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Zamora Memorial College

Junior High School Department

ZMC Singers
Bacacay, Albay
S.Y. 2022-2023

“Leap Honing the Holistic Skills of New-born Singers”

“Chorale Voice Training Workshop”


Jovinson B. Lozano, ZMC Singers Adviser

I. Project Title

Chorale Voice Training Workshop

II. Goals and Objectives of the Project

This project specifically strives to achieve the following:

a. Develop skillful vocal production through coordinated breathing, vowel

formation, tonal placement, and diction.
b. Develop ensemble skills including blend, balance, group intonation, rhythmic
precision, and good tone through coordinated and intentional vocal technique.
c. Develop skillful vocal production through coordinated breathing, vowel
formation, tonal placement, and diction and musicianship through the study of
phrasing, dynamics and gesture.
d. Activate the hidden singing skills of the student members.
e. Provide proper aid to those who have difficulties in their singing styles.

III. Rationale and Description of the Project

ZMC Singers as one of the newest groups in Zamora Memorial College aims to
give opportunities to students who have skills in singing for vocal enhancement and
practice through simple exposure and provide an outstanding performance for the
school events. This new group of singers have approximately 30 members, 8 are
males and 22 are females. Each member undergone a screening process, and those
who passed the test were selected based on their dedication, voice quality and style,
and vocal and hearing skills. The majority of the participants are in grades seven and
eight, which are still thought to be in their voice-development stages. Even if they are
still learning, students have their own ways of coping with practice-related
This project is a two-day training workshop that aims to give an exclusive training
to the members of the said group. To wake their resting talents and cope using their
group singing voices. To achieve that, there will be an invited music
professional/teacher/trainer form Bicol University to conduct the training and give
proper advice to the developing members.

IV. Project Implementation Plan

Planning, Sending official Conduct Training Workshop

crafting, and communication briefing/orienta proper (Accomplish
finalizing of letter to Bicol tion with the the goals and Evaluation
official Project University participants and objectives of the
Proposal Administration stakeholders
V. Timeframe of the Project

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