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Company background of BYJU..............................................................................................................3

Product introduction............................................................................................................................4
Product/Service promoted...................................................................................................................6

Company background of BYJU
BYJU is an education technology company founded by Byju Raveendran in 2011 with the slogan
"Fall in love with learning". Byju Raveendran is India's youngest richest man with a fortune of $3.05
billion. Launched in 2015, BYJU’s The Learning App is currently considered India’s most valuable start
up with a valuation of $22 billion ( Banerjee, A, Rathi, R 2022 ) . The Bangalore-based education
technology platform BYJU is an online tutoring and tutoring company, BYJU's parent company is
"Think and Learn Pvt Ltd". The main purpose of BYJU is to help students in grades 1-12 and those
who are about to prepare for competitive exams such as IIT through online lectures. Launched in
2015, BYJU's The Learning App has reached over 15 million students worldwide and has 900,000
paying users(Banerjee, A, Rathi, R 2022).

Byju Raveendran was born in 1980 in Azhikode, Kerala and holds a B.Tech (mechanical
engineering) from Government Engineering College in Kannur, Kerala(Banerjee, A, Rathi, R 2022).
Byju Raveendran is not only an entrepreneur and teacher, he is also a professional athlete who is
proficient in football, cricket, table tennis and badminton. Byju Raveendran has a wife named Divya
Gokulnath, an Indian entrepreneur and educator who is also a co-founder and director of BYJU.
Divya was a student at National College Jayanagar and the R. V College of Engineering, where she
completed a B.Tech in Biotechnology before deciding to start BYJU's in 2011 with her husband Byju
Raveendran(Banerjee, A, Rathi, R 2022).

Before founding BYJU's, Byju worked as a service engineer for a multinational shipping company.
By chance, he helped his friend prepare for the CAT test. In order to test himself, he also gave the
exam and secured 100 points, but instead of joining IIM, he started teaching students to take math
tests, which also helped him to found BYJU. At first, Byju Raveendran offered free math workshops
to attract students. When he started to feel confident enough in himself, he started charging. Even
with the fee, his seminars are still popular and even attended by more than 20,000
students(Banerjee, A, Rathi, R 2022).

Until 2009, when he started recording seminar videos, his former IIM graduates encouraged him
to start the BYJU program. Byju Raveendran then established "Think and Learn Pvt Ltd" and created
content for school students. This was followed by the launch of Byju's - The Learning App in 2015,
which was downloaded and used by 5.5 million people in its first year(Banerjee, A, Rathi, R 2022).

Product introduction
1 - Personalized Learning

At BYJU’s, they offered personalized learning. This is because BYJU’s mentioned that in school,
some of the child may miss on basic concept and will face more problem in future. For example, in
school a teacher will teach the subject as their pace rather than your child’s learning pace. So, BYJU
has looked this as a business opportunity to provide personalized learning. With personalized
learning, BYJU’s app has allow your child to move to the next chapter only when he has grasped the
concept of current lesson and passed the test.

2 - In-depth Learning

As we know, the courses we learnt on the class are just concept, most of the students can not
relate the concepts learnt on the class with the real world. In BYJU’s app, they have made a lot of
afford on making videos that doesn't only teach him through the real-world example, it also helps
him in retaining the concept for a longer period of time.

3 - Disney Characters

Since, your child is still I young. BYJU’s knows that courses with cartoon character will largely
makes your child interested in. In BYJU's, they have courses designed with a vast selection of Disney
cartoons. Your child can select his favorite cartoon and can learn while watching cartoons.

4- Jingles

If you are a parent, you will know that grabbing a child's attention is the most difficult task to let
them focus on the online courses because they will not sit far more than 5min. BYJU’s has realized
this problem so they include exiting jingles to keep your child's attention in the learning, plus he will
get to recite his favorite jingles as well.

5 - Gamified Experience

The another afford made by BUJU’s on how to make the courses more interested is they try to
gamified the courses. This is because you can make a child more concentrated on learning when he
is more engaged it. So, in BYJU’s app all courses are designed in such a way that it gives the feel of a
game. The child will think that he Is playing and he will be learning too.

6 - Accent

It is hard to taking a child to sit through a whole lesson. He will either get distracted by anything
around him or he will feel boring during the courses. In order to overcome that, we integrate the
videos with exciting accents to make your child sit through the entire video and learn with better

7 - Rewards

It is important to ensure your child’s interest to learn lesson, give test and then move to next
chapter. However, there’s no such a good child in the world will be such active in having test and
learning because children hate test. So, the BYJU's app provides your child with rewards after every

chapter he has successfully learnt to keep him excited to learn more chapters and collect more

8 - Skill Chart

As a parent, you may eagle to know about how your child perform in the school and you may also
worry about if your child doesn’t do well in the test. However, the school will only have 1 Parents
Day per annual which you can’t know your child performance in school on time. In BYJU’s app, they
have skill chart integrated in the app so that you can check every day what your child has learnt and
if he is able to grasp the concept.

9 - OSMO Worksheets

Due to uninterested of children on doing lessons, BYJU’s addresses this issue with the help of
OSMO Worksheets. OSMO Worksheets will help your child to engage and interact with the lesson he
is learning so that he can learn actively. This will largely save your time as a parent because you don’t
have to supervise your child during lesson.

10 - Phonetics

In BYJU’s, they focus on helping their customer to excel in English. They also provide phonetics
lesson for your child because Learning phonetics in the early age is very important for your child
because he is able to grasp everything 70% more faster at this age.

Product/Service promoted
1-Brand ambassador
How the BYJU’s promote their product is they have their brand ambassador. It is undeniable that
having a brand ambassador attaches a face to the brand. BYJU’s ambassador are actors not just in
India but worldwide. One of the best brand ambassadors of BYJU’s is Disney which is the favorite of
every child. It is the most popular and loved company that is entertaining children for years. 
2-Collaborations and Sponsorships
Collaborations between two company can pitch different customer bases of the brand we partner
with. Byju is the sponsor of the Indian Cricket Team in the ICC world cup. The ICC world cup
has a large audience base, and being a sponsor in the event gives Byju’s increased brand exposure.
With these collaborations, BYJU’s has successfully increase their brand popularity.
3- Video marketing campaigns
Video marketing is simply using videos to promote your brand, products or services. Byju’s has make
video marketing campaigns by associating the brand with India’s favourite sport, cricket. Another
remarkable video marketing campaign was the ad title state that children not only use technology
just for entertainment but in the same time, they can gain knowledge effectively by using
technology. This video has showcases the scenario of how a children gain knowledge by using
technology. The ad was surely a success and left a great impact on audience.

All in all, BYJU is an education technology company founded by Byju Raveendran in 2011 with the
slogan "Fall in love with learning". The main purpose of BYJU is to help students in grades 1-12 and
those who need to prepare for competitive exams such as IITs to prepare for the exams. BYJU's app
provides students with a variety of learning modes such as personalized learning, in-depth learning,
Disney Characters, jingles, gamified experience, accents, rewards, skill Chart, OSMO worksheets,
Phonetics, etc., allowing students to learn more and absorb knowledge faster, to prepare for the
upcoming study exam. Among them, Disney cards, gamified experiences and rewards can stimulate
students' enthusiasm for learning. Also, BYJU'S follows a freemium model. It first offers users its
content for free and then provides them the option to pay. All teaching at BYJU is taught through
15–20minute videos, with the best teachers visualising and contextualising everything they teach
with the help of in-house content and media teams. BYJU'S will also launch different languages in
different countries to allow students to better understand the course content. BYJU'S will open
future schools in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico in the
near future.

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7 free on
Agarwal, V 2022, Byju’s marketing strategy: how it educates millions, MarqueEx, viewed 15 May
2022, <

Banerjee, A, Rathi, R 2022, How BYJU’s became the most valued startup of India? Startup Talky,
viewed 15May2022,<

Kumari, A 2020, BYJU's training product pitch, slide share, viewed 15 May 2022,

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