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Grade 5
The Night Has a Thousand
\ Eyes
by Francis William Bourdillon

The night has a thousand eyes,

And the day but one;

Yet the light of the bright world dies

With the dying sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,

And the heart but one:

Yet the light of a whole life dies

When love is done.

by Henry Gardiner Adams

A bursting into greenness;

A waking as from sleep;

A twitter and a warble

That make the pulses leap:

A watching, as in childhood,

For the flowers that, one by one,

Open their golden petals

To woo the fitful sun.

A gust, a flash, a gurgle,

A wish to shout and sing,

As, filled with hope and gladness,

We hail the vernal Spring.


By Russell Blair

Winter is white as a fluffy cloud

Winter is soft as a pillow
Winter is as cold as ice
In winter kids play
In winter kids sleigh
It will freeze your hands
It will freeze your toes
It will even freeze the snowman's nose!
My Pets

By Lacey Broughton

I have a dog
But I don't have a hog
My dog's name is Missy
When she's mad
She doesn't go hissy
I have a cat
But not a bat
My cat's name is jinx
But he's not a lynx
I had a fish
When he died
I didn't eat him on a dish
My fish's name was Freddy
He had two friends named
Eddy and Teddy
I tried to make this rhyme
Well, I did this time
Falling Snow

By Amanda Colomb

When the snow's falling, it looks pretty

It looks like a big white blanket
That covers all of New York state
When the snow falls
The snowflakes are all different shapes and
You always hope school's out
So you can build a snowman and have
A grand old time

By Holly Fiato

Adventures, adventures
Are so much fun
You can meet anyone
You can take a trip to the sun
You never know what could be done
How many, I don't know
But there's more than one
That is cool
Or take a trip to the moon
Please come back sometime soon
Go as far as I can see
Let me suggest the stars are the best most definitely
But wherever you go you have to let your mother know
Now my poem is almost done
Make sure to have fun

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