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Who are synchronizing parents?

a) Work with their and children’s schedule

b) Both of them work
c) Both of them have parents
d) They earn the same amount of money

What is the percentage of overworked workers with chronically high job pressure level?

a) 50 %
b) 60%
c) 80%
d) 90%

“Work role quality” – is

a) How stress affects to the couple

b) The perception of work
c) The degree to which person experiences fulfillment in work
d) Childfree people

Dual-earner household – is

a) both parents and children work

b) both spouses work
c) grandparents and parents work
d) only one spouse works

Both high and low marital satisfaction may increase the link between workplace stress and family life

a) true
b) false

«Employees who feel overworked believe they make more mistakes, feel angrier at employers, harbor
more resentment toward colleagues perceived to be slacking off, and are more likely to look for another
job; believe they do not take good care of themselves; and report more work-related sleep disruption,
poorer health, and higher levels of stress» these words credits to:

a) Schaubroeck
b) Bianchi
c) Galinsky
d) Walsh

According to book, does children happier when both parents work?

A) Yes
B) No
C) I don’t know
D) Who knows
Many, if not most, dual-earner couples struggle to attain a more optimal sense of work–family
“balance,” “integration,” “navigation,” or “interaction.”

A) True
B) False
C) May be
D) I don’t know

Several recent studies show that most dual-earner couples does not report significant work–family

A) True
B) False
C) May be
D) I don’t know

Research shows that working women do significantly less housework than women who are home full
time, however, they still make disproportionately more than their husbands.

A) True
B) False
C) May be
D) I don’t know

Evidence suggests that gay men, as well as lesbian women, distribute responsibility for child care and
housework more equitably than typically occurs in heterosexual couples.

A) True
B) False
C) May be
D) I don’t know

Can a vicious circle arise in which an overworked partner then moves further away from couple and
family and sinks even more work hard or avoid conflict in a relationship.

A) Yes
B) No
C) May be
D) I don’t know

Therapists can assist men intent on sharing these responsibilities to recognize the importance of
adopting and refining rather than replacing, women’s hard-wrought domestic routines.

a) True

b) False

Studies have found men’s housework to be significantly relate to

a) future marital satisfaction and lower likelihood of divorce

b) divorce
c) aspects of attachment
d) Depression
What is the meaning of “scaling back”

a) If one parent leaves the workforce at least temporarily in a work–life balancing strategy
b) The single most important predictor of a wife’s fairness evaluation
c) set of patriarchal cultural and religious values
d) limit family size not to have children at all

Who usually take “scaling back”

a) Father
b) Grandmother
c) Mother
d) Neighbor

One of the most robust predictors of individual wellbeing and lower family–work conflict is a boundary
management strategy involving a more fixed work schedule and less permeability between work and
family domains

a) True
b) False

What is the meaning of « decompression chamber»

a) connection between partners with long hours

b) Each partner makes a list of after work activities (solo or conjoint) he or she finds best to relax
and to transition into the rest of the evening
c) accommodates one another’s needs as much as possible and also recognizes the need to
accomplish various home
d) none above them

1. Which statement is well established the relation between divorce and child adjustment?
a) Children of divorce are at serious risk for maladaptation.
b) Substantial numbers of children of divorce are better adjusted than
a. those from nondivorced households.
c) Children may be adversely affected even into adulthood by parental
a. divorce.
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
2. What factors are associated with a higher risk for divorce?
a) Young age
b) Premarital cohabitation
c) Parents’ divorce
d) All of the above
 None of the above
3. Choose the correct sequence. Stages in divorce
a) Anger, depression, bargaining, denial and acceptance
b) Depression, denial, bargaining, anger and acceptance
c) Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance
d) Denial, depression, anger, bargaining and acceptance
4. Which of the following definitions describes Social phase?
a) Partners discuss their relatives and friends
b) Other people are involved in the process of family disintegration
c) Partners asked for help from other people(psychologists, relatives, friends)
d) Both former spouses process the experience gained outside themselves and remain
with their memories
5. Boys in cohabitating post divorce households scored higher on almost every problem measured,
including substance use, school deviance, antisocial behavior, poor grades, and problem peer
relations, compared to boys in remarried families.
a) True
b) False
6. When cohabitation occurs after engagement, such relationships may be more
a) Stressful
b) Successfull
c) Anxious
d) Wonderful

Risk factors contributing to divorce

1. Couple are at higher risk for divorce if their interaction involves____________?

a) Escalation or resiprocation of negative affect

b) Disengagement
c) Stonewalling and contemt
d) Denial and blaming
e) All of the above

2. Which of the following is not the risk factors of divorce?

a) Different views of couple on their family life

b) An ability to show and accept affection
c) Sharing few interests or friends with your spouce
d) Litle spousal interdependence

3. Who is contributed more to risk of instability by yhe sexual dissatisfaction?

a) Women
b) Men
c) Both
d) None of yhe above

Prevelence of divorce and related transition

4. About hall of all dissolving marital unions consist of families with children what is the amount of
children residing primarily with their mothers?

a) 95%
b) 60%
c) 50%
d) 84%

5. Why multiple transitions have important potential imlications for adjustments?

a) Multiple transitions increase the adaptive challenges that confront parents and children
b) Multiple deacreases stress and post divorce depression
c) Family members will have stronger bonds
d) All of the above

The process model of divorce

6. According to the most commonly accepted theoretical model of divorce how does it (divorce)

a) A reactions to a single negative event

b) A complex chain of marital transitions and family reorganizations that alter roles and
c) A cascade of potentially stressfull changes disruptions in the social and physical environments of
adults and children
d) b and c
e) None of the above

7. The success with which individuals cope with stressors after divorce depends on what?

a) Personal characteristic of the individual

b) Presence of protective and vulnerability factors
c) Honoring and respecting your ex-wife/husband
d) Having immediate new relationship

8."_______________________________ buffer the person or promote resilience in coping with the

challenges of divorce". Fill in the blank with right words.

a) Vulnerability factors
b) Transitions
c) New relationship
d) Protective factors

9. Some children report feeling “caught” between parental loyalties or think that they are to blame for
these arguments; in such situations, boys are more likely to engage_________________.

a) noncompliant, angry, acting-out behaviors

b) depressed not assembled close
c) normally ignore

10.By _____________ years postdivorce, most adults have moved on to build reasonably satisfying lives,
and intense emotions associated with the breakup have faded.

a) 8
b) 1
c) 6
d) 3

11. By 2 years postdivorce, many of these problems have diminished, although the residential mother–
son relationship continues to be more distressed than those in nondivorced families.

After an initial period of perturbation, relationships involving residential mothers and their daughters
often are characterized as ___________ _________

a) warm, close, and companionate

b) depressed, distrustful rude
c) For boys, close relationships with fathers reduce feelings that they will themselves divorce as
d) a and b

12. When sibling relationships are positive, they may buffer the effects of a conflictual relationship with
a parent (Hetherington, 1993), although boys appear to receive less sibling support than do girls.

a) True
b) False

13. When in adulthood, it is mothers and female siblings who promote more family cohesion through
phone calls, organizing joint activities or celebrations, and coming together at vacations.

a) True
b) False

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