Florencio Jay G.

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Florencio Jay G.

Escalante/ BSED SCI III

Lesson I. Make a Graphic Organizer showing the history of Educational Technology.


Ignition of fire
Handmade Educational technology is
21ST Century
weapons a multifaceted and
STONE AGE integrated process

Development of
Agricultural technology,
BRONZE AGE fishing techniques, and
domesticating animals

Late 1990’s –
IRON AGE E-learning related to
computer based training. Early 2009
People made progress LSM
to iron smelting
Internet Based training. Late 1990’s
World Wide Web

Ancient Civilization
Golden Era of CD ROMS, Late 1980’s –
Introduced sign writing or Pictographs
to record or transmit information. CBTS with Multimedia Early 1990’s

Making measuring tools of mass length,

mass and time.

Computer used in school Late 1970’s –

Early 1980’s

Chinese Civilization Ed-Tech Begun in US and Russia 1969

Seismological technology
Benjamin Bloom taxonomy of Ed-tech 1956
Gun powder
Iron Plough
First computing machine design
Bridge and Wheel Borrow
by Babbage.

Audio-Visual Education
Egyptian Civilization 1873

Hieroglyphics The instructional process utilized

gadgets like the slate, horn book,
blackboard and chalk.
Paper and pulp making process.
Textbook was used with few
Invention of printing press

During Medieval /
During Pre-Industrial
Modern Period

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