Proposal Manuscript Guidelines SIP Science 10

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Science Investigatory Project

Science 10


1. Paper Size: Letter

2. Margins:
Left - 1.5’
Right - 1’
Bottom - 1’
Top - 1’
3. Font Size: 12
4. Font Style: Arial
5. Spacing: Double Space
6. Contents:

Title Page

Chapter I

This Introduction is about one page only wherein it includes the background of the
study and its rationale.

Statement of the Problem

The Statement of the Problem should consist of one general problem and at least
two specific problems derived from the latter. The research problem should be
declarative statements that are specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and

Statement of the Hypothesis

The hypothesis statement is an educated guess for what you think will happen if you
take a certain type of action to resolve a problem. The hypothesis usually identifies
what is going to be changed and the action's potential outcome, as well as why you
think the change will have that particular result.

Significance of the Study

The Significance of the Study indicates how important is your investigatory project
for the people, environment, and community as a whole.
Definition of Terms
Identify the important and difficult terms used and give its operational definitions.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature are statements taken from science books, journals, magazines,
newspapers, and etc. Related Studies are those researches which may be local and
foreign studies which can contribute to your research or can support your
investigation scientifically.

Chapter III

The proposed materials to be used and the procedure of the experimentation.


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