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Written Assessment

AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in an automotive

AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

Assessment 1 – Questioning – Written Assessment

Student Name Ali Arshad Student ID Number 17501

Unit Start Date 10-09-2022 Unit End Date 10-09-2022

Assessment Due Date 10-09-2022 Date Submitted 10-09-2022

This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student
competency in this assessment task

The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No

I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No

I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No

I am aware that I can locate the AIBT’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure on their Yes / No
website at

I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to
undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if Yes / No
applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy

I have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration

Student Declaration: In accordance with the AIBT’s Academic Misconduct Policy, I hereby acknowledge by
signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken
in this unit of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged.
NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor

Signature Ali Arshad Date: __10/ __09 / 2022

Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessment Results
(Please circle or highlight the assessment result for this task)

Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance

Student Declaration: - I verify that the work completed Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately
is my own and that I was adequately informed of the explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the
assessment process prior to commencing this student prior to commencing assessment.
assessment task.

Student Signature : Ali Arshad Assessor Signature

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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

Date: 10-09-2022 Date

Context and Conditions of Assessment

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge
evidence required and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task.
 Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
 This is an open book assessment and will be conducted at your designated campus / workshop /
specialised lab.
 Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide feedback / comment.
 You must answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and own handwriting.
 Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task.
 Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the assessment. In all
cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
 Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be deemed C – Competent
in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks
you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent.

Re-Assessment Conditions

 If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this
case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that
they can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
 Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on steps to take to improve
your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The
assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS – Not satisfactory on any of the criteria and will
assess you through a different method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving
 You will be notified between 10-30 working days of undertaking an assessment of their result in achieving
o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did
not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced.
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5 working days
with no reassessment fee charged.
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with information
identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the
opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 5 working days of notification with no
reassessment fee charged.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did not approach the AIBT’s
within five working days with a valid reason for not availing themselves of the reassessment
opportunity, then those students will be given a final chance to re-sit the assessment and will be
charged a reassessment fee as per AIBT rule.
o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the student and the student will be
required to repeat the whole unit with full fee for the unit. The student will be made aware of the
impact of repeating the unit may have on their student visa.
o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment, a reassessment fee will be
charged for reassessing the assessment within 5 working days.
o If the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after conclusion of the Intervention
meeting with the Course Co-ordinator, the matter will be referred to the Academic Management
Committee which may result in the suspension or cancellation of their enrolment
o AIBT’s has intervention strategies, including student support services available to enable students
to complete qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of not completing within this
time frame are identified as early as possible and an intervention strategy is put in place.

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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

AIBT will ensure access to:

 automotive workplace or simulated workplace 

three different customers with different requirements, including one dissatisfied customer. 

Evidence to be submitted by the student: -

 Completed written responses to the questions in the assessment task

Assessment Decision Making Rules

Your assessor will assess the evidence submitted for the following elements, performance criteria, performance
evidence and knowledge evidence to confirm that the student evidence submitted demonstrates validity,
sufficiency, authenticity and confirms current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit of competency.
Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: -
 techniques for assisting customers, including: 
o effective questioning 
o active listening 
o building rapport 
o explaining clear options 
o making recommendations 
o finalising contact 
 customer service standards and practices relevant to automotive workplaces, including: 
o greeting and farewelling customers 
o recording customer requirements and enquiries 
o customer service delivery standards 
o contact and follow-up procedures 
 indicators of customer dissatisfaction, including verbal and non-verbal cues 
 techniques for resolving customer problems, including procedures for complaint escalation 
 key legal requirements relating to customer rights as a consumer, and business obligations under
Australian Consumer Law (ACL) 
 procedures for making referrals relating to: 
o customer dissatisfaction 
o suppliers of other products and services 
 key features and benefits of workplace-specific products and services 
 techniques for undertaking basic calculations to provide information to customers relating to quantities,
timeframes, and delivery of automotive products and services. 

Assessment 1 – Questioning

Written Assessment

1. Define the term “Communication”?

The imparting or exchange of information by speaking,writing or using an other

medium is called communication.

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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

2. State the two (2) main types of communication in the automotive workplace?

1 Verbal communication
2 Written communication

3. For the two (2) forms of communication in question 2, give a brief definition of each.

Verbal communicatoon refers to the production of spoken language to send

an intentional message to listener.
Written communication is any written message that two or more people
For example: emails and text messages

4. State six (6) benefits of “Good” automotive workplace communication?

1 Mitigated conflict

2 Increased employee engagement

3 Improved productivity

4 Improved client relations.

5 Healthy workplace culture

6 Boosted employee job Satisfaction

5. What are three (3) reasons for asking questions?

1: To acquire knowledge
2: To eliminate confusion
3:cause someone else to feel special

6. Give an example of a “Closed” question.

These questions are designed such there is not much thought into single word answer example ‘’are you

7. Give an example of an “Open” question.

Example of open question would be ‘’Where do you want to be in five years? ,,Answer to this question varies
from person to person

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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

8. What is “Active Listening”?

It is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding

9. When communicating with the customer, what five (5) “Active Listening” techniques should you use?

1: Pay attention

2:Show that you are listening

3:Provide feedback

4: Defer judgement

5:Respond appropriately

10. Complete the following statement about the six steps to effective customer relations using the following words.

Words: Alternatives, Best, Business, Customers, Encourage, Faulty, Forward, Happy, Heavy, Important,
Individual, Know, Leave, Loyalty, Meeting, Needs, Polite, Positive, Problems, Properly, Rapport, Require,
Responsibility, Satisfy, Service, Shock, Sincerely, Thanking, Your

1 Greet the customer positively.

A _positive greeting sets the stage for a positive interaction. Be very _polite and appear eager to go out
of your way to help the customer.
2 Develop rapport
Rapport is when you recognise the customer as an _individual. E.g. getting to know their name and using
it helps to develop rapport.
3 Assess the customer’s need.
Sometimes _customers will tell you directly what they need. At other times, they will not be sure of what
they _ require and sometimes they will be asking for things that will not really do the job for them. It is your
responsibility to make sure that their needs are properly assessed.
4 _Meeting the customers’ needs
Sometimes there is only one way to _satisfy the need of the customer and if you have assessed the need
property then it is easy to advise the customer and meet their need. There may be alternatives you can
5 Ensuring your customer is satisfied
You will of course do your _best to make sure that the customer is satisfied before they _leave .
Customers, however, sometimes discover that they are not _happy with the product or service they have
received. It is good policy to _encourage customers to come back if they have any _problems with the
goods or services after they have left.
The customer who needs replacement _ shock absorbers on her car and who lives at the end of a
potholed dirt road may be interested in _heavy duty shock absorbers or she may be only able to afford

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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

regular replacements. Discussing the _alternative to find the best solution to a need is good customer
Customers who come back with a problem are an important part of quality control - they let you know
about products that are __faulty and service that can be improved. Let your customers __know that they
can return if not satisfied. Returning to a business with a problem is a frightening experience for many
people. When they are treated well when they return their _loyalty grows
6 _Thanking the customer for their business and invite them to return. Always thank the customer as they
leave _your business. Adding a comment such as see you next time, or I look _forward to seeing you
next time - particularly if it is said _sincerely makes the customer feel welcome and plants the idea in their
mind about coming back.

11. Complete the following statement about “Personal Contact” using the following words.

Words: Better, Big, Business, Customers, Door, Flowing, Individual, Name, Personal, Questions,
Requirements, Service, Talk, Treated, Using

Large organisations and _big businesses deal with thousands of __customers. There is a never-ending
stream of customers _flowing through the business. Each and every customer who comes through the _door
of a business thinks of themselves as an _individual They want to be _treated as an individual.
This requires time and effort by the _service provider but the rewards are high. Finding out and _using the
customer’s _name taking time to understand their requirement making the effort to answer _questions all are
appreciated by the customer. When these _personal contacts are made with the customer, they are left
feeling that the business is somehow their business. Customers begin to talk about their mechanic and the
place where I always go. There is no __better recommendation or advertising.

12. The ability to handle enquiries well is a skill that is worth the effort of mastering. The basic skills are easy to
understand. Note below the six (6) points to the Enquiry Formula.

 Smile: It costs nothing and can make your acquirer relaxed

 Greeting: Customer always expect to greet nicely
 Listen carefully
 Question to clarify
 Give the requested information or make suggestions
 Polite ending

13. How should you “Greet” the customer if they were to enter your workplace?

 Effectively handle the request

 Make a referral
 Show sincere appreciation
 Help the customer relax

14. How should you “Farewell” the customer when they leave your workplace?
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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

 Effectively handle the request

 Make a referral
 Show sincere appreciation
 Help the customer relax

15. Why should you “Listen” to the customer when they are making an enquiry in your workplace?

Listening to customers give you valuable Feedback. Employees on frontline

are typically first one to hear from the customers,be it complaints or positive
comments. It’s important to listen to frontline employees as it’s the way to
indirectly listen to your customer.

16. Give examples of great customer service standards in the automotive workplace.

 Answer the phone within 3 rings.

 Greet each other customer by their first names.

 Respond to every customer inquiry within 60 minutes.

 Open a new queue if more than 3 customers are Waiting
 Resolve a client problem with in 4 hours

17. What are two (2) major benefits for following up with the customer after servicing or selling components for
their vehicle?

1. It will keep the lines of communication open.

2. Encourage potential customers to buy your products.

18. Name six (6) non-verbal sign a customer maybe unhappy with the service you are providing?

1:Closed, ,firm or expressionless mouth.

2:Hands folded to the Chester near to the phase.
3:Slouching , shoulders turned away.
4: Closed arms, Dismissive hand gesture.
5:Moving to close, Facing away.
6: Furrowing the brow or rolling the eyes.

19. Name six (6) verbal sign a customer maybe unhappy with the service you are providing?

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an automotive workplace

 The customer complains frequently

 Customer stops engaging with you.
 Customer remember your name.
 Customer regularly compares you to Competitors.
 Customer stop trusting you.
 Customer frequently refers to your contract terms.

20. What are some of the methods you should follow to resolve a dissatisfied customer?
 Stay in control of your emotions
 Acknowledge and empathise..
 Really listen.
 Apologise.
 Admit it.
 Solution time.
 Do something extra.
 Deliver your promise.
 Closeout and learn.

21. Complete the following statement about “Solving Customer Problems” using the following words.

Words: Arguing, Attention, Cannot, Complaint, Exactly, Excuses, Immediately, Information, Interruption,
Opinions, Problem, Satisfied, Solving, Sympathy, What

When you listen to the customer’s _complaint you take responsibility to solve the problem
 Listen without __interruption and with full attention.
 Behave without aggression, and without arguing.
 Do not extend _excuses for the problem, and thank the customer for drawing their _attention to it and
helping solve it.
 Express _sympathy and full understanding.
Customer service problem _solving involves:
 Ask necessary questions to get more complete _information and completed picture of a situation
 Find out exactly what the customer needs you to do for them
 Explain first _what you can do, and then gently add what you _cannot do
 Discuss in detail all _opinions and then decide what needs to be done
 Undertake immediately what was discussed
 Check the result to make sure the customer is completely _satisfied.

22. What is an escalated complaint?

Escalated complaint means any written complaint that is not satisfactorily resolved as set forth in paragraph.

23. You should escalate a complaint

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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

o Research their complaints process

o Give them a call
o Leave a review.
o Take a social Media.
o Consider exclairing internally.

24. Complete the following statement about “Customer Complaint Escalation Procedure” using the following

Words: Action, Agent, Amount, Complaint, Customer, Escalation, Help, Information, Know, Next, Manager,
Putting, Record, Refund, Result, Service, Solutions, Their, Vehicle, Waiting

1 First, use all the Information that you have received from the Customer to decide whether this call
requires Escalation. Explain to the customer that you cannot resolve their complaint yourself and will need
to pass on the information to the _ Next level. 
2 "Ms Brown, for a refund of that _ Amount I'll need to refer your request to my service _ Manager  
3 Ask the customer's permission to pass _ their complaint to the next level, as this action will lead to a
satisfactory _ Results. If necessary, explain to them that is the only way their _ Complaint can be resolved. 
4 "Would you like me to transfer you? My _ Service manager will be able to deal with your request." 
5 Contact an Agent at the next level (your service manager), and let them _ Know of the complaint details,
and any _ Solutions already suggested. Remember, you will already have entered the complaint details in
the customer care form. 
6 "Kim, I've got Sylvia Brown on the phone. She'd like a _ Refund of $180 for the shock absorbers that were
the wrong ones for her _ Vehicle. Would you be able to help her there?" 
7 Close the call by letting the customer know you are _ Putting them through: 
8 "Thank you for _ Waiting Ms Brown. I have my service manager Kim on the line, and she'll be able to _
Help you. Just transferring you now."
9 In the _ Action Taken section of the customer care form, __ Record the name of the other agent as
"escalated to . . . ". Close the customer care form.

25. What does the ACL cover?

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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

The ACL protects small businesses and consumers from unfair terms in
standard form contracts. As standard form contract is the contract between 2
parties where one party prepares the contract giving the other party little or no
opportunity to negotiate the terms.

26. What are consumer guarantees?

Consumer guarantees are set of rules that apply to goods and services purchased by consumers under the
ACL. These rules set out circumstances under which a business is required to provide a consumer with a

27. Describe the three (3) Tier process for handling and referring a dissatisfied customer in an automotive

1: Initial step is to listen the customer Attentively because the customer want to be heard

2: Secondly ,empathise and apologise regardless of whether you think the customers complaint is valid, being
genuinely empathetic and apologising for situation creates a bond between the 2 of you.

3: At last, offer and execute solution consider the customers complaint and concerns and offer a reasonable solution.

28. Complete the following statement about “Referring a Customer to Another Workplace” using the following

Words: About, Another, Discussion, Enable, Information, Organisation, Policies, Questions, Referrals,
Services, Someone, Whom, Workplace, Your

The following list of things to remember should help you when you are making _ Referrals for a customer:
1 Make sure you know what _ Services and procedures your _ Policies has for making referrals. 
2 Always know the workplace to _ whom you make the referral. Don’t send a customer off to _
Workplace or some organisation you know nothing about.
3 Explore the readiness of your customer to be referred. Open and honest _ Discussion about referral
and the reason for it will __ Enable your customer to feel more in control of the situation. If there is a
choice of Someone available, make sure your customer has _ Information about each service and
can make an informed choice for themself.
4 Discuss the possibility of referral with the other Information __ Organisation or person before
suggesting it to your customer.
5 Talk with your customer about the fact that you want to refer them to Another workplace and why.
Give them some information _ About the new workplace and give them time to ask _ Questions and
talk through the referral process. 
6 Let _ Your customer make the appointment, rather than making it for them.

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AURACA101 Respond to customer needs and enquiries in
an automotive workplace

29. Knowledge of product is important because:

A. It allows me to advise customers what my business can do for them

B. It allows me to match customers’ needs to what my business offers
C. It helps me to communicate more easily with other members of the business
D. Customers will have more faith in me if I know about the product
E. All the above are correct
F. None of the above are correct

30. What do you think are the skills of selling goods and services to customers?

A. Know your product

B. Find out the customer's needs
C. Sell the benefits of the product.
D. Suggest alternatives to meet the need.
E. All the above are correct

31. Complete the following statement about “Quantities, Timeframes and Delivery” using the following words.

Words: Answers, Asking, Business, Car, Clear, Comfortable, Complicated, Customer, Else, Important, Match,
My, Needs, Oil, Product, Service, Specific, Tuesday, Tune-up, Want, Welcome, Workshop

This sounds _ Clear but all that it means is working out with the Customer what they would like your
Business to do for them. We have discussed that all customers want to be made Important, made to feel ,
Comfortable need to be understood and Match These are their underlying needs. Their _workshop needs are
what they __ Want from your business. Customers may have a very _ Specific understanding of what they
need. They may say: “I want _ My car servicing on _ Tuesday the 23rd of June.” This is clear but still
complicated analysis. “What kind of _service would you like madam - a full lubrication service with a _tune-up
or just a minor service with a grease and __oil change?” You may also add “Is there anything _else that needs
doing on the _car while we have it in the _workplace madam?” Needs Analysis is a matter of asking the right
questions and clarifying the answers The better you know your product and procedures, the better you will be
able to welcome your customer’s needs with what you can offer.

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