Orsolino - FLJ BK3

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Erykah Gheil Orsolino September 9, 2021

BSIN – 19

Surviving my first year in FEU

As a second-year student, I'll make an effort to recall all of the things that I did in order to
get through my first year of college. When I was a freshman student, I had the opportunity to
meet my peers and become acquainted with them; this occurred prior to COVID-19, which was
fortunate for me. I get to experience “Tatak Tamaraw” and so much more activities. What I
would recommend as survival advice is to go with your gut instinct and follow your heart at the
outset of any situation. Making new friends, trying something new, breaking some rules, and
living your life are all things that you should do as a freshman to make the most of your college
experience. Simply put, just do it and don't worry about the consequences; the more you do, the
more you will learn in life, and as we all know, life is short so make the most of every
opportunity. To elaborate on certain points that you'll need to do in order to survive college, the
following are some of the most important: first, establish and maintain priorities. As a student,
understand your responsibilities and make certain that you pay attention to your professors and
gain knowledge from them; after all, you are attending college to learn and apply what you have
learned in order to achieve your dream job. Second, maintaining a sense of balance and, as a
result, having fun as a reward for the hard work you put in in class is extremely rewarding. I
often tell myself that if I survive a week full of home works formative assessments, summative
assessments, and other school related task, then I deserve to have fun and do things that I enjoy.
Having appropriate fun will aid in preventing burnout from occurring. Third, time management
is essential; therefore, managing your time effectively will benefit you in the long run. Preparing
school-related tasks ahead of time will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed with work.
Fourth, make sure you get enough sleep every night and avoid pulling "all-nighters" whenever
possible. However, as a student, I understand that it can be difficult to get enough sleep due to
the numerous projects and assignments that must be completed, as well as the need to prepare
and study for formative and summative assessments; however, if you are feeling tired and unable
to concentrate, the only solution to your problem is sleep. Finally, college is what you make of it;
it will not transform you into a completely different person as a result of your experience there. If
you are an introvert, you will continue to be an introvert even after you have graduated from high
school. There is nothing wrong with that, but what I believe is that college is the time to make
memories before we embark on the journey that is adulthood; therefore, college is the time to
make memories. Always remember that college life is unforgettable.

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