Science 10 Module 1 3q

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Private Education Assistance Committee PAGADIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE
Balangasan District, Pagadian City

S E L F - L E A R N I N G M O D U L E N O. 1

3rd Quarter, SY 202SCIENCE 102-202 3

NAME: _______________________________________ DATE: _________________
GRADE & SECTION: ___________________________ TEACHER: _________________

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of 1. organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which
are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems 2. how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain
homeostasis to reproduce and survive
Performance Standard: The learner should be able to explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male
reproductive systems

Learning Competencies: The learner should be able to

1. Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male reproductive systems

2. Describe the feedback mechanisms involved in regulating processes in the female reproductive system (e.g.,
menstrual cycle)

3. Describe how the nervous system coordinates and regulates these feedback mechanisms to maintain


Subject Matter: The Role of Hormone in Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you with 80% accuracy are able to:
A. Identify the hormones it produces, and give the function of that hormone;
M. Describe the endocrine system and the function of hormone; and

T. Explain the hormone released by the gland and the function of that hormone in the body.

Instructional Materials: Module, pen & paper, Science books/internet Suggested Time Allotment: 4 hours

Learning Resources: Science 10, Support Material for Independent Learning Engagement

Core Values: Wisdom Prepared by: Ms. Honey Jyll G. Sanchez


Activity 1: What Am I?
Instructions: Read each statement carefully. Select the correct answer from the word bank and write your answer
in the blank space provided.
Circulator Digestive
y System System
Cells Respirator
y System
Heart Lungs
Stomach Tissues
1. I am a pair of
spongy, air-filled
organs located on
either side of the
chest. I allow taking
in oxygen and
breathing out
carbon dioxide.
What am I?
2. I am an organ system
that distributes vital
elements such as
oxygen and
nutrients. At the
same time, I also
transport gaseous
wastes away from
the body. What am
3. I am made up of
organs in the body
that help in gas
exchange. I breathe ____________________
oxygen in and expel
carbon dioxide.
What am I?
4. I am the basic unit of
structure and
function of all
organisms. I may be
very small but I can
do what all living
things can. What
am I?
5. I am an organ system
that is responsible
for getting food into
the body. I also
make use of
nutrients from food
to keep the body
healthy. What am I?
6. I am a hollow
muscular organ,
about the size of
your fist located in
the middle of your
chest between the
lungs. I also pump
the blood
throughout the
body. What am I?


The endocrine system is composed of glands that secrete different types of hormones
that affect almost every cell, organ, and function of our body. It is essential in regulating
growth and development, metabolism, as well as reproductive processes, and mood. Endocrine
glands secrete chemicals known as hormones into the bloodstream, which carries them
throughout the body.
Hormones are chemical messengers, carrying instructions to cells to change their
activities. When a hormone in the blood reaches the target organ, it produces a notable effect.
The effect of hormones can last for hours, days, weeks, or even years. The glands of the
endocrine system produce hormones.
A gland is an organ in which cells secrete materials to be brought to the different regions of the body, sometimes via
like structures called ducts. Endocrine glands (endo mean “within,” krinein means “separate,” i.e., to secrete) are ductless
glands that secrete hormones directly into either the bloodstream or the fluid around the cells or tissues that secrete hormones.

Table 1. Major Hormones Involved in the Female and Male Reproductive System
Gland Location Target Organ Function
Prolactin Mamary Gland Stimulates milk production
Luteinizing Hormone Stimulates ovulation and production of
Pituitary Gland at the base Ovary
(LH) estrogen and progesterone
(Anterior) of the brain
Ovary Stimulates growth of the ovarian follicle
Hormone (FSH)
Pituitary Gland at the base Mamary Gland Stimulates milk production
(Posterior) of the brain Uterus Induces uterine contraction
Stimulates female development and
lower Estrogen Many Cells
Ovary behavior
Progesterone Uterus Stimulates growth of uterine lining
lower Stimulates male development and
Testes Testosterone Many cells
abdomen behavior


Activity 2: Locate the Gland

Instructions: Draw the shape on the human body where the given glands are appropriately found. Then, write
down the hormone released by the gland and the function of that hormone in the body. The first one was done for you.
The Role of Hormones in Male and Female Reproductive Systems
Hormones play a very vital role in the Female and Male Reproductive Systems. The normal functioning of the male
reproductive system is due to the hormones of the pituitary gland. These are the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and the
interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH). Under the influence of FSH, the seminiferous tubules of the testes become
active and start producing sperms. The ICSH stimulates a group of cells called the interstitial cell, surrounding the seminiferous
tubules to produce hormone testosterone.
Once testosterone is produced, the entire male reproductive system becomes active. Secondary sex characteristics
become evident in the adolescent boy. Among the secondary sex characteristics are the growth of a big muscular body, a
booming voice, and the growth of mustache, beard, and hair in certain areas of the body.
Aside from its role in developing secondary sex characteristics, testosterone also suppresses or limits the production of
FSH by the pituitary.
The female reproductive system, just like the male reproductive system, is also
regulated by hormones. In the female, a close relationship exists among the pituitary, ovary,
and uterus. Upon reaching the age of 12 to 16, the anterior lobe of the pituitary starts secreting
a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone controls the growth and
release of eggs from the ovaries. Estrogen is the reproductive hormone in females that assists
in endometrial re-growth, ovulation, and calcium absorption; it is also responsible for females'
secondary sexual characteristics.
These include breast development, flaring of the hips, and a shorter period necessary
for bone maturation, menstruation, and fertility. Progesterone assists in endometrial re-
growth and inhibition of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone release. While
other hormones prepare the uterus so a baby can grow in it, other hormones still control the
stretching of the uterus during pregnancy.

Activity 3: Who’s In Control?
Instructions: Study each picture that is associated with a particular gland in the
endocrine system. Identify the hormones it produces, and give the function of that
hormone. The first one was done for you.
Activity 4 : Decisions Matters
Instructions : Read and analyze the statements below. Draw a heart if the statement is true, and star if the
statement is false.
_________1. Hormones work only on their target cells or organs.
_________2. Follicle-stimulating hormone is important for estrogen secretion and egg cell production of women and
sperm production in men.
_________3. The pituitary gland produces the hormone prolactin that regulates sugar levels in the body.
_________4. The effect of a hormone can last for an hour only.
_________5. A gland is an organ in our body that produces and secretes hormones to be brought to the different regions
of the body through the ducts.
_________6. The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone that control the development of breasts, menstruation, and
_________7. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the secondary sexual characteristics that develop in females.
_________8. The reproductive organs in females are testes, while ovaries in males.
_________9. The development of facial hair, body mass, and deep voice in males are secondary sex characteristics that
develop during adolescence.
_________10. Hormones play an important role in the female and reproductive system.

Activity 5: Find Me, Buddy!

Instructions: From the functions given below, search and encircle the hormone that is responsible for it. The first one
was done for you.
Function Hormone
Stimulates the mammary gland to secrete milk Oxytocin
Stimulates male development and behavior
Stimulates ovulation and production of estrogen
and progesterone
Stimulates growth of uterine lining
Stimulate female development and behavior
Stimulates sperm production


Instruction: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which two hormones produced by the ovary contribute to the female reproductive system's healthy function?
a. Estrogen and Androgen c. Androgen and Testosterone
b. Progesterone and Estrogen d. Testosterone and Progesterone
2. Which of the following best describes the role of the hormone testosterone in the Male Reproductive System?
a. Stimulates sperm production c. Stimulates secretion of luteinizing hormone
b. Stimulates secondary sex characteristics d. Increases the production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone
3. What do you call the chemical substances produced in the body that control and regulate the activity of certain cells or
a. Hormones b. Tissues c. gland d. Cell
4. Which hormone, produced from the posterior part of the pituitary gland is responsible for milk production in
breastfeeding women?
a. Oxytocin b. estrogen c. progesterone d. Testosterone
5. Which hormone stimulates secondary sex characteristics and male behavior among males?
a. Progesterone b. testosterone c. estrogen d. Oxytocin
6. What gland is responsible for the secretion of prolactin?
a. Testes b. Ovaries c. Mammary Gland d. Anterior Pituitary Gland
7. How does the Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) affect the male reproductive system?
a. By starting sperm production in the testes c. By stimulating the pituitary gland to produce sperm
b. By growing hair in some areas of the body d. By initiating the production of the hormone testosterone 8.
How does the Luteinizing hormone (LH) function in the female reproductive system?
a. LH stimulates ovulation c. LH stimulates milk production
b. LH induces uterine lining d. LH increases water absorption 9. Why is
the hormone testosterone important for the male reproductive system?
a. It influences the seminiferous tubules to produce sperm
b. Its production activates the entire male reproductive system
c. It stimulates the interstitial cells to produce more testosterone
d. It suppresses the production of the interstitial cell-stimulating hormone
10. Why is the occurrence of secondary sex characteristics important in the Female Reproductive system? a.
Without it, a female is considered sexually mature
b. It indicates readiness for their productive role
c. Reproduction is by-passed through hormones
d. It signifies the need for male attention

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