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Name: SIAPNO, MIKEE Date: September 4, 2022

Year and Block: 4th year – Block C Subject: RES 41

Revised SEC SRC Rule 68

A. Financial Reporting Framework

ENTITY Large and/or Public Medium-sized Entities Small Entities Micro Entities
Interest Entities
Entities that have a total Entities that have total asset Entities that have total Entities that have a total
asset more than P350, of P100,000,000 to assets or total liabilities of assets or total liabilities not
SIZE CRITERIA 000,000 or total P350,000,000 or total P3,000,000 to more than P3,000,000.
liabilities more than liabilities of P100,000,000 P100,000,000.
P250,000,000. or more to P250,000,000.

FINANCIAL Use of PFRS for Small- Use of PFRS for Small Use of PFRS for Small
REPORTING Use of full PFRS. Medium Enterprise (SMEs). Enterprise (SEs). Enterprise (SEs) or Income
Pubic interest entity Are not a public interest Are not a public interest Are not a public interest
based on characteristic. entity. entity. entity.

They hold secondary Doesn’t hold a secondary Doesn’t hold a secondary Doesn’t hold a secondary
licenses that were issued license issued by a license issued by a license issued by a
COMMON by regulatory agencies. regulatory agency. regulatory agency. regulatory agency.
S Financial statements are Financial statements are not Financial statements are Financial statements are not
required to file as per required to be filled as per not required to be filled as required to be filled as per
Part II of SRC Rule 68. Part II of SRC Rule68. per Part II of SRC Rule 68. Part II of SRC Rule 68.

Financial Statements are Filing of Financial Filing of Financial Filing of Financial

being processed for the Statements are not being Statements are not being Statements are not being
use of issuing any class processed for issuing any processed for issuing any processed for issuing any
of instrument in the class of instrument in the class of instrument in the class of instrument in the
public market. public market. public market. public market.

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