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Cerita Siti Nurbaya

Ari: Datuk Maringgih

Naisya: Siti Nurbaya
Nazhira: Narator
Rega: Syamsul Bahri
Mona: Sutan Mahmud (Syamsul’s Father)
Selly: Ibu mahmud (Syamsul’s Mother)
Sovi: Istri Tua
Alfi: Baginda Sulaiman (Siti’s Father)
Endah: Ibu Sulaiman (Siti’s Mother)
Narrator: folklore legend that tells of the fabric of love that can not get the man
that led to a pair of forced marriage. The man named Syamsul Bahri, besides
handsome also descended from the noble. His father was a respectable Penghulu,
namely Sutan Mahmud. The girl named Siti Nurbaya, flawless beauty, with long
disheveled hair and manners Virgin virtuous son of king Solomon. The love Siti
and Syamsul very blessed by his parents who still have ties of kinship.
After graduating from high school, attend school Syamsul Bahri Java prospective
doctor to look at a brighter future.
In the Garden - Afternoon Day
Syamsul: I will go
Siti: where?
Syamsul: jakarta, I'm going to college there
Siti: but what about me? I love bahri
Syamsul: I know, but I have
Siti: promise me you'll come back
Syamsul: yes, I promise I'll get back to you

Narrator: The tragedy comes whipping Nurbaya Siti family, his father went
bankrupt trading business, to become poor, and the king Solomon became sick.
He ended
borrowing money to a loan shark who lean and like many wives named Datuk
Maringgih. Debt king Solomon eventually accumulate and flowering Datuk
Siti father (Solomon): uhuk .. uhuk .. my wife, how do we now? we have a lot of
debt to the progenitor maringgih
Mrs. siti : it do not sweat. You have to recover first
Siti father : but, what if I die leaving debts?
Siti Mother : I'll think about it, calm down dear

Narrator: One day the king went to the Maringgih Datuk Sulaiman who are sick to
collect receivables. Therein Maringgih Datuk Siti Nurbaya fascinated by the
beauty. Datuk Sulaiman Majesty Maringgih force to make his young wife Siti
Nurbaya as if Nurbaya Siti's father was unable to pay its debts.
Maringgih: there anyone at home?
Mother: progenitor maringgih, how are you?
Maringgih: good. What about debts?
Mom: Sorry, I'm do not have money. you know, my husband is currently ill
Maringgih: I do not care, I just want my money
Mom: I'll pay for it, but not now
Father and siti come
Dad: what is my wife?
Siti: mom what is it?
Maringgih: no, grandfather comes to take his money back
Datuk: Okay, you do not have to pay
Dad: really?
Datuk: yes, but your child should marry
Father, mother, siti: what?
Datuk: yes, I will marry your daughter
Siti: do not be an old man! I already have a boyfriend.
Father: Do not dream you marry my daughter!
Mom: I do not agree with your grandfather maringgih
Datuk: up to it, if you do not want to marry me I'll go home and all your

Narrator: siti father once experienced shortness of breath and died.

Siti: dad .. father .. what's wrong with you?
Mom: My husband ... my husband .. wake up ...
Mother and crying and progenitor maringgih siti straight away

2 weeks later ...

Narrator: samsul bahri come from Jakarta, he immediately met Siti Nurbaya. Siti
Nurbaya told everything to syamsul bahri what he was experiencing. and also
about her and progenitor pernikan maringgih
Siti: he wanted me to marry him, but I do not want to. bahri I love you so much, I
could not leave Padang
Syamsul : I do not want to lose you siti, I will ask for help to my father or I will find
a job
Siti: but the mother would not allow our relationship
Syamsul : believe me, anything for you
Siti: thanks dear
Narrator: Syamsul talking about siti with his mother.
Syamsul: I want to marry siti
Mother syamsul: no, I do not agree you marry siti
Syamsul: But mom, I love her very much. maringgih grandfather would marry her
if she is unable to pay its debts
Syamsul mother : It's not our business.
Syamsul: mother never understood me.
Syamsul mother : it's the best for you syamsul
Syamsul: mother of one, is not the best for me
Syamsul Mother: I am your mother, I know what's best for you
Narrator: Without knowing it ... progenitor maringgih at the hearing talk it siti and
syamsul bahri, straight up blood! Datuk maringgih syamsul bahri intended to drive
from Padang! She spreads slander through his old wife ...
Datuk: how dare he came to meet siti. I was her future husband
Old wife: what is it? Do not noisy my husband!
Datuk: I'll make syamsul suffer.
Old wife: do not worry, I have a great idea.
Datuk: what?
old wife: (evil smile)
Narrator: gossip spread if Syamsul old wife raped progenitor maringgih .... So the
second Syamsul expelled by his Parents ....
Syamsul father, mother and syamsul syamsul gathered in the living room
Syamsul: Dad, I can not possibly commit such acts
Dad: go you! I do not want to see you again
Mom: but my husband let our children who explain everything
Father: not necessary! get out of here!
Narrator: Syamsul bahri could not say anything, just in the sense of sadness, and
he went back to Jakarta ... He was disguised as a Lieutenant Mas!! At Syamsul
Bahri was in Jakarta, Datuk maringgih be very loathe to Siti Nurbaya and he's
thinking about how to kill Siti Nurbaya ...
Datuk: I want siti to die!
Old wife: then, we poisoned her
Datuk: how?
Old wife: just enter the poison into her drink
Datuk: good idea
Narrator: the next day to visit Siti Nurbaya grandfather and took a carton of milk
that has been entered by him poison
Datuk: I brought this for you, lest you be sick
Siti: thank you (and drunk by siti)
Siti and milk in his hand, and immediately fell Siti Nurbaya dead.
Narrator: Finally an announcement that Siti Nurbaya had died in the spread, and
reached the ears of Syamsul Bahri which is now renamed to Lieutenant Mas!
Syamsul Bahri increasingly angry with Datuk Maringgih ...
Syamsul: I'll kill him! it is my promise!
Narrator: Lieutenant Mas got a job down the rebellion in Padang. It gets fierce
resistance but managed to put it down even managed to kill Datuk Maringgih, the
mastermind behind the rebellion.
Datuk: we meet again
Syamsul: you talk too much! I'll kill you!
When the fight finishes syamsul severe injuries, he was treated in hospital. At that
time, there was his desire to meet his father. At last, he managed to tell his father
that he is, Samsulbahri, still alive.
Syamsul: Dad, I'm still alive. but this time I was in a bad state
Dad: I'm sorry son
Syamsul: it's okay dad, I still love you
Having said this, he breathed his last. The father were shocked and grieving, take
our last breath the next day.

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