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Sekolah : SMK Penerbangan Padang

Tahun Pelajaran : 2016 / 2017

Mata Pelajaran : Conversation

Kelas : X

Kompetensi Keahlian : Serum

No Semester Standar Kompetensi Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Alokasi

Kompetensi Dasar Waktu

1. I / Ganjil 1. 1. 1 Performin 1. Greeting 2 x 45’

Performing  Good morning
g greeting
and using  Good afternoon
some and leave  Good evening
expressions  Hi/Hello
in social Leave Takings
interaction  Sorry, I have to go now
  I’ll talk to you later
 It’s been nice talking to
 Good night
  Good bye
 See you

1.2 Practicing Introducing oneself: 2 x 45’

Introducing  I am……. (Mr. / Miss. /
Oneself and Mrs + family name)
other  Let me introduce myself
to you
 Allow me to introduce
myself to you.
b) Introducing people:
 May I introduce you to
 Let me introduce you to
 I’d like you to meet ….
 I don’t think you have
met …, do you?
 You haven’t met …, have
 Have you met …?
 Do you know …?
 This is ….
c) Responding to
 (It’s) nice to meet you.
 Nice meeting you.
 (I’m) pleased to meet you.
 Happy to meet you.
 Glad to know you.
How do you do?
1.3 Performing Expression Thanking 2 x45’
response of  Thank you.
thanking  Thanks
 Thanks a lot
 Thank you very much
 you are welcom
 don’t mention it.
 The same to you
1.4 Performing Dialog that include greeting, 4 x 45’
a dialog leave taking, introducing self
related to and other, expressing thanking
2. 2. 1 Practicng Expression sympaty : 2 x 45’
Practicing  I’m sorry to hear about
sympathy that
utterance and  Oh, that’s too bad. I’m
sorry to hear that
2. 2 Performin Asking for Permission: 4 x 45’
g of asking
 Can I go out, please?
and giving  May I open the window,
 Please, can I have a look
at your photo album?
 Please, may I taste that
hot spicy couscous dish?
 Do you mind if I smoke?
 Would you mind if I
asked you something?
 Is it okay if I sit here?
 Would it be all right if I
borrowed your mobile

Giving Permission:

 Yes, please do.

 Sure, go ahead.
 Sure.
 No problem.
 Please feel free.

Refusing to give

 No, please don’t.

 I’m sorry, but that’s not

I'm afraid, but you can't

2. 3 Performin Formal Expressions 4 x 45’
ga offering help
dialogue  MayI help you?
about  Shall I help you your
offering project?
something ................... + verb
without to
 Shall I .........? (Shall I take
this file?)
 Would you like to drink
some coffee?
.................. + noun or verb
with to
Informal Expressions
offering help
 Can I help you?
 Do you want me to have a
look .....? (at your work, at
you problem)
I’d be glad to help .......
Accepting the offers
 Yes, please. I’d love to.
 If you wouldn’t mind.
(this expression can use
if you don’t want his/her
 Thank you, that would
be great.
Declining the offers
 It’s okay I can do it my
 Don’t worry I’ll do it
No. Thank you
3. 3. 1 Practicing Inviting someone 4 x 45’
Practicing  I would you like you
simple to…
invitation to friends  We would be pleased
if you could…
 Would you like to…
3. 2 Performin 2 x 45’
 Shall we…
ga  How about…
 Won’t you…
 I wonder if you’d like
about to…
invatiton of  Would you care to…
Accepting an invitation
party or  Thank you. Yes I’d like
meeting to…
 Yes, I would. Thanks.
 That would be very nice.
3.3 Performing 2 x 45’
Thank you.
a dialogue  All right!
about invitation
 O.K.!
of interview
 Yes, I’d like to very
 Yes, I’d love to.
 I will.
 Yes, I’d be delighted to.
Declining an invitation
 I would love to, but…
 That’s great,

 That’s very kind of you,
 Sorry, that wouldn’t be
 Thanks anyway.
I’d like to very much, but…
II / Genap 4. Asking 4. 1 Performin Asking Suggestion or 2 x 45’
and Giving Advice
g asking
 Do you have any
sugesstion suggestion for me?
4. 2 Practicing  Will you give me some 2 x 45’
suggestion, please?
a dialogue  Shall I come back later?
about  Any idea?
 Where do you think I can
asking get something nice?
suggestion  Can you tell me what
4. 3 Performin 2 x 45’
 Please tell me what should
g giving I do?
What would you advise us
sugesstion to do?
4.4 Practicing  Do you have any 2 x 45’
a dialogue
 What do you think I
about giving should do?
 What do you suggest?
 Would you like to…..?
 Shall we go….   ?
Giving Suggestion
 You’d better….
 You could (might)….
 I suggest that you….
 I recommend that you
 You really should….
 I strongly advise you to….
 I think you should….
Maybe you should …
Why do not you …
 I’d like to suggest that
 I advise ……….
 You should……..
It’s better for you
 You must ………
 Perhaps you should lie
 It’s best to ….
 You need/ought to
Make sure you ….
5. 5. 1 Performin How to make, do something, 2 x 45’
Describing and use something
g about  Ingredients
how to  The step

5. 2 Practicing 2 x 45’
to making
drinks and
5. 3 Practicing 6 x 45’
about how
to repair
the aircraft
or how to
of aircraft

Mengetahui Padang, Mei 2016

Kepala SMK Penerbangan – S.P.A.N Padang Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Disman Simanihuruk Reni Marisa, S.Pd.

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