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Social media changes life.

As we know, social media brings a lot of change. It is like, we could not imagine what
will happen in the past life if we don't have google maps. just like the postman, what will
postman do, if they don't have google maps? Are they going to ask someone about the
addresses every day, Or they will as simply memorize every address by address, and street by
street. Such a complicated way to send a letter to someone's home, right?
Even though in the past it was not a problem. And now, we don't have to send a letter
and postcard anymore. Because currently, we have an easier way to do the same thing, which
is Whatsapp and direct message. Whatsapp provides a service to send messages to someone
as free, calling our relatives, our family, or just as simple as calling our friend to hang up
together, as free.
Firstly, Instagram take the responsible for changes that happens. Instagram will give
you the experience to share the whole thing in your life, a picture of your food, a nice
moment when you traveling around the world, or just to share unnecessary things that going
up through your mind. But, here's the thing. Because all people love to share their 'happy
moments' in life, there are some people that feel sick watching their friends having fun and
enjoying their happy life. It looks like they don't have any problem in their entire life. People
with fully problematic phases will feel envy by watching their friend's Instagram stories. And
ain't few of them who decide to inactive their Instagram account. Meanwhile, the 'happy
living people' have the exact problems and struggles in their life. But they don't share it on
Last one, Social media brings a nightmare to newspaper companies. You can see there are no
much longer people who read the newspaper, cause all the way information you could easily
access from social media, and it is free. According to " By every measure,
digital has been a disaster for the newspaper. The newspaper was the first legacy medium to
take a serious hit from digital alternatives. Revenue peaked in 2006 and has dropped virtually
every year since." A smart newspaper company is going to evolve. As we know, The Daily
Mail and New York Times have evolved to website-based news. And it makes an opportunity
for people who want to build a company that is based on the internet. As we know,
is one of the biggest media in Indonesia, the company's growth was peaking up in 2011.
Chairul Tanjung, the owner of CT Corp saw the opportunity. And in 2011, Chairul Tanjung
has acquired 100% of "On August 3, 2011, CT Corp acquired (PT
Agranet Multicitra Siberkom/Agrakom). Starting on that date, was officially under
Trans Corp. Chairul Tanjung, owner of CT Corp. bought detikcom in total (100 percent) with
a value of US $ 60 million or Rp 521-540 billion. After being taken over, then the board of
directors will be filled by parties from Trans Corp —"source:
So we can conclude, that social media give a big impact on our life. We can meet our family
without going to their house. Just because we could see their face through the monitor, it
doesn’t mean that we don’t have to meet them right? Put down your phone, and enjoy your
time with your family, as long as they are still around. You need to take a rest from the hustle
and bustle of your life. Meet them, and enjoy.

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