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4th Quarter Week 1

ACTIVITY 1: Using the Tenses of the Verb
Directions: Read the sentences. Choose and underline the correct form of the verb in
the parenthesis.
1. Raul (wake, wakes) up at five o’clock.
2. Stars (twinkle, twinkles) at night and bring delight to everyone.
3. A hen (lay, lays) eggs in the nest.
4. The family (go, goes) for a vacation in Palawan.
5. The birds (fly, flies) away from their cage last night.

Activity 2-A : Using Coordinate Conjunctions

Directions: Choose and encircle the correct coordinating conjunctions to complete
each sentence.

1. Would you rather have bacon __________ ham on your sandwich?

a. for b. nor c. or d. so
2. Let’s play table tennis __________ lawn tennis.
a. or b. and c. nor d. for
3. Nena is a vegetarian, __________ she don’t eat any meat.
a. so b. yet c. nor d. but
4. Father wanted to go to the beach, _________ Mother refused.
a. but b. for c. so d. or
5. Mrs. Clemente is allergic to cats, __________ she have four of them.
a. or b. for c. yet d. so

Activity 2-B:
Directions: Choose from among these subordinating conjunctions to complete each sentence

1. Carlos is going to finish his performance output ____________ it takes him

all night.
2. You can borrow my book ____________ you agree to be very careful with
3. Denver, my son can’t wait ____________ he gets his new bike.
4. Ellen stay beside her brother ___________ I go into the store.
5. They decided to stay in the farm ___________ there are fresh, simple and
nutritious food to eat everyday.

Activity 3: Using Adverbs

Directions: Underline the adverb in each sentence.
1. The show started early.

2. They returned afterward.
3. The program ended soon.
4. Everybody must wash hands thoroughly.
5. Covid 19 silently attack everyone.

In composing clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

grammatical structures, take note of the following key points:

✔ The verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past tense of
the verb presents an action that has happened in the past. The present tense
of the verb is used to describe the actions that are happening right now or things
that are continuous. The future tense of the verb describes the actions that have
yet to happen.
✔ Conjunctions are words that connect other words, phrases, or clauses together.
Coordinate conjunctions connect words, phrases, or groups of words in a
sentence. These words, phrases, or word groups should be equal or similar.
Subordinate conjunctions are words or phrases that are used to connect a
dependent clause to the main clause or independent clause. They provide
necessary transition between two ideas in a sentence. This transition signals
time, place, condition, reason, comparison, or cause-effect relationship.

✔ Adverbs are words and phrases that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

Activity 1
Directions: Match the main clause in column A with subordinate clause in column B
using appropriate conjunctions. Write your answers in your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

Activity 2
Directions: Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunction from
the parenthesis. Write your answers in your answer sheet.

1. My cellphone has a dual sim, _________ a memory card. (but, or, and)

2. I have to be on time in my English class, _________ my teacher will be annoyed if

I am late. (and, nor, for)

3. Do you like strawberry, _________ winter melon milk tea better? (or, nor, and)

4. I have to go to school at seven, _________ I’m waking up at six. (but, so, yet)

5. I was on time, _______ my friend was late to arrive in our meeting place. (so, but,
Activity 3
Direction: Choose the correct tense of the verb that complete each sentence. Write
the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. Harvy and Hervy __________________ to the doctor tomorrow.

(went/will go)

2. Jamilia sits down and __________________ her self-learning module in English.
(answers/will answer)
3. The children __________________ to the church this morning.

4. The teacher __________________ modules for her pupils right now.

(print/is printing)

5. He ___________ supposed to study and he watched television instead. (is/was)

Activity 4
Direction: Read and analyze the sentences carefully. Put a check (/) in the box if the
verb/s used is correct and mark (x) if it is wrong.

1. Gian wanted to be a pilot someday.

2. Andrea liked to watched Korean films.

3. I studied hard for my English assessment test.

4. Kiean solved the mathematical problem in his module.

5. The weather has been good these days.

Activity 5
Directions: Choose the correct adverb of time at the word pool below each number. Write
your answers in your answer sheet.

1. Children rush to their lines _______________ for a flag ceremony.

2. He ate too much ________________ so his stomach bulged.

3. It was ________________ morning, the first day of school.

4. He has to take antibiotics _________________ because of his dry cough.

5. You are lucky because your daddy comes home from work ________________.

Activity 6
Direction: Complete the sentence by writing the correct adverb of manner on the
blank. Choose your answer from the box.

1. Harvy writes ________________ on her notebook.

2. I always go to school _________________.
3. Hervy took _________________ of apples in the basket.
4. Gian spoke before the class __________________.
5. The participants are now listening _________________ to the speaker.

Activity 7
A. Direction. Write sentences using each of the following conjunctions. Write your
answers in your answer sheet.






B. Directions: Write sentences using present perfect tense of the following verbs.
Write your sentences in your answer sheet.






Activity 1: Activity 2A:
1. wakes 1. C 1. eventhough 1. early
2. twinkle 2. B 2. unless/as long as 2. afterward
3. lays 3. A 3. until 3. soon
4. goes 4. D 4. While 4. thoroughly
5. fly 5. C 5. because 5. silently
Activity 2B: Activity 3:
Apply What You Have Learned Activity 5

Activity 1 1. this morning

2. this morning
1. yet he is not happy 3. Monday
2. for he will finally see Nadine Lustre 4. everyday
3. and it started to rain 5. everyday
4. but it did not budge
5. or you will be arrested Activity 6
1. neatly
Activity 2 2. early
1. and 3. plenty
2. for 4. confidently
3. or 5. attentively
4. so
5. but Activity 7 (A)
Activity 3 answers
1. will go may
2. answers vary 2.
3. went
4. is printing vary 3.
5. was answers
vary 4.
Activity 4 1. answers
2. may
3. vary
4. 5. answers may

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