’s first super size meal, he feels great. ________________________________________________
b) Most MacDonald’s items don’t contain sugar. ______________________________________________________
c) Many children will develop diabetes if their diet doesn’t change. ______________________________________
d) Morgan wants to show people that fast food is healthy. ____________________________________________
e) 10% of American families’ meals are eaten out. ____________________________________________________
f) MacDonald’s does everything to attract kids. _______________________________________________________

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