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December 14, 2022

Interpersonal communication is a unique way to intervene between peoples in a dispute to bring

an agreement between them., which can be face to face or other mediated channels. Interpersonal

communication is the building block for other kinds of communication. In the "failure to

communicate," there are several instances of miscommunication (Bevan and Sole (2014J). The

first instance is the evidence when the person assumes that the person on the other end is hearing.

For the communication to be effective, it is suggested not to make any assumption.

Understanding cultural differences is important for creating successful interpersonal

communication in today’s diverse world. A part of this process is interacting with different

cultural sets and do some research on their belief of identity. The Jewish community is a great

example of a well-known group whose views of social interaction are completely different from

a traditional American. This paper will inspect the Jewish sense of identity and means of

communication, compared to the American views. A large part of the Jewish views comes from

the religion of this ethnicity. It’s described as unique socialization and organized opportunities,

this being one factor that forms strong unity within their group, unlike the American society. One

example of differences in views are the strategies for conflicted resolution. Jews are guided by

the religious principle of reproof, which indicates dealing with interpersonal provocation or

offense; by confronting the person and presenting their grievances, and hereby avoid sin. To be
clear they are prone to respectful and sensitive discussions of offensive situations to identify the

causes of offense. While an American will follow the strategy of confronting and persuading the

opponent. I believe there are other respectful methods in psychiatry, but I also have strong

believe stressful situations trigger subconscious reactions. The basic principles of interpersonal

communication to me are taking responsibility for one's behavior or reactions, remembering of

the fact that there is a shared meaning to all.

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