Service Etiquette

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Table of Contents

SOP Title: 1. Customer Service Etiquette


Service Etiquette 1.1 Phone Etiquette



1.1.2 Outbound Calls


1.1.3 Customer does not want call

Version: 1.0 to be recorded 5

1.1.4 Placing a Call on Hold

Updated: 2019-06-14 5

1.1.5 Transferring a Call


1.1.6 Closing a Call 6

1.1.7 Scenarios 7

1.2 Email Etiquette 10

1.2.1 Greeting 10

1.2.2 Closing an Email 10

1.2.3 Signature 11

1.2.4 Protecting Personal Information 11

1.2.5 Bupa’s Data Classification Policy 12

1.2.6 E-mail Phish Alert Button 12

1.3 Promoting Self-Service Options 13

1.4 Updating Contact Information 13

1.5 Promoting Wire Transfer Claim Reimbursement 13

1. Customer Service Etiquette
All customer contacts should be handled promptly in a professional & courteous manner:

 Treat customers with respect and show you care.

 Acknowledge information presented; listen & focus on the task at hand.
 Address all inquiries & concerns.
 Own the issue; if you are unable to assist, ensure you direct/request the inquiry to the right
location to get the service needed.
 Make it seamless to the customer; they are contacting Bupa & expect a response from the
company, regardless of our departments, roles, & responsibilities.
 Handle all complaints/expressions of dissatisfaction tactfully.
 Use positive phrasing when providing information to demonstrate confidence.
 Use the AER statements as appropriate:

 Acknowledge/Apologize = only when appropriate.

 Empathy = demonstrate understanding.
 Reassurance = express ownership


ENG: “I understand you were expecting your reimbursement sooner; I will review your request
& verify the status for your claim.”

“I can see how a 15% increase in your premium can surprise you; I can definitely review
the invoice and go over the reasons for the change.”

“I apologize you did not receive a notification that your claim was closed for pending
information; I will investigate the issue. Please allow me to explain what is needed in
order to finalize the process, so you can receive the reimbursement.”

ESP: “Entiendo que estaba esperando su reembolso más pronto; voy a revisar su solicitud y
verificar el estado de su reclamo.”

2 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

“Entiendo que un incremento del 15% en su prima puede sorprenderte; definitivamente
puedo revisar su factura y repasar las razones del cambio.”

“Le ofrezco disculpas si no recibió una notificación de que su reclamo fue cerrado por
información pendiente; investigaré el tema. Por favor déjeme explicarle qué es
necesario para finalizar el proceso para que pueda recibir el reembolso.”

1.1 Phone Etiquette

Before picking up the phone, get ready to:

 Clear your mind of all, but the task at hand.  Offer your standard greeting.
 Prepare your phone voice.  Treat the caller with respect.

Be Present with Your Caller

 Focus your attention on the caller.

 Listen to verbal & non-verbal cues.
 Your center of interest should be on the caller & the conversation.
 Perform active listening & probe to ensure understanding.

Prepare Your Phone Voice

 Take a deep breath before picking up the phone.

 Smile before speaking.
 Assume your speaking voice, controlling speed, tone, & volume.
 Speak clearly.

Treat the Caller with Respect

 Address the caller as: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Sr., Sra., Srta.
 If asked to address the customer differently, comply with the request (i.e. Dr.; Licenciado).

 Avoid sighing.  Acknowledge the caller’s feelings.

 Apologize as needed.  Demonstrate empathy.

1.1.1 Greeting
When answering the phone, use the following greeting:

ENG: “Thank you for choosing Bupa. My name is [First & Last Name]. Before I go any further I
just need to confirm with you that this call is being recorded. Are you happy to continue?”

ESP: “Gracias por elegir a Bupa. Mi nombre es [Nombre y Apellido]. Antes de continuar,
necesito informarle que esta llamada está siendo grabada. ¿Desea continuar?”.

3 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

1.1.2 Outbound Calls
For all outbound calls, inform the customer that the call is being recorded.

The statement is a part of the recorded message (IVR) that is used for all the inbound calls;
To be compliant, ensure that any customer receiving a call from Bupa Global acquires the
privacy message. By letting the customer know of the privacy message, he/she will be aware
that Bupa complies with the data privacy laws.

This rule applies to all customers (i.e. members; agents; partners; providers), which means
that it applies to all types of membership.

When making outbound calls, read out the following statement:

ENG: “Calls are recorded for security, quality and training purposes. For further information on
use and protection of personal information that you may provide us with on this call,
please refer to our online Privacy Notice at Are you happy to

ESP: “Esta llamada será grabada para fines de seguridad, calidad, y entrenamiento y
cualquier información personal o sensible que nos proporcione durante la misma será
protegida y tratada conforme al Aviso de Privacidad disponible en
. ¿Desea continuar?”.

Note: In case Customer Service needs to call the same person multiple times the same day, it
is only required to read out the privacy statement in the first call.

1.1.3 Customer does not want call to be recorded

If the customer does not wish the call to be recorded offer a call back from a non-recorded line:

1) Ask customer for a call back phone number.

2) Escalate the inquiry to a supervisor.
3) The supervisor will call the customer from a non-recorded line.


ENG: “Mr./Mrs., are you happy to provide me with a call back number? We will call you back
from a non-recorded line”.

ESP: “Sr./Sra., desea proporcionarme un número de teléfono? Le llamaremos desde una

línea donde no se graban las llamadas”.

1.1.4 Placing a Call on Hold

Placing a call on hold should be used as a last resource & only if necessary. The hold time,
without checking back with the caller, should not exceed 1 minute. If the caller is on hold for
more than 1 minute, service the call.

The procedure on how to place a call on hold is as follows:

1) Wait for a pause to let the caller know you will be placing him/her on hold
(don’t interrupt the caller).

4 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

2) Give the reason & request permission to place the caller on hold for 1 minute.
3) Wait for the caller’s response.
4) Thank & assure prompt return.
5) Check back on the caller after 1 minute.
6) Thank for holding & apologize for the delay.
7) Provide an update & request more time, if necessary.
8) Offer the option to call the caller back or email the caller to avoid longer hold.


ENG: “Mr./Mrs., would you please hold while I retrieve the claim information?”
[Pause for a response]
“Thank you. I will be right back.”
[Place caller on hold]
“Mr./Mrs., thank you for holding; I was able to access the information needed…”

“Mr./Mrs., I will check to see if Mr. Perez is available. Can you please hold for a
[Pause for a response]
“Thank you. I will be right back.”
[Place caller on hold]
“Mr./Mrs., thank you for holding. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Mr. Perez is not
available right now; would you like to receive a call back?”

ESP: “Sr./Sra., ¿Me permite ponerlo en espera mientras analizo la información del reclamo?”
[Pausa para una respuesta]
“Gracias. Regreso enseguida.”
[Pon al cliente en espera]
“Sr./Sra., gracias por su espera; pude encontrar la información necesaria…”

“Sr./Sra., voy a verificar si el Sr. Perez está disponible. ¿Puedes esperar un momento?”
[Pausa para una respuesta]
“Gracias. Regreso enseguida.”
[Pon al cliente en espera]
“Sr./Sra., gracias por su espera. El Sr. Perez no se encuentra disponible en este
momento; ¿Le gustaría que le devuelva la llamada?”

1.1.5 Transferring a Call

When transferring calls, always introduce the receiving party. Never blind transfer a call.

The procedure on how to transfer a call is as follows:

1) Probe the caller & attempt to assist.

2) Follow hold procedure
3) Introduce the caller & situation.
4) Announce the new person & complete the transfer.
5) Provide instructions for future contacts (if applicable/available).
6) Offer options (if necessary).


5 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

ENG: “Is there anything else I can assist you with before transferring the call?”
[Customer declines; Call the other party]
“Mr./Mrs., thank you for holding, I have [receiving party] on the line to further assist you.
Thank you for choosing Bupa.”

ESP: “¿Hay algo más en lo que yo le pueda asistir antes de transferir la llamada?”
[Cliente niega; Llame a la otra persona]
“Sr./Sra., gracias por la espera. Tengo a (receptor de la llamada) en la línea para que lo
pueda seguir asistiendo. Gracias por elegir a Bupa.”

1.1.6 Closing a Call

Make sure to offer additional assistance and pause to allow the customer to respond before
closing a call.


ENG: “Is there anything else I can assist you with?”

[Pause for a response]
“Thank you for choosing Bupa. Have a great day!”

ESP: “¿Hay algo más en lo que le pueda asistir?”

[Pausa para una respuesta]
“Gracias por elegir a Bupa. ¡Tenga un buen día!”

1.1.7 Scenarios
Follow the procedures for the following scenarios:


1) Wait 1 minute.
2) Repeat the opening greeting twice.
 If you are able to identify the caller & have/can get
back the information, do so & inform him/her that
you will be calling back.
 If you are unable to hear & have repeated the
greeting accordingly, advice the caller that the call
The caller does not answer
will be disconnected.
the phone; the call is
3) Disconnect the call.
experiencing interference
(prevents you from hearing);
or the call has ended, but the
line remains connected
ENG: “Mr./Mrs., I apologize, but I am unable to hear you;
Please call us back. I will disconnect this call.
Thank you for choosing Bupa”.

ESP: “Sr./Sra., lamento no poder escucharle; Por favor

llame nuevamente. Voy a desconectar esta
llamada. Gracias por elegir a Bupa”.

6 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

1) Politely agree to wait and advise the caller that the call
will be disconnected after 3 minutes.
2) Wait on hold for maximum of 3 minutes.
3) If after no longer than 3 minutes the caller has not
returned to attend the call, the representative can
disclose the following statement:

ENG: “Mr./Mrs., I apologize, but I am unable to continue

waiting on hold. The agreed hold time of 3 minutes
has passed, and I am going to disconnect this call.
The caller informs that he Please call us back. I will disconnect this call.
needs place the call on hold Thank you for choosing Bupa.”

SPA: “Sr./Sra. lamento no poder seguir esperando en la

línea. El tiempo de espera ha excedido los 3
minutos y voy a desconectar la llamada. Favor de
contactarnos nuevamente. Voy a desconectar la
llamada” Gracias por elegir a Bupa”.

4) Disconnect the call.

1) Acknowledge the frustration.

2) Offer assistance.
3) Attempt to defuse the situation.
 If bad behavior continues & you are unable to
handle the situation, notify a manager.
The caller uses profanity or is
 If your direct manager is unavailable, contact
offensive to you
another Team Manager.
 If the Team Manager is unavailable, offer the
customer a call back & assure he/she receives the
call back the same day.
4) Send contact information & details to a manager.

7 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

Use the following statement:

ENG: “At this time, we are experiencing a technical delay.

Please provide your contact information & policy #,
& we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank
You are experiencing system you for choosing Bupa & for your patience.”
issues during a call
ESP: “Desafortunadamente estamos teniendo problemas
técnicos. Por favor facilítenos su información de
contacto y # de póliza para comunicarnos con
usted lo antes posible. Gracias por elegir a Bupa y
le agradecemos su paciencia.”

Use the following statement:

ENG: “Thank you for your question. We take the privacy

and security of our customers and business partners
seriously. For further information on our use and
protection of personal information that you may provide us
with, we kindly ask you to visit our online Privacy Notice,
which can be found at Our Privacy
Notice includes information such as how we collect
personal information, categories of information we collect,
how we may use and share your personal information, and
how we protect your personal information. Our Privacy
Notice also gives details about your individual rights in
relation to personal information we hold about you, and
You receive any questions who you may contact to exercise these rights or to obtain
regarding Privacy (such as a further information.
request for deleting or
receiving a copy of Personal For any specific questions or further information you would
Information), or requests like in relation to our privacy and security practices, we are
related to Bupa’s happy to provide the contact information of our Privacy
use/protection of Personal Officer, who can be reached by email at

“Muchas gracias por su pregunta. La privacidad y
seguridad de nuestros clientes y socios comerciales es
algo que tomamos con mucha seriedad. Para mayor
información sobre el uso y protección de datos personales
que nos proporciona, le pido sea tan amable de visitar
nuestro Aviso de Privacidad en línea, que puede
encontrar en Nuestro Aviso de
Privacidad incluye información relativa a cómo recabamos
datos personales, los tipos de datos que recabamos,
cómo podríamos usar y compartir sus datos personales y
cómo protegemos sus datos personales. Nuestro Aviso
de Privacidad también proporciona detalles sobre sus

8 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

derechos respecto a los datos personales que
conservamos y a quién debe contactar para ejercer estos
derechos o para obtener mayor información.

Para preguntas específicas o mayor información en

relación a nuestras prácticas de privacidad y seguridad, le
pedimos contacte nuestro Oficial de Privacidad en el


1.2 Email Etiquette

 Answer all questions & pre-empt further questions.
 Be concise & to the point.
 Use proper spelling, grammar, & punctuation.
 Use cc sparingly.
 Use proper greeting.
 Use Mr., Mrs., Ms., Sr., Sra., or Srta.
 Avoid using all caps.
 Avoid including print screens.
 Use high priority option only when applicable.
 Make it personal.
 Use active instead of passive.
 Avoid abbreviations & emojis.
 Treat others as you would like to be treated.
 Empathize.
 Take responsibility.
 Meet commitments.
 Use “please” & “thank you.”

1.2.1 Greeting
When emailing a customer, use the following greeting:

ENG: Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr./etc.,

Thank you for contacting Bupa. Hope this e-mail finds you well.

ESP: Estimado(da) Sr., Sra., Srta.,

Gracias por contactar a Bupa. Reciba mis cordiales saludos.

1.2.2 Closing an Email

When closing an email:

1. Ensure that all issues were addressed.

2. Offer additional assistance.

9 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14


ENG: If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our offices at your
earliest convenience and we will gladly assist you. 

Kind Regards,

ESP: De tener alguna otra pregunta no dude en comunicarse con nosotros.

Le reiteramos nuestro compromiso de servirle y agradecemos que haya elegido Bupa
como su compañía de seguro médico.


1.2.3 Signature
When emailing a customer, use the following signature:

Nombre Completo, Titulo de posición, Departamento

Bupa Global Latin America, 18001 Old Cutler Road, Suite 300, Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
T + (305) XXX-XXXX E W

We take both the privacy and security of our customers and business partners seriously. Any
personal information that you may provide us with via email or other channels of
communication is protected and treated in accordance with the terms of our online Privacy
Notice. By sharing personal information with us you do so in agreement with these terms.
If you believe you have received this email in error, or suspect any suspicious activity in
relation to an account, we kindly ask you to contact us at The information contained in this email and any
attachments hereto is privileged and confidential and may be subject to copyright or other
intellectual property protection. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to
use, disclose, copy, or distribute this information and we request that you delete the original
message from your email system.
La seguridad y privacidad de nuestros clientes y socios comerciales es muy importante y lo
manejamos con toda la seriedad necesaria. Cualquier información personal o sensible que
nos proporcione vía correo electrónico o por cualquier otro medio de comunicación será
protegida y tratada conforme al nuestro Aviso de privacidad. Al compartir sus datos
personales con nosotros lo hace de conformidad con dichos términos.
Si cree que ha recibido este correo electrónico por error o considera que existe alguna
actividad sospechosa en relación con una cuenta, le agradecemos que se ponga en contacto
con nosotros a través del siguiente correo: La
información contenida en este correo electrónico y los archivos adjuntos son privilegiados y
confidenciales, pueden estar sujeta a derechos de autor u otra protección de propiedad
intelectual. Si usted no es el destinatario deseado, no tiene autorización para usar, divulgar,
copiar o distribuir esta información y le solicitamos que elimine el mensaje original de su
sistema de correo electrónico.

10 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

1.2.4 Protecting Personal Information
To ensure protection of personal information, always follow below guidelines when sending
communications, documents and files electronically via email.

Here are some simple steps to follow to reduce those risks:

1) Double-check the email addresses and recipients of your emails before sending, to ensure
they’re the correct individuals.
2) Share the minimum-required information with the minimum number of people.
3) Think twice before copying additional recipients into email messages.
4) Ensure recipients have a legitimate business “need to Know”.
5) Ensure all recipients are authorized to receive content.

If you receive any questions regarding Privacy (such as a request for deleting or receiving a
copy of Personal Information), or requests related to Bupa’s use/protection of Personal
Information, forward these to the Privacy Officer at and
copy in your Manager.

1.2.5 Bupa’s Data Classification Policy

Use available tools in your department to protect our Confidential data such as Protected
Health Information or banking information. If the information is Confidential, ensure appropriate
tools are used where possible, such as email encryption tools and password protections.
Always ensure that the recipients of such information have correctly identified themselves and
are authorized to receive any Confidential information. If in any doubt, avoid sharing the
information and consult with your Manager.

1.2.6 E-mail Phish Alert Button

Please click the Phish Alert Button if you believe you have received a phishing email or any
potentially dangerous email. Any email you report using this button will be automatically
deleted from your inbox. The reported emails will also be forwarded to Bupa’s Information
Security team for analysis. This button should only be used to report emails you believe to
have malicious intent. If you’re receiving spam or external marketing emails, you should not
use the Phish Alert Button.

11 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

1.3 Promoting Self-Service Options
Customer interactions can be taken as opportunities to educate them on the Bupa website,
Bupa App & self-service available options (i.e. payments; access to documents; claim

1.4 Updating Contact Information

If an external customer calls our Bupa office, verify all demographic information to ensure all
documentation is sent properly for any future use:

 Phone #  Physical Address

 Mailing Address  Email


ENG: “Mr./Mrs., while I have you on the phone, may I take a moment to verify all your contact
information to ensure we have it correct?”

ESP: “Sr./Sra., mientras te tengo en el teléfono, me podrías dar un momento para verificar
toda su información personal para asegurarnos que esté correcta?”

1.5 Promoting Wire Transfer Claim Reimbursement

Inquiries about claim reimbursement should be used as an opportunity to educate the
customer in the bank transfer reimbursement option. This option can also be offered during
other customer interactions (i.e. emails).


ENG: “Mr./Mrs., I would like to take this opportunity to explain our bank reimbursement option;
you can receive payments directly into your bank account. It is fast & easy, & you only
need to fill out the Authorization Form, which I can send you via email.”

ESP: “Sr./Sra., Me gustaría tomar esta oportunidad para explicarte nuestra opción de
reembolsos a través de transferencia bancaria; usted puede recibir pagos directamente
en su banco. Es rápido y fácil; solo necesitas firmar el Formulario de Autorización que
puedo enviarte por correo electrónico.”

12 Service Etiquette Updated: 2019-06-14

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