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Complete the sentences with the simple past or present perfect form of the

verbs in parentheses.
1. Andy has already passed (already / pass) the test, but he doesn’t know what his
grade is yet.

2. I have not visited (not visit) Mexico. Is it a beautiful country?

3. When did you buy (you / buy) that coat?

4. I have not spoken (not speak) to Rachel since yesterday. I hope she’s OK.

5. Wendy has forgotten the last time she went (go) to the beach.

6. Has Felicity ever ridden (Felicity / ever / ride) a horse in her life?

7. I have not called (not call) my parents yet. I’ll do it now.

8. Last Sunday, Joe bought (buy) me an interesting gift.

Complete the text with the simple past or present perfect form of the verbs in


1. Have you ever gone (you / ever / go) to Nicaragua? My best friend 2. flew (fly)
there last week with his family. They’re having a great time. My friend 3. has sent
(send) me an email every day since he left, so I’ve been able to follow their journey.
They 4. saw (see) the sights in the capital, Managua, but they 5. haven’t visited (not
visit) the old colonial city of Granada yet. Yesterday, they 6. took (take) a bus to
Leon, which is an old town with a beautiful cathedral. They haven’t walked (not walk)
around the city yet, but they 8. already tried (already / try) some of the great food in
the local restaurants.

Check (/) the sentences that are correct. Correct the errors in the incorrect

1. ​Jessica has ​known​ Harry since elementary school.

2. We have been playing soccer all morning, and we are tired.

3. I haven’t been listening to the teacher.

4. They have been camping on the beach since last Friday.

5. Thomas has been living in Spain for years.

6. ​We ​bought​ new bags and pencil cases for school.

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