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Homophones SOUND the same, but are SPELLED differently

To - I am going to the shop. Too - I want to come too. Two - Do you want one or two?
She is giving it to you. This is too much. The two of you can work it out.

Write a paragraph using To, Too, and Two






Here - Here it is They’re = They + are

Where - Where is it? We’re = We + are
There - Over there You’re = You + are

Don’t = Do + not I’ll = I + will

Can’t = Can + not We’ll = We + will
Shouldn’t = Should + not They’ll = They + will
Wouldn’t = Would + not She’ll = She + will

You’ve = You + have He’s = He + is or has

I’ve = I + have She’s = She + is or has
They’ve = They + have I’m = I + am
We’ve = We + have

Cross out the incorrect words

(There / They’re / Their) going (to / too / two) go (to / too / two) the shop on the other side of town.

Do you (no / know) (where / wear / we’re) that is? (Where / Wear / We’re) going (to / too / two)

(meet / meat) them (there / they’re / their) later (to / too / two). (Yore / Your / You’re) welcome (to /

too / two) come (to / too / two) if you want (to / too / two). (Where / Wear / We’re) meeting them at

(to / too / two) o’clock.

Complete these sentences using the correct word

1/ The car needed to ___________ so suddenly, that they were scared something would
___________. (break / brake)

2/ ___________ are the clothes that I want to __________? (wear / where)

3/ I will tell you a ___________ about a lion with a long _________. (tale / tail)

4/ Did you ___________ what is going on around __________? (here / hear)

5/ I cannot tell __________ __________ is ___________! (witch / which)

6/ We like to walk until we can _________ the _________. (see / sea)

7/ If a __________ had no hair, he would be _________. (bare / bear)

8/ I am not sure ___________ the ___________ will be wet or not. (weather / whether)

9/ I am ________ tired _______ deal with those _________. (to / too / two)

10/ __________ with __________ friends, over __________. (their / there / they’re)

Write a paragraph using at least 3 apostrophe words (’)

They’re We’re You’re She’s (is) He’s (is) I’m Couldn’t

They’ve We’ve You’ve She’s (has) He’s (has) I’ve Wouldn’t
They’ll We’ll You’ll She’ll He’ll I’ll Didn’t







See the Difference! Write the meanings of the following words

I’ll = _____________________ She’ll = ____________________

Ill = _____________________ Shell = ____________________

We’ll = ___________________ He’ll = _____________________

Well = ____________________ Hell = ______________________

See = ____________________ Waist = _____________________

Sea = ____________________ Waste = _____________________

Knew = ___________________ Week = ______________________

New = ____________________ Weak = ______________________

Blew = ____________________ Red = _______________________

Blue = ____________________ Read = ______________________

Write the Opposites for the following:

Up _______________ Sad ______________ Exciting ___________________

Slow ______________ Back _____________ Awake _____________________

Inside ______________ Brave ______________ Run ______________________

Read _______________ Wrong ______________ Left ____________________

homophone homograph

Homographs look, sound, AND are spelled the same

Right can mean Correct, or can be a Direction.

Fly can be an Animal, or an Action.

Bat can be an Animal, or used to play Ball.

Tie can refer to a Knot, or be Worn around your neck.

Watch can be a Timepiece, or an Instruction.

Reserve a page in your book for Homonyms (Homographs and Homophones)

Write them down as you find them.

Questions we ask


1/ __________ is your birthday? Answer______________________

2/ __________ do you like to eat? Answer______________________

3/ __________ of your subjects do you like best? Answer______________________

4/ __________ do you travel to school each day? Answer______________________

5/ __________ else do you live with? Answer______________________

6/ __________ is your favourite sport? Answer______________________

7/ __________ do some birds fly and some not? Answer______________________

8/ __________ do you have dinner? Answer______________________

9/ __________ often do you read a book? Answer______________________

10/ __________ do you go to relax? Answer______________________

Write a question for each of the Question Words













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