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A. This Section includes the work necessary to furnish and install, complete, the
cleanroom makeup air handling (MAU) units. Provide the following components
unless otherwise noted on the data sheets in the attached appendix:
1. Prefilters: 30 percent.
2. Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC): A+B protection [TBC: - or space
for future carbon trays].
3. Main Filter: 95 percent main filter.
4. Chilled water precooling coil.
5. Chilled water dehumidification cooling coil.
6. Fan Section: direct-drive [centrifugal] [plug] fan with integral variable-speed
7. Condenser water reheat coil.
8. Final Filter: 99.99 percent HEPA filter at 0.3 micron with universal filter
9. Discharge plenum with isolation damper and damper operator.
10. Service plenum sections with access doors, glazing, and lights.
11. Released damper located between suction and discharge of fan to protect
12. Mount smoke detector on external double skin casing between discharge of fan
and diffusers and shut-down the MAU fan if smoke occur and be detected.
13. Adjustable Frequency Drive (AFD)
14. Factory assembled instrument, control actuators and internal wiring


A. Use this Section in conjunction with the following other specifications and related
Contract Documents to establish the total requirements for the referenced air
handling units:
1. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical Requirements.
2. Section 15170 - OEM Electric Motors.
3. Section 15172 - Adjustable Frequency Drives.
4. Section 15240 - Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control.
5. Section 15761 - Air Coils.
6. Section 15861 - Air Filters, HVAC.
7. Equipment scheduled on the Drawings.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
B. CAUTION: Use of this Section without including all of the above-listed items will
result in omission of basic requirements.

C. In the event of conflict regarding cleanroom makeup air handling units between this
Section and another section, the provisions of this Section govern.


A. Provide equipment suitable for indoor or outdoor installation as indicated on the data

B. Provide equipment with minimum operating efficiencies (defined as coefficient of

performance and energy efficiency ratio) specified in ASHRAE 90.1

C. Test, rate, and certify fans in accordance with AMCA standards.

D. Test, rate, and certify coils in accordance with ARI standards.

E. Provide UL listed electrical assemblies that comply with NEC requirements.

F. Air Handling Unit Maximum Sound Power - Maximum air handling unit intake,
discharge, and casing radiated sound power levels in decibels re: 10 -12 watts under
all design operating conditions as listed in the data sheets.

G. Balance fans as specified in Section 15240, Mechanical Sound and Vibration


H. Select fans that operate at speeds less than 80 percent of their true critical speed.


A. Provide the standard form of written warranty covering defects in materials and
workmanship for the equipment, for a period of 5 years from the date of final
acceptance of the equipment by the Owner. Date of final acceptance is the date that
the Owner assumes operation of the unit after inspections, startup, testing and
checkout procedures are complete.

B. The warranty shall cover the construction, materials, parts, labor, operation, and

C. Specify in the proposal the limits of warranty coverage (parts and labor) for major
components of the package and the necessary customer maintenance to keep the
applicable warranty in effect.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
D. Guarantee painted surfaces for 2 years against fading, chipping, and rusting.

E. Guarantee metal surfaces and fasteners for 2 years against rusting.


A. Comply with applicable portions of the following:

1. AMCA Standard 99-2408, Operating Limits for Centrifugal Fans (Performance
2. AMCA Standard 210, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic
Performance Rating.
3. AMCA Standard 320, Laboratory Method of Sound Testing Fans Using Sound
4. ASHRAE Standard 52.1, Gravimetric and Dust-Spot Procedures for Testing
Air-Cleaning Devices Used in General Ventilation for Removing Particulate
5. IEST –RP-CC001.3, HEPA and ULPA Filters.
6. IEST –RP-CC021.1, Testing HEPA and ULPA Filter Media.
7. IEST –RP-CC034.1, HEPA and ULPA Filter Leak Tests.

B. ARI Standard 410, Forced-Circulation Air-Cooling and Air-Heating Coils

C. The Owner maintains the right to tour the manufacturer's plant any time that
fabrication is being performed on components or assembled units intended for this

D. Notify the Owner when production is finished on the first component of each type.
Any time after that date and with only one day's advanced notice, the Owner may
tour the plant to ensure that quality control is being maintained.

E. Perform functional and reliability tests at the factory on selected units. Tests are
witnessed by the Owner as described herein.

F. Review and certify the structural support framing by a professional structural

engineer registered in the manufacturer’s state.

G. Fully assemble and test units at the factory.

H. Provide unit pricing for testing additional units, in addition to the base bid.


A. Scope:
1. Follow the method statement for the clean build program as accepted by the

D3556500 12-NOV-21
2. Protect the equipment from contamination during the manufacturing process
through startup procedures and Owner acceptance.
3. Provide in the manufacturer’s facility, a controlled area for the purpose of final
cleaning and packaging of equipment.
4. Replace sections damaged during shipping.
5. If during shipping the interior of the air handling unit is exposed to ambient
conditions, field clean the air handling unit.
6. Housing and equipment components will be thoroughly cleaned of oils, grease,
lubricants, dirt, and dust prior to assembly. Degrease uncoated metal surfaces
exposed to the airstream prior to construction and wipe clean with IPA after
factory assembly before shipping. Use low-shedding materials for wipe
cleaning, such as Nylon Tricot 1068 or other Owner approved material.
Supply a list of proposed cleaning agents to the Owner.
7. After assembly and test, but prior to shipment, use an HEPA-filtered vacuum
cleaner to remove dust from the interior and wipe down all surfaces with
approved materials.
8. Conduct a visual inspection without magnification over 100 percent of the
9. As preparation for shipment, seal openings against dust, dirt, or moisture.
Provide coverings that will remain intact during shipment. Assume units will
be exposed to outdoor conditions during installations at jobsite. Immediately
after cleaning, shrink-wrap the units with clean, acceptable plastic, then double
bag and seal with 4-mil plastic. Protect the units with plywood packaging over
the plastic and strapped tight with a suitable method. Components attached to
the fan cabinet must also be protected in a similar manner.
10. Locate removable lifting lugs outside the clean packaging, so as not to interfere
with the integrity of the clean packaging during rigging.

B. The Owner will inspect the cleaning, packaging, and shipping procedures to confirm
compliance. The Owner retains the right to randomly select units for inspection at
various intervals without prior notification to the manufacturer. Bring units not
meeting acceptable cleanliness, packaging, and shipping specifications to acceptance
within Specifications immediately at no additional cost to the Owner.


A. Provide the following with the Bid:

1. Identify exceptions to the Specifications and areas of noncompliance in a
separate section of the submittal. Submit data and information regarding
alternates, revisions, and exceptions.
2. A list of five successfully operating installations similar in capacity,
application, and equipment type with at least 3 years service duty.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
3. The limits of warranty coverage (parts and labor) for components of the
package, as well as necessary customer maintenance to keep the applicable
warranty in effect.
4. Manufacturer’s clean assembly, packaging and shipping method statement.
5. Assembly and outline drawings with operating weight.
6. Detailed information on structural, mechanical, and electrical support
necessary to accept the MAU.
7. Sound power level data in eight-octave bands at the inlet and discharge of the
MAU at design operating conditions and also at 50 percent design flow
accordance with AMCA Bulletin 300.
8. Fan performance curves showing power and efficiency for 100 and 50 percent
flow at the design external static pressure.
9. Data sheets for vibration isolators, filters, coils, sealants, cleaning agents and
10. Coil performance data.
11. Calculations validating sufficient casing and access door insulation has been
provided to prevent condensation from forming on the exterior of MAU.
12. Calculations validating drain connection invert elevations.
13. Adjustable frequency drive product data as required by Section 15172,
Adjustable Frequency Drives.
14. Motor product data as required by Section 15170, OEM Electric Motors.

B. Provide within 4 weeks of award:

1. Complete detailed drawings showing dimensions, arrangement, and
construction of the air handling units, including at a minimum:
a. Overall dimensions (plan and elevation) and weight.
b. Detailed section dimensions (coils, access, fan, etc.).
c. Shipping sections and weight.
2. Product Data for
a. Dampers
b. Actuators with air sets.
c. Differential pressure gauges.
d. Air washers.
e. Filters and frames.
f. Water coils.
g. Fans.
h. Motors.
i. AFDs
j. Doors and hardware.
k. Compartment lights.
l. Insulation.
m. Coatings.
n. Gaskets.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
o. Sealants
p. Smoke detectors.
q. Released dampers.
r. Receptacles.
3. Fan sound power level data (bare fan sound power level data) at design
operating point. Ratings shall be based on AMCA method.
4. Predicted sound pressure level data at inlet and discharge of unit.
5. Coil and fan performance data.
6. Overall dimensions (plan and elevation) and weight.
7. Detailed section dimensions (coils, access, fan, etc.).
8. Shipping sections and weight.
9. Details for the isolation of the fan inlet and base.
10. Vibration isolator and seismic restraint selection and mounting details,
including product specifications, drawings, and catalog cuts that will
demonstrate compliance with Specifications.
11. Bearing life calculations.
12. Control wiring diagrams and panel layout.
13. Detailed information on structural, mechanical, electrical, or other changes or
modifications necessary to adapt the materials to the arrangement or details
shown. Changes shall not differ from the performance criteria specified.
14. Wiring diagrams for the AFD and motor controls.
15. Electrical load, voltage, and interface.
16. Light fixture data and light switches.
17. Data for disconnect switches.
18. Factory Vibration Balance Report:
a. Perform factory balancing tests in accordance with Section 15240,
Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control.
b. During balancing tests, fan shall be imposed an operating resistance
equal to design total static pressure.
c. At the completion of fan balance procedures, measure and log vibration
amplitudes of the exterior casing or housing of the fan assembly along
the same three axes. These logged values shall be used for future
reference in verifying fan vibration limits.
d. Certificate of compliance papers shall be attached to each fan at
shipment, and signed by the fan manufacturer’s quality control inspector.


A. Factory Vibration Balance Test: Attach certificate of compliance papers to each unit
at shipment and signed by the fan manufacturer's quality control inspector. Send an
additional copy for review.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
B. Record Documents:
1. Completed air handling unit data sheets.
2. Field test documentation.


A. Provide the following filter sets, as scheduled, for each air handling unit:

Filters Qty. of Complete Sets

Pre 2
Main 2

Absolute 1



A. Ray’an

B. Robatherm

C. Others approved by Client.


A. Provide guards across the fan inlet and around the fan wheel that meet the
requirements for safety protection. Provide guards constructed of 304 stainless steel
expanded metal and easily removable by one person.

B. Provide removable lifting lugs at the 4 corners of each shipping sub-assembly.

C. Provide monorail in fan section for fan and motor removal.


A. Adjustable Frequency Drive: Provide adjustable frequency drives in accordance

with Section 15172, Adjustable Frequency Drives.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
B. Motors: Provide motors in accordance with the requirements of Section 15170,
OEM Electric Motors. A disconnect switch shall be factory installed on unit.

C. Control Dampers:
1. Dampers shall be opposed blade control/smoke damper tested per UL 555S.
Damper and actuator shall be supplied and installed as a single entity meeting
UL 555S.
2. Minimum Class II leakage, rated for 250 degrees F, complying with the UBC.
The damper should be internally supported to withstand a negative 10-inch
static pressure with a maximum 1/4-inch deflection per 4-foot span.
3. Construct with extruded aluminum airfoil blades and galvanized frame with
pneumatic actuator and position switches. Double gasketed damper blades for
positive weathertight closure, built into a frame that is contained inside the unit
with no portions protruding outside the confines of the basic unit. Contain
damper blade interconnection mechanisms within the damper frame out of the
airflow path. Provide interconnection linkage with positive blade-to-blade
interaction without slippage. Provide stainless steel or Teflon coated linkage
mechanism to prevent corrosion and ensure smooth operation.
4. Construct dampers exceeding 1.5 square meter / 16 square feet in multiple
equal-size sections. Operate each section by a separate actuator.
5. Size outside air inlet for 100 percent air handling unit capacity at a maximum
face velocity of 2.5 m/s or 500 fpm.

D. Prefilter and Frame:

1. Provide as scheduled in data sheets located in the attached appendix and per
Section 15861, Air Filters, HVAC.
2. Gauges: Provide dial type gauge per Section 15861, Air Filters, HVAC,
recessed mounted on outside of air handling unit cabinet. Install sensor tubing
across the filter bank, utilizing static pressure ports.

E. Preheat Coil:
1. Provide as scheduled in data sheets located in the attached appendix and per
Section 15761, Air Coils.
2. The following requirements supersede Section 15761, Air Coils:
a. Casing and tube support sheets shall be Type 304L stainless steel and not
less than 16 gauge / 1.4mm thick, formed to provide structural strength.
b. Tube: 16-mm-diameter tubes with 0.89-mm wall thickness.
c. Fins: 0.254-mm-thick fins spaced not closer than 12 fins per inch (FPI).
d. Support: each coil independently to allow removal of any one coil
without requiring removal of the entire coil bank. Do not use coils as
part of the vertical support structure.
e. Taps: accessible, plugged drain and air vent for each coil to ensure
complete drain and adequate venting. Provide brass or copper nipple

D3556500 12-NOV-21
f. Velocity at design conditions:
1) Water:
a) Maximum tube velocity of 1.8 m/s.
b) Minimum tube velocity of 0.9 m/s.
2) The manufacturer shall confirm that the coil tube flow remains
fully turbulent at the minimum velocity.
3) Air: maximum velocity of 2.5 m/s.
g. Replacement: Coil removal shall not require the dismantling of
upstream or downstream components. Coils shall be removable through
the unit casing via bolted and gasketed panels.
h. Penetrations: utilize a mechanical sleeve seal with insulated packing for
piping penetrations. Terminate piping outside of air handling unit with
bolted flanged connections.

F. Gas Phase Chemical Filter:

1. Provide filter and frame as specified in Section 13025, Gas Phase Chemical

G. Main Filter:
1. Provide as scheduled in data sheets located in the attached appendix and per
Section 15861, Air Filters, HVAC.
2. Gauges: Provide dial type gauge per Section 15861, Air Filters, HVAC,
recessed mounted on outside of air handling unit cabinet. Install sensor tubing
across the filter bank, utilizing static pressure ports.

H. Cooling Coils:
1. Provide as scheduled in data sheets located in the attached appendix and per
Section 15761, Air Coils.
2. The following requirements supersede Section 15761, Air Coils:
a. Casing and tube support sheets shall be Type 304L stainless steel and not
less than 16 gauge thick, formed to provide structural strength.
b. Tube: 5/8-inch-diameter tubes with 0.035-inch wall thickness.
c. Fins: 0.01-inch-thick fins spaced not closer than 10 fins per inch.
d. Maximum fin height is 1067 mm.
e. Support: each coil independently to allow removal of any one coil
without requiring removal of the entire coil bank. Do not use coils as
part of the vertical support structure.
f. Taps: accessible, plugged drain and air vent for each coil to ensure
complete drain and adequate venting. Provide brass or copper nipple
g. Provide coils with Heresite coating for corrosion protection.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
h. Velocity for Pre- and Main Cooling Coil at Design Conditions:
1) Water:
a) Maximum tube velocity of 1.8 m/s.
b) Minimum tube velocity of 0.9 m/s.
2) The manufacturer shall confirm that the coil tube flow remains
fully turbulent at the minimum velocity.
3) Air: maximum velocity of 2.5 m/s.
i. Velocity for Dehumidification Cooling Coil at Design Conditions:
1) Water:
a) Maximum tube velocity of 1.8 m/s.
b) Minimum tube velocity of 0.9 m/s.
2) The manufacturer shall confirm that the coil tube flow remains
fully turbulent at the minimum velocity.
3) Air: maximum velocity of 2.5 m/s.
j. Replacement: Coil removal shall not require the dismantling of
upstream or downstream components. Coils shall be removable through
the unit casing via bolted and gasketed panels.
k. Penetrations: utilize a mechanical sleeve seal with insulated packing for
piping penetrations. Terminate piping outside of air handling unit with
bolted flanged connections.

I. Marine Lights
1. Type: vaporproof weathertight compact-fluorescent marine lights with die-
cast aluminum guards, Day-Brite Lighting, Model VFS9F1NC-G-D16 or
2. Location: Inside each service access plenum, mounted on the ceiling of the
3. Quantity: a minimum of two lights per section and four lights in the
humidification and fan motor sections.

J. Service Plenums and Access Doors

1. Service Plenum: as shown on the data sheets, with manually opened access
doors, interior lights, exterior light switch with pilot light, and aluminum
nonslip checker-plate walking surface.
2. Electrical:
a. Provide an SPDT switch in a weathertight enclosure at one access entry,
wired to the light fixtures through a sealed metal conduit.
b. Light circuits are connected to and served from a single junction box.
c. Provide copper conductor with minimum conductor size of 12 AWGA.
d. Provide a 230-volt electrical outlet at the fan section.
e. Provide a 230-volt electrical outlet on the inside of the discharge plenum
immediately downstream of the final filter.
f. Provide a single point of connection for 230-volt circuit.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
3. Coordinate and provide instrument ports for each separate section as shown in
the data sheets.
4. Construct access doors of a minimum of 14-gauge/1.6mm sheet metal as

Air Handling Unit

Inside Clear Minimum Number Access Door Clear Opening, Minimum
Height of Latches Minimum Height Minimum Width

Less than 1500 mm Two 900 mm 450 mm

1501 mm to 1800 Two 1200 mm 450 mm
1801 mm to 2100 Three 1500 mm 600 mm
2101 mm and Three 1800 mm 600 mm

5. Insulate access doors with 60-mm-thick, 45-kg/m 3-density PU form insulation

encapsulated with a minimum of 2-mil polyethylene bag or Mylar facing.
6. Protected insulation with minimum 18-gauge perforated galvanized steel liner
for low-frequency noise control.
7. Provide continuous air/acoustic rubber bulb seals around perimeter of door.
8. Equip doors with continuous stainless steel hinges, wedge lever latches with
inside release handle, 300mm square or round double-layer viewing window.
9. Arrange door to open against the direction of higher relative pressure for safe
use and positive air seal.
10. Unless otherwise shown on the data sheets, provide:
a. Service plenums for filter loading: a minimum 750 mm in length.
b. Other service plenums: minimum of 525 mm in length.

K. Drain pans
1. Location: as shown on the data sheets and as needed to collect water dripping
or leaking from inside the MAU.
2. Sizing:
a. Cooling coils: Extend at least 12 inches from the face of the coil leaving
b. Inlet section: Provide outlet connection as shown on the data sheets.
3. Construction: Double walled, minimum 16 gauge, Type 304L stainless steel
sheet with all-welded construction, minimum 100mm deep, with 50mm PU
foam insulation sandwiched between steel sheets to fully encapsulate the
insulation. Make walkable surfaces nonslip.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
4. Cooling coils: provide individual drain pans for stacked coils with 50mm
stainless steel pipe for each coil in the bank to direct the condensate down to
the main drain pan. Construct intermediate drain pans of the same material as
the main drain pans but utilize single-wall construction.
5. Drain connections: slope pan toward the drain as shown on the data sheets.
Provide outlet connection one nominal pipe size larger than size required by
the Uniform Plumbing Code. Place connection at an invert elevation that will
allow the drains to be properly trapped with the use of a 150mm tall equipment
pad at the maximum operating conditions of the unit.

L. Fan Section:

1. Description: direct drive centrifugal fan, statically and dynamically balanced,

mounted on an extended direct-drive motor shaft.
2. Inlet: spun inlet bell with a shaped cutoff.
3. Characteristic: non-overloading horsepower characteristics.
4. Construction: all-welded construction using high-strength steels or aluminum,
airfoil blades, minimum Class III construction. Blades shall be welded to the
spun wheel flange and backplate. The wheels shall be secured to the shaft with
a key and two setscrews.
5. Provide a solid, cold finished steel fan shaft, turned, ground, and polished with
center-punched shaft ends to accommodate a tachometer, designed so that the
first critical speed of the complete rotating assembly is at least 25 percent
greater than the design operating point.
6. Provide motor bearings which are double-row spherical roller type in a
housing, high temperature, and permanently sealed with a minimum L-10 life
of 200,000 hours as defined by ASA and the Antifriction Bearing
Manufacturer's Association. This will supersede Section 15170, OEM Electric
Motors, of the Specifications.
7. Integrally mount the fan, motor, and direct-drive assembly on a steel isolation
base per Section 15240 - Mechanical Sound and Vibration Control, except
where superseded by the following criteria:
a. Individually select isolators shall be individually selected for each load-
bearing location to maintain equal deflection without compensation.
b. Provide isolation base with an adjustable NEMA motor slide base.
c. Join fan to the unit housing by a fiberglass-reinforced neoprene-coated
flexible connection.
d. Provide adequate tiedown mechanisms on the isolation base to prevent
damage during shipment.
e. The isolated fan/motor assembly shall not exhibit structural resonances
within a frequency range extending from the minimum fan rotation
frequency to 1.5 times the maximum fan rotation frequency.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
8. Apply a cross-linked epoxy-phenolic, cured with an alkaline curing agent
corrosion prevention coating to carbon steel surfaces of the fan assembly
exposed to the airstream. Prepare surfaces receiving coating by sandblasting to
white metal. Provide a white finish color with dry film thickness as
recommended by the coating manufacturer.
9. Fan Assembly Access: special quick-removal fan/motor assembly with
interior wheel or slide mechanism and quick-connect electrical for 30-minute
replacement requirement without special lifts or Owner-approved method.
10. Provide monorail above fan motor and removable access panels as required to
allow and assist in removal of motor.

M. Reheat Coil:
1. Provide as scheduled in data sheets located in the attached appendix and per
Section 15761, Air Coils.
2. The following requirements supersede Section 15761, Air Coils:
a. Casing and tube support sheets shall be Type 304L stainless steel and not
less than 16 gauge thick, formed to provide structural strength.
b. Tube: 5/8-inch / 16mm diameter tubes with 0.035-inch / 0.9mm wall
c. Fins: 0.01-inch / 0.25 mm thick fins spaced not closer than 10 fins per
d. Support: each coil independently to allow removal of any one coil
without requiring removal of the entire coil bank. Do not use coils as
part of the vertical support structure.
e. Taps: accessible, plugged drain and air vent for each coil to ensure
complete drain and adequate venting. Provide brass or copper nipple
f. Velocity:
1) Water:
a) Maximum tube velocity of 1.8 m/s.
b) Minimum tube velocity of 0.9 m/s.
2) The manufacturer shall confirm that the coil tube flow remains
fully turbulent at the minimum velocity.
3) Air: maximum velocity of 2.5 m/s.
g. Replacement: Coil removal shall not require the dismantling of
upstream or downstream components. Coils shall be removable through
the unit casing via bolted and gasketed panels.
h. Penetrations: utilize a mechanical sleeve seal with insulated packing for
piping penetrations. Terminate piping outside of air handling unit with
bolted flanged connections.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
N. Final Filter
1. Provide as scheduled in data sheets located in the attached appendix and per
Section 15861, Air Filters, HVAC.
2. Loading: Rear face load, suitable for 300mm deep cartridge filter.
3. Frame: Seal filter frame to the air handling unit cabinet with a mechanical
fastener and continuous with the sealant approved for use in the cleanroom to
eliminate air bypass around the filter frames.

4. Correct leaks or replace filters not passing field certification tests.

5. Package filters separate from MAU for storage until installation prior to
6. Gauge: Provide dial type gauge per Section 15861, Air Filters, HVAC,
recessed mounted on outside of air handling unit cabinet. Install sensor tubing
across the filter bank, utilizing static pressure ports.

O. Discharge Plenum
1. Size to allow even downstream airflow and low-pressure drop at the casing
2. Provide discharge isolation/smoke damper as specified herein.
3. If duct connection is in the floor, cover the opening with a grating.

P. Casing
1. General: Design in accordance with AMCA Class C standards for positive and
negative static pressures, exceeding the units fan shutoff pressure. Design
loading for the roof surface at 250kg/m2. Design loading for the floor of the
unit for the equipment loading plus an additional 250kg/m2with a maximum
deflection of 5mm per 1m span. Provide undercoating, insulation, and panel
stiffening as required to prevent floor noise transmission and potential
condensate below floor. Provide seismic anchor points and instructions for
fastening in place.
2. Outer wall: Fabricate from 16-gauge steel, suitably braced and mounted on a
structural steel support frame suitable for slab mounting. Include internal
stiffeners when necessary for long spans.
3. Insulation: 60mm thick, 45kg/m3 density fiberglass insulation encapsulated
with a minimum of 2-mil polyethylene bag or Mylar facing protected with
minimum. Provide insulation under floor and condensate pans. Provide
40mm of separation of insulation between wall and solid floor panels.
4. Liner: 18-gauge perforated galvanized steel liner on walls and ceiling for low-
frequency noise control. Solid 304 stainless steel lining in lieu of perforated
galvanized steel lining in the Humidifier/cooling coil sections. Degrease and
wipe down with IPA both sides of perforated galvanized steel liner thoroughly.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
5. Joints: Interlocking panels held in place by a self-locking joint, sealed airtight
by continuous gasketing and/or caulking. Provide a thermal break between the
interior and exterior metal.
6. Attachment hardware: Stainless steel hinges, screws, etc.
7. Surface finish: Paint support base with epoxy. As an alternate, provide bid for
exterior to be provided with an electrostatic powder-coat finish.
8. Acoustics: Provide internal acoustic treatments in the form of plenum liners
and absorbent splitters as necessary to meet the sound power level limits listed
in the data sheets. Encapsulate and protect liner as necessary to eliminate fiber
shedding, ensuring the treatment is suitable for cleanroom service.
9. Penetrations: Sleeve and seal penetrations. Coordinate locations as shown on
the data sheets and seal factory-mounted accessories.
10. Bottom Air Connections: Cover with hot-dipped galvanized grating capable of
1000kg/m2 grating flush with MAU interior cabinet floor. Frame around the
opening shall support the grating, damper, and connection to ductwork. Divide
grating into sections, each weighing no more than 25 kg, to facilitate access to
damper and ductwork below grating.
11. Sealants: Apply Owner-approved sealants suitable for the service (i.e., wet or
cleanroom) to construction joints to prevent air and particle bypass.


A. Functional Performance Tests:

1. Operate the approved MAU unit and the first production unit of any other
discreet capacity size at simulated design conditions within the manufacturer's
plant to confirm performance data.
2. Duplicate the actual jobsite conditions and arrangement as closely as possible
in the test setup. Maintain the test setup until the service reliability tests have
been completed.
3. Acceptable test results are within plus or minus 5 percent variation from the
performance specified.
4. Airflow Capacity and Uniformity Test:
a. Seal the inlet and outlet duct connections, pressurize the internal casing
positively to the fan shutoff head and negatively to 130 percent of the
design negative pressure, and measure the replacement air volume
required to overcome casing leakage. Remove the inlet seal, close the
smoke/isolation damper, and repeat the pressure test. Acceptable
leakage is less than 0.5 percent of the rated supply capacity.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
b. Connect the inlet and outlet duct connections to the test apparatus,
energize the unit, and perform operating tests. Follow AMCA 23, Field
Performance Requirements, for verification testing. Simulate the
external operating static pressure on the unit inlet and discharge; measure
the air supply volume; document the operating load for the motor and
c. Perform a duct traverse across the supply discharge opening to document
velocity uniformity.
5. Noise Performance Test:
a. Determine sound power levels in accordance with AMCA 300, Test
Code for Sound Rating Air Moving Devices. The manufacturer may
substitute acoustic intensity techniques provided it demonstrates
familiarity with the instruments, methods, and setup involved.
b. Test each of the discreet fan motor/variable speed controller
combinations for compatibility and noise generation at all speeds.
6. Vibration Balance Test:
a. Furnish factory-balancing tests to certify that the fan meets the values
specified in this Section. Take measurements in a direction parallel to
the shaft in a horizontal plane and in a direction perpendicular to the
shaft in both the horizontal and the vertical planes. Test factory balance
at the bearing housing caps to these maximum vibration limits.
b. During balancing tests, impose an operating resistance equal to design
static pressure on the fan.

Vibration Amplitude, Displacement

Rotational Speed (rpm) Peak to Peak (mils)
Under 600 1.00
600 to 1,000 0.75
1,000 to 2,000 0.50
Above 2,000 0.25

c. At the completion of fan balance procedures, measure and log vibration

amplitudes of the exterior casing along the same three axes. These
logged values shall be used for future reference in verifying fan vibration
7. Isolation Damper Test:
a. With the fan operating, close the smoke/isolation damper and inspect for
structural damage to the frame/blade assembly.
b. With the fan off, start the fan when the smoke/isolation damper is closed
and inspect for damage to the frame/blade assembly and operator

D3556500 12-NOV-21
8. Adjustable Frequency Drives (AFD):
a. Run test the MAU with its respective AFD, as specified in
Section 15172, Adjustable Frequency Drives, over the full range of the
b. Provide certified test curves for the MAU/AFD pair at 10 percent
increments through full-speed operation.
c. Check and report vibration performance at these same operating speed



A. Install in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions.


A. The Owner will notify the manufacturer when this testing is to be done. Implement
corrective actions within 7 days after the testing. Corrective actions and retests will
be done at no additional cost to the Owner.

B. Noncompliance with Noise Specifications:

1. Submit proposed modifications to achieve compliance for review by the
2. Commence retrofit on MAU units to achieve compliance with work completed
as approved by the Owner.
3. Retest units by an independent testing firm approved by the Owner.
4. If compliance is not achieved within the time schedule approved by the Owner,
take corrective steps, which may include replacing the MAU units.

C. Noncompliance with Vibration Specifications:

1. Field balance each MAU unit to achieve compliance.
2. Retest by an independent testing firm approved by the Owner.
3. If the equipment is not in compliance with specified vibration limits after field
balancing, install enhanced isolation systems to achieve design criteria.
4. If the field balance of the deficient equipment does not occur within the
specified time period, or if the equipment is not in compliance after field
balancing and other treatments, take additional corrective steps, which may
include replacing the MAU units.

D. Noncompliance with AFD Performance:

1. Retest units that fail in accordance with the Specifications and IEEE 519 by a
third-party inspection/testing team.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
2. If the second test fails, replace the drives with units that will perform as
3. Provide documentation of tests and results to the Owner.

E. Airflow Capacity and Uniformity Test:

1. Seal the inlet and outlet duct connections, pressurize the internal casing
positively to the fan shutoff head and negatively to 130 percent of the design
negative pressure, and measure the replacement air volume required to
overcome casing leakage. Remove the inlet seal, close the smoke/isolation
damper, and repeat the pressure test. Acceptable leakage is less than
0.5 percent of the rated supply capacity.
2. Connect the inlet and outlet duct connections to the test apparatus, energize the
unit, and perform operating tests. Follow AMCA 23, Field Performance
Requirements, for verification testing. Simulate the external operating static
pressure on the unit inlet and discharge; measure the air supply volume;
document the operating load for the motor and drive.
3. Perform a duct traverse across the supply discharge opening to document
velocity uniformity.


A. In place noise level and vibration tests on one unit selected by the Owner to verify
the MAU units meet the project criteria.

B. Provide a manufacturer's representative to observe the installation and to provide

written certification that the equipment has been installed complete as specified and
in accordance with the manufacturer's directions as approved.

C. Log and record information from every test, reading, and adjustment necessary to
accomplish the services described and submit to IDC for review.

D. Field pressure/leak test each MAU unit for both positive and negative pressure sides,
units are assembled and installed. The acceptable leakage criteria is 0.5 percent of
the unit capacity under the design maximum pressure. Use SMACNA HVAC Air
Duct Leakage Test Manual for testing. Repair units failing to meet the allowable
leakage limits. Repair and retest units until leakage meets the allowable leakage rate.

E. After the units are operating normally, provide instructional time with the Owner's
service personnel to review the maintenance manuals and perform each step
necessary for startup, shutdown, troubleshooting, and routine maintenance. Notify
IDC of the service orientation schedule so that he may observe the training sessions.

D3556500 12-NOV-21
F. Upon completion of the inspections, startup, testing and checkout procedures, submit
written notice to the Owner that the units are ready for final acceptance by the

G. In order to establish the minimum service requirements, a manufacturer's

representative for the equipment specified herein shall be present at the jobsite for
the minimum man-days listed, not consecutive, travel time excluded.
1. 10 man-days for installation assistance, inspection, and certification of the
2. 5 man-days for plant startup and maintenance instructional time.

H. Include the cost of startup services time and associated expenses as part of the
bidder's proposal.


A. Include integration and coordination costs on the basis of using AFDs by others.
Furnish information required by the AFD vendor for proper design of the AFD,
including, but not limited to, motor specifications and characteristics.

B. Obtain necessary AFDs from AFD vendor as required for use in testing. Maintain the
AFD in good condition. After testing and approval of the test results by the Owner,
coordinate the shipping of the AFD for the project site with the AFD vendor, to
allow the AFD to be received in the same week as the other AFDs being shipped to
the project site.


D3556500 12-NOV-21

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