Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Rule Areas

Rule Areas are user-defined shapes that provide you with the ability to define a region of the
board where special trace widths or clearances should be used. This functionality greatly
improves routing around BGA's and other fine-pitched parts, where the normal routing rules do
not allow the part to be connected to the rest of the design. A rule area may be any of the
standard closed objects: Polygon, Rectangle and Circle, by using the Draw Properties dialog.

A DFF license is required to view the DFF Schemes that contain Rule Areas in the Draw
> Properties > Rule Area dialog.

Rule Areas can be defined on a per layer basis or defined to affect all layers within that area.
Each Rule Area, when placed, should be assigned a Net Class scheme while in Draw. Rule areas
can be selected, added, deleted or modified only in Draw mode .

The Net Class schemes are defined in the Net Classes and Clearances menu. You can use
existing schemes as a starting point for defining new schemes by using the "Copy Scheme"
command on the active scheme. If you want to use the Master scheme as the starting point for a
new scheme definition use the "New Scheme" command.

Figure 7-1. Rule Area Property Dialog and Example

Expedition PCB User’s Guide, EE2007.1 303

Rule Areas
Master Scheme

Rule areas allow you to route into, and through the areas of fine pitch parts (BGA, etc.) as seen
below. Notice how the trace widths and the clearances change when traversing into the rule
area. You may also change via sizes and spans in a rule area to maximize route completion.

Figure 7-2. Rule Area Example

If the Display Control - Rule by Area option is selected; the color of the rule area is the
same as the traces for that layer. If the Rule Area is set to "All" layers, the color is a
preset color defined by the system.
If a rule area is dropped on existing traces or vias, pre-existing traces and vias stay the
same, however, all new trace and vias follows the rule area.
If a rule area is deleted, all the pre-existing traces and vias remain the same. Any new
trace or via added to the area will use the default settings of the pre-existing traces and
If a Change Width command is activated inside a rule area, it takes precedence over the
area rules.
If a Change Via command is activated inside a rule area, it takes precedence over the
area rules
Two defined net class schemes, Master and Minimum, have been provided as defaults. Other
user-defined schemes can be created and saved in the Net Classes and Clearances dialog.

Master Scheme
The master scheme represents the majority of your board's clearances and widths. These
clearances and widths are used for all areas and for layers which do not have a rule area and
scheme assigned.

Net class names can only be added or removed when the master net class scheme is selected.
Also, the routing layers that are enabled or disabled for each net class can only be changed for
the master net class scheme. All other net class options can be changed for any new net class
schemes that are created.

304 Expedition PCB User’s Guide, EE2007.1

Rule Areas
Minimum Scheme

Minimum Scheme
The rules in the Minimum scheme reflect the minimum rules required for manufacturing
purposes. Traces, vias and pads within a rule area are checked according to the Net Class
Minimum scheme. Because each rule area can have a different net class scheme, and because
each net class scheme can have a full set of widths and clearances, it may be difficult to tell if
some of the rules have been set below the minimum acceptable rules for manufacture. The
Minimum scheme allows you to have confidence that you are not violating manufacturing

Typically, the minimum net class scheme is not assigned to a rule area on the board, however if
you have an area that requires the absolute minimum clearances that you have defined across all
other net class schemes, this scheme could be assigned to a rule area on your design. To have
more direct control over a scheme, it is suggested that you create one yourself and only change
the clearances and widths that are necessary to complete the routing within an area.

Overlapping Areas - Same Layer

It is possible to have overlapping rule areas and when they do the rule of the smaller area is

Figure 7-3. Example of Overlapping Areas in Rule Area

The rules found in the blue area apply, no matter whether the rules themselves are smaller or
larger than those found in the green area.

Overlapping Areas - Adjacent Layers

It is possible to have rule areas in the same area but on different layers. In this case, the rules of
the smaller area apply just as they do for overlapping areas on the same layer. The only objects
that this rule applies to are vias. When a via passes through more than one rule area, the via span
assigned to the smallest area is used.

If rule areas overlap and are the same size, then the priority is based on the alphabetical order of
the Net Class scheme names assigned to each shape.

Expedition PCB User’s Guide, EE2007.1 305

Rule Areas
Overlapping Areas - Adjacent Layers

Remap Rule Area Schemes

If you type remap in the keyin window, a dialog displays that allows you to align rule areas
within a cell’s scheme with that of the design the cell is being applied to. Once the assignments
are made, the rule areas for each cell within the localized library and design are adjusted to the
user settings.

Cell Name Displays the name of the cell within the local cell library.
Scheme Displays the cell's current scheme assignment.
Design Displays a listing of available schemes within the design’s Net
Schemes Class & Rules database.

By default, if a new scheme name matches one already defined, it is matched with the one in the
design. If there is no match, the scheme is defaulted to (Master) and you can use the drop-down
list to assign the scheme to the appropriate name.

There is a potential for excessive memory allocation if too many rule areas are used in
any particular design.

To access the Remap Rule Area Schemes dialog

1. Click in the keyin window.
2. Type remap and click Enter.
If the keyin window is not displayed, select View > Toolbars > Customize and in the
Toolbar Tab make sure that Keyin Command option is checked, then select Close to
dismiss the Customize dialog.

Rule Area Schemes Information

Within Draw, rule areas can be placed within package cells on the Top, Bottom, Mount,
Opposite, Inner layers or All layers when applied to the design. You would not typically assign
the rule area to be layer specific at the cell level. At the design level, the Top, Bottom, Mount,
and Opposite layer setting on rule areas will be mapped to the appropriate design layer (1, 6,

Once a rule are is placed within a package cell, you will be able to select it from the design level
and adjust its assignment without having to re-enter Cell Editor.

The basic design behavior that occurs today when rule areas overlap or are contained within
other rule areas is the same for those within cells. In other words, the behavior would be the
same as if you manually place a rule area outside of the cell within or overlapping another area
on the design.

306 Expedition PCB User’s Guide, EE2007.1

Rule Areas
Overlapping Areas - Adjacent Layers

Rule area shapes that are built into cells are not permitted to be separated from the cells at the
design level. Once you have designated the appropriate Rule Scheme mapping at the design
level, the information is maintained for future cell updates from the Central Library, so you are
not required to remap the schemes when cells are updated from the Central Library.

Expedition PCB User’s Guide, EE2007.1 307

Rule Areas
Overlapping Areas - Adjacent Layers

308 Expedition PCB User’s Guide, EE2007.1

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