ss2 Tourism Benefits

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Tourism has not risen to the peak of its potential yet; it still remains a vital sector of the economy

of any
nation that needs to be developed as it can come with a lot of benefits. Below are 7 benefits of tourism
to any country!

1. Employment

This is one of the most important advantages of tourism for Nigeria. The unemployment rate in the
country is very high and tourism can provide job positions for guides, restaurants, coach services and
hotel staff. It will create a great opportunity for business development! It is especially good for the
production of local goods as tourists like to buy local souvenirs. It can also provide additional revenue to
the local budgets.

2. Additional income for the local communities

Tourists like to spend money on local attractions. Nonetheless, people from local communities also
spend much more money. A huge range of basic human requirements are purchased by tourists in cities.
In addition, international tourists usually come with dollars or euros that have to be exchanged for naira,
thereby providing foreign exchange. These foreign currencies help to stabilize the economy of local

3. Diversification

Tourism brings diversification to the local economies; it helps to develop new forms of income, thereby
increasing the creativity potential of local businesspersons. Additional dollars from tourists may work as
an insurance policy for the local governments. It is also important for rural communities whose main
source of income is the agricultural sector; communities need support from more than one sector of the

4. Infrastructure

When tourists come to the local communities, the speed of infrastructural development increases. More
tourists means more funds that will provide new roads, parks and public social amenities for the locals.
Better facilities bring more tourists and great advantages for the locals who get to enjoy them too! It will
provide enough revenues to build schools, hospitals and even airports.

5. Social Advantages

Locals can also enjoy fantastic cultural advantages from tourism! Tourists come with new cultures and
ideas, therefore, you can witness the diversification of cultures in the most cities of the world that are
often visited by tourists. Moreover, local cultures can also be promoted by tourism; for instance, tourists
can pay to watch local dances and buy local souvenirs, etc.

6. Ecology Advantages

Do not forget that bad air or environmental pollution will discourage a lot of tourists from visiting a
country, so dirty and polluted cities cannot be nominees for the best tourist cities of the world. This is
why local communities who are involved in the tourism sector of the economy spend money on cleaning
their cities.

7. Opportunities
Constant visits from tourists can bring a new kind of life to the local communities; it can make them
socially, economically and ecologically active. Therefore, it is quite possible to create a super mega-city
out of a depressive town if you invest in tourism.

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