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Sl. No Item Page Nos.

Sl. No Item Page Nos.
1 Key Characteristics 1
2 Demography 2-7
a Demographic Characteristics, 2011 Census 2
b Literate Population and Literacy Rates, 2011Census 3
Demographic Characteristics of Scheduled
c 4
Castes, 2011 Census
Demographic Characteristics of Scheduled
d 5
Tribes, 2011 Census
e Age Group wise Projected Population 6-7
3 State Economy 8-19
a Gross State Domestic Product at CurrentPrices 8-9
Gross State Domestic Product at Constant
b 10-11
(2011-12) Prices
Sectoral Growth Rates and Contribution at
c 12-13
Current Prices
Sectoral Growth Rates and Contribution at
d 14-15
Constant (2011-12) Prices
Year wise GSDP/GDP and Growth Rate (%) at
e 16
Current Prices
Year wise GSDP/GDP and Growth Rate at
f 16
Constant (2011-12) Prices
Year wise Per Capita Income (PCI) and Growth Rate at
g 17
Current Prices
Year wise Per Capita Income (PCI) and Growth
h 18
rate at Constant (2011-12) Prices
Broad Sector wise GSVA, Growth Rate and
i 18
Contribution at Current Prices
Year wise Telangana’s Performance in Exports
j 19
Sector (Merchandise & Services)

Directorate of Economics and Statistics i

Sl. No Item Page Nos.
Year wise Telangana’s Merchandise Exports
k Performance in Comparison to India's Merchandise 19
4 Public Finance 20-24
a Budget at a Glance, 2022-23 20-23
b Sales Tax Revenue from 2017-18 to 2021-22 24
Documents registered and Revenue Generated,
c 24
2014-15 to 2021-22
5 Agriculture & Allied Activities 25-35
a Rainfall, 2021-22 25
Monsoon wise Average Depth to Ground water
b 26
Levels, 2021-22
c Ground Water Levels from 2014-15 to 2021- 22 26
Mandals Falling in different Categories based
d 26
on GWRA 2020
e Area of Cereals and Millets & Pulses, 2021-22 27
f Production of Cereals and Millets & Pulses, 2021-22 28
g Area of Oil Seeds & Other Crops, 2021-22 29
h Production of Oil Seeds & Other Crops, 2021-22 30
i Procurement in Telangana, 2014-15 to 2021-22 31-32
j Micro Irrigation, 2014-15 to 2021-22 32
k Agriculture Infrastructure, 2021-22 33
l Census of Land Holdings by Size Class, 2015-16 34
m Census of Land Holdings by Social Groups, 2015-16 35
6 Irrigation 36
a Major Irrigation Projects 36
b Medium Irrigation Projects 36
c Minor Irrigation Sources 36

ii At A Glance 2022
Sl. No Item Page Nos.
d Lift Irrigation Schemes 36
7 Forests 37-39
a Forest Area and Produce, 2021-22 37
Physical Targets and Achievements of Forest
b 38
Produce, 2020-21 and 2021-22
c Functioning of Sanctuaries and Parks, 2021-22 38
Decadal Forest Cover Assessment in Major Mega Cities as
d 39
per ISFR, 2011 & 2021
Telangana’s Forest cover in comparison with India as per
e 39
ISFR, 2019 and 2021
8 Veterinary Services 40-42
a Veterinary Extension Services, 2021-22 40
b 20 th Livestock Census 2019 41
c Livestock Production, 2021-22 41
d Milk, Meat and Eggs Production, 2014-15 to 2021-22 42
9 Fisheries 43
Type of Water bodies and Fisheries Co-operative
a 43
Societies, 2021-22
b Fish and Prawn Production, 2014-15 to 2021-22 43
10 Mining 44-45
a Production of Minerals, 2021-22 44
b Major and Minor Mineral Values, 2015-16 to 2021-22 45
c Coal Mining, 2014-15 to 2021-22 45
11 Industries and Labour 46-49
a Annual Survey of Industries, 2019-20 46
Approvals, Investment & Employment Generated Under
b 47
TS-iPASS, 2015-16 to 2021-22
c Incentives Sanctioned Under T-PRIDE 47

Directorate of Economics and Statistics iii

Sl. No Item Page Nos.
d Incentives Sanctioned Under T-IDEA & IIPP 48
e MSMEs Registered Under Udyam, 2021-22 48
f Employment in Shops and Commercial Establishments 48
Implementation of Various Labour Welfare
g 49
Schemes, 2021-22
h Status of Nethannaku Cheyutha and Chenetha Mithra 49
12 Prices 50-51
State Average Retail Prices of Certain Essential
a 50
Commodities for the Month of April, 2022
b All India & Telangana In lation Rates of CPI- RUC 51
13 Banks 51
Aggregate Deposit and Bank Credit of
Scheduled Commercial Banks, 2021-22
14 Energy 52-56
a Contracted Capacity and Electricity Generated, 2021-22 52
Contracted Capacity in Power Sector,
b 52
2014-15 to 2021-22
c Consumption of Electricity, 2021-22 53
Telangana's Consumption Performance in Power sector,
d 54
2014-15 to 2021-22
e Electricity Service Connections, 2021-22 54
f Electricity Sub-Stations, 2021-22 55
g Flagship Schemes in Power Sector 55
Power Statistics of Telangana State
h 56
(Since State Formation)
15 Transport and Communications 57-60
a Vehicles Registered during, 2021-22 57
b Road Net Work, 2021-22 58
c Hyderabad Metro Rail, 2021-22 59

iv At A Glance 2022
Sl. No Item Page Nos.
d Rail Network, 2020-21 59
e State Road Transport Corporation, 2021-22 59
f Free & Concession Bus passes, 2021-22 59
g Cargo Services Provided under TSRTC, 2021-22 60
h Communications, 2021-22 60
i Functioning of Mee-Seva Centers, 2021-22 60
16 Health and Family welfare 61-65
a Medical Services, 2021-22 61
b AYUSH Medical Services, 2021-22 62
c Medical Facilities 63
d Aarogyasri Scheme, 2021-22 63
e Health Indicators 64-65
17 Education 66-71
a Schools Network, 2020-21 66
b Teachers Working and Teacher-Student Ratio, 2020-21 66
c Management wise Schools & Enrolment, 2020-21 67
d Gross Enrolment Ratio and Dropout Rate,2020-21 67
e Government Hostels and Ashram Schools, 2021-22 68
f Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarships, 2021- 22 69
g Overseas Scholarship Scheme, 2021-22 70
Statistics on Telangana Residential
h 70
Educational Institutions (since State formation)
Functioning of Junior, Degree & Professional
i 71
Colleges/ Institutions, 2021-22
18 Rural Development Schemes 72
a Workers and Wage Earnings under MGNREGA, 2021-22 72
b Performance of Bank Linkage Scheme, 2021-22 72
c Performance of Streenidhi Scheme, 2021-22 72
Directorate of Economics and Statistics v
Sl. No Item Page Nos.
19 Women Development and Child Welfare 73-76
a Functioning of Anganwadi Centers, 2021-22 73
b Nutritional Status of Children, 2021-22 73
c Malnutrition Status of Children Aged 5 years, 2021-22 73
Fact sheet providing information on key
d 74-75
indicators for Telangana NFHS-5 and NFHS-4
Mother & Child Care - Supplementary Nutrition,
e 76
f Child and Women Protection Centers, 2021-22 76
20 Public Distribution System 77
a PDS Cards & Allotment, 2021-22 77
b Registered LPG Domestic Consumers, 2021-22 77
c Consumption of Major Petroleum Products, 2021-22 77
21 Elected Representatives 78
Electors and Elected Representatives in Telangana,
22 Judicial 78
Judges & Judicial Of icers and Bar Council Members,
23 Flagship Schemes 79-90

vi At A Glance 2022
1 Key Characteristics
Sl. No. Item Unit State All India

1 Geographical Area Sq. Kms. 1,12,077 32,87,469

2 Districts Nos. 33 755

3 Revenue Divisions Nos. 74 -

4 Mandals/ Tahsils Nos. 594 7,225

5 Revenue Villages Nos. 10,909 6,63,424

6 Revenue Villages (Census) Nos. 10,434 6,40,932

a Inhabited Villages Nos. 9,834 -

b Un-Inhabited Villages Nos. 600 -

7 Census Towns Nos. 116 3,892

8 Rural Local Bodies Nos. 13,341 2,62,641

a Zilla Praja Parishads Nos. 32 662

b Mandal Praja Parishads Nos. 540 6,683

c Gram Panchayats Nos. 12,769 2,55,296

9 Urban Local Bodies Nos. 142 4,776

a Municipal Corporations Nos. 13 247

b Municipalities Nos. 129 4,529*

10 Cantonment Bodies Nos. 1 59

*including Town Municipalities & Municipal Councils

Source: www.local government directory as on 21-06-2022

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 1

2 Demography a. Demographic Characteristics, 2011
Sl. No. Item Unit State All India
1 Population Lakhs 350.04 12,108.55
a Males Lakhs 176.12 6,232.70
b Females Lakhs 173.92 5,875.85
2 Decadal Growth Rate Rate 13.58 17.70
3 Density of Population Per Sq. Km. 312 382
4 Sex Ratio Ratio 988 943
5 Rural Population Lakhs 213.95 8,337.49
a Males Lakhs 107.05 4,277.81
b Females Lakhs 106.90 4,059.68
c Sex Ratio Ratio 999 949
6 Urban Population Lakhs 136.09 3,771.06
a Males Lakhs 69.07 1,954.89
b Females Lakhs 67.02 1,816.17
c Sex Ratio Ratio 970 929
7 Child Population Lakhs 38.99 1,645.15
a Males Lakhs 20.18 857.52
b Females Lakhs 18.81 787.63
c Sex Ratio Ratio 932 918
8 No. of Households Lakhs 83.04 2,495.02
a Rural Lakhs 51.69 1,686.13
b Urban Lakhs 31.35 808.89
c Average HH Size Nos. 4 5
Source: Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India.

2 At A Glance 2022
2 Demography b. Literate Population and Literacy
Rates, 2011 Census
Sl. No. Item Unit State All India
1 Literates Lakhs 206.97 7,636.39

a Males Lakhs 117.02 4,347.64

b Females Lakhs 89.95 3,288.75

2 Rural Lakhs 109.02 4,827.94

a Males Lakhs 64.04 2,813.61

b Females Lakhs 44.98 2,014.32

3 Urban Lakhs 97.95 2,808.45

a Males Lakhs 52.98 1,534.02

b Females Lakhs 44.97 1,274.43

4 Literacy Rate Rate 66.54 72.98

a Males Rate 75.04 80.88

b Females Rate 57.99 64.63

5 Rural Rate 57.30 67.77

a Males Rate 67.56 77.15

b Females Rate 47.12 57.93

6 Urban Rate 81.09 84.11

a Males Rate 86.65 88.76

b Females Rate 75.39 79.11

Source: Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 3

2 Demography c. Demographic Characteristics of
Scheduled Castes, 2011 Census
Sl. No. Item Unit State All India

1 Population Lakhs 54.09 2,013.78

a Males Lakhs 26.93 1,035.35

b Females Lakhs 27.16 978.43

c Sex Ratio Ratio 1,008 945

2 Rural Lakhs 40.72 1,538.51

a Males Lakhs 20.27 791.18

b Females Lakhs 20.45 747.33

c Sex Ratio Ratio 1,008 945

3 Urban Lakhs 13.37 475.27

a Males Lakhs 6.66 244.17

b Females Lakhs 6.71 231.10

c Sex Ratio Ratio 1,008 946

4 Literates Lakhs 28.53 1,137.60

a Males Lakhs 16.35 664.77

b Females Lakhs 12.18 472.83

5 Literacy Rate Rate 58.90 66.07

a Males Rate 68.04 75.17

b Females Rate 49.90 56.46

Source: Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India.

4 At A Glance 2022
2 Demography d. Demographic Characteristics of
Scheduled Tribes, 2011 Census

Sl. No. Item Unit State All India

1 Population Lakhs 31.78 1,045.46

a Males Lakhs 16.08 525.47

b Females Lakhs 15.70 519.99

c Sex Ratio Ratio 977 990

2 Rural Lakhs 28.30 940.84

a Males Lakhs 14.30 472.64

b Females Lakhs 14.00 468.20

c Sex Ratio Ratio 979 991

3 Urban Lakhs 3.48 104.62

a Males Lakhs 1.77 52.84

b Females Lakhs 1.71 51.78

c Sex Ratio Ratio 961 980

4 Literates Lakhs 14.13 517.65

a Males Lakhs 8.52 301.40

b Females Lakhs 5.61 216.25

5 Literacy Rate Rate 49.51 58.95

a Males Rate 59.49 68.51

b Females Rate 39.44 49.36

Source: Registrar General & Census Commissioner of India.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 5

2 Demography e. Age Group wise Projected Population
( in lakhs)
Age 2011 (Census) 2021
Group Total Male Female Total Male Female
0-1 5.79 2.98 2.80 5.27 2.76 2.51

0-4 28.59 14.73 13.85 26.05 13.66 12.39

5-9 31.54 16.25 15.30 26.81 14.16 12.65

10-14 34.51 17.75 16.76 28.31 14.58 13.73

15-19 34.88 17.82 17.06 31.24 16.10 15.14

20-24 34.24 17.14 17.10 33.94 17.50 16.44

25-29 32.28 15.96 16.32 34.16 17.47 16.69

30-34 28.94 14.40 14.54 33.50 16.71 16.79

35-39 25.74 12.97 12.77 31.48 15.44 16.04

40-44 22.04 11.29 10.75 28.04 13.78 14.26

45-49 18.06 9.28 8.78 24.71 12.27 12.44

50-54 14.52 7.26 7.26 20.82 10.48 10.34

55-59 12.40 5.91 6.49 16.59 8.34 8.25

60-64 11.22 5.25 5.96 12.77 6.21 6.55

65-69 8.81 4.22 4.59 10.18 4.69 5.48

70-74 6.61 3.20 3.40 8.33 3.75 4.58

75-79 3.53 1.74 1.79 5.62 2.57 3.05

80+ 2.13 0.94 1.19 4.70 2.07 2.63

Total 350.04 176.12 173.92 377.25 189.78 187.47

Source: Ministry of health & Family welfare, GOI.

6 At A Glance 2022
2 Demography e. Age Group wise Projected
Population (concld)
( in lakhs)

Age 2026 2031

Group Total Male Female Total Male Female
0-1 4.78 2.49 2.29 4.32 2.23 2.09

0-4 23.61 12.28 11.34 21.36 11.02 10.35

5-9 25.90 13.58 12.33 23.48 12.20 11.28

10-14 26.72 14.11 12.61 25.82 13.53 12.29

15-19 28.13 14.50 13.63 26.55 14.03 12.52

20-24 30.91 15.96 14.95 27.83 14.38 13.45

25-29 33.61 17.31 16.30 30.62 15.79 14.82

30-34 33.80 17.24 16.56 33.28 17.10 16.18

35-39 33.09 16.43 16.66 33.42 16.97 16.44

40-44 30.99 15.11 15.88 32.61 16.10 16.51

45-49 27.48 13.42 14.07 30.42 14.73 15.68

50-54 23.98 11.80 12.18 26.72 12.93 13.79

55-59 19.89 9.90 9.99 22.98 11.19 11.79

60-64 15.47 7.68 7.79 18.64 9.17 9.48

65-69 11.47 5.50 5.98 14.01 6.85 7.16

70-74 8.71 3.93 4.77 9.92 4.66 5.26

75-79 6.57 2.87 3.69 6.97 3.06 3.91

80+ 6.03 2.56 3.46 7.43 3.03 4.40

Total 386.36 194.17 192.19 392.07 196.75 195.32

Source: Ministry of health & Family welfare, GOI.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 7

3 Economy a. Gross State Domestic Product
at Current Prices
(Rs. in crore)

2020-21 2021-22
Sl. No. Sector
(FRE) (AE)

Agriculture, Livestock,
1 1,74,012 1,89,826
Forestry and Fishing

1.1 Crops 84,613 84,785

1.2 Livestock 79,859 94,400

1.3 Forestry and Logging 4,286 4,512

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 5,254 6,128

2 Mining and Quarrying 27,559 31,208

Primary Sector 2,01,572 2,21,034

3 Manufacturing 93,833 1,20,665

Electricity, Gas, Water

4 Supply and Other Utility 16,732 17,967

5 Construction 38,259 42,229

Secondary Sector 1,48,824 1,80,861

Trade, Repair, Hotels and

6 1,35,052 1,74,654

6.1 Trade and Repair Services 1,25,308 1,61,991

6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 9,745 12,662

Note: 1. FRE: First Revised Estimates; AE: Advance Estimates
2. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.

8 At A Glance 2022
3 Economy a. Gross State Domestic Product
at Current Prices (concld.)
(Rs. in crore)

2020-21 2021-22
Sl. No. Sector
(FRE) (AE)
Transport, Storage,
7 Communication & Services 53,770 58,324
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 3,139 3,463

7.2 Road Transport 33,087 34,864

7.3 Air Transport 1,074 1,217

Services incidental to
7.4 5,431 5,501

7.5 Storage 689 745

Communication and Services

7.6 10,351 12,535
related to Broadcasting

8 Financial Services 49,022 54,659

Real Estate, Ownership of

9 Dwellings and Professional 1,88,305 2,15,426

10 Public Administration 29,655 35,461

11 Other Services 82,953 98,952

Tertiary Sector 5,38,757 6,37,476

GSVA at Basic Prices 8,89,153 10,39,371

Taxes on Products 1,02,196 1,31,280

Subsidies on Products 21,693 15,791

Gross State Domestic Product 9,69,656 11,54,860

Note: 1. FRE: First Revised Estimates; AE: Advance Estimates

2. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 9

3 Economy b. Gross State Domestic Product at
Constant (2011-12) Prices
(Rs. in crore)

Sl. 2020-21 2021-22

No. (FRE) (AE)

Agriculture, Livestock,
1 89,209 88,202
Forestry and Fishing

1.1 Crops 46,225 42,459

1.2 Livestock 38,353 40,747

1.3 Forestry and Logging 1,978 1,944

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 2,652 3,051

2 Mining and Quarrying 17,175 21,569

Primary Sector 1,06,384 1,09,770

3 Manufacturing 76,978 88,869

Electricity, Gas, Water Supply and

4 10,297 10,781
Other Utility Services

5 Construction 27,847 29,496

Secondary Sector 1,15,122 1,29,146

Trade, Repair, Hotels and

6 80,442 98,154

6.1 Trade and Repair Services 74,688 91,116

6.2 Hotels and Restaurants 5,754 7,038

Note: 1. FRE: First Revised Estimates; AE: Advance Estimates
2. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.

10 At A Glance 2022
3 Economy b. Gross State Domestic Product at
Constant (2011-12) Prices (concld.)
(Rs. in crore)

Sl. 2020-21 2021-22

No. (FRE) (AE)
Transport, Storage,
7 Communication & Services 37,482 40,109
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways 1,541 2,199

7.2 Road Transport 24,054 25,300

7.3 Air Transport 731 770

7.4 Services incidental to Transport 3,695 3,480

7.5 Storage 415 424

Communication and Services

7.6 7,048 7,936
related to Broadcasting

8 Financial Services 37,152 41,425

Real Estate, Ownership of

9 1,14,690 1,20,199
Dwellings and Professional Services

10 Public Administration 18,155 20,357

11 Other Services 46,617 52,976

Tertiary Sector 3,34,538 3,73,219

GSVA at Basic Prices 5,56,044 6,12,135

Taxes on Products 76,580 85,551

Subsidies on Products 16,255 12,136

Gross State Domestic Product 6,16,369 6,85,550

Note: 1. FRE: First Revised Estimates; AE: Advance Estimates
2. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 11

3 Economy c. Sectoral Growth Rates and
Contribution at Current Prices
Growth Rate Sectoral
Sl. (%) Contribution (%)
No. 2020-21 2021-22 2020-21 2021-22
(FRE) (AE) (FRE) (AE)

Agriculture, Livestock,
1 12.2 9.1 19.6 18.3
Forestry, and Fishing

1.1 Crops 9.4 0.2 9.5 8.2

1.2 Livestock 16.0 18.2 9.0 9.1

1.3 Forestry and Logging 3.3 5.3 0.5 0.4

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 11.9 16.6 0.6 0.6

2 Mining and Quarrying -8.6 13.2 3.1 3.0

Primary Sector 8.8 9.7 22.7 21.3

3 Manufacturing -1.5 28.6 10.6 11.6

Electricity, Gas, Water Supply

4 0.5 7.4 1.9 1.7
and Other Utility Services

5 Construction 2.2 10.4 4.3 4.1

Secondary Sector -0.3 21.5 16.7 17.4

Trade, Repair, Hotels and

6 -8.5 29.3 15.2 16.8

6.1 Trade and Repair Services -7.9 29.3 14.1 15.6

6.2 Hotels and Restaurants -16.4 29.9 1.1 1.2

Note: 1. FRE: First Revised Estimates; AE: Advance Estimates

Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI

12 At A Glance 2022
3 Economy c. Sectoral Growth Rates and Contribution
at Current Prices (concld.)
Growth Rate Sectoral
Sl. (%) Contribution (%)
No. 2020-21 2021-22 2020-21 2021-22
(FRE) (AE) (FRE) (AE)

Transport, Storage,
7 Communication & Services -1.9 8.5 6.0 5.6
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways -6.6 10.3 0.4 0.3

7.2 Road Transport -3.1 5.4 3.7 3.4

7.3 Air Transport -21.3 13.3 0.1 0.1

Services incidental to
7.4 -3.2 1.3 0.6 0.5

7.5 Storage 1.8 8.1 0.1 0.1

Communication and Services

7.6 7.1 21.1 1.2 1.2
related to Broadcasting

8 Financial Services 4.6 11.5 5.5 5.3

Real Estate, Ownership of

9 Dwellings and Professional 2.6 14.4 21.2 20.7

10 Public Administration 13.0 19.6 3.3 3.4

11 Other Services 10.9 19.3 9.3 9.5

Tertiary Sector 0.9 18.3 60.6 61.3

GSVA at Basic Prices 2.4 16.9 100.0 100.0

Taxes on Products 8.4 28.5

Subsidies on Products 51.0 -27.2

Gross State Domestic Product 2.2 19.1

Note: 1. FRE: First Revised Estimates; AE: Advance Estimates
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 13

3 Economy d. Sectoral Growth Rates and Contribution
at Constant (2011-12) Prices

Growth Rate Sectoral

Sl. (%) Contribution (%)
2020-21 2021-22 2020-21 2021-22
(FRE) (AE) (FRE) (AE)

Agriculture, Livestock,
1 3.6 -1.1 16.0 14.4
Forestry and Fishing

1.1 Crops 1.9 -8.1 8.3 6.9

1.2 Livestock 5.2 6.2 6.9 6.7

1.3 Forestry and Logging 2.9 -1.7 0.4 0.3

1.4 Fishing and Aquaculture 12.4 15.0 0.5 0.5

2 Mining and Quarrying -14.5 25.6 3.1 3.5

Primary Sector 0.2 3.2 19.1 17.9

3 Manufacturing -3.2 15.4 13.8 14.5

Electricity, Gas, Water Supply

4 1.2 4.7 1.9 1.8
and Other Utility Services

5 Construction 4.4 5.9 5.0 4.8

Secondary Sector -1.1 12.2 20.7 21.1

Trade, Repair, Hotels and

6 -17.0 22.0 14.5 16.0

6.1 Trade and Repair Services -16.4 22.0 13.4 14.9

6.2 Hotels and Restaurants -24.6 22.3 1.0 1.1

Note: 1. FRE: First Revised Estimates; AE: Advance Estimates

Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.

14 At A Glance 2022
3 Economy d. Sectoral Growth Rates and Contribution
at Constant (2011-12) Prices (concld.)
Growth Rate Sectoral
Sl. (%) Contribution (%)
No. 2020-21 2021-22 2020-21 2021-22
(FRE) (AE) (FRE) (AE)
Transport, Storage,
7 Communication & Services -7.1 7.0 6.7 6.6
related to Broadcasting

7.1 Railways -24.5 42.7 0.3 0.4

7.2 Road Transport -3.7 5.2 4.3 4.1

7.3 Air Transport -31.2 5.4 0.1 0.1

Services incidental to
7.4 -15.4 -5.8 0.7 0.6

7.5 Storage -7.2 2.3 0.1 0.1

Communication and Services

7.6 -5.3 12.6 1.3 1.3
related to Broadcasting

8 Financial Services 3.8 11.5 6.7 6.8

Real Estate, Ownership of

9 -4.1 4.8 20.6 19.6
Dwellings and Prof. Services

10 Public Administration 4.4 12.1 3.3 3.3

11 Other Services 4.0 13.6 8.4 8.7

Tertiary Sector -5.7 11.6 60.2 61.0

GSVA at Basic Prices -3.7 10.1 100.0 100.0

Taxes on Products 6.1 11.7

Subsidies on Products 47.8 -25.3

Gross State Domestic Product -3.5 11.2

Note: 1. FRE: First Revised Estimates; AE: Advance Estimates
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 15

3 Economy e. Year wise GSDP/GDP and Growth Rates
at Current Prices
Sl. Telangana All-India
No. GSDP (cr) GR (%) GDP (cr) GR (%)
1 2014-15 5,05,849 - 1,24,67,959 -
2 2015-16 5,77,902 14.2 1,37,71,874 10.5
3 2016-17 6,58,325 13.9 1,53,91,669 11.8
4 2017-18 7,50,050 13.9 1,70,90,042 11.0
5 2018-19 (TRE) 8,57,427 14.3 1,88,99,668 10.6
6 2019-20 (SRE) 9,48,356 10.6 2,00,74,856 6.2
7 2020-21(FRE) 9,69,656 2.2 1,98,00,914 -1.4
8 2021-22 (AE) 11,54,860 19.1 2,36,64,637* 19.5
AAGR 12.6 9.7
CAGR 12.5 9.6
Growth (2014-15 to 2021-22) 128.30 89.90

f. Year wise GSDP/GDP and Growth Rates at Constant

(2011-12) Prices
Sl. Telangana All-India
No. GSDP (cr) GR (%) GDP (cr) GR (%)
1 2014-15 4,16,332 - 1,05,27,674 -
2 2015-16 4,64,542 11.6 1,13,69,493 8.0
3 2016-17 5,07,946 9.3 1,23,08,193 8.3
4 2017-18 5,57,410 9.7 1,31,44,582 6.8
5 2018-19 (TRE) 6,08,401 9.1 1,39,92,914 6.5
6 2019-20 (SRE) 6,38,682 5.0 1,45,15,958 3.7
7 2020-21(FRE) 6,16,369 -3.5 1,35,58,473 -6.6
8 2021-22 (AE) 6,85,550 11.2 1,47,35,515* 8.7
AAGR 7.5 5.0
CAGR 7.4 4.9
Growth (2014-15 to 2021-22) 64.7 39.9
Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.
Note: 1. AAGR : Annual average Growth Rate, CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate, 2.
TRE: Third Revised Estimates; SRE: Second Revised Estimates FRE: First Revised Estimates;
AE: Advance Estimates: PE: Provisional Estimates, Note 2: * Indicates 2021-22 (PE) Data

16 At A Glance 2022
3 Economy g. Year wise Per Capita Income (PCI)
and Growth Rates at Current Prices

Sl. PCI (in Rupees) Growth Rate (%)

No. Telangana All-India Telangana All-India

1 2014-15 1,24,104 86,647 - -

2 2015-16 1,40,840 94,797 13.5 9.4

3 2016-17 1,59,395 1,04,880 13.2 10.6

4 2017-18 1,79,358 1,15,224 12.5 9.9

5 2018-19 (TRE) 2,09,848 1,25,946 17.0 9.3

6 2019-20 (SRE) 2,30,955 1,32,115 10.1 4.9

7 2020-21(FRE) 2,34,751 1,26,855 1.6 -4.0

8 2021-22 (AE) 2,78,833 1,50,007* 18.8 18.3

AAGR 12.4 8.3

CAGR 12.3 8.2

Growth (2014-15 to 2021-22) 124.7 73.1

Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.

Note 1: AAGR : Annual average Growth Rate, CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate,
Note 2: * Indicates 2021-22 (PE) Data

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 17

3 Economy h. Year wise Per Capita Income (PCI) and
Growth Rates at Constant (2011-12) Prices

Sl. PCI (in Rupees) Growth Rate (%)

No. Telangana All-India Telangana All-India
1 2014-15 1,01,424 72,805 - -

2 2015-16 1,12,267 77,659 10.7 6.7

3 2016-17 1,21,512 83,003 8.2 6.9

4 2017-18 1,31,503 87,586 8.2 5.5

5 2018-19 (TRE) 1,46,777 92,133 11.6 5.2

6 2019-20 (SRE) 1,52,566 94,270 3.9 2.2

7 2020-21(FRE) 1,46,278 85,110 -4.1 -9.7

8 2021-22 (AE) 1,62,142 91,481* 10.8 7.5

AAGR 7.10 3.5

CAGR 6.9 3.3

Growth (2014-15 to 2021-22) 59.87 25.65

Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.
Note: * Indicates 2021-22 (PE) Data AAGR : Annual average Growth Rate, CAGR: Com-
pound Annual Growth Rate,

i. Broad Sector wise GSVA, Growth Rates and

Contribution at Current Prices
2020-21 (FRE) 2021-22 (AE)
Sector GSVA (Rs. GR (%) Contribu- GSVA (Rs. GR (%) Contribu-
in crores) tion (%) in crores) tion (%)
primary 2,01,572 8.8 22.7 2,21,034 9.7 21.3

Secondary 1,48,824 -0.3 16.7 1,80,861 21.5 17.4

Tertiary 5,38,757 0.9 60.6 6,37,476 18.3 61.3

State 8,89,153 2.4 100 10,39,371 16.9 100

Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) GOI.

18 At A Glance 2022
3 Economy j. Year wise Telangana’s Performance in
Exports Sector (Merchandise & Services)
(Rs. in Crores)

Merchan- Services Total

Sl. Growth
Year dise (IT&ITES) (Overall
No. Rate (%)
Exports Exports Exports)

1 2015-16 35,444 75,070 1,10,514 -

2 2016-17 40,322 85,470 1,25,792 13.82

3 2017-18 42,341 93,442 1,35,783 7.94

4 2018-19 50,510 1,09,219 1,59,729 17.64

5 2019-20 52,170 1,28,807 1,80,977 13.30

6 2020-21 64,539 1,45,522 2,10,061 16.07

7 2021-22 (P) 81,971 1,67,350 2,49,321 18.69

AAGR 14.58

CAGR 14.52

k. Year wise Telangana’s Merchandise Exports Performance in

Comparison to India’s Merchandise Exports (Rs. in Crores)

Sl. Telangana Growth India Growth

No. Exports Rate (%) Exports Rate (%)
1 2018-19 50,510 - 23,07,726 -
2 2019-20 52,170 3.29 22,19,854 -3.81
3 2020-21 64,539 23.71 21,51,771 -3.06
4 2021-22(P) 81,971 27.01 31,45,831 46.20
AAGR 18.00 12.69
CAGR 17.52 10.88
Source: State Export Commissioner, Commerce & Export Promotion Dept., TS.
Note : (P): Provisional
Directorate of Economics and Statistics 19
4 Public Finance a. Budget at a Glance, 2022-23

(Rs. in crore)
Sl. 2020-21 2021-22
No. (Accounts) (BE)
I Opening Balance -1,689.15 -1,676.22

II Revenue Receipts 1,00,914.36 1,76,126.94

1 Share of Central Taxes 12,691.62 13,990.13

2 Tax Revenue 66,650.37 92,910.00

3 Non Tax Revenue 6,101.24 30,557.35

4 Grants-in-aid 15,471.13 38,669.46

III Capital Receipts 58,316.35 53,750.00

5 Open Market Loans 43,784.00 47,500.00

6 Floating Debt (Gross) 0.00 0.00

7 Loans from GOI 285.34 200.00

8 Other Loans 683.01 1,500.00

Deposits Transactions, etc.

9 11,121.42 4,500.00

10 Loans and Advances 58.36 50.00

11 Other Receipts 2,380.00 0.00

12 Contingency Fund (Net) 4.22 0.00

IV Total Receipts( II + III) 1,59,230.71 2,29,876.94

Source: Telangana State Budget, 2022-23 , Volume: VI
Note: BE: Budget Estimates.

20 At A Glance 2022
4 Public Finance a. Budget at a Glance, 2022-23 (contd.)

(Rs. in crore)
Sl. 2021-22 2022-23
No. (RE) (BE)
I Opening Balance -5.67 -111.34

II Revenue Receipts 1,56,126.94 1,93,029.40

1 Share of Central Taxes 13,990.13 18,394.11

2 Tax Revenue 92,910.00 1,08,211.93

3 Non Tax Revenue 20,557.35 25,421.63

4 Grants-in-aid 28,669.46 41,001.73

III Capital Receipts 53,750.00 63,832.37

5 Open Market Loans 47,500.00 53,970.00

6 Floating Debt (Gross) 0.00 0.00

7 Loans from GOI 200.00 4,102.00

8 Other Loans 1,500.00 1,500.00

9 Deposits Transactions, etc. (Net) 4,500.00 4,200.37

10 Loans and Advances 50.00 60.00

11 Other Receipts 0.00 0.00

12 Contingency Fund (Net) 0.00 0.00

IV Total Receipts ( II + III) 2,09,876.94 2,56,861.77

Source: Telangana State Budget, 2022-23 , Volume: VI, Note: RE : Revised Estimates ;
BE: Budget Estimates

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 21

4 Public Finance a. Budget at a Glance, 2022-23 (contd.)

(Rs. in crore)
Sl. 2020-21 2021-22
No. (Accounts) (BE)
V Revenue Expenditure 1,23,212.38 1,69,383.44

13 Of which Interest Payments 16,841.36 17,584.38

VI Capital Expenditure 15,922.11 29,046.77

VII Loans and Advances 10,868.27 23,256.33

VIII Capital Disbursements (14 - 18) 7,544.47 9,039.42

14 Floating Debt 0.00 0.00

15 Public Debt Repayment 5,001.61 6,460.40

16 Loans from GOI 489.70 438.98

17 Other Loans 2,045.37 2,140.04

18 Inter state settlement 7.78 0.00

IX Total Expenditure 1,57,547.23 2,30,725.96

X Overall Transactions (IV-IX) 1,683.48 -849.02

XI Closing Balance (I+X) -5.67 -2,525.24

XII Revenue Surplus (II–V) -22,298.03 6,743.50

XIII Fiscal De icit (XII-VI-VII+10) 49,037.83 45,509.60

XIV Primary De icit (XIII-13) 32,196.47 27,925.22

Source: Telangana State Budget, 2022-23 , Volume: VI
Note: BE: Budget Estimates.

22 At A Glance 2022
4 Public Finance a. Budget at a Glance, 2022-23 (concld.)

(Rs. in crore)
Sl. 2021-22 2022-23
No. (RE) (BE)
V Revenue Expenditure 1,51,731.94 1,89,274.82

13 Of which Interest Payments 17,584.38 18,911.88

VI Capital Expenditure 25,954.92 29,728.44

VII Loans and Advances 23,256.33 26,253.36

VIII Capital Disbursements (14-18) 9,039.42 11,601.90

14 Floating Debt 0.00 0.00

15 Public Debt Repayment 6,460.40 8,336.00

16 Loans from GOI 438.98 367.94

17 Other Loans 2,140.04 2,897.96

18 Inter state settlement 0.00 0.00

IX Total Expenditure 2,09,982.61 2,56,858.51

X Overall Transactions (IV-IX) -105.67 3.26

XI Closing Balance (I+X) -111.34 -108.08

XII Revenue Surplus (II–V) 4,395.00 3,754.58

XIII Fiscal De icit (XII-VI-VII+10) 44,766.25 52,167.21

XIV Primary De icit (XIII-13) 27,181.87 33,255.33

Source: Telangana State Budget, 2022-23 , Volume: VI, Note: RE : Revised Estimates ;
BE: Budget Estimates

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 23

4 Public Finance b. Sales Tax Revenue, 2017-18 to 2021-22

(Rs. in crore)

Sl. Sales Tax Revenue Growth Rate

No. (Rs. Cr.) (%)
1 2017-18 38,348 12.0
2 2018-19 44,131 15.1
3 2019-20 46,454 5.3
4 2020-21 51,215 10.2
5 2021-22 62,466 22.0
AAGR 13.1
CAGR 13.0
Growth (2017-18 to 2021-22) 62.9
Source: Finance Department Telangana Secretariat.

c. Documents registered and Revenue Generated,

2014-15 to 2021-22 (Rs. in crore)

Sl. Documents Revenue Growth Rate

Year Registered Generated
No. (in No) (Rs. in Cr.)

1 2014-15 7,77,960 2,177 -

2 2015-16 10,68,578 3,102 42.5
3 2016-17 10,55,799 3,822 23.2
4 2017-18 11,56,357 4,202 10.0
5 2018-19 15,32,980 5,344 27.2
6 2019-20 16,58,815 6,671 24.8
7 2020-21 9,61,598 5,243 -21.4
8 20,38,295 12,373 136.0
AAGR 34.6
CAGR 28.2
Growth (2014-15 to 2021-22) 468.35
Source: Finance Department Telangana Secretariat.

24 At A Glance 2022
5 Agriculture and a. Rainfall, 2021-22
Allied Activities

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity

1 Annual Rainfall

a Normal mm 906.1

b Actual mm 1,180.8

c % Deviation % 30.3

2 Season wise Rainfall

Sl. Normal Actual % Dev. over

No. (in mm.) (in mm.) Normal

South-West Monsoon
a 721.2 1,009.6 40.0
(June to September)

North-East Monsoon
b 124.9 93.1 -25.5
(October to December)

Winter Period
c 11.4 35.9 214.9
(January to February)

Hot Weather Period

d 48.6 42.2 -13.2
(March to May)

3 Raingauge Network (Nos.) 1,581

a Automatic Weather Stations (TSDPS+IMD) 1,055

b Manual Raingauge Stations (DES+IMD) 474

c Automatic Raingauge Stations (IMD) 52

Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 25

5 Agriculture and b. Monsoon wise Average Depth to
Allied Activities Ground Water Levels, 2021-22

Average Depth to Ground Water Levels (in m bgl)

Sl. Before After Starting Ending
No. Monsoon Monsoon Season Season
May-21 Nov-21 Jun-21 May-22
1 9.19 4.97 8.52 9.01 6.57
Source: Director, Ground Water Department, Hyderabad.

c. Ground Water Levels, 2014-15 to 2021-2022

Sl Average Depth to
Year Unit
No. Water Levels
1 2014-15 m bgl 10.88
2 2015-16 m bgl 13.42
3 2016-17 m bgl 10.74
4 2017-18 m bgl 10.4
5 2018-19 m bgl 11.82
6 2019-20 m bgl 10.38
7 2020-21 m bgl 7.25
8 2021-22 m bgl 6.57

d. Mandals Falling in different Categories based

on GWRA 2020
No. of Mandals falls in the Category
Sl. No. of
Semi- Over-
No. mandals Safe Critical
critical Exploited
1 589 375 167 22 25
Source: Director, Ground Water Department, Hyderabad.,
Note: GWRA: Ground Water Resource Assessment.
m bgl: meters below ground water level

26 At A Glance 2022
5 Agriculture and e. Area of Cereals and Millets & Pulses,
2021-22 (Provisional)
Allied Activities
(Area in Acres)

Sl. No. Crops Vanakalam Yasangi Total

I Cereals and Millets

1 Paddy 62,13,603 35,84,187 97,97,790

2 Maize 7,14,444 5,54,011 12,68,455

3 Jowar 37,994 1,28,630 1,66,624

4 Bajra 646 10,697 11,343

5 Wheat 18 16,355 16,373

6 Ragi 646 2,758 3,404

7 Others 298 1,133 1,431

a Total (1 to 7) 69,67,649 42,97,771 1,12,65,420

II Pulses

1 Red gram 7,71,222 5,881 7,77,103

2 Bengal gram 121 3,83,709 3,83,830

3 Green gram 89,150 38,422 1,27,572

4 Black gram 47,733 96,866 1,44,599

5 Cow gram 3,035 21,109 24,144

6 Horse gram 1,020 1,906 2,926

7 Other Pulses 536 477 1,013

b Total (1 to 7) 9,12,817 5,48,370 14,61,187

78,80,466 48,46,141 1,27,26,607
Food Grains (a+b)
Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 27

5 Agriculture and f. Production of Cereals and Millets &
Pulses, 2021-22 (Provisional)
Allied Activities
(Production in MTs)

Sl. No. Crops Vanakalam Yasangi Total

I Cereals and Millets

1 Paddy 1,24,46,203 75,94,892 2,00,41,095

2 Rice 82,98,328 50,64,456 1,33,62,784

3 Maize 13,18,057 14,83,641 28,01,698

4 Jowar 10,181 92,999 1,03,180

5 Wheat 9 12,070 12,079

6 Bajra 285 3,926 4,211

7 Ragi 407 1379 1,786

8 Others 80 348 428

a Total (2 to 8) 96,27,347 66,58,819 1,62,86,166

II Pulses

1 Red gram 2,35,838 1,705 2,37,543

2 Bengal gram 64 2,01,447 2,01,511

3 Black gram 15,283 41,168 56,451

4 Green gram 21,580 11,988 33,568

5 Cow gram 941 9,499 10,440

6 Horse gram 363 537 900

7 Other Pulses 107 75 182

b Total (1 to 7) 2,74,176 2,66,419 5,40,595

99,01,523 69,25,238 1,68,26,761
Food Grains (a+b)
Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad

28 At A Glance 2022
5 Agriculture and g. Area of Oil Seeds & Other Crops,
Allied Activities 2021-22 (Provisional)
(Area in Acres)

Sl. No. Crops Vanakalam Yasangi Total

I Oil Seeds

1 Soya bean 3,77,152 4,471 3,81,623

2 Groundnut 29,057 3,59,688 3,88,745

3 Sesamum 1,571 80,548 82,119

4 Castor 5,409 3,886 9,295

5 Sun lower 294 43,632 43,926

6 Saf lower 103 18,618 18,721

7 Rapeseed & Mustard 37 7,493 7,530

Total 4,13,623 5,18,336 9,31,959

II Other Crops

1 Cotton 46,68,057 0 46,68,057

2 Chilies 3,58,567 28,311 3,86,878

3 Turmeric 85,088 0 85,088

4 Sugar cane 68,874 0 68,874

5 Onions 8,188 14,143 22,331

6 Tobacco 1,410 6,823 8,233

Total 51,90,184 49,277 52,39,461

Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 29

5 Agriculture and h. Production of Oil Seeds & Other
Allied Activities Crops, 2021-22 (Provisional)
(Production in MTs)

Sl. No. Crops Vanakalam Yasangi Total

I Oil Seeds

1 Groundnut 25,241 3,47,818 3,73,059

2 Soya bean 2,64,242 2,057 2,66,299

3 Sun lower 233 20,812 21,045

4 Sesamum 134 24,245 24,379

5 Castor 1,176 1,290 2,466

6 Rapeseed & Mustard 16 4,908 4,924

7 Saf lower 48 5,827 5,875

Total 2,91,090 4,06,957 6,98,047

II Other Crops

1 Cotton(Kapas)** 25,07,799 0 25,07,799

1 Cotton (Lint)** 48,07,728 0 48,07,728

2 Sugar cane 28,50,744 0 28,50,744

3 Chillies 6,89,166 30,038 7,19,204

4 Turmeric 2,38,417 0 2,38,417

5 Onions 50,446 1,89,007 2,39,453

6 Tobacco 1,585 7,758 9,343

Total 63,38,157 2,26,803 65,64,960

** Production in bales of 170 kgs each.
Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad.

30 At A Glance 2022
5 Agriculture and i. Procurement in Telangana,
Allied Activities 2014-15 to 2021-22
(Procurement : Quantity in Lakh Tonnes, Value in Rs. Crore)
Sl. Crop Paddy Maize
No. Year Qty. Value Qty. Value
1 2014-15 24.29 3,392.21 4.38 568.21

2 2015-16 23.56 3,396.65 0.08 9.99

3 2016-17 53.69 8,089.55 0.18 24.87

4 2017-18 53.99 8,565.15 7.46 1,062.35

5 2018-19 77.46 13,689.92 4.17 708.07

6 2019-20 111.26 20,383.44 9.55 1,680.44

7 2020-21 141.07 26,608.88 2.62 485.48

8 2021-22 110.46 18,316.00 - -


(Procurement : Quantity in Lakh Tonnes, Amount in Rs. Crore)

Sl. Crop Redgram Greengram Blackgram

No. Year Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount
1 2015-16 0.11 49.97 - - - -

2 2016-17 1.31 659.71 0.03 14.44 0.36

3 2017-18 1.33 727.00 0.03 18.51 0.16 88.29

4 2018-19 0.82 464.47 0.13 93.28 0.04 20.30

5 2019-20 1.40 812.94 0.06 40.94 - -

6 2020-21 - - - - - -

7 2021-22 - - - - - -

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 31

5 Agriculture and i. Procurement in Telangana, 2014-15
Allied Activities to 2021-22 (contd.)

Sl. Crop Cotton Bengalgram Soyabean

No. Year Qty. Value Qty. Amount Qty. Amount
1 2014-15 19.46 7,839.48 - - - -
2 2015-16 3.20 1,304.40 - - - -
3 2016-17 - - - - - -
4 2017-18 1.63 702.73 0.60 265.00 - -
5 2018-19 3.99 2,154.00 0.57 262.70 0.05 16.70
6 2019-20 21.62 11,749.00 0.84 407.25 0.10 38.94
7 2020-21 17.73 10,167.00 0.17 85.42 - -

8 2021-22 - - 0.84 440.05 - -

Source: Crop Procuring Entity for Paddy is Civil Supplies Dept., Cotton is CCI, Maize,
Redgram, Greengram, Blackgram, Bengalgram and Soyabeen is Markfed.

j. Micro Irrigation, 2014-15 to 2021-22

(Area in Acres)

No. of Area Irrigated Under Amount

Year Farmers (Rs. in
No. Drip Sprinkler Total
Bene itted crores)
1 2014-15 31,277 46,353 30,130 76,483 240.90
2 2015-16 39,545 77,978 21,665 99,643 322.32
3 & 1,38,579 2,71,410 1,07,111 3,78,521 990.00
4 2018-19 37,596 70,233 30,530 1,00,763 247.00
5 2019-20 3,831 10,675 1,184 11,859 28.95
6 2020-21 9,574 18,602 9,721 28,323 53.40
7 2021-22 31,069 46,971 36,241 83,212 166.27
Total 2,91,471 5,42,222 2,36,582 7,78,804 2,048.84
Source: Telangana State Micro Irrigation Project.

32 At A Glance 2022
5 Agriculture and k. Agriculture Infrastructure,
Allied Activities 2021-22
(As on 31.03.2022)

Sl.No. Item Unit Quantity

1 Rythu Samanvaya Samithi’s
Revenue Village Level Committees Nos. 10,733
Members enrolled @15 Nos. 1,60,995
Mandal Level Committees Nos. 559
Members enrolled @24 Nos. 13,416
District Level Committees Nos. 32
Members enrolled @24 Nos. 768
State level Committee Nos. 1
Members enrolled @42 Nos. 42
2 Rythu Vedikalu
a Rythu Vedikalu Sanctioned Nos. 2,601
b Estimate Amount for Construction Rs. (crore) 572.22
c Rythu Vedikalu Constructed Nos. 2,595
d Expenditure Incurred Rs. (crore) 570.90
3 Rythu Bazars Nos. 47
Agricultural Market
4 Nos. 192
5 AMCs enrolled in E-NAM Nos. 57
AMC Godowns Nos. 1,167
Capacity M tonnes 24,85,000
Ware Houses Nos 32
Capacity M tonnes 3,47,400
Raw Mills Nos. 2,051
Milling Capacity M.Tonnes 41,79,500
Boilled Mills Nos. 1,009
Milling Capacity M.Tonnes 58,10,000
Source: Commissioner, Agriculture Dept., Director, Marketing Dept.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 33

5 Agriculture and l. Census of Land Holdings by Size Class,
Allied Activities 2015-16

Sl. Size Class Holdings % to Total Size of
No. (Hects.) (Lakh Nos.) Holding Holdings
1 Marginal 38.401 64.56 17.059 0.44

a Below 0.5 23.169 38.95 5.938 0.26

b 0.5 to 1.0 15.232 25.61 11.121 0.73

2 Small 14.090 23.69 19.766 1.40

a 1.0 to 2.0 14.090 23.69 19.766 1.40

3 Semi-Medium 5.635 9.47 14.668 2.60

a 2.0 to 3.0 4.317 7.26 10.156 2.35

b 3.0 to 4.0 1.319 2.22 4.513 3.42

4 Medium 1.256 2.11 6.879 5.48

a 4.0 to 5.0 0.622 1.05 2.746 4.42

b 5.0 to 7.5 0.497 0.84 2.960 5.96

c 7.5 to 10.0 0.138 0.23 1.174 8.51

5 Large 0.095 0.16 1.346 14.22

a 10.0 & above 0.095 0.16 1.346 14.22

Total 59.477 100.00 59.718 1.00

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GOI.

34 At A Glance 2022
5 Agriculture and m. Census of Land Holdings by
Social Groups, 2015-16
Allied Activities

Sl. % over
Item Unit Quantity
No. Total

1 Operational Holdings

a Scheduled Castes Lakh Nos. 7.000 11.77

b Scheduled Tribes Lakh Nos. 7.125 11.98

c Other Social Groups Lakh Nos. 45.346 76.24

d Institutional Lakh Nos. 0.006 0.01

Total 59.477 100.00

2 Area Operated

a Scheduled Castes Lakh Hects. 5.322 8.91

b Scheduled Tribes Lakh Hects. 7.406 12.40

c Other Social Groups Lakh Hects. 46.938 78.60

d Institutional Lakh Hects. 0.052 0.09

Total 59.718 100.00

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GOI.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 35

6 Irrigation a. Major Irrigation Projects

Irrigation Potential Irrigation

Sl. Contemplated Potential Created
Description No.
No. Ayacut (Acres) Ayacut (Acres)
New Stabilized New Stabilized
1 9 21,32,611 92,584 21,32,611 92,584
2 24 69,02,138 26,94,589 19,48,016 14,27,958
Total 33 90,34,749 27,87,173 40,80,627 15,20,542

b. Medium Irrigation Projects

Irrigation Potential Irrigation
Sl. Contemplated Potential Newly
Description No.
No. Ayacut (Acres) Created Ayacut
New Stabilized (Acres)
1 Completed Projects 27 3,04,184 - 3,04,184
2 On-Going Projects 10 96,118 6,848 53,777
Total 37 4,00,302 6,848 3,57,961

c. Minor Irrigation Sources

Sl. No. Sources Unit Quantity
1 MI Tanks Nos. 38,942
a Ayacut Acres 23,33,263
b Capacity MCFT 2,32,381
2 Other Tanks Nos. 7,589
Total Tanks (1+2) 46,531
Note: MCFT: Million Cubic Feet

d. Lift Irrigation Schemes

Sl. Lift Irrigation
Irrigated potential created (Acres)
No. Schemes (in No.s)
1 647 3,81,006
Source: ENC (General) I&CAD Department

36 At A Glance 2022
7 Forests a Forest Area and Produce, 2021-22

Sl. No. Item Unit Area

I Forest Area

1 Total Forest Area Sq. Kms. 27,678.87

a Reserved Sq. Kms. 25,793.61

b Protected Sq. Kms. 1,589.65

c Un-Classi ied Sq. Kms. 295.61

II Sale of Forest Produce

Sl. No. Item Unit Value

1 Value of Major Forest Produce, 2020-21

a Timber Rs. in lakh 739.92

b Firewood Rs. in lakh 29.00

c Eucalyptus Pulp wood Rs. in lakh 6,909.50

d Cashew Rs. in lakh 7.70

Total 7,686.45

2 Value of Minor Forest Produce, 2020-21

a Bamboo Rs. in lakh 1,295.55

b Beedi Leaves Rs. in lakh 1,757.27

c Others Rs. in lakh 15.50

d Miscellaneous Rs. in lakh 611.78

Total 3,680.09

Grand Total (1+2) 11,366.54

Note: Totals may not tallied due to rounding off.
Source: Chief Conservator of Forests, Research and Development Circle, Hyd.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 37

7 Forests b. Physical Targets and Achievements of
Forest Produce, 2020-21 and 2021-22

2020-21 2021-22
Sl. Name of the
Unit Physical Achieve- Physical Achieve-
No. Species Target ment Target ment
1Teak Cmt 1,684.48 723.91 1,755.00 764.70
2Non Teak Cmt 530.48 911.81 455.00 5,535.74
I Timber Total 2,214.96 1,635.72 2,210.00 6,300.44
1Casuarinas Cmt - 5.92 - -
2Non Teak Cmt - - - 2,335.79
3Eucalyptus Cmt 795.25 - 31,644.50 80.00
4UDOR Fuel - 1.14 - -
II Fuel - Total 795.25 7.06 31,644.50 2,415.79
1Teak Poles Nos 7,900 3,539 3,000 1,771
2Non Teak poles Nos 1,708 1,020 - 141
3Eucalyptus Nos - - - 6
III Poles Total Nos 9,608 4,549 3,000 1,918
IV Long Bamboo Nos 7,36,000 5,01,890 4,22,000 2,24,504
Source: Chief Conservator of Forests, Research and Development Circle, Hyd.

c. Functioning of Sanctuaries and Parks, 2021-22

Sl. No. Type of Sanctuary/ Park Number Unit Area

1 Wildlife Sanctuaries 7 Sq. kms. 2,614.27
2 Tiger Reserve Forests 2 Sq. kms. 4,626.83
3 National Parks 3 Sq. kms. 19.61
4 Zoological Parks 2 Sq. kms. 171.22
5 Deer Parks 4 Hectares 58.80
6 Private Deer Parks 1 Acres 3.00
Source: Chief Conservator of Forests, Research and Development Circle, Hyd.

38 At A Glance 2022
7 Forests d. Decadal Forest Cover Assessment in
Major Mega Cities as per ISFR,
2011 & 2021
(in sq. kms.)

Sl. Name of Total Forest Cover as per

State GR (%)
No. the City ISFR 2021 ISFR 2011

1 Ahmedabad Gujarat 9.41 17.96 -48

2 Bengaluru Karnataka 89.02 94.00 -5

3 Chennai Tamilnadu 22.7 18.02 26

4 Delhi Delhi 194.24 174.33 11

5 Hyderabad Telangana 81.81 33.15 147

6 Kolkata West Bengal 1.77 2.52 -30

7 Mumbai Maharashtra 110.77 101.74 9

Total 509.72 441.72 15.39

Source: India State of Forest Report, 2021

e. Telangana’s Forest cover in comparision with India as per

ISFR, 2019 and 2021
(in sq. kms.)

Total Forest cover39 Change in

Sl. State/ (VDF+MDF+OF) forest cover GR
No. India w.r.t. 2019 (%)
ISFR 2021 ISFR 2019
1 Telangana 21,214 20,582 632 3.07
2 India 7,13,789 7,12,249 1,540 0.22
Note: VDF: Very Dense Forest, MDF: Moderate Dense Forest, OF: Open Forest, ISFR: India
State of Forest Report, 2021 Source: India State of Forest Report, 2019 and 2021

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 39

8 Veterinary a. Veterinary Extension Services, 2021-22

Sl. No. Item Unit Total

1 Veterinary Institutions Nos. 2,217

a Super Specialty Veterinary Hospitals Nos. 1

b District Veterinary Hospitals Nos. 8

c Area Veterinary Hospitals Nos. 98

d Primary Veterinary Centres Nos. 909

e Mobile Veterinary Clinics Nos. 100

f Sub Centre (Animal Health) Nos. 1,101

2 Cases Treated (excluding Livestock Farms) ‘000 Nos. 27,332

3 Castrations done ‘000 Nos. 203

4 Vaccinations done ‘000 Nos. 43,088

5 Arti icial Insemination Centres Nos. 3,713

6 Arti icial Inseminations done ‘000 Nos. 1,956

7 Calves Born ‘000 Nos. 626

Area brought under development of

8 ‘000 Acres 454

Source: Director, Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Dept. Hyd.

40 At A Glance 2022
8 Veterinary b. 20th Livestock Census, 2019
(in Lakhs numbers)
Sl. Telangana Telangana
Species Telangana India
No. Rank Share (%)
1 Sheep 190.63 742.61 1 25.67

2 Buffaloes 42.26 1,098.52 9 3.85

3 Goats 49.35 1,488.85 12 3.31

4 Pigs 1.78 90.56 14 1.97

5 Cattle 42.33 1,934.63 15 2.19

6 Others 0.06 12.46 0.49

Total Livestock 326.41 5,367.61 8 6.08

1 Dogs 3.55 94.34 8 3.76

2 Rabbits 0.15 5.50 12 2.76

3 Poultry 799.99 8,518.10 3 9.39

Source: Director, Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Dept. Hyd

c. Livestock Production, 2021-22

Sl No. Item Unit

41 Quantity

1 Milk (‘000) Tonnes 6,099.97

2 Meat (including Chicken) (‘000) Tonnes 1,014.73

3 Eggs Lakh Nos. 1,72,506.12

Source: Director, Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Dept. Hyd.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 41

8 Veterinary d. Milk, Meat and Eggs Production,
Services 2014-15 to 2021-22
Milk Meat Eggs
Sl. Pro- Growth Pro- Growth Pro- Growth
Year duction Rate duction Rate duction Rate
(‘000 (‘000 (Crore
Tonnes) (%) Tonnes) (%) Nos) (%)

1 2014-15 4,207.26 - 505.05 - 1,061.85 -

2 2015-16 4,442.45 5.59 542.05 7.33 1,120.58 5.53

3 2016-17 4,681.09 5.37 591.04 9.04 1,181.86 5.47

4 2017-18 4,965.37 6.07 645.03 9.13 1,267.00 7.20

5 2018-19 5,416.13 9.08 754.06 16.90 1,368.68 8.03

6 2019-20 5,590.21 3.21 848.15 12.48 1,480.55 8.17

7 2020-21 5,765.19 3.13 920.25 8.50 1,584.70 7.03

8 2021-22 6,099.97 5.81 1,014.73 10.27 1,725.06 8.86

AAGR 5.47 10.52 7.18

CAGR 5.45 10.48 7.18

44.99 100.92 62.46
(2014-15 to 2021-22)

Source: Source: Director, Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Dept. Hyd.

42 At A Glance 2022
9 V
eterinary a. Type of Water Bodies and Fisheries
Services Co-operative Societies, 2021-22
Sl. Quantity Water Spread Area
No. (in Nos.) (in Hectares)
Total No. of Tanks &
1 26,970 6,81,215
a Reservoirs 89 1,87,099
b ˃100 Acres Tanks 5,291 2,37,144
c ˂100 Acres Tanks 21,590 2,56,973
2 Fishermen Co-operative Societies (No) 4,596
Members enrolled in
3 3,36,553
Co-operative Societies (No)
4 Production of Fish and Prawn, 2021-22
Sl. Production Value
No. (Tonnes) (Rs. in lakhs)
a Inland Fish 3,76,142 5,41,096
b Fresh Water Prawn 13,827 44,899
Total 3,89,969 5,85,995

b. Fish and Prawn Production, 2014-15 to 2021-22

Fish Prawn
Sl. Pro- Growth Pro- Growth
Year Value Value
No. duction Rate Rate (Rs.
(Rs. Lakhs) duction Lakhs)
(Tonnes) (%) (Tonnes) (%)
1 2014-15 2,60,010 - 2,43,112.39 8,352 - 20,671.25
2 2015-16 2,28,185 -11.24 2,39,726.81 8,567 2.91 24,877.40
3 2016-17 1,93,732 -15.10 2,11,065.21 5,189 -39.43 14,157.60
4 2017-18 2,62,252 35.37 3,41,899.00 7,783 49.99 19,805.00
5 2018-19 2,84,210 8.37 3,74,244.00 9,998 28.46 27,183.00
6 2019-20 2,99,869 5.51 4,33,246.00 10,453 4.55 33,826.00
7 2020-21 3,37,117 12.42 4,84,746.00 11,734 12.25 38,176.00
8 2021-22 3,76,142 12.58 5,41,096.00 13,827 17.84 44,899.00
AAGR 6.56 10.94
CAGR 5.42 7.53
Source: Commissioner, Fisheries Dept.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 43

10 Mining a. Production of Minerals, 2021-22

Sl. Value
Mineral Unit Production
No. (Rs. in Crores)
I Major Minerals
A Fuel Minerals
1 Coal Lakh Tonnes 653.78 16,017.64
B Other Major Minerals
1 Lime Stone Lakh Tonnes 284.04 1,170.25
2 Stowing Sand Lakh Tonnes 5.46 8.30
3 Manganese Tonnes 10,522 6.28
Sub Total 17,202.47
II Minor Minerals
A Industrial Minerals
1 Laterite Lakh Tonnes 53.59 188.65
2 Quartz Lakh Tonnes 12.28 51.34
3 Feldspar Lakh Tonnes 7.29 34.95
4 Dolomite Lakh Tonnes 6.09 36.83
5 White Clay Tonnes 34,850 0.77
6 Shale Tonnes 25,700 0.57
7 Barytes Tonnes 2,060 1.03
Sub Total 314.14
B Other Minor Minerals
1 Road Metal Lakh M3 1,052.79 7,158.98
2 Gravel / Earth Lakh M3 656.36 1,568.70
3 Colour Granite Lakh M3 7.62 1,658.90
4 Black Granite Lakh M3 3.50 889.88
5 Ordinary Sand Lakh M3 123.96 743.79
6 Limestone Slabs Lakh M2 23.90 39.68
7 Fuller's Earth Lakh Tonnes 3.42 15.89
8 Mosaic Chips Lakh Tonnes 2.07 3.37
Sub Total 12,079.19
Grand Total 29,595.80
Note: M2 - Sq. Meters, M3 - Cubic Meters. Totals not tallied due to
rounding off, Source: Director, Mines & Geology Dept.

44 At A Glance 2022
10 Mining b. Major and Minor Mineral Revenue,
2015-16 to 2021-22
(Rs. in Crores)
Major Minor
Sl. Total Growth
Year Mineral Mineral
No. Revenue Rate (%)
Revenue Revenue
1 2015-16 10,438.83 7,847.89 18,286.73 -
2 2016-17 9,952.02 11,172.01 21,124.03 15.52
3 2017-18 14,546.94 10,773.81 25,320.75 19.87
4 2018-19 16,835.72 17,812.54 34,648.27 36.84
5 2019-20 16,099.37 14,261.86 30,361.23 -12.37
6 2020-21 12,711.72 17,256.31 29,968.04 -1.30
7 2021-22 17,202.47 12,393.32 29,595.80 -1.24
AAGR 9.55
CAGR 8.36
Growth (2015-16 to 2021-22) 61.84
Source: Director, Mines & Geology Dept

c. Coal Mining, 2014-15 to 2021-22

Sl. Production
Year Production Value
No. (Lakh Tonnes) (Rs. in Crores) Growth Rate
1 2014-15 527.19 9,088.38 -
2 2015-16 585.91 10,100.68 11.14
3 2016-17 608.09 8,914.69 3.79
4 2017-18 646.42 13,500.12 6.30
5 2018-19 676.87 15,771.03 4.71
6 2019-20 620.28 15,196.85 -8.36
7 2020-21 485.17 11,886.70 -21.78
8 2021-22 653.78 16,017.64 34.75
AAGR 4.36
CAGR 3.12
Growth (2014-15 to 2021-22) 24.01
Source: Director, Mines & Geology Dept

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 45

a. State Annual Survey of Industries,
11 Industries and 2019-20

Sl. No. Item Unit Total

1 Total Factories Nos. 15,271

2 Fixed Capital Rs. in Crores 96,942

3 Working Capital Rs. in Crores 68,003

4 Invested Capital Rs. in Crores 1,43,066

5 Workers Nos. 6,56,402

6 Total Persons Engaged Nos. 7,87,112

7 Wages to Workers Rs. in Crores 9,889

8 Total Emoluments Rs. in Crores 18,352

9 Total Inputs Rs. in Crores 1,97,432

10 Value of Output Rs. in Crores 2,54,968

11 Net Value Added Rs. in Crores 49,235

12 Depreciation Rs. in Crores 8,300

Gross Value Added Rs. in Crores 57,535

Source: Annual Survey of Industries, NSO,MOSPI, GOI.

46 At A Glance 2022
Industries and
11 Labour b. Approvals, Investment &
Employment Generated Under
TS-iPASS, 2015-16 to 2021-22

Sl. Units Employment

Year Investment
No. approved (in Rs. Crore) Generated
(in Nos.) (in Nos.)

1 2015-16 1,241 22,053 61,969

2 2016-17 1,550 26,171 1,08,258

3 2017-18 2,768 66,653 2,07,589

4 2018-19 2,780 39,747 6,63,365

5 2019-20 2,924 22,057 2,38,057

6 2020-21 3,474 16,105 1,63,440

7 2021-22 3,938 17,867 96,863

Total 19,452 2,32,311 16,48,934

Source: Director, Industries Dept.

c. Incentives Sanctioned Under T-PRIDE

Current Year Cumulative
Sl. (2021-22) (as on 31.03.2022)
No. Claims Sanctioned Claims Sanctioned
Category Settled Amount Settled Amount
(in Nos.) (Rs. in Lakhs) (in Nos.) (Rs. in Lakhs)
1 SC 4,124 16,312.18 23,888 1,06,835.51

2 ST 6,345 29,114.21 25,166 1,11,640.69

3 PHC 288 1,528.76 1,786 9,779.45

Total 10,757 46,955.15 50,840 2,28,255.65

Source: Director, Industries Dept.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 47

11 Industries and d. Incentives Sanctioned under

Current Year (2021-22) Cumulative (as on 31.03.2022)

Sl. Claims Sanctioned Claims Sanctioned
No. Settled Amount Settled Amount
(in Nos.) (Rs. in Lakhs) (in Nos.) (Rs. In Lakhs)
1 3,009 36,993.77 20,507 2,72,416.00
Source: Director, Industries Dept.

e. MSMEs Registered under Udyam, 2021-22

(in No.s)
Sl. Manufacturing Service Sector Total
No. Sector Units Units Units
1 Medium 975 755 1,730

2 Micro 57,087 1,87,411 2,44,498

3 Small 6,182 7,625 13,807

Total 64,244 1,95,791 2,60,035

Source: Director, Industries Dept.

f. Employment in Shops and Commercial Establishments

(as on 31-03-2022 )

Sl. No. Category Establishments Workers Employed

1 No. of Shops 2,60,881 9,42,978
No. of Commercial
2 1,34,064 7,76,481
No. of Cinema
3 Theaters, Hotels and 15,769 1,21,717
Total 4,10,714 18,41,176

Source: Commissioner, Labour Dept., Hyderabad

48 At A Glance 2022
Industries and
11 Labour g. Implementation of Various Labour
Welfare Schemes, 2021-22

Sl. Bene iciaries Amount

No. (in No.s) (Rs. in lakhs)
Ӏ The Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board
Accidental death relief
a 460 2,886.07
(Registered workers)
b Natural Deaths & Funeral Expenses 5,400 6,977.44
c Marriage Gift 9,165 2,752.98
d Maternity Bene it 16,542 4,967.87
e Partial/Permanent disability 28 75.28
Temporary disability
f 234 31.24
Total 31,829 17,690.87

Bene i- Amount
Sl. Type of ciaries Claims Claims
registered (in No.s) settled (Rs. in
No. Bene iciaries (in No.s) lakhs)
(in No.s)
Accidental Death Insurance Scheme for Transport/Non-Transport
Auto Drivers, Home Guards & Working Journalists
a 11,65,459 128 128 640.00
Transport Auto Drivers
b Home Guards 18,380 11 8 40.00
c Working Journalists 20,000 5 2 10.00
Total 12,03,839 144 138 6,90.00
Source: Commissioner, Labour Dept. Hyderabad

h. Status of Nethannaku Cheyutha and Chenetha

49 Mithra
(As on 31.03.2022)

Sl. Amount
Scheme Bene iciaries
No. (in Nos) Released
(in Crores)
1 Nethannaku Cheyutha 20,537 96.43
2 Chenetha Mithra 52,775 21.67
Total 73,312 118.10
Source: Commissioner, Handloom and Textiles Dept.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 49

12 Prices a. State Average Retail Prices of Certain
Essential Commodities for the Month
of April, 2022
Prices of (in Rs.)
% of Devi-
Commodity Unit ation over
No. April, 2022 April, 2021
April, 2021
1 Rice 1st sort Kg. 46.92 46.80 0.26

2 Rice 2nd Sort Kg. 31.14 26.27 18.54

3 Wheat Kg. 37.54 35.46 5.87

4 Jowar Kg. 43.91 42.88 2.40

5 Redgram Dal Kg. 106.91 110.40 -3.16

6 Bengalgram Dal Kg. 74.18 73.09 1.49

7 Greengram Dal Kg. 108.27 112.91 -4.11

8 Blackgram Dal Kg. 117.38 122.54 -4.21

9 Groundnut Oil Ltr. 178.96 164.55 8.76

10 Palm Oil Ltr. 153.61 124.90 22.99

11 Sun lower Oil Ltr. 190.24 159.23 19.47

12 Onions Kg. 23.55 19.93 18.16

Red Chillies
13 Kg. 223.20 169.13 31.97
Grade- I

Red Chillies
14 Kg. 196.17 146.70 33.72
Grade- II

15 Kg. 116.82 123.74 -5.59
(Without Seed)

16 Sugar Kg. 38.13 36.90 3.33

Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Hyderabad

50 At A Glance 2022
12 Prices b. All India & Telangana In lation Rates
(Base Year: 2012=100)
In lation Rates
Sl. No. Month/Year
All-India Telangana
1 Jun-21 6.26 7.37
2 Jul-21 5.59 7.70
3 Aug-21 5.30 7.92
4 Sep-21 4.35 7.07
5 Oct-21 4.48 6.60
6 Nov-21 4.91 6.69
7 Dec-21 5.66 6.32
8 Jan-22 6.01 6.72
9 Feb-22 6.07 6.78
10 Mar-22 6.95 7.66
11 Apr-22 7.79 9.02
12 May-22 7.04 9.45
AAGR 5.87 7.44
Source: MOSPI, GOI. Note: Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Indices are not compiled for the
months April & May

Aggregate Deposit and Bank Credit of

13 Banks Scheduled Commercial Banks, 2021-22

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity

1 Public Sector Banks Nos. 3,098
2 Private Sector Banks Nos. 1,333
3 Foreign Banks Nos. 42
4 Regional Rural Banks Nos. 919
5 Small Finance Banks Nos. 42
Total 5,436
6 Total Deposits Rs. in crores 6,38,895
7 Total Credit Rs. in crores 6,19,491
8 Credit Deposit Ratio Ratio 97.0
9 Average Population per Bank Of ice ‘000 Nos. 6

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 51

14 Energy a. Contracted Capacity and Electricity
Generated, 2021-22
Sl. No. Source Unit Quantity
1 Contracted Capacity as on 31.03.2022
a Thermal* MW 10,410
b Hydel MW 2,518
c Solar & Other NCEs MW 4,300
Total 17,228
2 Electricity Generated, 2021-22
a Thermal* MU 55,244
b Hydel MU 5,414
c Solar Other NCEs MU 6,693
d Market Purchases# MU 6,562
Total 73,913
Note:*Thermal power includes Singareni TPP, Jaipur, CGS,IPPs, # includes medium term
agreement (PTC-RKM) MW : Megawatts and MU: Million Units.
Source : Chief Engineer, (Comm1&RAC) TS, TRANSCO, Hyd.

b. Contracted Capacity in Power Sector, 2014-15 to 2021-22

Sl. Renew- Growth
Year Thermal Hydel Total
No. (in MWs) (in MWs) able (in MWs) Rate (%)
(in MWs)
1 2014-15 5,451.66 2,159.07 261.26 7,871.99 -
2 2015-16 6,128.24 2,239.07 486.91 8,854.22 12.48
3 2016-17 7,974.60 2,429.07 1,602.47 12,006.14 35.60
4 2017-18 9,230.98 2,489.07 3,600.76 15,320.81 27.61
5 2018-19 9,790.08 2,519.07 3,893.76 16,202.91 5.76
6 2019-20 9,401.04 2,519.07 3,943.76 15,863.87 -2.09
7 2020-21 10,289.00 2,518.00 3,755.00 16,563.00 4.40
8 2021-22 10,410.00 2,518.00 4,300.00 17,228.00 4.02
AAGR 12.54
CAGR 11.84
Source : Chief Engineer, (Comm1&RAC) TS, TRANSCO, Hyd.

52 At A Glance 2022
14 Energy c. Consumption of Electricity,

Sl. No. Source Unit Quantity

I. Low Tension (LT)

1 Domestic Supply MU 13,357.26

2 Non-Domestic Supply MU 3,238.74

3 Industrial MU 1,164.25

4 Cottage Industries MU 44.21

5 Agriculture MU 19,719.85

6 Public Lighting MU 811.79

7 General Purpose MU 109.50

8 Temporary MU 87.30

9 EV Charging Stations MU 0.13

Total Low Tension 38,533.03

II. High Tension (HT)

1 Industrial MU 13,948.13

2 Non-Industrial MU 2,417.68

3 Aviation, Bus Stand MU 58.00

4 Irrigation MU 4,866.22

5 Railway Traction MU 846.30

6 Residential MU 399.28

7 Temporary MU 196.98

8 EV Charging Stations MU 3.42

Total High Tension 22,736.02

Grand Total ( LT+HT) 61,269.05

Source : Chief Engineer, (Comm1&RAC) TS, TRANSCO, Hyd.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 53

14 Energy d. Telangana’s Consumption Performance
in Power Sector, 2014-15 to 2021-22
Sl. Total Growth Rate
Year Unit
No. Consumption (%)
1 2014-15 MU 39,035 -
2 2015-16 MU 40,577 3.95
3 2016-17 MU 43,658 7.59
4 2017-18 MU 50,422 15.49
5 2018-19 MU 57,454 13.95
6 2019-20 MU 58,515 1.85
7 2020-21 MU 57,007 -2.58
8 2021-22 MU 61,269 7.48
AAGR 6.82
CAGR 6.65
Source : Chief Engineer, (Comm1&RAC) TS, TRANSCO, Hyd.

e. Electricity Service Connections, 2021-22

Sl. Services Connected
No. (in Nos.) Load (MW)
1 Domestic 1,23,25,203 14,652.39
2 Non-Domestic 16,72,798 4,503.54
3 Industrial 1,04,518 1,640.69
4 Cottage Industries 20,013 89.60
5 Irrigation/Agriculture 26,63,215 10,236.50
6 Public lighting 1,99,258 494.87
7 General Purpose 59,528 76.34
8 Temporary 13,694 144.87
9 EV Charging Stations 53 0.88
Total (LT) 1,70,58,280 31,839.69
Total (HT) 14,055 10,615.91
Grand Total (LT+HT) 1,70,72,355 42,455.60
Source: Chief Engineer, (Comm1&RAC) TS, TRANSCO, Hyd

54 At A Glance 2022
14 Energy f. Electricity Sub-Stations, 2021-22

Sl. No. Type Unit Quantity

1 33 kv Nos. 3,166
2 132 kv Nos. 247
3 220 kv Nos. 98
4 400 kv Nos. 23
Total 3,534
Source: Chief Engineer, (Comm1&RAC) TS, TRANSCO, Hyd.

g. Flagship Schemes in Power Sector

(as on 01-05-2022)
Sl. Free Power Supply to
Unit Services /Units
No. different Categories
Power Supply to Agriculture
1 Lakh Nos. 26.60
(24 Hours)

Power to SC Consumers
2 Lakh Nos. 5.96
(101 Units)

Power to ST Consumers
3 Lakh Nos. 3.18
(101 Units)

Nayee Brahmins /
4 Nos. 28,044
Hair Cutting(250 Units)

Dhobhi Ghats/ Laundry Shops

5 Nos. 50,011
(250 Units)

Poultry Forms
6 Nos. 6,406
(Subsidy Rs.2.00 per Unit)

Power Looms
7 Nos. 4,920
(Subsidy Rs.2.00 per Unit)
Source: Chief Engineer, (Comm1&RAC) TS, TRANSCO, Hyd

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 55

14 Energy h. Power Statistics of Telangana State
(since State Formation)
Sl. As on As on Achieve-
No. (02-06-2014) (01-05-2022) ment
1 Contracted Capacity (MW) 7,778 17,234 9,456
2 Solar Capacity (MW) 74 4,517 4,443
3 Peak Demand (MW) 5,661 14,160 8,499
Max. grid consumption
4 128 283.38 155.38
during the year (MU)
Per Capita consumption 1,196 2,012
5 816
(kwh) (2013-14) (2020-21)
1 400 kv Sub Stations (in Nos.) 6 23 17
2 220 kv Sub Stations (in Nos.) 51 98 47
3 132 kv Sub Stations (in Nos.) 176 247 71
Total EHT Sub Stations
4 233 368 135
(in Nos.)
5 Total EHT Line Length (CKM) 16,379 27,390 11,011
Transformation capacity
6 14,973 38,444 23,471
(in MVA)
1 33 kv Sub Stations (Nos.) 2,138 3,166 1,028
Length of Lines
2 (33kv+11kv+LT) 4.89 6.59 1.70
(Km in lakhs)
3 No. of PTRs 3,272 5,613 2,341
4 No. of DTRs (lakhs) 4.67 8.13 3.46
III Consumers Data (including Resco)
Agricultural Services
1 19.03 26.60 7.57
(Lakh No.s)
Total Services existing
2 1.11 1.71 0.60
(Crore No.s)
Source: Chief Engineer, (Comm1&RAC) TS, TRANSCO, Hyd.

56 At A Glance 2022
15 Transport and a. Vehicles Registered, 2021-22

Sl. No. Type of Vehicles Unit Quantity

A Transport Vehicles Nos. 1,01,467

1 TSRTC Buses (including Hired) Nos. 24

2 Goods Carriages Nos. 88,201

3 Auto Rickshaws Nos. 9,123

4 Cabs Nos. 2,837

5 Contract Carriages Nos. 70

6 Private Service Vehicles Nos. 87

7 Educational Institution Buses Nos. 129

8 Other Transport Vehicles Nos. 996

B Non-Transport Vehicles Nos. 7,49,554

1 Motor Cycles Nos. 5,61,760

2 Light Motor Vehicles Nos. 1,52,367

3 Tractors Nos. 22,318

4 Trailers for Agricultural use Nos. 8,902

5 Road Rollers Nos. 63

6 Fire Tenders Nos. 5

7 Other Non-transport Vehicles Nos. 4,139

Total Vehicles (A+B) Nos. 8,51,021

C Electric Vehicles

1 No. of Electric Vehicles Registered Nos. 17,112

2 Registration Fee Waived off Rs. 67,56,200

Source: Commissioner of Road transport Authority, Hyd.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 57

15 Transport and b. Road Network, 2021-22
(as on 31-03-2022)

Sl. No Item Unit Road Length

I National Highway kms. 4,982.65

a Cement Concrete kms. 159.93

b Block Top kms. 4,375.72

c Metalled kms. 0

d Un-Metalled kms. 447.00

II R & B Department kms. 26,674.60

a Cement Concrete kms. 826.82

b Block Top kms. 24,663.43

c Metalled kms. 276.45

d Un-Metalled kms. 907.90

III Panchayatraj Department kms. 67,526.64

a Cement Concrete kms. 3,745.44

b Block Top kms. 24,963.98

c WBM kms. 8,511.00

d Un-Metalled kms. 30,306.22

IV GHMC kms. 9,013.00

a Cement Concrete kms. 6,166.55

b Block Top kms. 2,846.46

Total Road length Kms. 1,08,196.94

Source: Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), NH, CRF & Bidgs, Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), State Roads,
CRN & MD, TSRDC, Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj Engg. Dept.

58 At A Glance 2022
15 Transport and c. Hyderabad Metro Rail, 2021-22

Sl. No. of Passengers

Route Length Employees
No. Stations (in kms.) Travelled per day (No.)
(Avg. No.)
1 57 69 1,54,378 1,176
Source: General Manager, Hyderabad Metro Rail Ltd. , Hyd

d. Rail Network, 2020-21

Sl. No. Item Unit Length/Quantity
1 Railway Stations Nos. 237
2 Route Length Kms. 1,871
Source: Indian Railway Year Book 2020-21

e. State Road Transport Corporation, 2021-22

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity
1 Bus Depots Nos. 97
2 Fleet of Buses Nos. 9,480
3 Employees Working Nos. 46,968
Source: Managing Director, TSRTC., Hyderabad.

f. Free & Concession Bus Passes, 2021-22

Sl. Passes Issued Amount
No. (No.) (Rs. in lakhs)
1 Students 20,91,140 20,036.78
2 PHC & Escorts 4,89,894 16,586.89
3 Employees 55,339 418.00
4 Journalists 10,421 2,895.75
5 MLAs, MLCs. 988 169.54
6 Freedom Fighters 431 73.96
7 Police 146 40.65
8 Kidney patients 3,358 182.58
Total 26,51,717 40,404.15
Source: Managing Director, TSRTC, Hyderabad.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 59

15 Transport and g. Cargo Services Provided under
Communications TSRTC, 2021-22

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity

1 Cargo Services Provided Nos. 8,908
2 Quantity 000’ Tonnes 118.59
3 Amount Rs. in Lakhs 1,616.64
Source: Managing Director, TSRTC., Hyderabad.

h. Communications, 2021-22

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity

I Postal Services
1 Head Of ices Nos. 36
2 Sub-Of ices Nos. 789
3 Mukhya Dak Ghar Nos. 1
4 Branch Of ices Nos. 5,384
Total 6,210
II Telecommunications (BSNL)
1 Telephone Exchanges Nos. 777
Telephone Connections (excluding Cell
2 Nos. 1,95,111
3 Public Telephones Nos. 2,481
Source: Chief Post Master General Hyd., CGM Telecom Hyd.

i. Functioning of Mee-Seva Centres, 2021-22

Sl.No. Item Unit Quantity

1 Mee-seva Centers Sanctioned Nos. 4,521
2 Mee-seva Centers Functioning Nos. 3,854
Source: Project Director, Electronic Service Delivery, Hyderabad

60 At A Glance 2022
16 Health and a. Medical Services,
2014-15 & 2021-22
Family Welfare

Sl. Quantity
Type of Medical Facility Unit
No. 2014-15 2021-22

Allopathic Hospitals

1 District Hospitals Nos. 8 21

2 Area Hospitals Nos. 31 27

3 Teaching Hospitals Nos. 5 10

4 ESI Hospitals Nos. 4 4

6 Hospitals for Special Treatment Nos. 17 22

7 Community Health Centres Nos. 49 114

8 Primary Health Centres Nos. 622 636

9 Urban Primary Health Centres Nos. 69 232

10 Dispensaries Nos. 73 74

12 Sub-Centrers Nos. 4,863 4,694

13 Basti Dawakhanas Nos. 0 259

Total 5,741 6,093

14 Beds available Nos. 29,343

15 Doctors Working Nos. 6,588

16 Patients treated in lakhs 518.76

Source: VVP: Vaidya Vidhana Parishad; DMI: Director of Medical Insurance;
DPH&FW: Director of Public Health & Family Welfare; DME: Director of Medical Education;
and CH&FW : Commissioner of Health & Family Welfare.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 61

16 Health and b. AYUSH Medical Services,
Family Welfare
(in Nos.)
Sl. No. Type of Medical Facility Unit Quantity
AYUSH Hospitals

1 Ayurveda Nos. 427

a Hospitals Nos. 4

b Dispensaries Nos. 423

2 Homeopathy Nos. 202

a Hospitals Nos. 3

b Dispensaries Nos. 199

3 Naturopathy Nos. 29

a Hospitals Nos. 1

b Dispensaries Nos. 28

4 Unani Nos. 187

a Hospitals Nos. 3

b Dispensaries Nos. 184

5 Beds available Nos. 797

6 Doctors working Nos. 561

7 Patients Treated Nos. 21,28,089

Source: Commissioner, AYUSH Dept.

62 At A Glance 2022
16 Health and c. Medical Facilities, 2021-22
Family Welfare

Sl.No. Item Unit Quantity

1 Oxigen Beds Nos. 25,390

2 Special New Burn Care Units Nos. 40

3 New Born Stabilization Units Nos. 46

4 New Born Care Corners Nos. 562

5 Intensive Care Units (ICUs) Nos. 144

6 Maternal ICU Units Nos. 26

7 Dialysis Centres Nos. 83

8 Diagnostic Hubs Nos. 20

9 Organ Transplant Centres Nos. 3

10 108 Ambulances Nos. 394

11 Ammavodi Vehicles (102 Vehicles) Nos. 300

12 Hearse Vehicles Nos. 41

13 Bike Ambulances Nos. 50

14 Mobile Health Vehicles (104 Services) Nos. 198

15 Spoke Centres Nos. 300

16 Blood Banks Functioning Nos. 52

17 Blood Storage Centres Nos. 31

Source: Socio Economic Outlook, 2022

d. Aarogyasri Scheme, 2021-22

Sl.No. Description Unit Quantity

1 Bene iciaries Treated Nos. 1,71,254

2 Eligible Bene iciaries Nos. 87,56,842

Source: CEO., Aarogyasri Trust, Hyderabad., VVP, DME, DMI, CHFW

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 63

16 Health and e. Health Indicators
Family Welfare
Sl. Telanga- All
Particulars Source
No. na India
Crude Birth Rate SRS Bulletin, 2022
1 16.4 19.5
(per 1,000 Population) (Reference Year 2020)

Crude Death Rate (per SRS Bulletin, 2022

2 6.0 6.0
1,000 Population) (Reference Year 2020)

Infant Mortality Rate SRS Bulletin, 2022

3 21 28
(per 1,000 live births) (Reference Year 2020)

SRS Bulletin, 2022

4 Natural Growth 10.4 13.5
(Reference Year 2020)

SRS Statistical Report,

5 Total Fertility Rate (TFR) 1.6 2.1

General Fertility Rate SRS Statistical Report,

6 53.6 68.7
(GFR) 2019

SRS Statistical Report,

7 Gross Reproduction Rate 0.8 1.0

SRS Statistical Report,

8 Mean Age of Fertility 27.9 28.6

Neonatal Mortality Rate SRS Statistical Report,

9 17 22
(NMR) 2019

Under-Five Mortality SRS Statistical Report,

10 26 35
Rate (U5MR) 2019

Special Bulletin on
Maternal Mortality
11 56 103 Maternal Mortality in
Rate (MMR)
India, 2017-19

Life Expectancy at Birth 69.4 (M) 66.9 (M) India: Health of the
(in Years) 73.2 (F) 70.3 (F) Nation's States, 2017

64 At A Glance 2022
e. Health Indicators
16 Health and (concld.)

Family Welfare
Particulars Telangana All India Source
Children age 6-59 months who are NFHS-5
13 70.0 67.1
Anaemic (<11.0 g/dl) (%) (2019-21)

Pregnant women age 15-49 years NFHS-5

14 53.2 52.2
who are Anaemic (<11.0 g/dl) (%) (2019-21)

All Women age 15-49 years who NFHS-5

15 57.6 57.0
are Anaemic(%) (2019-21)

Men age 15-49 years who are NFHS-5

16 15.3 25.0
Anaemic (<13.0 g/dl) (%) (2019-21)

Women - Blood Sugar level - high NFHS-5

17 5.8 6.1
(141-160 mg/dl) (%)# (2019-21)

Women - Blood Sugar level - very NFHS-5

18 7.0 6.3
high (>160 mg/dl) (%) (2019-21)

Men - Blood Sugar level - high NFHS-5

19 6.9 7.3
(141-160 mg/dl) (%) (2019-21)

Men - Blood Sugar level - very NFHS-5

20 9.3 7.2
high (>160 mg/dl) (%) (2019-21)

Women - Moderately or severely

elevated Blood Pressure (Systol- NFHS-5
21 6.3 5.2
ic≥160 mm of Hg and/or Diastolic (2019-21)
≥ 100 mm of Hg) (%)

Men - Moderately or severely

elevated Blood Pressure NFHS-5
22 8.1 5.7
(Systolic≥160 mm of Hg and/or (2019-21)
Diastolic ≥ 100 mm of Hg) (%)

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 65

17 Education a. Schools Network, 2020-21

Sl. Students
Category Schools
No. (Nos.) Enrolment

1 Primary Schools (I-V) 20,725 9,79,573

2 Upper Primary Schools (I-VII/VIII) 7,638 8,89,464

3 High Schools (I-X & VI-X) 12,029 39,46,999

Higher Secondary Schools

4 828 4,65,345

Total 41,220 62,81,381

b. Teachers Working and Pupil - Teacher Ratio, 2020-21

Pupil -
Sl. No. of
Category Teacher
No. Teachers
1 Primary Schools (I-V) 49,566 20

2 Upper Primary Schools (I-VII/VIII) 52,964 17

3 High Schools (I-X & VI-X) 1,78,920 22

Higher Secondary Schools

4 15,874 29

Total 2,97,324 21

Source: Educational Statistics, 2020-21, Commissioner and Director of

School Education & SSA, Hyderabad

66 At A Glance 2022
17 Education c. Management wise Schools &
Enrolment, 2020-21
Sl. No. Management Unit Schools Enrolment
1 Central Government Nos. 72 43,942

2 State Govt. (Incl MPP/ZPP) Nos. 26,143 20,00,911

3 Private Aided Nos. 670 85,936

4 Private Un-Aided Nos. 10,819 34,65,513

5 KGBV Nos. 475 1,05,359

6 Social Welfare Nos. 238 1,31,416

7 Tribal Welfare (Society) Nos. 115 45,811

8 Tribal Welfare (Dept.) Nos. 1,776 95,636

9 BC Welfare Nos. 261 99,456

10 Minority Welfare Nos. 204 67,234

11 Others (incl.NCLP/Madarsas) Nos. 447 1,40,167

Total 41,220 62,81,381

d. Gross Enrolment Ratio and Dropout Rate, 2020-21

Sl. No. Category Ratio
1 Gross Enrolment Ratio All Boys Girls

a Classes I-V 110.62 110.20 111.08

b Classes VI-VIII 103.73 104.35 103.07

c Classes IX-X 92.32 92.00 92.67

2 Dropout Rate Rate

a Primary Level ( I-V ) 7.37 7.38 7.35

b Elementary Level (I-VIII) 20.26 21.10 19.35

c Secondary Level ( I-X) 28.09 28.59 27.56

Source: Educational Statistics, 2020-21, Commissioner and Director of
School Education & SSA, Hyderabad
Directorate of Economics and Statistics 67
17 Education e. Government Hostels and Ashram
Schools, 2021-22
(in Nos.)

Sl. Ashram
Category Hostels Students Students
No. Schools

1 Scheduled Castes 875 51,540 - -

a Pre-Matric 669 34,791 - -

b Post-Matric 206 16,749 - -

2 Scheduled Tribes 301 31,113 322 75,014

a Pre-Matric 138 16,060 322 75,014

b Post-Matric 163 16,653 - -

3 Backward Classes 700 46,003 - -

a Pre-Matric 413 21,773 - -

b Post-Matric 287 24,230 - -

4 Minorities 9 365

a Pre-Matric 1 77

b Post-Matric 8 288

Total 1,885 1,29,021 322 75,014

Source: Director, SC Development, Commissioner ST, BC Welfare Dept. and

Director, Minority Welfare Dept.

68 At A Glance 2022
17 Education f. Pre-Matric & Post-Matric
Scholarships, 2021-22

Sl. Welfare Amount
Category Bene itted
No. Department (in Lakhs)
(in Nos.)

Pre-Matric 65,160 1,232.75

1 SC Post-Matric 2,21,163 44,917.01

Total 2,86,323 46,149.76

Pre-Matric 14,814 1,899.45

Post-Matric 1,31,849 28,351.41

2 ST
Total 1,46,663 30,250.86

Rajeev Vidya
3,060 76.92

Pre-Matric 530 5.30

3 BC Post-Matric 1,73,527 32,364.26

Total 1,74,057 32,369.56

Pre-Matric - -

4 Minorities Post-Matric 2,60,080 27,027.79

Total 2,60,080 27,027.79

Grand Total 8,70,183 1,35,874.89

Source: Director, SC Development, Commissioner ST , BC Welfare Dept. and

Director, Minority Welfare Dept.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 69

17 Education g. Overseas Scholarship
Scheme, 2021-22
Sl. Welfare Students
Category Amount
No. Department Bene itted (in Lakhs)
(in Nos.)
Dr. B R Ambedkar Vidhya
1 SC Nidhi under Overseas 243 4,449.83
Dr. B R Ambedkar Vidhya
2 ST Nidhi under Overseas 55 552.50
Mahatma Jyothiba Phule
3 BC Vidhya Nidhi Overseas 274 3,693.21
Chief Minister's
4 Minorities 371 7,094.51
Overseas Scholarship
Total 943 15,790.04
Source: Director, SC Development, Commissioner ST , BC Welfare Dept. and Director, Minor-
ity Welfare Dept.

h. Statistics on Residential Institutions

(since State Formation) (in Nos.)
Sl. No. Name of the Institution 2014-15 2021-22
Residential Institutions under School
1 37 37

Telangana Social Welfare Residential

2 134 268
Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS)

Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential

3 96 160
Educational Institutions Society (TTWREIS)

Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Residential

4 Educational Institutions Society 19 281

Telangana Minority Residential Educational

5 12 204
Institutions Society (TMREIS)

Total 298 950

Source: i. Director, School Education, ii. Secretary, TSWREIS, TTWREIS,

70 At A Glance 2022
17 Education i. Functioning of Junior, Degree &
Professional Colleges/ Institutions,
Number of
Institution Colleges Intake/Seats
(1st year)
1 Junior Colleges 2,431 4,44,413
2 Degree Colleges 1,070 4,68,880
3 Professional Colleges
a Medical Colleges (UG/PG/SS) 33 7,734
b Dental Colleges (UG/PG) 14 1,673
c Ayurveda Colleges (UG/PG) 2 174
d Homeopathy Colleges (UG/PG) 5 547
e Unani Colleges (UG/PG) 2 157
f Naturopathy 1 60
g B.Ed. Colleges 213 19,100
Engineering Colleges /
h 175 1,14,959
B.Tech / M.Tech
i MBA Colleges 272 35,359
j MCA Colleges 42 3,260
k Law Colleges * 25 5,356
Pharmacy Colleges (B.Pharm, pharm-D,
l 119 16,923
Pharm-D (PB) & M Pharm)
m Polytechnic Colleges 120 30,032
n Nursing Colleges (B.Sc./P.B.B.Sc./M.Sc.) 90 4,412
o Physiotherapy Colleges (BPT/MPT) 22 1,186
p B.Sc. Colleges (MLT) 20 735
q MPH 1 40
r B. Arch* 11 730
s M.Pharmacy 112 4,408
t M.Arch * 3 80
u B.P.Ed & U.G.D.P.Ed* 21 1,771
Source : Commissioner of Intermediate Education, Commissioner of Collegiate Education,
Council of Higher Education, Commissioner of Technical Education and Registrar, KNRUHS
Note: * indicates 2020-21 Year data

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 71

18 Rural Development a. Workers and Wage Earnings
Schemes under MGNREGA, 2021-22

Sl.No. Category Unit Total

1 Workers Registered Nos. 1,21,06,689
a Males Nos. 61,07,016
b Females Nos. 59,99,673
2 Workers Working Nos. 48,78,874
a Males Nos. 21,60,350
b Females Nos. 27,18,524
3 Wages Paid Rs. lakhs 2,43,070
a Males Rs. lakhs 98,054
b Females Rs. lakhs 1,45,016
4 Average Wage Earnings
a Males Rs. 176.3
b Females Rs. 170.2
Source: Commissioner, Rural Development Dept.

b. Performance of Bank Linkage Scheme, 2021-22

Sl.No. Category Unit Total
1 Self Help Groups Nos. 4,30,464
2 Self Help Group Members Nos. 46,46,761
3 SHG’s provided with Bank Credit Nos. 2,62,842
4 Amount Credited Rs in crore 12,673.02
Source: Chief Executive Ofϔicer, SERP, Hyderabad.

c. Performance of Streenidhi Scheme, 2021-22

Sl.No. Category Unit Total
SHGs Provided Credit under Streenidhi
1 Nos. 1,59,220
2 Targeted Amount Rs. in lakhs 3,06,000
3 Amount Credited/Disbursed Rs. in lakhs 3,07,402
4 Average Amount of Credit Per SHG Rs 1,93,068
Source: Managing Director, Streenidhi Scheme.

72 At A Glance 2022
19 Women Development a. Functioning of Anganwadi
Centers, 2021-22
and Child Welfare

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity

1 Projects Nos. 149
2 Anganwadi Centres Nos. 35,700
3 Anganwadi Teachers Nos. 33,874
4 Anganwadi Helpers Nos. 28,079
5 Women Enrolled Nos. 4,58,508
6 Children Enrolled Nos. 24,23,007

b. Nutritional Status of Children, 2021-22

Sl. No. Category Number Percentage
1 Children Enrolled 20,16,679 -
2 Children aged 5 Years Under Weight 2,95,412 14.65
3 Children aged 5 Years Over Weight 1,70,114 8.44
4 Children aged 5 Years Wasted 1,18,759 5.89
5 Children aged 5 Years Severely 35,311 1.75
6 Children aged 5 Years Stunted 3,42,834 17.00
7 Children Breastfed with in one Hour 3,24,711 16.10
of Birth

c. Malnutrition Status of Children Aged 5 years, 2021-22

Sl. No. Description Number Percentage

1 Children Enrolled 20,16,679 -
2 Children with No Malnutrition 18,97,920 94
3 Children with Moderate 83,448 4
4 Children with Severe Malnutrition 35,311 2
Source: Director, Women & Child Welfare, Hyderabad

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 73

19 Women Development d. Fact sheet providing
information on Key Indicators
and Child Welfare
for Telangana as per NFHS-5
and NFHS-4
No. (2019-21) (2015-17)
Maternal and Child Health
I Maternity Care (for last birth in the 5 years before the survey)
Mothers who had at least 4 antenatal care
1 70.4 74.9
visits (%)
Mothers who consumed iron folic acid for
2 100 days or more when they were pregnant 57.9 52.7
Registered pregnancies for which the mother
3 received a Mother and Child Protection 96.7 89.1
(MCP) card (%)
Average out-of-pocket expenditure per
4 3,846 4,218
delivery in a public health facility (Rs.)
Children born at home who were taken to a
5 health facility for a check-up within 24 hours 15.6 9.0
of birth (%)
II Delivery Care (for births in the 5 years before the survey)
1 Institutional births (%) 97.0 91.5
2 Institutional births in public facility (%) 49.7 30.5
Home births that were conducted by skilled
3 1.3 2.8
health personnel (%)
Births attended by skilled health
4 93.6 91.3
personnel (%)
5 Births delivered by caesarean section (%) 60.7 57.7
Births in a private health facility that were
6 81.5 74.5
delivered by caesarean section (%)
Births in a public health facility that were
7 44.5 40.3
delivered by Caesarean Section (%)
Source: State Factsheet-Telangana NFHS-5 (2019-21)

74 At A Glance 2022
19 Women Development d. Fact sheet providing
information on Key Indicators
and Child Welfare
for Telangana as per NFHS-5
and NFHS-4 (concld.)

Sl. No. Indicators NFHS-5 NFHS-4

(2019-21) (2015-17)
III Child Vaccinations (%)

1 All Basic 79.1 67.5

2 BCG 93.5 97.4

3 Polio 81.6 75.2

4 DPT 89.2 87.9

5 Measles 90.6 90.1

6 Hepatitis 86.4 70.5

IV Child Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status of Children

Children under age 3 years breastfed

1 37.1 36.9
within one hour of birth (%)

Children under age 6 months exclusively

2 68.2 67.0
breastfed (%)

V Nutritional Status of Adults (age 15-49 years)

Women whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is

1 18.8 22.9
below normal (BMI <18.5 kg/m2) (%)

Women who are overweight or obese

2 30.1 28.6
(BMI ≥25.0 kg/m2) (%)

Women who have high risk waist-to-hip

3 44.1 na
ratio (≥0.85) (%)

VI Anaemia among Children and Adults

Non-pregnant women age 15-49 years

1 57.8 56.9
who are anaemic (<12.0 g/dl) (%)

All women age 15-19 years who are

2 64.7 59.7
anaemic (%)
Source: State Factsheet-Telangana NFHS-5 (2019-21)

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 75

19 Women Development e. Mother & Child Care -
Supplementary Nutrition,
and Child Welfare 2021-22
Sl.No. Description Women Children

1 Enrolled for supplementary nutrition (in Nos) 4,60,161 21,70,648

2 Received supplementary nutrition (in Nos) 2,99,779 14,35,243

3 % of received supplementary nutrition 65 66

Source: Director, Women & Child Welfare, Hyderabad.

f. Child and Women Protection Centres, 2021-22

Sl. No. Category Unit Centers

1 Children Homes Nos. 35

2 Sishu Gruhas Nos. 17

3 District Child Protection Units Nos. 33

4 Child Welfare Committees Nos. 33

5 Juvenile Justice Boards Nos. 10

6 State Child Protection Unit Nos. 1

7 State Adoption Resource Agency Nos. 1

8 Women Helpline centres Nos. 181

9 Sakhi-One Stop Centres (OSC) Nos. 33

10 State-run Women Institutions Nos. 13

11 Swadhar Grehs Nos. 19

12 Ujjwala Homes Nos. 3

13 State Resource Centre for Women Nos. 1

Source: Director, Women & Child Welfare, Hyderabad.
76 At A Glance 2022
20 Civil Supplies a. PDS Cards and Allotment, 2021-22

Sl. No. Items Unit Quantity

1 Fair Price Shops Nos. 17,042
2 PDS Cards
a Food Security Cards Nos. 84,73,114
b Anthyodaya Food Security Cards Nos. 5,66,651
c Annapurna Cards Nos. 5,775
Total 90,45,540
3 Allotment of Rice and Sugar, 2021-22
a Rice Lakh MTs. 33.33
b Sugar MTs. 6,777.60
Source: Commissioner, Civil Supplies Dept.

b. Registered LPG Domestic Consumers, 2021-22

Sl. No. Company Unit Quantity
1 IOCL Nos. 46,98,596
2 HPCL Nos. 42,28,069
3 BPCL Nos. 28,03,746
Total Nos. 1,17,30,411

c. Consumption of Major Petroleum Products, 2021-22

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity

1 LPG Tonnes 9,29,203
2 Petrol ‘000 lt. 17,69,286
3 Diesel ‘000 lt. 31,25,321
4 Lubricants ‘000 kgs 10,72,900
Petrol & Diesel Bunks
5 Nos. 3,500
6 LPG Dealers Nos. 807
Source: Dy. General Manager, SLC, Secunderabad

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 77

21 Elected Electors and Elected
Representatives in Telangana, 2021- 22
(in Nos)

Sl. Electors and

No. Elected Representatives
1 Total General Voters 3,01,02,454
a Male Voters 1,51,37,111
b Female Voters 1,49,63,635
c Other Voters 1,708
2 Service Voters 14,724
Member of Parliament
3 7
(Rajya Sabha)
Member of Parliament
4 17
(Lok Sabha)
5 Member of Legislative Council 40
a Elected by Local Authorities 14
b Elected by Teachers 3
c Elected by Graduates 3
d Elected by MLAs 14
e Nominated by Governor 6
6 Member of Legislative Assembly 120
a Elected 119
b Nominated 1
Source: The Chief Electoral Ofϔicer, General Administration (Elections). Telangana.

22 Judicial Judges & Judicial Of icers and

Bar Council Members, 2021-22
(in Nos)

Sl. No. Judges/Judicial Of icers Strength

1 High Court Judges 29
District and Sessions Judges, Including Chairman/
2 125
Presiding Of icers of Tribunals and Special Courts
3 Senior Civil Judges/ Chief Judicial Magistrates 70
Working Strength of Junior Civil Judges, including First
4 226
Class Magistrates
Fast Track Courts functioning in the cadre of District
5 38
Judges and Senior Civil Judges
6 Bar Council Members 3,358
Source: Registrar General, Telangana High Court and Secretary, Bar Council of Telangana.

78 At A Glance 2022

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 79

23 Flagship

S.No Item Page Nos

25 Flagship Schemes 81-90
a Implementation of Mission Bhagiratha 81
b HHs Covered under Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM)-IHHL 81
c Construction of IHHL under SBM 81
d Implementation of Mission Kakatiya 81
Financial Assistance under Kalyana Lakshmi
e 82
and Shaadi Mubarak Schemes, 2021-22
Kalyana Lakshmi Scheme for Scheduled Castes
i 82
2014-15 to 2021-22
Kalyana Lakshmi Scheme for Scheduled Tribes,
ii 83
2014-15 to 2021-22
Kalyana Lakshmi Scheme for Backward Classes
iii 83
(Including EBCs), 2014-15 to 2021-22
iv Shaadi Mubarak Scheme for Minorities, 2014-15 to 2021-22 84
f Promotion of Oil Palm Crop -Telangana, 2021-22 84
g Pensions under Aasara Scheme 85
h Implementation of Rythu Bima 85
i Implementation of Rythu Bandhu 86
j Sheep Rearing Development Programme 87
k Fish Seed Stocking Programme, 2021-22 87
l Achievement under KCR KIT 87
m Implementation of Palle Pragathi, 2021-22 (I-IV Phases) 88
n Implementation of Pattana Pragathi (I-II Phases) 89-90
o Telanganaku Haritha Haram, 2015-16 to 2021-22 90

80 At A Glance 2022
23 Flagship a. Implementation of Mission Bhagiratha
Schemes (As on 31.03.2022)

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity

1 Total Habitations Nos. 24,028
Habitations covered under Mission
2 Nos. 24,028
3 Achievement % 100
4 Pipe Line laid Length Lakh Kms 1.50
5 Sumps Constructed Nos. 711
Village Over Head Service Reservoir
6 Nos. 37,002
(OHSR) Tanks Constructed
Source: Engineer-in-Chief, Mission Bhagiratha Dept.,

b. HHs Covered under Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) - IHHL

Sl.No. Year Unit HHs Covered
1 2nd October 2014 % 26.67
2 2015-16 % 34.68
3 2016-17 % 47.21
4 2017-18 % 84.94
5 2018-19 % 96.23
6 2019-20 % 100
Source: Project Director, State Swachh bharat Mission (Gramin)

c. Construction of IHHL Under SBM

(As on 31.03.2022)
Sl. No. Category Unit IHHLs Constructed
1 SCs Nos. 7,13,941
2 STs Nos. 5,22,225
3 Others Nos. 29,31,276
Total Nos. 41,67,442
Source: Project Director, State Swachh bharat Mission (Gramin)
Note: IHHL: Individual Household Latriene
d. Implementation of Mission Kakatiya
(As on 31.03.2022)
Sl.No. Item Unit Quantity
1 Total Water Bodies/Tanks Nos. 46,531
2 Tanks Taken up for Restoration Nos. 27,812
3 Tanks Restored Nos. 25,355
4 Ayacut Stabilized Lakh Acres 15.05
5 Storage Capacity TMC 8.93
Source: ENC (General) I&CAD Department; Note: TMC : Thousand Million Cubic feet
Directorate of Economics and Statistics 81
23 Flagship e. Financial Assistance under Kalyana
Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak Schemes,
Schemes 2021-22

Sl. Social Bene iciaries Amount

No. Group (in Nos.) (Rs. in Crores)

1 SCs 36,415 364.56

2 STs 23,797 238.19

Kalyana Lakshmi
3 BCs 1,30,196 1,303.06

4 EBCs 14,007 140.10

Sub Total 2,04,415 2,045.91

1 Shaadi Mubarak Minorities 29,887 298.20

Grand Total 2,34,302 2,344.11

Source: Director, SC Develop. and Commissioner ST and BC Welfare and
Minorities Welfare Dept.

Kalyana Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak Schemes,

2014-15 to 2021-22
i. Scheduled Castes

Sl. No Year Bene iciaries Amount

(in Nos.) (Rs. in crores)
1 2014-15 5,105 26.04
2 2015-16 30,568 155.90
3 2016-17 22,455 114.59
4 2017-18 25,224 166.02
5 2018-19 30,607 274.07
6 2019-20 34,598 342.22
7 2020-21 30,868 308.39
8 2021-22 36,415 364.56
Total 2,15,840 1,751.79
Source: Director, SC Development Dept., Hyderabad

82 At A Glance 2022
23 Flagship ii. Scheduled Tribes, 2014-15 to 2021-22

Sl. No Year Bene iciaries Amount

(in Nos.) (Rs. in Crores)

1 2014-15 2,482 12.66

2 2015-16 17,353 88.50
3 2016-17 13,516 68.93
4 2017-18 16,326 108.62
5 2018-19 16,500 146.79
6 2019-20 24,104 236.72
7 2020-21 17,387 173.50
8 2021-22 23,797 238.19
Total 1,31,465 1,073.91
Source: Commissioner Tribal Welfare Dept., Hyderabad.

iii. Back ward Classes (Including EBCs) 2014-15 to 2021-22

Sl. No Year Bene iciaries Amount
(in Nos.) (Rs. in Crores)

1 2014-15 No Scheme No Scheme

2 2015-16 No Scheme No Scheme

3 2016-17 26,798 136.66

4 2017-18 61,475 386.83

5 2018-19 82,573 690.74

6 2019-20 71,430 694.17

7 2020-21 1,32,511 1,320.32

8 2021-22 1,44,203 1,443.17

Total 5,18,990 4,671.88

Source: Commissioner BC Welfare Dept., Hyderabad

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 83

23 Flagship iv. Shaadi Mubarak Scheme for
Minorities 2014-15 to 2021-22

Sl. Bene iciaries Amount

No (in Nos.) (Rs. in Crores)

1 2014-15 5,443 27.76

2 2015-16 27,695 141.24

3 2016-17 23,521 119.96

4 2017-18 24,944 162.26

5 2018-19 34,227 291.70

6 2019-20 36,311 356.05

7 2020-21 29,258 291.40

8 2021-22 29,887 298.20

Total 2,11,286 1,688.59

Source: Commissioner, Minority Welfare Dept.

f. Promotion of Oil Palm Crop -Telangana, 2021-22

Sl No. Category Unit Area/Production

a Bearing Acres 29,331.97

b Non-bearing Acres 21,560.41

Total Acres 50,892.38

c Production MTs 3,60,838.00

Source: Commissioner, Horticulture Dept.

84 At A Glance 2022
23 Flagship g. Pensions under Aasara Scheme
(as on 31-03-2022)

Sl. Bene iciaries Amount disbursed

No. (in Nos.) (Rs. in Crores)

I Monthly Pensions

1 Old Age @ Rs. 2,016 11,42,958 2,440.31

2 Disabled @ Rs. 3,016 4,77,285 1,539.16

3 Widows @ Rs. 2,016 14,15,198 3,098.02

4 Weavers @ Rs. 2,016 35,937 78.14

5 Toddy Tappers @ Rs. 2,016 61,200 133.38

6 HIV Patients @ Rs. 2,016 32,107 69.28

7 Filaria Patients @ Rs. 2,016 16,124 35.52

a Sub Total 31,80,809 7,393.81

II Financial Assistance

8 Beedi Workers @ Rs. 2,016 4,20,873 932.51

9 Single Women @ Rs. 2,016 1,33,456 293.85

b Sub Total 5,54,329 1,226.36

Grand Total (a+b) 37,35,138 8,620.17

Source: CEO, SERP.

h. Implementation of Rythu Bima

Sl. No Description 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Total
1 Farmers Enrolled (Lakhs) 31.25 30.72 32.73 --
2 No. of Claims Settled 17,979 18,918 28,287 65,184
3 Amount (Rs. crores) 899.00 945.90 1,414.44 3,259.34
Sourc e: Commissioner, Agriculture Dept.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 85

23 Flagship i. Implementation of Rythu Bandhu
Sl. Pattadars Amount Extent
No (Lakhs) (Crores) (Lakh Acres)

1 Vanakalam 2018 50.25 5,236.30 130.91

2 Yasangi 2018-19 49.13 5,251.89 131.30

3 Year 2018-19 - 10,488.19 -

4 Vanakalam 2019 51.61 6,125.54 122.51

5 Yasangi 2019-20 42.42 4,406.48 88.13

6 Year 2019-20 - 10,532.02 -

7 Vanakalam 2020 58.02 7,288.70 131.01

8 Yasangi 2020-21 59.33 7,367.85 132.27

9 Year 2020-21 - 14,656.55 -

10 Vanakalam 2021 60.84 7,360.41 147.21

11 Yasangi 2021-22 63.01 7,412.52 148.25

12 Year 2021-22 - 14,772.93 -

Grand Total - 50,449.69 -

Source: Commissioner, Agriculture Dept.

86 At A Glance 2022
23 Flagship j. Sheep Rearing Development

Sl. Current year Cumulative

No. (2021-22) ( as on 31-03-2022)

1 Societies formed (Nos.) 8,109 8,109

2 Grounded Units (Nos.) 21,738 3,91,388

Expenditure incurred
3 33,566.50 4,96,365.00
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Source: Director, Animal Husbandry Dept.

k. Fish Seed Stocking Programme, 2021-22

Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity
1 Fish Seed rearing Ponds Nos. 735
2 Total Water Spread Area Ha 782
Total Water Bodies in
3 Nos. 23,339
which Fish Seed Stocked
4 Total Fish Seed Stocked in lakh Nos. 12,155
Source: Commissioner, Fisheries Dept.

l. Achievement under KCR KIT

Sl. Current Year Cumulative
No. (2021-22) (as on 31.03.2022)

No. of Bene iciaries

1 6,23,124 30,76,266

No. of Institutional
2 2,92,952 13,63,625
Deliveries done

3 No. of KITs distributed 2,26,943 11,09,304

Incentive paid
4 18,621.40 1,17,650.43
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Source: Director, Medical &Family Welfare Dept.

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 87

23 Flagship m. Implementation of Palle Pragathi,
(I-IV Phases)

Sl.No. Item Unit Quantity

Gram Panchayaths Nos. 12,769
1 GPs having Sanitation Amenities
a Tractors Nos. 12,769
b Trollys Nos. 12,769
c Tankers Nos. 12,769
d Drainage Length Kms. 27,287.12
2 Palle Prakruthi Vanams
a Habitations Nos. 19,472
b Habitations where land identi ied Nos. 19,472
c Habitations having PPV Nos. 19,472
d Achievement % 100
e Bruhat PPVs completed Nos. 675
3 Dumping Yards
a Grounded Nos. 12,753
b Completed Nos. 12,753
c Compost Preparation Started Nos. 12,753
4 Vaikunta Dhamams
a Grounded Nos. 12,745
b Completed Nos. 12,741
c Usage Started Nos. 12,669
5 Drying platforms
a Drying Platforms Sanctioned No. 85,561
b Works Grounded No. 45,950
c Works Completed No. 21,706
d Expenditure incurred crore 143.43
Source: Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment.

88 At A Glance 2022
23 Flagship n. Implementation of Pattana Pragathi
Schemes (I-II Phases)

Sl.No. Item Unit Quantity

CC Charges paid Crs. 356.95
Electrical Meters repaired No. 2,178
Capacitors replaced to motors No. 542
Bent Poles straightened No. 988
Rusted Poles replaced No. 788
Loose lines recti ied No. 3,993
New Street light meters provided No. 34
New Sanitation vehicles purchased No. 2,254
Garbage lifted per day Tonnes 4,295
Distributed Dustbins Lakh No. 37.19
Dumping Yards
3 Dry Resource Collection Centers (DRCC) No. 206
Compost sheds No. 224
Target Lakh No. 262.73
Achievement Lakh No. 264.81
Percentage of Survival % 100.80
Pattana Prakruthi Vanalu (PPVs)
PPV (Tree Parks) No. 1,852
Bruhath Pattana Prakruthi Vanalu (BPPV)
Sites identi ied No. 122
Plantation taken up sites No. 77
Plantation Lakh No. 7.76

Directorate of Economics and Statistics 89

23 Flagship n. Implementation of Pattana
Schemes Pragathi (concld.)
(I-II Phases)

Sl No. Item Unit Quantity

Public Toilets
7 Existing No. 4,998
Newly constructed No. 4,133
LED Street Lighting
LEDs required Lakh No. 9.47
8 LEDs supplied Lakh No. 8.93
LEDs installed Lakh No. 7.67
Energy cost saving per Annum Crs. 81.52
9 Target No. 454
Completed No. 291
Source: Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration

o. Telanganaku Haritha Haram, 2015-16 to 2021-22

(in Lakh Nos)
Plantation % of
Sl. Seedlings Plantation
Year Achieve- Achieve-
No. Raised Target
ment ment
1 2015-16 3,862.93 4,000.00 1,586.07 39.65

2 2016-17 4,630.04 4,600.00 3,167.45 68.86

3 2017-18 4,146.82 4,000.00 3,407.93 85.20

4 2018-19 3,923.69 3,827.00 3,198.24 83.57

5 2019-20 7,812.21 8,330.61 3,817.83 45.83

6 2020-21 3,029.43 2,986.46 2,731.16 91.45

7 2021-22 3,466.80 1,991.65 2,013.60 101.10

Source: Chief Conservator of Forest Research & Delopment Circle, Hyderabad

90 At A Glance 2022

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