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Clark Milktea- Sales and Inventory System



Bantayan, Hanzon Jay

Carbon, Jonathan Kim C.

Malabad, Albert Jr. C.

Primavera, Daniel P.

Villalva, Arlyn V.

1.1 Introduction and its Background

Sales refers to the exchange of a product, commodity, service or delivery for money. It
involves helping prospective clients or customers by listening to them and understanding
their wants and needs to find them what they’re looking for. Rather than persuading
someone to purchase something, selling is focused on meeting the needs of the customer

Inventory or stock refers to the goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate
goal of resale, production or utilization. Inventory management is a discipline primarily about
specifying the shape and placement of stocked goods.

Clark milk tea shop was located 463-I ML Quezon Street Lower Bicutan Taguig City, Clark
Milk Tea Shop was started opened in September 20, 2020 the named Clark was got to the
First letter of names of their family, Arlyn Villalva, borrowed capital from their Parents,
initially planning to use it to run a little Milk Tea cart in a mall. They realized though that they
might not get enough attention and customers since they were not yet a known brand. They
decided to put up their own shop, but it took them a while to find the space on ML Quezon
Street Lower Bicutan Taguig City.

Once the doors were open, it also took a while for the long lines of customers to find its way
there. It was very hard in the first place," Arlyn’s Father recalls.

They were losing money in the first two months, so much so that they were already looking
at the possibility of closing shop if the business didn't pick up before the year was over.
Then on the four months, business did not only pick up, but it also exploded. Arlyn and with
her father, who handles product development getting the right tea flavors would make or
break Clark Milktea. Choosing a drink at Clark Milktea involves many decisions, Arlyn and
her father want to make sure the choices are all appealing.

The menu features many variants of freshly brewed tea, mixed with milk, lattes, or fruit
flavors, sweetened with the amount of sugar you prefer, and containing different "sinkers"
(including pearls or sago, crystals and nata de coco,) For Arlyn, this personalized way of
selecting one's drink-from the kind of tea to the sugar level-is just one way of pushing the
Clark Milktea brand. Way back then, it had been a unique selling point, but today, it's

become the standard. In 2020, to keep people coming back (even though many were
already hooked), they came out with a loyalty card that give customers a free drink for every
10 drinks purchased. The card was a big hit and customers trooped to Clark for their milk
tea fix and stamp-and to claim their free drink 10 orders later. 

Currently the Clark Milktea’s transaction is manual and they used a normal calculator to
compute the order of the customer the inventory of Clark Milktea is also manual it is hard to
monitor their records because they have lack of computerized inventory and sometimes they
miscount the change of the customer of their manual computing.

As a solution the proponents create a computerized Clark Milktea to avoid a human error
and to speed up the process and transaction of the Clark Milktea and the inventory system
is more accurate to input a product compare to the manual. The programming language use
the developers is Microsoft visual basic 2022 and the database is SQL Server 2022.

This system can accessed by the following super admin (owner) can access the whole
system, admin can access the system except for adding an admin, and cashier can access
the transaction.

1.2 Objective of the Study

1.2.1 General Objective

● To design, develop and implement a computerized sales and inventory sales for Clark

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

 To design, develop and implement the system that will manage the inventory of
accessible products.

 To design, develop and implement the system for showing products available for the

 To design, develop and implement the system for easier access and reduce errors in
management of data.

 To design, develop and implement the system that can supply an exact sales report.

 To design, develop and implement the system that can create point of sales

1.3 Conceptual Framework

INPUT Process Output

Software requirements:

Windows 8 or higher version of Requirements analysis

operating system

Microsoft Visual Basic

2022 ver. 17.4.2
MS SQL ver. 15.00.4153

Hardware requirement:

Minimum of Intel Core i3 or Clark Milktea- Sales and

AMD Radeon Inventory System
At least 8GB RAM and 256 HDD (CM-SIS)

Minimum Requirement:
Minimum of Intel Core i3 or
AMD Radeon

At least 4GB RAM and 126 HDD hermal Printer

Other Devices: Utp cabl
Thermal printer

Utp cable


People ware:

Super Admin (Owner)

Waterfall Model

Input – The software requirements of creating a system are Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 to
develop a computer program for the system and the database is Microsoft SQL 2022 is to
storing data, the operating system must be Windows 8 or higher version of the operating
system. In hardware requirements, the minimum of server requirements are; Intel Core i3 or
AMD Radeon, for the memory must be 8GB RAM and 256 HDD, for the client requirements
is; Intel Core i3 or AMD Radeon and the capacity of the memory must have 4GB RAM and
126 HDD, and people ware there are 3 users to manage the system these are Super Admin
can access all the whole system, Admin has a limited access to system, the cashier can
manage the whole transaction.

Process - Requirement Analysis – Before creating a system, we examine first the client
computer requirements, if the system requirement are met, the proponents will begin the
process of evaluation to the Clark Milktea (CM-SIS), and they use the manual gathering of
the inventory and the transaction of the CM in which lead to the inaccurate inputting the right

Design – We discuss together with the CM owner what will be the design of the system, and
they want is easy to understand, the proponents will change their manual process into

Coding – In the coding, the proponents will creating a functional system for the CM using
the Microsoft Visual Basic 2022 and the Microsoft SQL 2022, these will help to execute the
plan during the design phase.

Testing – In these phase after finished the coding, the proponents will examine the system
if is fully functional, and will conduct trial and error to the system before to implement this
system to the users.

Implementation - After in testing phase, this system is can used in the business and can be
implemented to the users.

Maintenance - This is a procedure that helps our system for fixing and stabilize. Especially
if the system wants to update or add a new features to system.

1.4 Statement of the Problem (before implementation)

1.4.1 General Problem

 How to design, develop and implement a computerized sales and inventory sales for
clark milktea.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

 How to design, develop and implement the system that will manage the inventory of
accessible products?
 How to design, develop and implement the system for showing products available for
 How to design, develop and implement the system for easier access and reduce
errors in management of data?
 How to design, develop and implement the system that can supply an exact sales
 How to design, develop and implement the system that can create points of sales?

1.5 Statement of the Problem (after implementation)



































1.6 Hypothesis of the Study

At the 0.05 level of significance, there is no difference in the results of the evaluation
of the Super Admin, Admin, and Cashier of Efficiency, Functionality, Security, Accuracy,
User Friendliness and Maintainability.

The Sales and Inventory System will help our beneficiary to improve their monthly
and yearly sales. The manual transactions is consuming, and inconvenient when it comes to
recording, updating, storing, organizing and retrieving records.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is a section in the introduction of your thesis or paper.
Its purpose is to make clear why your study was needed and the specific contribution your
research made to furthering academic knowledge in your field.

SUPER ADMIN - is the person who looks after all network management. A super admin
user has the ability to: Manage the access and level of responsibility of all users on all sites
on your network.

ADMIN - A staff will have an easy way to record the sales inventory products efficiently,
reduce time to search records and keep the record of the products of the store and
simplifying the process of updating records.

Cashier - It will be convenient to the cashier having a computerize management system it

will lessen his/her time to compute and make easier to manage the store.

Future researchers

They can use this project as a reference to their system and help them to continue their
dreams to become a better programmer this will serve as a basis reference to the future
researchers whose studies related to the system.


The proponent’s responsibilities include writing code, but also contribute too many other
feature project and aspect software development process.

Clark Milktea

Clark milktea will benefits with the CM-SIS it will be effective for their business process by
converting their manual process of transaction into computerized one this improve efficiency
reduces human error and improves the bottom line.

Clark Milktea Owners

Clark milktea owners will also benefits with the CM-SIS it will be effective for their business
because they will need fewer workers for their milktea shop due to the use of our Clark
Milktea Sales and Inventory System.

Clark Milktea Management

Clark milktea management also benefits for easy and fast transaction to the customer and
also they will speed up their work using our Clark Milktea Sales and Inventory System.

1.8 Scope and Limitation

Manage Account
● Can add, edit and delete User Accounts

● Can add, edit and delete Products

Product List
● Can add and edit product name
● Can edit the rate percentage of the Vat

● Can edit the discount

● Can search and view the products
Point of Sales
● Can compute the total amount, discount and Vat of products

● The system is for Clark Milktea only
● Only cash payment is allowed
● Barcode scanner cannot be used because we didn’t use the barcodes in the system.
● The system can be used only for computer devices

1.9 Definition of Terms

Technical terms

 DATABASE - is a systematic collection of data. They support electronic storage and

manipulation of data.
 DDL - A data definition language is a language used within a database to define data
and modify the tables that organize data.
 DDR4 - is the fourth generation of DDR RAM, a type of memory commonly used in
desktop and laptop computers.
 DOMAIN - A domain is a group of computers that are based on the same network or
server so they can access each other, or so you can run the same processes on
each one simultaneously.
 END USER - An end user is the person who is the intended user of a piece of
software or hardware. Designers or engineers refer to the end user when clarifying
the purpose of their product and how it will be useful.
 Microsoft Windows - In general, a window is a fundamental part of a computer GUI
(graphical user interface). A window is an area of the display containing a single
running application.
 .NET Framework - is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs
primarily on Microsoft Windows.
 OS - A computer uses its operating system to perform all the computer's processes
and functions and to run applications.
 SKU - is a way to catalog and reference products in your inventory. Before you can
track your inventory, you must correctly set up SKUs for each of your products.
 SSD - A solid-state drive (SSD) is a new generation of storage device used in
computers. SSDs use flash-based memory.
 SQL - domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing
data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream
processing in a relational data stream management system

 VISUAL STUDIO - is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It
is used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services
and mobile apps.

Operational Terms

• Accuracy – The Degree of Closeness of the Measurements to the Target or Ref. Value.
• Client - Any Computer Hardware or Software Device That Requests Access to a
Service Provided by a Server.
• Data – The Information That Has Been Translated into a Form That Is Efficient for
Movement or Processing.
• Desktop - Personal Computer Designed for Regular Use at a Single Location on or
Near a Desk Due to Its Size and Power Requirements
• Efficiency - The Ratio of Useful Work to Resources (Processor and Storage)
• Functionality- The Sum or Any Aspect of What a Product, Such as A Software
Application or Computing Device, Can Do for A User.
• Hardware - he computer's tangible components or delivery systems that store and run
the written instructions provided by the software
• Maintainability - the degree to which an application is understood, repaired, or
enhanced, specified condition when maintenance is performed by personnel having
specified skill levels using prescribed procedures and resources at each prescribed level
of maintenance and repair.
• Security - the protection of computer systems and information from harm, theft, and
unauthorized use
• Server - is a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer
program and its user, also known as the client

• Table - is an arrangement of information or data, typically in rows and columns, or

possibly in a more complex structure
 User-Friendliness – easy to learn, use, understand or deal with

1.10 UML Diagram









1.11 ERD Diagram



This chapter presents the related studies and related literature of the study improvement for
the Clark Milktea Sales and Inventory System (CM-SIS). This chapter includes the ideas,
finished thesis, generalization or conclusions, methodologies and others. Those that were
included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the
present study.

2.1 Review on Related Studies

2.1.1 Foreign Studies


Title: Sales and Inventory Management System

Author: Rahmat bee abdul Aleem

Date Published: September 2013


The study is for retail business for maximizing profit from customer satisfaction and loyalty
towards the store by providing more personalize service from the customer. However, retail
business also easy to lose its possible customer if they do not have sufficient stocks in the
store. Thus, in this paper, the developer had identified problem related with inventory that
exists in a one of oldest retail store in Taman Majuknown as Rahmath Store. The major
problem of the store is they do not have proper inventory control system in guiding and
managing their sale and inventory level of the store.

In relation to this study, both studies want to study the proper satisfaction of the customer
and also want proper services. Both studies start on manual inventory and don’t have proper
inventory control system.

Title: Inventory management of perishable products with fixed shelf life for a single echelon
Author: JibinNoble, KurianJohn, BrijeshPaul

Date Published: August 2 2022


This study is for perishable goods play an important role in our daily lives as well as in the
retail industry. For products such as bakery goods, inventory optimization is very much
important as it has a shorter shelf life and uncertain demand due to dynamic consumer
behavior. Baked products are as popular as they've ever been, however, consumer demand
is shifting in fascinating ways. Consumers are more conscious about their health than ever
before and their demand for fresh foods has skyrocketed. There lies the importance of
requirement of an effective inventory management system in the bakery sector to provide
fresh products reducing the wastage.

In relation to this study, both studies want to study the inventory optimization this is a
strategy for balancing the amount of working capital that's tied up in inventory with service-
level goals across multiple stock-keeping units.

Title: Inventory Control
Author: Youssef Shaik

Date Published: March 3 2013


This study entitled INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is developed as part of the VI

Semester RDBMS package project for the partial fulfillment of the MCA degree.
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a software application maintain the records
related to purchase, sales, returns, stock updating, cash and bank flows and the reorder
level of music store. The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system
of manually maintain the records of the counter sales, purchases, reorder levels, Supplier
and Customer monetary positions and other related transactions made at the counter. This
application can be used by any music store to automate the process of manually
maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and liquid flows. The
transactions related to purchase, sale and returns are maintained manually at present along
with maintaining the accounts of the customers and the suppliers

In relation to this study, both studies want to study the inventory system. inventory control
by Youssef Shaik want to automate the process of manually maintaining the records, stock
and sales while Clark Milktea Sales and Inventory study the sales and inventory to speed
up the order transaction process and manage the products if the item still available.

Title: Sales and Inventory for New Menton (SISNM)
Author: Khristine Kate

Date Published: March 27 2020


This study is for integrates the sales and inventory in one easy to use program. It can be
able to track down sales, orders, payments, and stock level with its database. The system
provides an intuitive interface for querying product price, product description, and stock
availability, ordered and deliverd items, customer information, and balance account for
assessment of sales and inventory and computation

In relation to this study, both studies want to study the same system. Sales and Inventory for
New Menton (SISNM) by Khristine Kate want to make a system that can provide easy to use
program for sales, order, payment, and stock level same as Clark Milktea Sales and
Inventory System wants so we can easily track down the sales, order, payments and stock
also in helps of this system it will easier the work of a employee.

Title: Predicting retailer orders with POS and order data: The Inventory balance effect
Author: Brent D Williams, Matthew A. Waller, Sanjay Ahire and Gary D. Ferrier

Date Published: 25 July 2013.


This study advances in retail point-of-sale (POS) data sharing, retailers’ suppliers struggle to
effectively use POS data to improve their fulfillment planning processes. The challenge lies
in predicting retailer orders. We present evidence that retail echelon inventory processes
translate into a long-run balance or equilibrium between orders and POS, which we refer to
as the inventory balance effect, allowing for more accurate order forecasting. Based on the
inventory balance effect, this research prescribes a forecasting approach which
simultaneously uses both sources of information (retailer order history and POS Data) to
predict retailer orders to suppliers. Using data from a consumable product category, this
approach is shown to outperform approaches based singularly on order or POS data.

In relation to the study, both studies want to study the point of sale (POS). Author of
predicting retailer order with POS and order data want to study the inventory balance while
Clark Milktea Sales and Inventory System Proponent want to study on how point of sale will
help to speed up the work or transaction using the point of sale (POS).

2.1.2. Local Studies


Title: Online Sales and Inventory System for De Oro Therapeutic Center

Author: Meljoyce G. Andres, Arlito T. Baldoza Jr, Rizza M. Mendoza

Date Published: July 2010


This study intends to make an Online Sales and Inventory System for De Oro Therapeutic
Center that will resolve all the problems encountered by the proponents. This system is
planned to contain modules for a sales, inventory, and reports generation. The site will hold
three types of login access, namely the customer, staff and administrator. The customer,
which is the default user of the system, will be able to access only the online shop. The staff
can access the on-the-counter shop for walk-in customers while the administrator accounts
can access all levels of login and will have the capacity to hold, edit and maintain the
database and the system itself.

In relation to the study, both studies want to study Sale and Inventory System. Author of
Sales and Inventory System for De Oro Therapeutic Center want to study a Sales and
Inventory that will resolve the problems of proponents while Clark Milktea Sales and
Inventory System want to study Sales and Inventory System that can help Clark Milktea
from manual to computerized system that will help speed up their employees work.

Title: Point of Sale and Inventory System Capstone Project


Date Published: March 1 2019


This study is to design and develop a POS (Point of Sale) application for the business
establishments, the said application will help enhance the productivity of the office and at
the same time will make their transactions much easier.

It is a Solution designed with an optimized and systematic POS that has a user-friendly
interface as well as a systematic and automated approach for easier handling and this
improvement of the Data Management System. This project demonstrates the efficient and
effective data and inventory management. It uses less of time for accessing data or
information about the client and at the same time makes the process become faster.

in relation to the study, both studies have a point of sale system that can speed up the
process for the user. In the helps of POS or Point of Sale the user like the admin and
cashier can easily access data or information also both studies want to establish a system
that can helps a user to make easier transaction or managing the inventory.

Title: Inventory Ordering System

Author: Globe Business Philippines

Date Published: January 2011


This study track your supplies using Globe’s Inventory Ordering System. The cost-effective
and highly innovative inventory management system gives you instant access to stock
levels, allowing for timely orders and zero wastage. Get real-time reports what the inventory
system does is allow you to order supplies based on the most current data. This minimizes
overstocking and at the same time, frees up resources for more urgent needs. Cut through
red tape The Inventory Ordering System gives you better control over your supply chain,
affording you the convenience of being able to place orders online or via SMS. And because
the system automatic all generates inventory and sales reports, your employees will have
less paperwork to file and more time to focus on operations. Perfect for businesses with
franchise operations, this user-friendly inventory management system can be customized for
any multi-site company, commissary, or warehouse backend ordering operation.

In relation to the study, both studies want to study the important and effectiveness of
inventory. Author of Globe Inventory Ordering System and Clark Milktea Sales and
Inventory System both want to make a computerized inventory system that will help their
user to manage all the supplies or product easily.

Title: LC Pc Net Sales and Inventory System

Date Published: October 2010

Technology has taken a big leap forward in 21st century, with computer
Programs, electronics upgrading by the month & even by the day. Technology has
influenced & greatly simplified almost in every aspect of a student’s life today. It is amazing
what technology has done to our society and how dependent we have become on it. Having
computers in the workplace has enable the business to our more efficiently and has
contributed in having on all around better businesses, using computers cut down our work
time, we don’t have to write everything out by hands or type out on typewriters. This
increase in usage of computer proves that computers have affected every aspect of our
lives and have become one of the necessities. Many developers have contributed to such
an advancement and widespread of computer technology. Nowadays there are so many
companies using technical system to improve the quality of service of their company, but
there are some companies still using manual computing for their product inventory like LC
Pc Net Sales & Services.
LC Pc Net Sales & Services is owned by Mr. Leo Boongaling. It is established on April 2010.
It is the first company that he built in order to apply his knowledge and skills in his past
schooling, together with his friends as employee. And it is located at 2nd floor L. Boongaling
Commercial Complex # 2 Rizal Street Poblacion Candelaria, Quezon. Their products are
such peripherals. And in the ground floor they have Louis and Nathalie Computer Shop.

In relation to the study, both studies both study start for manual process. Lc Pc Nets Sales &
Services is using manual computing on their product while Clark Milktea is using manual
computing on the customer order and payments.

Title: Computerized Sales and Inventory System for Anthony's General

Author: Merchandise and Construction Supply
Date Published: January 2013

Many people use computers in their daily lives. Some use it for Transactions, some use it
for educational purposes and others use it for data storage. Though it might sound
unnecessary but in some cases when storing a file for such a big company, can you
manage it properly? Organizing, finding a file, etc. With computers, it can help you simplify
the process of storing and managing the files you need for future use and make finding files
easier than the manual process.
Computerized Sales and Inventory System is a product of human knowledge with a use of
technology so why not use technology as an advantage and benefit ourselves. This
proposed system aims to lighten works and solve the problems involving strict and complex
recording and calculations.
Anthony’s General Merchandise & Construction Supply is still under the manual method
since the business started back in April 2000. The business is located first at Riverside then
they transferred to Road BHS near Quezon City Polytechnic University. It is a family owned
business by Mrs. Herminia Baguino. They have 1 cashier, 3 sales persons, 2 drivers, 4
delivery men, 1 staff that is in charge of the warehouse. The cashier is the person who
keeps the money in their money box, the sales person are those who talks to the
customers and responsible in providing the customers’ needs The driver and delivery men
are those workers who are responsible for the delivery of the items to the customers.

In relation to the study, both studies both study want to make a computerized system for the
owner. Author of Computerized Sales and Inventory System want to make a Computerize
system and also gather information on the owner of the Anthony’s General Merchandise &
Construction Supply while Clark Miltea Sales and Inventory System proponents gather
some information and data also ask question to the owner of Clark Milktea.

2.2 Review on Related Literature

2.2.1 Foreign Literature


Title: Sales and Inventory System

Proponents: John Trance

Date Published: February 3 2020


The study used manual sales and inventory system which sometimes give them the burden
on computing and monitoring the acquired and obtained products as well as processing of
the transactions. The company’s reports, personal, and transaction records can be easily
modified by other personnel because of its poor security. So as a solution to the stated
problem above, a computerized sales and inventory system can reduce their burden and
hard times in computing, monitoring and securing their transactions. The computerized
system computes sales transaction accurately, and reduced time consumption.

In relation to this literature, both proponents starts from manual sales and inventory system
which give them slow and poor monitoring of their products and also their transaction.

Title: Project report on sales and inventory management system

Proponents: Scribd

Date Published:  Nov 09, 2009


This study is to provide user efficient working environment and more output can be
generated through this. This system provides user friendly interface resulting in knowing
each and every usability features of the system. This system helps in tracking records so
that past records can be verified through them and one can make decisions based on the
past records. This system completes the work in a very less time resulting in less time
consumption and high level of efficiency and also to develop in such way that even a naïve
user can also operate the system easily. Also this system provides a high level of security
for data leaking as only admin people can access the database no changes can be made in
it until it verifies the user login and password

In relation to this literature, both proponents want to study the user efficient and high level of
security of their system. Both proponents want to make a user friendly interface for the
admin and cashier also to the owner so they can use the system easily also both
proponents want to make a strong security using database.

Title: Automated Canteen Ordering System
Proponents: Namrata Pandey, Shatakshi Sharma, Vidushi Sharma, Tushar Garg

Date Published: May 2022


Today, customers have little time to squander while waiting for a server to take their order at
a cafeteria. A lot of clients come to the canteen during their lunch or recess, so they only
have a short amount of time to eat before heading back to their workplaces or educational
facilities. They can save time by ordering meals anytime they want without having to contact
the waiter many times, thanks to this programmer. With manual systems, you'll have to deal
with a lot more files and manuals. It's a risky and time-consuming operation to save critical
knowledge in files and manuals. The project includes a framework that shows how internet
technology may be used gradually as abilities and confidence build as a progression from
modifying materials to establishing an online environment. An e-menu card is available for
end customers to utilize to read and pick food, and they may order food online by choosing
the items they want. An E-menu card with your selections appears near the chef preparing
your meal, so you can see what you've ordered right away.

In relation to this literature, both proponents want to make a system that can help the
customer also the owner and user like admin, cashier from the help of this system it also
speed up the ordering of a customer and their payment process to satisfy them for not
waiting so long.


Title:  Wal-Mart Inventory System

Proponents: The Associated Press

Date Published: 2014


Wal-Mart runs its stores on a perpetual inventory system. This system records the quantity
of items sold as items are purchased. The computer system of Wal-Mart constantly keeps
up with additions or deductions from inventory and tells management what items are on
hand. The organization also conducts counts of employee manual counts of inventory
periodically. When an item arrives at the Wal-Mart distributing center it is scanned into their
inventory system. When the items are purchased by the consumer, the point of sale system
reduces the inventory from that purchase.

In relation to this literature, both proponents are similar in a way of using inventory system
and using point of sales. As for Clark Milktea Sales and Inventory proponents proposed
Point of Sales and Inventory System that can helps the cashier and customer for faster


Title: The Advantages of a Computerized Inventory Management System

Proponents: Bonnie Conrad

Date Published: 2013


Computerized Inventory Management System give advantage to the business like first, the
Speed and Efficiency. A computerized inventory management system makes everything
from inputting information to taking inventory easier. Doing a hand count of inventory can
take days, but with a computerized inventory management system, the same process can
be done in a matter of hours. Second the Document Generation, once the computerized
inventory management system is in place, managers and workers can use it to automatically
generate all kinds of documents, from purchase orders and checks to invoice sand account
statements. Managers can also use the system to automatically order products when they
run low. Third, the Timely Data with a manual system, the data is only as accurate and up to
date as the last hand count. With a computerized inventory management system, the
management team can pull a report and instantly see how many units are on the floor, how
many have sold and which products are selling the fastest.

In relation to this literature, both proponents are aiming the advantages of Computerized
Inventory Management System. Bonnie Conrad the author want to aim the advantages of a
computerized inventory management system to makes inventory easier while Clark Milktea
proponents aiming to improve the transaction, managing items, storing product and
payments of the customer.

2.1.2. Local Literature

Title: Sales and Inventory System

Proponents: eahm05

Date Published: January 2013


Computerize sales and inventory system. Computers began from a wild imaginative idea to
the world’s highly prioritized tool. Computers today are now used as a substitute to manual
processes and other past inventions like the radio, television, etc. It is now used by people
for much simpler, easier and faster way to do things. Some used it as a hobby, and some
use it as a job. Technology has never stopped from advancing through the years. Its new
innovations helps Answer the people’s further complex questions. Why not use these
advantages to benefit ourselves? Many people use computers in their daily lives. Some use
it for transactions, some use it for educational purposes and others use it for data storage.
Though it might sound unnecessary but in some cases when storing a file for such a big
company, can you manage it properly? Organizing, finding a file, etc. With computers, it can
help you simplify the process of storing and managing the files you need for future use and
make finding files easier than the manual process.

In this study emphasize the cycle of sales and inventory on how the supplies received,
distribute and balances. It can help you simplify the process of storing and managing the
files and give proper organizing and storing of files.

In relation to this literature, both proponents are similar in way of managing the files and
storing files using Sales and Inventory System it will helps the owner managing products
and storing items easily.


Title: Online Sales Monitoring and Inventory System

Proponents: KONEK.COM

Date Published: January 2011


The problem of the conducted research is about the company’s sales monitoring and
inventory system. Keeping records of sales and inventories manually are the current method
used by the company. Due to this current method of inventory system, the company has
encountered several problems regarding the monitoring and stocks checking. KONEK.COM
management once said, “Manual method is very hassle and time consuming process of
inventory. It has many drawbacks as there are many mistakes while recording large data
and it disturb some important transaction sometimes”. Upon hearing this, the researchers
developed a system which will help the management keep record of inventories in
systematic way and help them produce report about the inventory or stock currently
available in their store in automatic way. Through this the hassle and committing mistakes
while recording large data could be avoided. Also the work of the management and the time
consume during inventory will be minimize. KONEK.COM is a hardware store located at
Mabini St., Molave Zamboanga del sur. It was owned and managed by Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Megapatan. They started at a very small scale business selling cell phone accessories. But
because of the company’s dedication for hard work and determination to rise among others,
the very small hardware store becomes one of those who are trusted when it comes to
supplying electronic devices such as computers, computer accessories, cell phones, cell
phone accessories, flash drives and etc. in its community. Today KONEK.COM, having
three branches with in the municipality, boasts its tag as one of its community’s leading
hardware store.

In relation to this literature, both proponents are similar on keeping records of sales and
inventories of their products manually. By the help of computerized inventory it will allow
both proponents to easily track orders, sales and stocks.


Title: Inventory System for Best Choice Rice Deale

Proponents: Bisagas, Arivada, andTanteo

Date Published: Octorber 2009


The process of counting the sacks of rice is done manually, which corresponds to difficulty
in tallying the number of available stocks and sold items. The Manual generation of
inventory reports such as daily, weekly, quarterly and annual inventory list of records
remains as one of their key problem since the establishment of the business. The
transaction processing system for Best Choice Rice Dealer will minimize the difficulty the
owner in processing inventory. It will monitor the availability of product items for reorder
to prevent under stocking, overstocking or running out of stocks. The system will also
generate necessary reports of inventory such as sales reports.

In relation to this literature, both proponents are similar in transaction and deal with manual
process, this kind of idea lead in creating computerized system. So Clark Milktea
proponents propose a POS system that can help beneficiary. Using this system it will
improve the transaction and inventory of the items or products.


Title: Thesis Chapter1

Proponents: Study

Date Published: August 10 2021


Trisales Business Systems Corporation, built for almost 30 years already, is a company
engaged in the business of retailing office equipment. Such equipment range from
Photocopying machine, Fax machines, down to smaller ones such as calculators and
electronic typewriters. Their main suppliers include big names in the appliance industry
including Sharp Philippines, Copier Online, Epson Corporation, Panasonic and Sanyo.
TBSC is a small to medium in size. All in all, the company consist of no more than 50
employees, including the staff and the people in the managerial levels. They cater to a
number of clients around the Cebu province. TBSC is located in Ramos St., Cebu City.

The main aim of sales and stock inventory system is to hold the inventory records accurately
and a healthier sales transactions with their customers and suppliers. Manual recording is
really giving them hard time in going thru further for their business. And because they
include big names in the appliance industry with a number of clients around the Cebu
province, they need to provide an accurate records of their transactions including their
inventory as much as well. They also want to have a more secure business flow, and for a
well-organized inventory and transaction records. To necessary avoid chaos when it comes
to storing information. They believe that having a healthy system for their company is
another way of showing their professionalism in the business industry.

In relation to this literature, both proponents are similar for aiming accurate sales and
inventory for their customer and suppliers. Both proponents want to aim a high and quality
service for their customer.


Title: ELICITATION SAMPLE (Inventory System)


Date Published: August 10 2021


Inventory systems are tracking systems that provide companies with the ability to trace the
supplies and raw materials needed to attain needed products to meet customer demand.
Some organizations still operates manual inventory system, from stocks, products, ordering,
purchases and etc recorded in a book. This is faced with errors, incompleteness, and
insufficient data for analysis. Information regarding stocks, products, sales and purchases
are still in black and white which is not properly organized and managed. From the
wholesalers to retailer bills, tickets, vouchers, receipts of products are recorded in a book
but further operations are not being properly handled. As a result, it is difficult in processing,
updating and managing.

In relation to this literature, both proponents are focused to improving their inventory.
Manual inventory sometimes we make mistakes in computation or inventory. One of the
goals of Clark Milktea is to prevent mistakes or error and have accurate system for sales
and inventory.

2.3 Synthesis

This chapter review of Related Literature and Studies has been made, it was observed that
the current studies were focused on the proposed system entitled of Clark Milktea Sales and
Inventory System using thermal printer. With the above mention studies and literature it
shows that the analysis has the same procedure on the system that being proposed. With
the help of this literature and studies, we gather information and knowledge about the
system that we are going to develop and implement in this project. The following are the
listed information and data adopted from the literature and studies:

 This helps us identify the problem and flow about Sales and Inventory System.
 This also offers us idea about the constraints, features and objectives about the
 The following also tell us what reports should be generated in this system
including the purpose of each report.
 The problems and issues that we were going to encounter during the development of
this project.
 This helps us identify the losing features of their system that we can include in our


This chapter includes the research design, the data and its sources, the research
instrument(s), the procedure, the data gathering procedure, and the plan for data analysis.

This study will utilize descriptive method of research. Descriptive method is defined as
collection of data in order to gather information from participants. Using this methods of
research, the researchers will identify the major problems occur in the current system, the
advantages and disadvantages of the current system and so that the researchers will
identify what would be the solution for the problems that the current system has.

3.1: Research and Design

Descriptive method of research will be employed in different phases of the project.

Specifically, the proponents will be using descriptive research in identifying and defining the
nature, scope and conduct of the existing system so that the project will have a full grasp of
how they are going to translate the traditional transaction system to a computerized system.
Additionally, it will allow them to infuse innovation into the project to make it even more
useful and accessible to its target users and beneficiaries

3.2 Method used in developing and evaluating the Software product

The phases in the modified waterfall model are similar to those in the pure
waterfall .Modified waterfall model. As a result, the phases will overlap when necessary. At
an appropriate stage, the modified waterfall may also be divided into sub projects such as
after the hardware design and software). Many modified waterfall models have been
implemented in response to perceived complications with the pure waterfall model,






3.3 Respondents Distributions

In order for the proponents to continue to proposed system, the majority of the date required
for this study was with the use of its target users.

Total Total Percentage

Population Respondents

Super Admin 1 1 33.3%

Admin 1 1 33.3%

Cashier 1 1 33.3%

TOTAL 3 3 100%

3.4 Data gathering Procedure

DATA COLLECTION METHODS In the first part of the project, research and gathering
information play a role. Three research methods used in the project are:

First we did some brainstorming and bounced ideas between our members before settling
on the general idea

Second conducting interviews with the owner of Clark Milktea to see whether the system is
useful for them as well as gathering information on the requirements of the system

Third Searching on the Internet: basic information about existing Sales and Inventory
System and how to develop inventory tracking system in general.

3.5 Research Instruments

● Zoom - We used the zoom meetings to discuss what we wanted to talk about the
proposed system and other concerns that we wanted to point out.

● Internet References - By using the web we looked for similar program that we can
use on our system and use some of the codes that will help improve the system

● Brainstorming - We planned on what our system would be and on what it should look
like. We look at various designs and talk to each other about our roles and whose
part will be who so that we can have a freedom on what we want that to be.

● GitHub – We used the GitHub to share and connect our works through online. By
using GitHub we can combine our codes, ideas or any changes we want after
discussing with each of our group.

● Interview - We looked at different customers on what they always wanted and looked
at their go-to-shops, what they wanted in their system and on what part of the shop is
the most used and should be the point of concern in our system.

3.6 Statistical Treatment

The following statistical procedure were used to interpret the data gathered from the
respondents of the study

Simple Percentage. The demographic profile variables of the respondents were analyzed
using the simple percentage with the following formula

Formula P=(100)


P= Percentage

F= Frequency

N=Total number of respondent

100= Constant multiplier

Step 2: Cluster sampling

Proponents used the cluster sampling for the survey. Cluster sampling when used, gives
every unit or person in the population an equal and known chance of being selected in the
sample group. For this method of sampling, researchers divide the population into internally
heterogeneous and externally homogeneous subpopulations known as clusters.




P = percentage of respondents

n = number of respondents

N= total of respondents


Super Admin Admin Cashier

P= P= P=

P = 0.33 P = 0.33 P = 0.33

Step 3: Statistical treatment (Range of the desire respondent)

Proponents used likert scale. The following likert Scale serve as the guide for interpreting
the data gathered.

Scale Weighted Means/Equivalent Corresponding Remarks

5 4.20 - 5.00 Excellent

5 3.40 - 4.19 Very Satisfactory

3 2.60 - 3.39 Satisfactory

2 1.80 - 2.59 Needs Improvement

1 1.0 - 1.79 Poor

Step 4: Weighted Mean

This statistical tool was used to compute for the weight of the responses in the questionnaire
assigned by the respondents during the actual data gathering procedure. The formula for
the weighted mean is follows:




WM = Weighted mean

Σ = Summation symbol

F = Frequency for each option

W = Assigned weight

N = Total number of frequencies

The following are the corresponding verbal interpretations for the weighted mean

Weighted Means/Equivalent Corresponding Remarks

4.20 - 5.00 Excellent

3.40 - 4.19 Very Satisfactory

2.60 - 3.39 Satisfactory

1.80 - 2.59 Needs Improvement

Name: ___________________________ Gender M ( ) F()

Address: __________________________ Age: _______________

Super Admin ( ) Admin ( ) Cashier ( )

Objective: This questionnaire serves as an evaluation of the proposed system. The
proponents would appreciate if you can give a little bit of your time to test and evaluate the
proposed system.

Direction: Encircle your rate on the correct response for each question.


5 = Excellent 4 = Very Satisfactory

3 = Satisfactory 2 = Needs Improvement 1 = Poor


1. Development of combination per content and output 5 4 3 2 1

2. Sufficiency of software content and output 5 4 3 2 1
3. Effectiveness of interface layout and style 5 4 3 2 1
4. Helps to perform fast and reliable style information 5 4 3 2 1


1. Satisfaction of software features and capability 5 4 3 2 1

2. Suitability of software functions 5 4 3 2 1
3. Satisfaction of needs/requirements 5 4 3 2 1
4. Manipulates transaction effectively 5 4 3 2 1


1. Controlled access of unauthorized user 5 4 3 2 1

2. Level access of authorized user 5 4 3 2 1
3. Safety of backup 5 4 3 2 1
4. System security 5 4 3 2 1


1. Completion of requirements 5 4 3 2 1
2. Precision of information per module 5 4 3 2 1
3. Precision of software performance 5 4 3 2 1

4. Fast and efficient in displaying information 5 4 3 2 1

User Friendliness

1. Ease of software installation 5 4 3 2 1

2. Easy to understand interface layout 5 4 3 2 1
3. Accessibility of application 5 4 3 2 1
4. Easy to use 5 4 3 2 1


1. Ease to repair 5 4 3 2 1
2. Maintained all data properly 5 4 3 2 1
3. Manage more information 5 4 3 2 1
4. Provides suitable data and information 5 4 3 2 1


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