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Outlines 1–26

SHORT ANSWER: Write your answer in the space provided.

1. The Creation and beginning of man’s history was approximately what year? 4000 B.C.
2. Whom did God use to lead the Israelites out of Egypt? Moses
3. Where did God give the law to the Israelites? Mount Sinai
4. Who were Samuel’s parents? Hannah and Elkanah
5. Who was Eli? the high priest of Israel who trained Samuel
6. Why did God judge Eli? He refused to restrain his sons.
7. What happened when the Israelites took the Ark of the Covenant into battle?
The Philistines captured it.
8. Who anointed Saul king? Samuel
9. What enemy asked the men of Jabesh-gilead to become one-eyed servants? the Ammonites
10. When Saul did not obey God by utterly destroying the Amalekites and all their possessions,
what was his penalty? He would be replaced as the king of Israel.
11. Who was supposed to kill Agag? Saul Who had to kill Agag? Samuel
12. When Saul claimed he had saved the best animals for sacrifice, what was Samuel’s re-
sponse? “To obey is better than sacrifice.”
13. In 1 Sam. 15:23, God tells us that rebellion is like what other terrible sin? witchcraft
14. Who was David’s father, and from what tribe did he come? Jesse; Judah
15. Why did God choose David to be the king of Israel? because God knew David would be a
man after His own heart
16. Where was David first anointed king of Israel and by whom? at his father’s home by
17. What did David do to provide a dowry in order to marry Saul’s daughter? He killed
200 Philistines.
18. Whom did David visit on his first flight from Saul? Samuel
19. What unusual incident allowed David to escape from King Achish? He acted like a
20. What did David do at his first opportunity to kill Saul? He refused to kill Saul, but cut
several inches from Saul’s robe.
21. Whose sheep did David protect while hiding in Paran? Nabal’s sheep

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Mid-Semester Review, page 2 Kings of Israel

22. Who kept David from taking vengeance on Nabal for refusing to pay David’s men?
Abigail, Nabal’s wife
23. When David had a second opportunity to kill Saul, what did he take from Saul? his spear
and his cruse of water
24. Why did David refuse to kill Saul? Saul was the Lord’s anointed.
25. Who would not allow David to march with the soldiers of Achish? the lords or princes of
the Philistines
26. Why did Saul visit the witch of Endor? because he was out of fellowship with God and
could get no direction from God
27. Whom did Saul speak with during his visit, and what did he learn? Samuel; he would be
killed in battle
28. When David returned to Ziklag after being in the army of Achish, what did he find?
Ziklag had been burned by the Amalekites.
29. What helpful statement was made about David during this very sad time of his life? David
encouraged himself in the Lord.
30. How many of David’s 600 men went with David to recover their families? 400; 200 re-
mained behind because they were faint.
31. How did David treat the men that remained behind? He gave them an equal portion of
spoil—30:24, “As his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth
by the stuff: they shall part alike.”
32. David first reigned as king over Judah from what city? Hebron
33. How did God confuse the Philistines when David attacked? with a sound in the tops of
the mulberry trees
34. What mistake did David make when he attempted to have the Ark moved to Jerusalem?
He failed to follow God’s instructions for moving the Ark.
35. What did God promise David in the Davidic Covenant? that his throne would be everlasting
36. Where should David have been when he saw Bathsheba? at battle fighting the Philistines
37. Why did Uriah die in battle? David had Joab plan a military advance that would cause
Uriah to be in a very dangerous position.
38. Was David punished for his sin? Yes, the child born to Bathsheba died, and his family was
plagued with immorality and murder.
39. What did David do when he heard of his son’s conspiracy against him? He fled from

Mid-Semester Review, page 3 Kings of Israel

40. What position did Hushai, David’s friend, take during the conspiracy? He went to Jeru-
salem and became a spy for David.
41. Why did Ahithophel hang himself? Absalom did not follow his advice.
42. Who cursed David as he left Jerusalem? Shimei, a descendant of Saul
43. What difficult position did Absalom find himself in during battle? His hair was caught in
the branches of an oak tree, and his mule left him hanging.

Who Am I?
44. I was the first king of Israel. Saul
45. I made a covenant of friendship with David. Jonathan
46. I was David’s first wife. Michal
47. I caused the death of 85 priests. Doeg
48. I gave David Goliath’s sword. Ahimelech
49. I refused to pay David’s shepherds. Nabal
50. I was Saul’s captain. Abner
51. I was David’s captain. Joab
52. Abner made me king after Saul’s death. Ish-bosheth
53. I was struck dead for touching the Ark. Uzzah
54. I was Jonathan’s lame son. Mephibosheth
55. I was Solomon’s mother. Bathsheba
56. I was Bathsheba’s first husband. Uriah
57. I gave David God’s message about his sin. Nathan
58. I committed immorality with my half-sister. Amnon
59. I tried to usurp the throne from my father. Absalom
60. I deserted David only to have my advice ignored by Absalom. Ahithophel

Copyright © mmviii Pensacola Christian College • Not to be reproduced.

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