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Law of Torts & MV Act,

General Defence In Law of Torts (Volenti Non Fit Injuria)

When we are talking about law of torts, if any person commit any kind of wrongful act which
causes injury to another person so in that case he is held liable and has to pay damages which
is determined by the respected court, to the victim of such and act.

But there is some cases in which a person suffer from damages due to the act of another
person but he cannot claim damage from that person because of the operation of defences of
tort. One such defences available to a defendant is the defence of volenti non fit injuria in
which the plaintiff is not entitled to damages because he consents to the act which has caused
injury to him. In tort law, everyone has a responsibility to behave with reasonable care in
order to avoid any injury that may result from their failure to do so.

For example, if a person is driving his car, he has a responsibility to drive it safely and within
speed restrictions in order to avoid an accident that could damage others. This is the general
rule in torts, although there are some exceptions that are allowed in these situations, and these
are known as tort defences. A defendant can avoid culpability by relying on these defences,
and volenti non fit injuria one of them.

What Is The Meaning Of Volenti Non Fit Injuria

In a very simple words we can say if a person give a consent to do an act which leads to him
getting injured, then even if an injury is caused by the other person, so in that case he cannot
claim any damages from that person because he himself give the voluntarily consented. The
plaintiff’s consent serves as a defence is known as “volenti non fit injuria”, which implies
that no harm comes to a willing person.

There is one more important thing is the consent to suffer harm may be express or implied.


If A has a bike whose brakes do not work and B knowing about the conditions of the bike
still chooses to sit on it with A driving it and due to the failure of such brakes they both
sustain injuries in an accident, B cannot claim relief from A because he had voluntarily
consented to sit on the bike.

But in the above illustration, if B was not aware of the conditions of brakes and then he
sustained injuries sitting in it, he would not be stopped from claiming damages from A
because here B did not give his consent to accept the risk of getting injured due to failure of
the brakes.1 If you have a consent of defence so it is not mean your act of causing harm go
beyond the limit of what has been consented. Let’s take the example of a seen to try to
understand the meaning of the above line.

A player in the game of hockey has no right of action if he hit while the game is being
lawfully played. But if there is a deliberate injury caused by another player, the defence of
volenti non fit injuria cannot be pleaded. Similarly, if a surgeon negligently performs an
operation, he cannot avoid the liability by pleading the defence of the consent.2
Let’s take a case example to understand the concept of volenti non fit injuria;

Hall v. Brooklands Auto Racing Club

The plaintiff went to see a car race in which two cars collied with each other and as result of
the collision, the plaintiff who was sitting as an audience was also injured when one of the
cars flew into the audience. Here the defence of volenti non fit injuria was applied because
the plaintiff had given his consent to such a risk by going to the race. 3

See the another case example of Padmavati v. dugganaika, in this case the plaintiff had asked
for a lift in the jeep of the defendant and while travelling in it one of the screw of the wheel
of the jeep fell out, as a result, the jeep crashed and it caused the death of one of the plaintiffs.
In this case, the court held that the defence of the volenti non fit injuria will apply and thus
the defendant were not liable because the sitting in the jeep the plaintiff has assumed the risk
of being injured in the accident.4

The Consent Must Be Free

When a plaintiff gives his consent for an act such consent should be free from any coercion,
fraud or any other such means by which the free consent can be affected.

For e.g., A has a heart problem and he goes to a hospital for surgery. There he is informed by
the surgeons that the required surgery is very complicated and there is a chance of the surgery
failing which can cause his death. If A gives his consent to have the surgery and the surgeon
despite taking all reasonable care in doing the surgery is not able to save A, then the surgeon
cannot be held liable because A had given his consent for it and this consent was given freely.
In case the consent of a person is not free, the defendant cannot claim this defence to escape
liability and he will be held liable for damage caused.

In the case of Lakshmi Rajan v. Malar Hospital Ltd. there is a woman her age is 40 years,
she is suffering from the problem of lump in her breast, and the lump had no effect on her
uterus, but we she consent the operation of her breast so during operation doctor of the
hospital remove her uterus without any kind of justification. Court held that in case the
hospital was held liable due to the incompetancy in the service. It was also held that the
patient’s consent for the operation did not imply her consent to the removal of the uterus, so
in this case the hospital authority was fully liable.5

Consent Obtained By Fraud

Consent obtained by fraud is not real consent and does not serve as a good defence. It was
held in Hegarty v. Shine that merely concealing facts is not deemed a deception sufficient to
void consent. In this case, the plaintiff’s paramour had infected her with a venereal disease,
and she sued him for assault. The action was dismissed on the basis that just disclosing facts
does not constitute fraud, based on the concept ex turpi causa non oritur actio, which states
that no action is arises from an immoral reason.

Here another case example related to consent obtained by fraud, In R. v. Williams A music
teacher was found guilty of rapping a 16-year-old girl under the pretence of improving her
throat and improving her voice. The girl misinterpreted the nature of the act performed on her
and consented to it, mistaking it for a medical procedure to improve her voice. In this case
victim misunderstood the very nature of the act which was being done. She had consented to
the act of the accused believing that to be a surgical operation. That was no consent as could
excuse the accused from his liability.

Consent Obtained Under Compulsion

1. There is no consent when someone consents to an act without free will or under some
2. It is also applicable in the cases where the person giving consent does not have full
freedom to decide.
3. This situation generally arises in a master-servant relationship where the servant is
compelled to do everything that his master asks him to do.
4. Thus, there is no applicability of this maxim volenti non fit injuria, when a servant is
compelled to do some work without his own will.
5. But, if he himself does something without any compulsion then he can be met with
this defence of consent.
Mere Knowledge Does Not Imply Assent

For the applicability of this maxim, the following essentials need to be present:

· The plaintiff knew about the presence of risk.

· He had knowledge about the same and knowingly agreed to suffer harm.

Let’s see some case example to understand the given principles; In the case of Bowater v.
Rowley Regis Corporation a cart-driver was asked to drive a horse which to the knowledge
of both was liable to bolt. The driver was not ready to take that horse out but he did it just
because his master asked to do so. The horse, then bolted and the plaintiff suffered injuries7

The decision was in the favour of the plaintiff. The defendants are guilty of the negligence.
The defence of volenti non fit injuria is not applicable to this case as it does not apply to
occupations that are not inherently dangerous such as working in an explosive factory or as a
horse breaker.

Again there is case of Smith v. Baker in that case the plaintiff was an employer to work on a
drill for the purpose of cutting rocks. Some stones were being conveyed from one side to
another using crane surpassing his head. He was busy at work and suddenly a stone fell on his
head causing injuries. The defendants were negligent as they did not inform him. The court
held that mere knowledge of risk does not mean that he has consented to risk, so, the
defendants were liable for this. The maxim volenti non fit injuria did not apply.

But, if a workman ignores the instructions of his employer thereby suffering injury, in such
cases this maxim applies.

Negligence Of The Defendant

In order to avail this defence it is necessary that the defendant should not be negligent. If the
plaintiff consents to some risk then it is presumed that the defendant will not be liable. For
example, when someone consents to a surgical operation and the same becomes unsuccessful
then the plaintiff has no right to file a suit but if the same becomes unsuccessful due to the
surgeon’s negligence then in such cases he will be entitled to claim compensation.8

There is a leading case of Slater v. Clay Cross Co. Ltd. the plaintiff suffered injuries due to
the negligent behaviour of the defendant’s servant while she was walking along a tunnel
which was owned by the defendants. The company knew that the tunnel is used by the public
and had instructed its drivers to give horns and drive slowly whenever they enter a tunnel.
But the driver failed to do so. It was held that the defendants are liable for the accident.

Limitations On The Doctrain’s Scope

The scope of the maxim volenti non fit injuria has been curtailed in the following cases:

· Rescue cases
· The unfair contract terms act, 1977
Rescue Cases

The defendant will not be able to use the defence of volenti non fit injuria if the plaintiff
arrives voluntarily to save someone from a danger created by the defendant. There is a
famous case of Haynes v. Harwood in this case the servant of the defendant left two horses
unattended on a public road there are some children they threw a stone on the horses and due
to this action of children the horses started bolting and create a danger for women and other
people who were present on the road.

The whole situation a absorb by a police constable who was inside the police station, and he
came to protect the people from the bolting horses during that he was injured severly. So in
this case the doctrain of volenti non fit injuria is apply because this is a case of rescue and
this doctrain a not applicable in rescue cases. However, if a person voluntarily attempts to
stop a horse which creates no danger then he will not get any remedy.

There is another case related to rescue Hyett v. Great Western Railway Co. in this case the
plaintiff got injured while saving the defendant’s cars from a fire which occurred due to
negligence on the part of the defendants. The plaintiff’s acts seemed to be reasonable and the
defendant was held liable in this case.

The Unfair Contract Act, 1977

The Unfair Contract Terms Act, 1977, limits the right of a person to exclude his liability
resulting from his negligence in a contract.

· Sub-section 1 puts an absolute ban on a person’s right to exclude his liability for death
or personal injury resulting from the negligence by making a contract or giving a
· Sub-section 2 is for the cases in which the damage caused to the plaintiff is other than
personal injury or death. In such cases, the liability can only be avoided if a contract
term or notice satisfies the reasonability criteria.
· Sub-section 3 says that a mere notice or agreement may be enough for proving that
the defendant was not liable but in addition to that some proofs regarding the
genuineness of the voluntary assumption and plaintiff’s consent should also be given.

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