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SIES Graduate School of Technology Assignment No. | £(6)_denoter_probobility tmat energy leel € is ceuy ied whe @echons. |E is the given energy level : | Ep is the fermi energy Kis re Goltemann constant- Tis the Temperaluie. [Mt T= O°K EcEe Be) = I >it lae® lae™ i) Ar Phe € > Ep Bp eee) = ae a ad ee THe ii) A Te’ Eee Pee) = s | ts \set ho “he energy level_whose probability db cecupaney is hal? ababsolute | zew is colled Permi level. {a nz 2 [oxmekt |? fee pet N= Nee Chumberd dechonsin bonds... Pa Ne et. GiNumber ¢ tuler) P= 2 [ 2nmnKt 2 wg [a et For _intnnsic_serni ore'p oe eee TAwm (i) and WD Ev-fe = Fv-Fe KT PageNo. / | ee : ca Ec nay a tar d coun band éy is Shera top & valence band Fermi level in intvinsic semiconductor is the ovemge d energy a ion leand and-enargy ct dop valence band - | ———yarighion wit ———emperalvre—— Lett ale — = —-fo2 oe fa By v8 va] [ve ~ Ye, v8. I>0'k variah'on_in Hempe rote i Page No, 2} SIES Graduate School of Technology Subject : Assignment No. ..2, = alvave ... © aif Vax we. Gi) —! E is applied elechic Held — LL is mobility ot ele chon curieak denpity is gien_ by de neve. Qi), Lis crienr donpsity Dis Concenhahon Ad elechon @ iF chorge on elector on ee Va is ditt vlocHy a eeu cand Sen wy Se Cat a) sre ay os ti aa Pie seyisivy \Mvinsic gemicenductor, ‘both elechony pis role concentration _ uy —is is_mabitity ab “hole } election ore equal-te numbers ne Cee ale. bvi) ites j= Sy ene Cate ty) - +. Wii) E Ci_is intyinsic Comier dengity. | For a= type semi _Conduebr, impuriti@s are added and Na denotes peas [done Sinatenbintian fre SU Seem Re Ne Na. Fes Nels .. Cuil) an eacrea Sp_iS_corductivity Por n-type Semi conductor Page No. / SIES Graduate School of Technology Subjeoy. i FonnYSIG Roll No Assignment No. ae ; : Yak 9 ila oe ee ko ia i = Vuk, ef vat gepticiont = Yet - “cpa eek Sela: TR ae punt ahaa th Rw is He, semiconductor {sp type - Trp ae is -e, semicnndueor 1S Atype @ _|| Hence, contentahon. a changer can be_datermined knowing Hall — _|ecetticient i 4 eis wed io building gow meker: menyuye ave Vi foe Gilterent mrageetic Sieldy, measure ag netic, ge | Bets using Gauss moler- Henee coleviake 8H. : =P ea I. On junction Sie oe l90]OO[. .- rere saa oe enemy level C8 ae [= Srna Scr mer eeea cr ee ie v8 — ua Wren _p—type onalerial is combined with n-type enaevial etroay Pm. Neveaion combine with tne hole in p-region Leaving behind ions in Ne | xS3\0. Motes_in p-region. abter gaining election Prom -region becomey | PEgotive lon. Tre Nayer a ne fons in _p-side and +ve fond ingrside Forme a dapletion layer A warvier potential 1S develaped_ crags Ane yunchon boundary. “the Sermi level cb p-tyee semiconducbr done yollente band and tre Perm Level eb notype remiconductar Nes near conduchon and. We Acanofer eb elechronn Papo M=region to _pextgion Continues: Ail Ane fermi level db both xegiony lie Gb the _ Sarne_height- oO Light- emiting disday ore Heavily doged_p=n junthors WhEN the inde SPyrword biaved , he einovty eledyony Oye sent Pann p Lao gq while the minority holes _ore sent 2m n tn p At athe. yunchbo poundooy, the op neenbration dk minoyity comers. ANeytajgy. Te excess minority covrieny at the jonchon yecombine wiry He end.jority ghorge. conv ert a PageNo. / SIES Graduate School of Technology Assignment No. ..3. 0+ Date: sssseeeed. ——— AGIA zener diode, alto known Oy O breakdown diode, ica heowily _ dowd semicdnduclor dovier Inct iSdesigned to erate IO the yovewe dn@ekion A cena diode qeTalS jurk Vike a normoh diode when connected in forward biased rade when the opplied severe bian voltage Roches Closer 40 the zener voltage , the elecmc feld in the deplerion region | opts stiong enoigh ae pull elert ons Finm Here valence bard. a geal increase in voltage yegults in the rapid mereve dA de _elechic_cunent = —— Page No,

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