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Good morning, everyone. Ok, let’s get started.

I sent you a proposed agenda

yesterday. Have you had a chance to look at it?
So the purpose of today is to praise excellent employees and give incentive scheme
2. I will summarize the main points and give an incentive scheme. When you
become our employee, you will receive a staff discount and a monthly bonus. In
particular, you will be able to earn a bonus commission if you introduce customers
to our company. You will be trained at a high professional level with modern
equipment. Besides, we usually organize trips to boost employees' morale and
build a good relationship between the employer and employees. In particular, you
will have a chance to be promoted to management and increase your salary quickly
if you work hard. We also offer our employees free skin-care treatments every
3.When we provide such opportunities and conditions for our employees, they will
feel valued and excited to come to work. Furthermore, they will foster company
loyalty and be dedicated to the company. As a result, our company will increase
profit, attract more customers, and educate more students. We can especially open
more branches and have a good reputation.
4.Our company will make sure our employees receive some of the non-material
benefits by
We usually praise and reward excellent employees directly every month. We will
let the employees serve big and loyal customers because we highly appreciate their
abilities. We will give them make an important decision to respect them and thank
them frequently for their enthusiasm. 
STAFF: Can you tell me about your recent achievements?
How much is your department's total revenue?
Congratulations. We are happy to hear that. I like your working style and
strategies. You have brought in a huge profit for the company.
What factors make you satisfied with your job?
During a month, I received many positive comments from my customers. They feel
satisfied with the style of my work and often ask me to serve them. Because of my
efforts, my annual bonus was increased and I was promoted to manager. In
particular, revenue in the marketing department were up 30 percent against last
year, and we were awarded department of the year excellence. We are very happy
and proud of our achievements. In my opinion, factors makes me feel satisfied
with me job is a good salary, a good boss and welfare, friendly colleagues so I can
feel consistency between brand value and internal culture, interesting work, proper
treatment with their major. We’re free to share new ideas regardless of position.
Continuous recognition makes us feel valued at work. In particular, I can develop
my skills and strengths when working in a professional environment.

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