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6th ORL Head and Neck Surgery in conjunction with 2nd Global Health and

Innovation Conference 2021

Paper ID (To be added by Programme Committee)

ABSTRACT TITLE (Times New Roman 12 Bold)

First Author1*, Second Author2, and Third Author3

(Times New Roman 10 Bold)

Department, Faculty, University, City, Country
Research Center, Affiliation, City, Country
Department, Institution, City, Country
*Corresponding author: (email address)
(Times New Roman 10)
Underline the presenting author

ABSTRACT (Times New Roman 11 Bold)

Please prepare the abstract for both oral presentation and poster presentation of 6th ORL
Head and Neck Surgery in conjunction with 2nd Global Health and Innovation
Conference 2021: We encourage participants to submit their abstracts in one-page abstract
format containing summary of the work that briefly state the objectives, methods, results
and conclusions. (The abstract is written with Times New Roman 11 no more than 250
The author is required to submit the abstract through the [insert url link or email]

Keywords: Presenting authors must provide at least two keywords associated with the
content area of the abstract with comma separation (Times New Roman 11)

Special characters and formatting: Please proof your abstract body carefully to confirm
that any special characters (such as α, β, ≥, ≤ etc.) are displaying properly.

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