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1. The role of Philosophy in Ethics is that it provides different perspective concerning matters such as existence,
knowledge, value and reasons and not just understanding the differences between right and wrong.
2. Philosophical Inquiry involves questioning beliefs and assumptions of reality and how it works. Thus,
Philosophical inquiry needs critical thinking in order to provide an accurate and reasonable decisions and better

‘The parable of the sower and seed’ was a story in which the characters and events symbolizes and demonstrate
humans life. This passage will be found on the gospel of Matthew (13:1-23), Mark (4:1-20) and Luke (8:1-15) where the
parable tells a lesson about how people convey a gospel message sent by God. In this parable, God was represent as the
sower while his message as the seed. After reading and understanding the message of the story, I could say that the
story shows the real nature of every person. When the seed feel on the ground and was eaten by the bird it shows that
the message of the God was ignored and didn’t even have a chance to grow on the soil which represent as the heart of
the people. When the seed fell on the rocky ground with a little soil it was sunk on the ground and sprout but as soon as
the sun came it died which the sun represent hardship. Thus, it means peoples devotion is too swallow. When the seed
fell on the thorn bushes it was choked and die which the thorn bushes represent the humans’ greed, envy and jealousy
towards other that they choose to ignore the message of God. When the seed fell on the good soil which represent as
the persons’ good heart it was well taken care of and soon sprout and produces fruit. The whole message shows that
those who live in negativity and choose to go walk the path where the message is being ignore are not being blessed and
those who kept and live with the word of God was abundant with love and blessed.

Discussing death penalty requires a good logical and critical thinking in order to come up with a good result and
must be have a better outcome. Death penalty in the Philippines has both good and bad side. The good side are that it
will decrease heinous crime in our country for it will scare people to do bad things but the bad side is that people who
are accused wrongly and don’t have the means to protect themselves are being killed. This was proven in many other
countries as well as from our country. Despite the good side of death penalty, after analyzing and weighing the
consequences it comes to me that death penalty is not necessary. I came up with some cons in implementing death
penalty. Firstly, killing was against the bible, it was written as the fifth of the Ten Commandments which states ‘thou
shalt not kill’. Secondly, according to article III (3) bill of rights section one, ‘no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or
property without due process of law’ but sadly to say it was not always the case. It was reported that many of those who
are sentenced of death penalty are wrongly accused and are innocent but don’t have the means to protect themselves,
especially those who lives in poverty. Third, there’s a lot of other possible way to punish an offense person such as the
life imprisonment. Thus, it’s enough for the offense person to live with guilt and regret of the wrongs he did since taking
someone’s life is not enough to pay for someone’s sins. So might as well make him live in regret for the rest of his life.
There’s a lot of other things to consider in implementing death penalty that should be dealt with both morality and

Module 2

The elements in making moral decisions is to determine the intention and consequences of the acts. Therefore,
a person or doer must weigh and examine the act he/she will do. If the situation can be attain without the bad effects
he/she must do so, for the reason that dilemmas should be in accordance to divine and natural laws which govern moral

If I were to choose in a situation where both the result could end up ruining my friend’s happiness, I would
choose to tell her the truth rather than let her be deceive and suffer more in the future. If I could prevent a much worse
scenario I would rather hurt her feelings earlier instead of letting her believe a lie that will someday break her heart and
also I would regret.


Module 3

1. Culture is dynamic because it is a continuous and productive activity that changes over time.
2. A successful organization is built on integrity, trust, and honesty. This will or happens as long as an organization
centers on a company’s value’s, beliefs and righteous. In that case it will be seen, practice and followed by the

1. The statement ‘no culture is perfect’ and ‘every culture is different from the other’ applies to all. You can do all
things you were used to unless people around you will understand even without an explanation. Therefore,
Sorenseen and Wardlaw acts are not justifiable and reasonable. It may be a culture in Denmark but not in
Manhattan. They shouldn’t normalize it since the fact that they were living on a different place and Manhattan
has its own culture and leaving a child outside a café or restaurant is a taboo to them.
2. I think morality should not be considerate of one’s culture since each culture has its own beliefs and values.
Since morality is a beliefs of what is right and wrong behaviors it will complicate the peoples perspective and
opinions towards other cultures who has a different beliefs and values from them.


Module 4

1. I prefer “Sarili bago ang iba” because everything comes with yourself first. You give trust to others when you
have trust on yourself because if you don’t trust yourself, how can you trust other? Before you give respect you
respect yourself first. Before you radiate positivity it has to come within you first. Other may think of this as
selfish but to me it’s not. It’s the thought of giving love and care for yourself before giving some to others when
you don’t have an assurance of having it back.
2. Family is the basic unit of society. In order to make a better society it needs not only a person but also a
characteristics that will enable us to have unity. Therefore, morality should start from the family. Parents are the
first teacher we have. Teaching us what are the differences between the good and bad, tell us what’s the best
for us and help us become a better person.

There’s a lot of Filipino trait that are considered as their cultural values. Mostly, the most dominant trait
Filipinos have are cooperation, hospitality and close family ties. In a situation where someone is in needs, Filipinos
cooperative nature come up voluntarily but it’s not always the case here. Some people do it for free and mostly it was
taken for granted. Same as cooperation, Filipinos hospitality trait also end up with a consequences mainly taking it for
granted despite the generous way they show in treating a guest or visitor and making them feel at home. Also, one of
the most observe Filipino trait are their close family ties. Surely, Filipinos value family more than anything else that even
after the marriage of someone close, they still want them to live with them and if by chance make them live in the same
house. But this trait wasn’t always a good one because it teaches people to always depend on their parents or relative
rather on their own.

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